Hellooo! Welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah (thanks, ladies!) It was a good week… let’s get right into it.
Long run!
My last long run was 19 miles, so I was aiming for 21-22 with this one. Well… this was HARD. I actually got back near my house at around 20 miles, and it was all I could do to keep running for one more mile. Of course I thought “How in the world am I going to run 50 miles if I’m this wiped out after 21???” Ack.

In the afternoon my daughter wanted to go to the gym, and I had agreed to show her how to do bench presses with the bar. So somehow I found myself doing sets of bench presses and WAIT A MINUTE, I just ran 21 miles! I don’t want to be doing this! When she moved on to triceps I opted for the recovery room…

My legs felt pretty good- a little sore but nothing major. I got out for a 2 mile walk.

In the morning I did a Caroline Girvan abs workout. I knew I was meeting my daughter at the gym after work, so I saved my run for then. 4 miles on the treadmill. No photo because… treadmills are boring.
Leg day at the gym! I did RDLs, and then leg press in lieu of squats (following my new rule of not doing squats and deadlifts on the same day). I also did leg curls, leg extensions, and my piriformis exercises. Good workout!
4 mile run…
…followed by the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.
It’s my birthday! Strangely, I saved my most boring and tedious workout for this day- core work and hip stability exercises, SIGH! That’s just the way my schedule worked out, and I stuck to it. That’s okay- I ran on my Birthday Eve, and Birthday Boxing Day (what? That is TOO a thing!)
I had a lovely 5 mile run- it was 55 degrees! Any morning that starts in the 50s is to be treasured now- soon it will be sweltering every. single. day.

I followed this run with some work on the pull up bar (dead hangs, scapula pull ups, and negatives.) Boy, am I weak.
At night… my husband and I went out!

