walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Embracing the Glop

Oh, hello there!  Welcome to the weekly rundown, hosted as always by the indomitable Kim and Deborah. What’s that you’re asking?  Oh… glop.  WELL…

This week I listened to this podcast episode with Alexi Pappas.  Alexi was one of three guests who talked about athletic goals, values, motivation, and training.  But every time Alexi talked, she was mesmerizing.  I could have gotten rid of the other two guests and just listened to Alexi talk all day.  One thing she talked about was how, when a caterpillar goes into its chrysalis, it doesn’t just sprout wings and become a butterfly.  It turns from a caterpillar into a puddle of “glop” and from there, transforms into a butterfly.

When we’re injured or have down time for any reason, instead of wishing we could go back to the way we were, we should understand that we’re in the middle of a great transformation.  Rather than going back to our old selves, imagine the new and beautiful creature we’re about to become.

See… I told you Alexi is fascinating.


This was my second time running since getting my new orthotics and recovering from Covid, so I repeated my run from Saturday; I walked a mile and ran a mile.  Yes!  Glop.


I did a power yoga class (on the Peloton app with Denis Morton) but also added pushups.  It’s come to my attention that I desperately need upper body strength work, and my son is the pushup bully.  Those pushups hurt- proof that I need them.


Another run!  This time I walked a mile and ran TWO miles!  Baby steps!  Followed this run with some of my old favorite hip exercise, Runner’s Touch. I forgot how beneficial this is, and want to get back to doing it on a regular basis.

Later in the morning I had another shockwave treatment.  I was finally, FINALLY able to report that I’m seeing some progress with the foot.  He added a magnetic therapy treatment, free of charge.  Yes, please!  Give me everything!  The magnet treatment didn’t hurt, which was a refreshing change- those shockwave treatments are painful.


Another power yoga class followed by pushups.  Ouch.


I repeated Wednesday’s run- walk one mile, run two miles. It was an early run and I was treated to a nice sunrise.



I was all set to do a power yoga class, when I accidentally started an update on my computer.  NOOOOO!  While I was waiting for that to install (grr) I did my pushups and Runners Touch.  Still waiting, so I held a plank… still waiting… did side planks… finally my computer was ready, but my time was limited because I had to go to work.  I did a quick 20 minute glute focus flow.  My glutes were already tired by that time, and my legs were trembling while doing Warrior 3.  It felt good to be that tired, though!


I’m really starting to miss having a long run adventure on Sundays, and I thought about going to the trail and doing a longer run/walk.  My heart was pulling me back home though- I wanted to be here to make a nice breakfast for my kids.  Next Sunday my son will be gone.  So I decided to embrace the glop a little longer, and did a 4 mile loop near my house.  I walked half a mile, ran two miles, walked another half mile, and ran one more mile.

It was cloudy, windy, and beautiful!

That was my exciting week!

How was your week?  Did you set New Year’s goals or resolutions?  How is it going so far?

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Another FIG-y Friday!

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The Shape of My Week

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44 Responses

  1. I met Alexi at a pre-Chicago marathon event of some sort. Isn’t she wonderful? I love the point about the glop. In between the ‘before” and “after” that many are so quick to share, there’s a whole lotta glop. Glad to hear you’re seeing/feeling progress with your foot. Enjoy these final days with your son. My husband is traveling for 8 days starting today and I am looking forward to some solitude!

    1. Ooh, you met Alexi! I’m envious. I am enjoying the time with my son, but solitude sounds pretty good right now! I guess there’s a time for everything.

  2. Glad to read that you can run again. Love to see runners not bundled up in a zillion layers.

    I like Alex is very interesting. Did you read her book?

    My week was cold but I did ALL my runs even 12 miles in the very very cold.

    My goals are nothing big but more of the same – run run, race race.

    1. I did read her book and loved it!
      Yes, I was impressed to see how you did all your runs outside. You know… I lived up north during a time where having a treadmill in your home wasn’t a thing, so I ran in all sorts of weather. If it was cold, I just bundled up more. There are definitely conditions (like ice) that make it dangerous though.

  3. Yes, we must embrace the glop 😉 (I know, I know…MUCH easier said than done). That’s great news on the shock wave treatments! I HATE those %&$# computer updates! Our office had a system upgrade over New Years weekend, and it has NOT been a smooth transition. All the layouts have been modified to a “much more user-friendly format” (ha! Not exactly). My phone did an update recently, and it jacked up a lot of my apps and gave me several that I didn’t want. Great job on persevering!

    1. Yes, it’s always funny how technology is so amazing, until IT DOESN’T WORK, and then it’s the worst thing ever. I don’t actually work on the computer, but we did get an “upgrade” at work that ended up messing up the schedules and affecting all of us. SIGH!

    1. Yes those updates are super annoying! I was extra annoyed because I thought I had scheduled it to update overnight. Oh well… no harm done in the long run.

