walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Everything You Can Imagine…

Hi there!   As I said in my last post, I’ve been off of running five weeks now because of my hip issue.  I’m happy that it’s getting better, and I’m happy to have a pool to run in.  But I’ll be honest… pool running is HELLA BORING.  There’s just not that much to say about it.  Luckily I’ve been able to keep myself not only occupied, but fascinated, by the podcasts I’ve been listening to.  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown.  Here’s how this week flew by!


For once, not a day off!  I went to PT in the afternoon and worked hard for almost an hour.  I do all sorts of exercises to strengthen my hips and core.  Like… side planks, clamshells, banded lateral walks, step ups, sit ups… it’s really exhausting.  But all good!  The pain in my hip (really the front of my leg, in the hip flexor area) has pretty much disappeared.  I feel it every once in a while, as opposed to limping with every step like I was five weeks ago.  MAJOR PROGRESS!


45 minute pool run to start my day…

Contemplating what lies ahead…

And I did my PT exercises in the evening.


My morning was a bit rushed so I did my “pool 5k” run, where I run in the pool for about the same amount of time it would take me to run a 5k.  Then it was off to PT!  This time, as I was sweating my way through my exercises, I noticed the guy next to me was GETTING A MASSAGE!  Why am I not getting any massages?  Grr.


This is typically my strength day, so I did my PT exercises in the morning.  It felt great to get them out of the way so I could relax at night!

Get your act together, glute meds!


45 minute pool run in the morning, then planned to do PT later in the day but time just got away from me.  I did some of the exercises before bed, but not as much as I should have.

During the pool run I started this Rich Roll podcast where they talk about James Lawrence, aka the ‘Iron Cowboy.”  James recently completed 100 Ironman distance triathlons in 100 days.  And then, on day 101 he got up and did one more, to show everyone that you can always do more than you think you can.  You can follow James here if you want to know more about it!


I learned my lesson!  Knowing it would be another busy day, I did my PT exercises in the morning instead of a pool run.  Looking at the big picture, those exercises are the most important thing so I sacrificed my cardio for the day.


Long “run” in the pool!  90 minutes, and I listened to this podcast with Pete Kostelnick.  It was recorded at the end of 2018, and in that year Pete (among other accomplishments) ran across the US.  But not from California to New York- no, no, no… that would be too easy (besides, he had already done that and set the record for shortest crossing.) THIS time he ran from Kenai, Alaska, to Key West, Florida- which is about 5300 miles.  He did it self supported and- all you moms out there get ready for this- pushed everything he needed in a stroller.  In case you’re not interested in podcasts, here’s a short Youtube video about his adventure.

So my podcasts and of course the Olympic trials kept me happily occupied this week!  I’ll admit I’m itching to get back to running, and am enjoying reading about everyone’s runs and races.  Soon, soon… I’ll be there soon.

Anyone listen to a great podcast this week?

Who’s running a 4th of July race? – not me!  I signed up for one but will pass on it this year.  Sigh.

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26 Responses

  1. You are such a good patient! Every time I read your posts, I feel guilty and think I should get down on the floor and do my exercises. Yet, here I sit… it is boring, isn’t it? Glad to hear that you are feeling better. And yes, I’ll do my PT exercises…later!

    1. Well, I’ll bet if you couldn’t run now because of an injury, you’d be VERY GOOD about doing those PT exercises. It’s hard to get up the motivation if you don’t absolutely have to do them.

  2. Great job with all your PT! It will definitely pay off..and it sounds like it is already helping alot. And you will be in such great shape from all that pool running once you start running again!

    1. I’ll be interested to see how the pool running transfers to the road… I know people who have trained for races almost entirely in the pool, but I have a sneaking suspicion I’ll feel horribly out of shape! We’ll see.

  3. You are absolutely rocking your PT exercises! I can’t wait to see how all of your pool running and PT exercises pay off when you can get back to running. I bet you’ll feel stronger than ever!

  4. I so admire your commitment to recovery! Pool running and PT are two things people love to hate and you are so disciplined. I think I already told you I had a VERY good Boston Marathon after spending 6 weeks of the training cycle in the pool. It REALLY DOES TRANSFER!
    I listened to that very same Rich Roll podcast with the Iron Cowboy this week!

    1. Well… I figure my way out of pool running is to do my PT exercises, so I’m highly motivated! I’m glad to hear your story about Boston- it gives me hope!

  5. Your persistence will pay off! Did you ever check out the fluid running pool classes. I really like them and they make pool running less boring bc they have guided workouts.

    1. I did look into them- I’m not sure if I can download the workouts without also buying the belt and other equipment? Maybe I need to check again.

  6. Way to go on all those pool runs… I’d probably be SO bored! But it has been So hot here and at 36 weeks pregnant, a pool sounds amazing.
    I’ll have to check out that podcast- what an amazing story!

    1. Yes, that’s the only good thing- it’s definitely more comfortable running in the pool than on the roads in this Florida heat!

  7. You are totally rocking your PT, Jenny 😉 May we all follow your example, even those of us who should just be doing the pre-hab to keep things in optimal working order. Wow…100 Ironmans in 100 days? AND a bonus one on Day 101? YIKES, that will not be appearing on my bucket list LOL.

    1. Ha ha, that’s not on my bucket list either!!! I have to say that I have much more motivation to do re-hab than pre-hab. When everything is going well and I’m running I don’t have as much motivation to do my exercises. Take running away and tell me I need to do them in order to run again, and you can bet I’m doing them every day!

  8. Glad you’re getting better! Being injured sucks!!!! I’ll have to listen to that Rich Roll podcast (I get all my Rich Roll recommendations from you!). I read James’ book, and he’s such a badass!!

  9. I’m glad your hip is improving noticeably! Do you get any kind of body work at PT? I usually get 1/2 hour of massage and manipulation before I spend 30-45 min of exercises. Great that you’ve got podcasts to keep you entertained in the pool.

    1. I don’t get much bodywork, and I’m starting to think that when this round of PT is up I might just look around for a strength coach- because that’s what I’m mostly getting at PT and it’s expensive!

  10. Wow, it’s been 5 weeks already? I’m sure it seems like forever for you though. My visit to PT last week was filled with lots of Stick rolling and getting “massaged” to the point it felt like he was putting a death grip on me. Ugh!! I hope today’s visit will not be the same because I was sore for days after that. Does improvement mean you’ll be able to try some running again soon?

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