walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Back to the Trail!

Well, this was a pretty nice week!  I had a couple good runs, one great run (!) and I’m enjoying my new app for strength workouts.  Before I get into it, a big thank you to Kim and Deborah for hosting!  Okay, here’s how the week played out.


7 mile trail run!  This was the longest run I’ve done since spraining my ankle, and the first time I’ve been back on the trail.  It’s funny how even a “smooth” and “easy” trail is much less even than the pavement!  I had a little discomfort, but my ankle did pretty well and it was a good run overall.

Yay! Trail happiness.


I’m still exploring all the options on Sally McRae’s app.  This workout is called “Ankle Mobility and Foot Strength” (did she make this just for me?)  It’s a nice combination of work with a band, some planks, and some bigger movements that involve single leg balance.

Not me- this is Sally.

I followed this with the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout..


Double workout day!  In the morning I did the Glutes and Core workout from Sally’s app, and after work I ran 3 miles.

Look at my left arm…

Every time I see a video of myself running, I wonder what I’m doing with my arms.  It feels like I’m just swinging them back and forth, but actually my left arm goes way out to the side.  I’m very intrigued by the FloatRun Harness that Janae shared in this post..  It’s supposed to put your arms in the correct position, which then helps to align everything else and improve your form.  It’s not expensive, and I’m going to order one!


I started the day with the Ankle Mobility and Foot Strength workout again, and then headed to the gym.  I did 30 minutes on the stairmaster, then did the Cool Bloggers Workout- Birchwood said she decided to make it harder by increasing the incline to 13%.  Challenge accepted!  30 minutes on the treadmill, 13% incline, 3 mph.


I did another Sally McRae- “Dumbbell Workout- Strength and Control.”  Wow, this was hard.  I don’t think I’ve ever done as many workouts that include balancing on one leg as I have this past week.  This workout ends with walking lunges with overhead dumbbells.

Definitely not me- this is Sally again.

You’d be surprised how hard this is.  I can do walking lunges and I can hold dumbbells over my head- why is it 100 times harder to do both at the same time???  Great workout.


4 mile run.  This run felt INCREDIBLE.  Or, I could say it’s the first time since my injury that I felt normal.  HOORAY!!!

I followed it up with the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.  This run got me excited for my long run on Sunday!


Off.  Slept in till 7 before going to work.


On tap- 10 mile trail run.  I really have to start ramping up my long runs, because I seem to be running a 50K in five weeks (ack.) C’mon foot- you can do it!!!

Do you work on your running form? – Mine definitely needs some improvement.

Do you have any big races coming up?

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42 Responses

  1. how do you like Sally’s app? I’m intrigued. I “like” balancing workouts, single leg, not fun but effective.
    so glad to hear you are back to trail and run mostly normal.

    1. I’m really liking it so far, with a couple reservations. I’m going to do a more extensive review of it in a couple weeks.

  2. I’m inspired. But not enough to do workouts.

    My running has slowed since I work too much.

    You’re doing great.

    I often cringe when I look at my form but it’s only during races. I’m often tired.

    Have a half on May 18. Not encouraged but it’s in Brooklyn so should be a fun weekend.

  3. I’m so glad your runs are going well! Those strength workouts look tough. Last week at CF we did a ‘bandbell; workout with kettlebells swinging from a PVC pipe that we held overhead while we walked. I always struggle with overhead lifts.

    In the pool, Jennifer instructs us to use ‘Lego arms’. Since I’ve been doing pool running for a few years, that has transferred to running on land–most of the time. Sometimes I get lazy. I’ll be interested to hear about that harness!

    1. Ha ha… I can totally imagine what “Lego arms” means! I am definitely not doing Lego arms right now when I run. I’ll let you know how the harness works out.

  4. Oooh I love seeing you working on balance and mobility! Those are so often overlooked! I created a Balance video series that I’ve been sitting on since last summer. Maybe I should release it. Ha! Hooray for 7 miles! I always remind myself to drive my elbows back when I’m running. Especially when I’m tired.

    1. Yes, driving your elbows back is a good form fix. Apparently this harness makes you do that all the time!
      Release your balance video- I think my run on Friday was so good due to all the balance and mobility I’ve been doing.

  5. Balance and single leg workouts can be humbling! I find I do better at them in the second round but I have to have a mirror to focus.

    So glad you are up to longer miles on the trail again!

    1. Yes, the interesting thing about the balance workouts is you get better at them as you go along. It’s like your body figures out how to balance if you just keep at it.

  6. Single leg stuff is so hard! But so important for runners. I learned that in PT when I was recovering from my hip surgery to repair a labral tear. I hated the single leg stuff but it does expose weaknesses and imbalances!

    I think I will do a 10k in the fall. My running friend that used to live across the street from me was trying to talk me into doing a 10 mile race over marathon weekend in the twin cities and I was so tempted to say yes because it’s such a fun course. BUT – I had to be realistic and I just have no idea how I would fit all that training into my schedule right now. I can run only run 3-4 miles on a couple of week days and then maybe 4-5 on the weekend. But I can’t build to a mileage level that would allow me to run a 10 race. But 10ks can still be fun and challenging.

    1. I think the 10k will be perfect. It will still be a challenge, but you won’t be doing those double digit long runs. That will give you something fun to work towards this summer!

  7. So happy to see that you are feeling good on your runs again! I’ve never seen a harness that holds your arms hmmm. I am interested to hear how that goes! Maybe I should try the dead bug workout you love

  8. Feeling normal on a run!!! Woo hoo!!!

    I see and raise your challenge – the next time I do lunges I will do walking lunges while holding weights overhead. I can already tell you that however heavy those dumbbells that she’s holding are, mine will be lighter. Since 13% isn’t killing me, I should probably increase to 14%? Ugh.