  4. I wondered how you were feeling post COVID. My fitness has been knocked down quite a bit for sure, coupled with the week off from skiing. Yep, glop!! I did hear an interview with Alexi and I agree, she’s great to listen to! My son impressed us today with a handstand pushup! WOW. It’s so cool and rewarding to see my kids getting into working out and wanting to get stronger. It makes a momma proud! My daughter said she hadn’t planned on spending her entire winter break hanging out with us, and wanted to actually see her friends, but COVID kind of put a wrench in her original plans. haha!! (trust me, she spent a lot of time with her friends… mostly from 10pm until 2am kinda thing as college kids do!)

    1. Looking on the bright side, you had a lot of “together” time! I got to see a lot more of my son as well- great for us moms, ha ha. Maybe not as much fun for them, but they’ll be back at college soon, socializing all they want.

  5. Glad you are seeing progress in the glop! Funny how our kids push us! Emma Lovewell has a 5 min push-up class — I think its 6/29/19 Arms and Shoulders, there’s no weights but it’s categorized under “Arms and Lightweights.”

  6. That is a really interesting metaphor with the butterfly and yes, so true.
    there is a process for sure. I am glad to hear your runs are going better and that your shockwave treatment is helping. Run on my friend

    1. Thank you Deborah! Yes, we have to remind ourselves that these things are a process. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

  7. Glad you’re seeing progress on your foot. I have been doing some consistent stretching and finding my lower back is a lot less stiff, which is a relief as it was about to start being a problem. Not sure I could manage that Runner’s Touch but I’ll give it a go (with something to grab onto!).

    1. Yes- whenever I haven’t done it in a while I seriously can’t keep my balance. I think the yoga I’ve been doing helped me this time because it wasn’t too hard to do the Runner’s Touch again.
      I’m glad your back is feeling better! Consistent stretching is something we all should be doing.

  8. Well, your week was more exciting than mine. 🙂 Unfortunately I tend to get this really frustrating on again/off again low grade fever in January. Happened last January, too!

    Luckily I’m always (well, mostly) ok with resting. I’m a weird runner that likes to rest. 🙂

    Hopefully you’ll get in more activity this week!

    1. Judy, you’re a puddle of glop right now and that’s okay! We’ll all emerge from this stage victorious. I hope you start to feel better soon.

  9. Alexi’s book was a really fun read for me. I remember underlining several quotes that were so impactful. She’s great! I’ll check out the podcast.

    Glad you are recovering and building back to running. What a beautiful sunrise!

    1. Thank you Jessie! The podcast is really interesting, and she was on another Rich Roll podcast many months ago, and that episode was fascinating as well.

  10. Alexi is a very interesting human, isn’t she? I feel like I’ve been in the glop for a while now. I’m actually enjoying ‘just running’ but like you, I do miss my weekend long runs. Soon, young butterfly, soon!!!

  11. Glad your foot is starting to feel a bit better (and sorry the treatment continues to be so painful). Our bodies are so incredible, but their limitations can definitely be frustrating at times. I hope 2022 brings full healing and many happy miles of running!

    1. Thank you Elisabeth! Yes, full healing- that’s what I want. Like you said, our bodies are incredible. I have to send “full healing” vibes to my foot!

  12. I don’t remember if you read Bravy or not, but I loved listening to Alexi read the audiobook, so that’s my recommendation if you haven’t heard it already. You’ve put in the glop and the butterfly phase is on the way.

    1. I did read Bravey and loved it, but I’m kind of mad I missed out on hearing Alexi read it. Mayne I’ll re-read it again that way!

    1. Yes, he’s the pushup bully and also the “cold shower” bully. He’s always trying to get me to take cold showers but I hate them!

  13. My week was fantastic, thanks to visiting your lovely state! I flew home to reality today – a cold rain and a full client-load tomorrow.

    I agree, embrace the glop and enjoy your son on his last Sunday home before going back to school.

  14. I’m so relieved to hear that things are going well post-COVID. You hear so many horror stories about long COVID that it’s good to hear about the positive stories!

    I’m having some neck/pain issues, so I’ve been doing a fair amount of restorative yoga and am hoping that soon I’ll be back in fighting shape!

    1. They’re saying that omicron doesn’t seem to affect the lungs as much as regular Covid, and also I don’t think people are getting long Covid from it. But you never now! i’m grateful that I didn’t get too sick.
      I hope the yoga works! Neck and back pain is no fun.

  15. ‘Embracing the glop” – love this phrase because it’s so true, especially for this time in history. I really hope that we all emerge from this very hard time as more resilient and appreciative of all that we have.

  16. I’m so glad you are back to running! It’s been quite the ride for you and I’m sure you’re glad to have it all in the rearview.

    That was nice of you to stay home to make breakfast. You can adventure next week!

    1. Well… I hope it’s all in the rearview! I would say everything’s a work in progress. Yes, next week I can start adventuring!

  17. The glop! That’s an amazing visual. I really need to remember that as I feel like I am in my own period of “glop” right now.

    I’m so glad to see that you’re back at running and slowly amping up your miles. Wahoo!

  18. Embrace the glob! I love it. It’s a good reminder that we’re “in the middle of something” more often than not and should remember that it’s part of the journey!
    What did you make for breakfast for your kids? 😛

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