walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Easter Week!

Is there such a thing as too many spring breaks?  Possibly.  My daughter was back in school this week (for three days) but my husband had his spring break, and my son was home!  It turns out, having my son home while my daughter is in school equals a lack of sleep for me.  I wanted to stay up later with my son, but still had to get up at 5:30 with my daughter.  Oof.

But the workouts continued!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting… let’s get right into it.


This was actually the last day of my daughter’s spring break, which was why I was able to have such a bright and sunny run!

3 miles with 3 minutes running/one minute walk intervals.  Followed by the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.


Leg day at the gym!  Wow, this one hurt (in the best way possible.) I continued to work on Bulgarian split squats, and they are SO hard on my left side (the side with the ankle injury.) I did a couple sets with just bodyweight, and then added a little bit of weight.  Trying to balance on my left leg, while holding the kettlebell and trying to get my right leg up on the bench behind me, was actually comical.  I almost asked a random person passing by if I could hold onto them for a second to get my balance- but luckily didn’t have to resort to that.  But it took at least ten tries to get into position.

I also did squats, leg curls with the machine, heel raises, soleus raises, tibialis raises- all to help strengthen that ankle- and abs.  My legs were toast.

At night, my son arrived!  His flight was delayed and he didn’t get home until almost midnight- ouch.


Long cardio day!  As I shared in Friday’s runfessions, I’ve been doing a “long cardio” (in place of a long run) to get ready for my race in May.  I started with 30 minutes on the stairmaster, then ran/walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes (3 minute running/one minute walking intervals again) and then did the Cool Bloggers Workout- 30 minutes at 12% incline, 3 mph.  Now my legs were REALLY toast.


Perfect day for an upper body workout!  I did the Caroline Girvan Deadbug workout at home, then went to the gym for benchpress, reverse flys, and overhead press with dumbbells.

I always look so grim while lifting weights.


Running!  I did my 3 mile route, and increased the intervals to 4 minutes running/ one minute walking.  This was the closest I’ve felt to “normal” since the ankle injury.  I can mostly run and walk without discomfort- it’s only when I do the strengthening exercises that it still aches.  But that’s okay!  I’m getting there.

There was no school today, but the high school jazz band went to an event in Orlando- my daughter had to be at school at 9 am, and then picked up from school again at midnight.  MIDNIGHT???  Sheesh!  It’s Good Friday!  Isn’t it supposed to be a day off?  I wasn’t too thrilled about this…


…especially because I work on Saturday mornings.  The lack of sleep was really getting to me, so I slept in as late as possible and did a quick core workout- again, Caroline Girvan’s Deadbug- before going to work.


The trumpet shall sound!  My husband and son got up early to go play two Easter Sunday church services.  I decided that two grown men didn’t need my help getting ready, so I opted to sleep late, and so did my daughter.

On tap for today- some sort of workout at some point in the day.  How’s that for vague?  We’re making an Easter lunch and a special Easter dinner, but I’ll fit it all in.

Happy Easter if you are celebrating! (If you go to church and there are trumpets as part of the service- that’s what my husband and son are doing today!)

If you aren’t celebrating Easter, I hope you have a fun and relaxing Sunday!

Top photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

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33 Responses

  1. Glad to hear that your ankle is healing. I still don’t run without walk breaks. But that’s what my friends do.

    Mine still is stiffer or weaker than the other but doesn’t hurt at all when I run. Yay!

    Happy Easter. I just have to show up at my MIL’s with wine. lol.

    1. That’s what my ankle is like- fine while I’m running but still stiff and achy when I’m doing other exercises. I’m determined to get it strong again because I need to be able to run on trails.
      Wine is the one thing I forgot to get for our Easter dinner- oops. My husband will not be happy.

  2. I am glad your ankle healing is coming along well! And happy Easter to you all. Easter is the perfect holiday for trumpets since the music is especially jubilent! Paul and I are going to church later this morning with another family on our block. I imagine there will be trumpets!

    I had a pretty good week of workouts. Some were more ‘natural’ workouts – I shoveled deep, heavy snow on Monday and Tuesday. Then I did a treadmill workout on Thursday, and strength training workouts the last 2 days. I will do another this morning once Phil is up. I should be able to run by next weekend as the snow should be gone this week!

    A week from today I will be heading to Florida! But I’ll be in Destin so quite far from you. But I should be in your neck of the woods next January if I get invited to the sales conference again. The alternative between having it in Florida and California!

    1. I definitely hope there are trumpets in your church service today! Yes, Destin is far- but we’ll hope you come down next January and can get together- that would be fun!

  3. Happy Easter!

    I think it can be too many spring breaks when you don’t get one yourself! It is complicated with the different schedules.

    Glad your ankle is getting better. Is it weird that I have run outside for 3-4 miles straight but am nervous about changing my tread intervals from 3/1?

    1. Coco, I noticed that in your weekly rundown. If you can run outside for 3-4 miles straight you can do it on the treadmill! Weirdly, I’m the opposite- I want to take more walking breaks on the treadmill. I think it’s psychological.
      Happy Easter!