On tap for today- another leg day at the gym, this time focusing on squats (after sleeping in and waffles, of course). My next long run will be Wednesday, and I’ve realized long runs are like childbirth. When it hurts really bad you’re thinking “never again!” but then you somehow end up with amnesia- now I’m looking forward to it. I’m obviously insane!
Do you celebrate your birthday on multiple days?- I celebrate “birthday week.”
Did you see any sunrises this week?
36 Responses
Happy birthday!! I’m a big proponent of celebrating as much as you can. When else do you celebrate YOU? Oof 21 miles followed by the gym sounds rough – you are amazing!
I’m still out too early to catch a sunrise – but maybe in the summer!
Yes, in the summer the sun should catch up with your early morning runs! And, I don’t really get credit for that gym trip, my daughter dragged me there and then I bailed after the chest press : )
I never heard of Birthday Boxing Day before, but it just makes sense. As does Birthday Eve. I’m already a big fan of birthday week/birthday month. I also like half birthdays. Hubs and I line up close to six months apart, so the running joke is that we’re not celebrating the other person’s birthday, we’re celebrating our own half birthday.
What also makes sense is if it’s all that you can do to run one more mile after running 20 and you’re hitting the gym afterwards YES YOU’RE IN GREAT SHAPE FOR 50 MILES!!!! Long Run Amnesia is another good sign.
Ha, thanks Birchie! We’ll go with that.
Happy Belated Birthday! I’m up for celebrating all week!
The fact that you ran 21 miles and were able to do your other workouts and runs is fantastic and shows your training is working!
Thanks Coco! Yes, that run was hard but I did recover well- that’s the positive. And I agree, birthdays should be celebrated for at least a week.
Happy birthday to you Jenny! I’m all about extended celebrations-why not?! Congrats on your long run -sounds like they are going well this week!
Thank you Deborah!
I absolutely celebrate birthday week, and this year it looks like it will be two weeks of birthday celebrations for me! I kind of love the idea of birthday month!
Ooh, two weeks of celebrating- that should be the minimum (this is a big one for you, right?). Live it up!
I’m hoping you go for Birthday MONTH, Jenny! Sounds like you had a great start celebrating your special “9” birthday! That meal looks so YUM!
Well, if you insist! I’ll keep celebrating till the end of March : ) The meal was delicious!
Happy happy birthday Jenny! Looks like a fun week of running and all the strength- impressive! And a few beers too 🙂
I had to have those beers to balance everything out ; ) Thanks Jessie!
Happy Birthday (still, LOL)!!! You know I celebrate my birthday for an entire week…anything that happens after the big day is just a bonus 😉
Looks like a solid week of fitness for you, a the long run is history (until this next week).
Yes, you definitely know how to celebrate a birthday, Kim! I’ll also take some bonus days- let’s just both celebrate till the end of March.
I tried a dead hang a while ago and felt ultra weak! That’s something to work on. Not sure if my grip or shoulders gave up first.
Happy birthday! I also like to celebrate birthday week!
To me it sounds like you’re in good form, with that long run mixed with multiple leg days. I’m sure you’ll get there with the distance. What distance is your usual longest run before a race like that?
Great question, Suzanne. Before my (ahem, attempted) 50 mile race last year, I did a 26 mile long run, and two days of back-to-back long runs that totaled 34 miles. I have a couple back-to-backs coming up in this cycle!
Birthday week is definitely a thing, and I even celebrate birthday month, which my wallet doesn’t really like but I do!
I’m so impressed that you were able to run 21 miles and go to the gym afterwards! After my longer runs, like 15+ miles, I’m pretty much done for the day.
Um, well if it was up to me I would have spent the afternoon napping on the couch, but my daughter had other ideas (sigh.)
Go for birthday month, regardless of what the wallet says!
Yay for Birthday Boxing Day!! My birthday falls on Easter this year (or more correctly, Easter falls on my birthday!) so that pretty much means no going out for dinner on my birthday. So I’ll pick another day for my birthday plans. I shouldn’t have to cook on my birthday! I did end up going to the gym after my long run this week too. I opted to use the ellpitical for 20 mins while I waited for my husband’s workout and then used the hydro massage beds (my true reason for going there!). Great job on your 21 mile run!!
Hmm, what is this about hydro massage beds??? That’s what I need! I liked the massage chair but at times it was a little rough.
Yes, you’ll have to have an official celebration on a day that is not Easter!
Huge proponent of birthday week! Or even birthday month! Why the hell not?
I love that you stuck to your workout even though you planned the boring/tedious one for your actual birthday. I am sure it made you feel accomplished though. And kudos on the long run – 21 miles is impressive… and you’ll be able to do the 50 when the day comes! You’ve done it before!
Ha ha, well I haven’t QUITE done 50. I’ve done 50k but not 50 miles. But… we’ll see. I still have three long runs before the race.
Mmmm. You had me at waffles!
We don’t make a huge deal of birthday’s in our house, but I find with the kids between a party (with friends) and some inevitable family dinner it does tend to stretch out over many days – why not extend the fun, right?
RIGHT! And yes, kid’s birthday do tend to get spread out. There’s their actual birthday, the day of the party, etc. That’s fine! Celebrate as much as possible.
Happy Birthday Jenny! Does your comment mean that you will be crossing over to the dark side next year? Come on over, it’s not so bad once you get over the initial “I’m 60” shocker. I have to say that I don’t feel old, but I sure hate telling anyone my age. Shhhhh. It can be our secret.
And really, do you know any other ancient women runners who are training for a 50 miler? No? so there’s that. Great job on that long run!!!
Yes, next year is THE BIG YEAR. I agree I don’t feel old, but it does SOUND old! Oh well- we’ll show all the youngsters how it’s done ; )
Did you get your free Starbucks on Friday?
Congrats on that long run…
and in my book, you’re still a kid. lol
Ha ha… my manager at work told me he’s turning 50 this year and I was like “You’re a baby!”
The sunrise photo is so pretty. I haven’t seen any sunrise this week, which is fine by me. The recovery room looks amazing. Our health club doesn’t have one of those. 55 degrees is the perfect temp for a morning run. I’m looking forward to those. Hooray for a night out. Happy birthday! Your comparison to running and childbirth made me chuckle.
I wish it could be 55 degrees every morning! And no higher than 75 degrees every afternoon. Is that really too much to ask?
Happy birthday! I love all your posts this week related to life/thoughts/birthday/aging. I never celebrate it properly because it’s christmas and we are somewhere else than home but to me the most important thing is to be with my loved ones and celebrate it with a good long run. You’ve done it plenty this week. 🙂
It’s hard to have a birthday on Christmas! I can see how it would be overshadowed, but as you said- as long as you’re with loved ones and running, it’s a good day.
Happy happy birthday Jenny! Glad you could celebrate on multiple days- I am a big fan of a birthday week too. Birthday Boxing Day is a great term- I’m going to adopt it 🙂
Sounds like a lot of great workouts this week, including the long run! And that dinner and beers out looked yum. Oh and you have a massage chair at your gym?! That’s so fun.
Happy happy birthday! I just tried to leave a comment but it didn’t show up so trying a different browser.
Sounds like great workouts this week including your long run. And I’m a big fan of the birthday week too- spread out the celebrations. That’s cool you have a massage chair at the gym, I hadn’t seen that before.