    1. Ha, my weights were lighter too.
      So now I have to do 14%? I can just picture us in a battle- “Oh yeah? Well I’m doing 15%! Well I’M putting it at 3.2 mph! Oh yeah, well I’m…’ Soon we’ll both be running up very steep hills for 30 minutes thinking “Wait! Why am I doing this???”

  9. Yay for feeling good on your runs again! And how exciting to get back up to double digits for your long run!

    Single leg exercises are always sneaky hard, and I totally understand how difficult those walking lunges with overhead dumbbells must be. I really struggle with exercises that require me to hold something overhead while moving my legs – one of my weekly strength workouts has heel raises with an overhead press and I feel like I’m gonna topple over every time for some reason! But they definitely make us stronger!

    My race is less than 3 weeks out (eek!) so I’m finishing up peak week and heading into the taper, which means things are getting real now!

    1. Ooh, how exciting! Things are getting real, but you’re in your taper so you can relax a little. Although it never works that way for me- something always goes weirdly wrong. But your taper will be fine.
      Yep, is is weirdly hard to combine overhead with moving your legs. But I think it really works your core. Definitely makes us stronger.

  10. Yay for a successful trail run! Sounds like things are coming along.

    I have my students do a lot of singe leg moves in my Friday balance and stretching class. It’s tough, but very effective.

    No running races coming up for me, but I do have a 100-mile gravel race on my bike in three weeks!

    1. Your bike race is going to be awesome! 100 miles on gravel sounds super hard.
      Yes, single leg balance is so important! It’s really hard to begin with but you get better pretty quickly.

  11. Thanks for the reminder on doing balance work. Does stair-climbing count? You know, you do balance ever-so-briefly on each foot as the other is stepping higher (LOL). Those overhead lifts, while lunging and moving forward sound brutally humbling. I might have to give them a whirl, you know, just for laughter’s sake…

    1. Ha, my advice is to start with very light weights! That’s what I did. Your rationalization about the stair climbing counting as balance could also be used for running- I mean we are balancing on one leg with each step! Somehow, I don’t think it counts though.

  12. Hooray for feeling good on your runs! I am starting to feeel good (no jinxing please) again too and hoping that my hip injury is gone. I still need to do some more strength training and stretching, but as I get closer to my half marathon, and the craziness that is May in my job and home life, I focus my time on running longer. You’re always so inspiring though!

    1. Thank you Melissa! I think I have a LITTLE more time than you do- I only have one kid at home and she’s a teenager. Quite. bit different than taking care of little kids! I don’t see how you would fit anything else in right now.

  13. I’m so happy to hear that things are going so well with your ankle!

    The arm harness you reference sounds… unusual. I hope it is a successful product.

    1. I know, I’ve never heard of anything like it before. But it looks good! I’m going to try it and report back.

  14. Yes!! Because of my bad leg, I’m always trying to strengthen my left ankle and I do so many one-legged exercises. Has it helped? Who knows? But sometimes I imagine that if I didn’t do that, I’d be even more wobbly and no one needs me to be more clumsy than I already am, you know. I’m glad you’re seeing improvements and able to go for longer runs. Yay!!

    1. I’m guessing you would be more wobbly if you weren’t doing those exercises. And, balance work is good for everyone- so it’s good you’re doing it.

  15. That harness is interesting. I can see how it would be effective. I’m interested in what you think about it. That’s so great you are back on your trail and running again. How far does that trail go? Is it all open like that or does it have shaded areas?

    1. This trail has almost no shade, SIGH! I know. That’s South Florida unfortunately. And this trail goes for miles. I turned back after 5 miles to make it a 10 mile run- but I could have kept going for quite a while.

  16. That harness, so interesting! I have worked on my running form in the past (mostly stride and posture but also arm swing although it’s hard to know if what you THINK you’re doing is actually what you’re doing… as your feeling about your arm swing suggests). It’s definitely worth focusing on, I think. When I do Peloton runs, I do like the frequent reminders to lift up your head/torso because when we fatigue, our forms collapse so easily.

    1. Yes, I definitely need frequent reminders. And usually when I see a video of myself, I’m shocked at how my form looks- that’s not how I feel when I’m running at all!

  17. Yay, I’m so happy for your successful trail runs!
    That walking lunge must be HARD. I think both walking lunges and overhead press separately are hard! Good workout! It seems to be a good app with some challenging work. The single leg balance exercises will help your Bulgarian squats!
    And thanks again for sharing your bone density progress, it really inspired and encouraged me a lot, I’ve been in a sort of negative loop recently.

  18. Susanne, I’m glad that helped. That’s why I shared it- I want everyone to know that these things can be fixed! I’ll bet you’ll see progress to when you get your next scan- but I know. Until you have that scan, you’re imagining your bones getting weaker and weaker… and you have to wait two years between scans. You’re doing so many things to strengthen yours- you should be just fine.

  19. Oh, this is all such amazing news! I’m so happy to hear it!

    There’s no greater feeling than coming back after injury and having things go well again. You are going to be fully back at 100% in no time!

  20. Yay for a great run! That arm thing looks so interesting. Ever since I read that post, I keep trying to see what I do with my arms when I run (which is dangerous on a treadmill haha, sigh). No races for me – but enjoying my beginner runner program!

  21. Jenny, you are amazing! Look at what you’re doing now that didn’t seem possible just a few weeks ago. Your dedication and progress are so impressive. Keep it up – and keep inspiring the rest of us. (While, you know, avoiding further injury…)

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