    1. That is true- I was the only one who didn’t get a spring break. Maybe I can do something about that next year.
      The ankle has been talking smack all along, and I finally just had to tell it to shut up. And then it was fine! Sometimes you just have to talk back.

  4. That’s such good news that your ankle is feeling better and allowing you to run!

    I’m sure you’ve had a wonderful time with your son while he’s been home on spring break.

    Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you Debbie! Yes- in spite of my complaints about sleep, I definitely enjoyed having my son home.
      Happy Easter to you too!

  5. Glad to hear that your ankle is on the mend. Happy Easter to you all. Re the gym selfies: I’d love to see your fab smile in your photos 🙂 Enjoy having your son around 🙂

    1. Deborah, the funny thing is sometimes I THINK I’m smiling and then it comes out as practically a scowl- what??? I’m not sure I can smile while I’m actually lifting weights anyway.

  6. It sounds like your ankle is doing much better, yay! Your week sounds exhausting with all the early mornings and late nights though, but I’m sure it was worth it to have your son home!

    I opted out of going to church this morning because I got back from Sedona yesterday afternoon after a 19 mile/4,000 ft of gain training run on Friday that was harder than I expected it to be and didn’t get as much sleep as I would have liked Friday night so I slept in this morning and still feeling kinda tired. It’s always hard to sleep the night after a long run or race for some reason!

    1. Oh, that run sounds grueling but AWESOME. Yes, I know what you mean- you think “well, I’ll sleep well TONIGHT” after something really hard… and then you don’t! It’s so frustrating. Glad you got some extra rest today.

  7. Sounds like a hectic week! I don’t do well without sleep, so kudos to you for pushing through.

    Glad to hear that your ankle is feeling better. I think your plan to do long cardio in place of a long run is a good one. I hope this trail race goes better for you!

    1. HA! Well it definitely couldn’t go worse. I’m pretty optimistic about it (although I was also optimistic about the last one, hmm…) Long cardio sessions are the way to go for now- next month I’m planning to get some longer runs in.

  8. My church did not have trumpets today but that would have been fun and fitting with the season!

    That is a lot of late nights. It’s also one thing to have a late night and be home…it’s another thing entirely to have to be out and about late. I HATE driving after dark. Ugh.

    I’m so, so glad your ankle is feeling better <3 Hang in there!

    1. Thank you Elisabeth! And yes… probably my least favorite thing is to be out driving late at night.
      Your church should have trumpets on Easter!!! Tell them that for next year : )

  9. Oh, wow! What a week!

    We get together on Easter, so I got up early for a walk and then just cooked so we could hang out with family. I’m having a hard time with migraines right now, so that stinks.

    A will be in Orlando in two weeks. They are staying the night, and going to a them park the following day. We will be able to pick up around 9:30 so that’s not too awful.

    1. Ugh, I’m sorry to hear that- I’ve never had migraines (luckily) but it sounds awful. I hope you were able to enjoy the day!

    1. What, no trumpets? That’s all wrong! Well, hopefully next year.
      i know you’ve had a crazy week- hope things are starting to calm down!

    1. Thank you Nicole! Yes, it’s been a very long time since I’ve gone to an Easter Sunday service, other than live-streaming services my son is playing in!

  10. My nephew brought his trumpet and played a mini-concert with my FIL’s wife (who is a semi-professional musician – she taught elementary school music classes and plays piano/organ and church) on Sunday, so I did get to hear trumpets! What a crazy coincidence!

    1. That IS a coincidence!!! Your FIL’s wife sounds like my mom- an elementary school music teacher who also conducted our church choir. And we also had a “piano room” (referring to your post from today!)

  11. Hope your Easter was lovely! So glad the ankle is getting better and that you got to see your son! (But, that midnight pickup for your daughter is OOF!!)

  12. so glad to hear that your ankle is healing steadily! I tried the dead bug workout the other day and it’s hard! Core is so important for runners and I am definitely not doing enough.

  13. I bet trumpets would sound really great at church! Glad you are enjoying the family time, although it’s cutting into the sleep. Sleep is overrated, right? I’m glad to hear your ankle is doing so well. But I’m not surprised because you have been working so hard at your rehab!!

  14. Very impressive week of workouts especially considering the disrupted schedules with kids off, etc. I find I’ve not been so great lately about being flexible and fitting in workouts at different times as I used to be. Too often when my schedule gets upended I’ve just been sort of giving up on that day, which I do NOT like!!

    Glad your ankle is coming along! The 90 minute cardio…wow. I so badly need to get back on the cardio train. We listened to a recap of Outlive on our road trip (which I’ve read already, but my husband hadn’t, so we listened to a podcast interview that hit the highlights) and it got me thinking about how I really need to be doing more cardio! And my strength, but the cardio needs to be in there, too.

  15. If I go too long without doing the deadbug workout, it makes me really sore! I hooked my sister on it as well. We didn’t have weights in Italy but just used books. Still worked!

    Solid week Jenny! Lots of awesome strength…glad your ankle is nearly there.

  16. Glad the ankle is healing, good work! I managed to have about half of both of Good Friday and Easter Monday off work which was good esp coming off a holiday earlier in March.

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