walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown-Festive Chaos

OOF.  You know what’s hilarious?  The fact that I though NOVEMBER was a busy month.  What???  November was cinch-y!  All I had to do was cook one big dinner!  Now that we’re one week away from Christmas, things have gotten REALLY crazy.  As always, I’m joining Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown.  Let’s just see what happened this week…


Started the day with a 30 minute slow flow yoga class.  As always, my yoga classes were on the Peloton app with Denis Morton.  Then… work.

Work has been so, so crazy lately.  We’re overbooked and understaffed, and the people who come in seem to have more extreme pain and/or anxiety than usual.  One woman was hit by a bus.  One woman had brain surgery and can’t move her left hand.  Another client’s niece was murdered.  Another’s infant grandchild is undergoing chemo… and on and on.  Really, really terrible situations. I’m longing for the good old days where people just came in with a sore neck.

Anyway… Monday was particularly hard, with several clients requiring deep, deep pressure.  There’s a reason I mention this!  Let’s read on to find out.


Day off from work, phew.  Started the day with a three mile run.  Yay!

The rest of this day was my last big shopping day for Christmas presents and supplies.  At night my daughter had a concert at school.  Fun day!


Second day off from work.  I started this day with a 45 minute power yoga class.  Great class!  Only, I noticed it was a little hard for me to get my right wrist extended.  Something just seemed a little off during the poses where my hands need to be flat on the floor (like down dog, planks, etc.). Oh well!  I’m sure everything will be fine.

I spent a HUGE part of this day wrapping presents.  Why is wrapping presents so tiring?  And why does it take so long?  One of the mysteries of life.


Again, started the day with a three mile run.  My foot had been pretty good all week, but for some reason my heel was really achy today.  Not achy as in, an injury to a tendon or ligament… more like someone hit it repeatedly with a hammer.  That kind of achy!  Meanwhile, the doctor’s office called to tell me my orthotics wee ready.  Seriously?  I could have picked them up any time during the previous two days, but now that I was back at work, there was no way I could get there.  Arg.

AND, as soon as I started my first massage it was clear that my wrist was very sore.  NOOOOOOOOOO!  I really hadn’t been paying close enough attention, but when I looked back I could see that I definitely hurt it while working on Monday.  I just can’t, can’t, CAN’T have an injured wrist!  This was a hard day to get through- I continued to work while trying not to put pressure on that wrist (which was practically impossible.). I wonder what life would be like if I weren’t constantly hurting myself?

At night my daughter had her final concert of the season.  Phew!  Lots of concerts this year, and I loved every one of them.


Well, let’s see!  I had an achy heel and wrist.  I decided to do a little bit of yoga and a little bit of running, and see what happened.  I started with a 15 minute hamstring focus flow- I purposely chose a very short class, and I didn’t extend my wrist at all.  Instead, I tented my fingers rather than putting my hands flat on the floor.  It worked fine for such a short class, but I wouldn’t want to do that any longer, for fear of hurting some other part of my hand.

Then, I did a two mile run, and- go figure- my foot felt fine!  Things are looking up!

I was super careful of my wrist again at work, and again it was a hard day to get through.  But I felt that my wrist was possibly a little better, so that was encouraging.

After work, I did my second favorite thing (sarcasm) and drove to the airport during rush hour.  But it was all worth it because i was PICKING UP MY SON!  HE’S HOME!!!

So here’s the thing.  Ever notice how some people just seem to bring a swirl of chaos wherever they go?  That’s my son!  He’s such a great person, but I’ve realized how much calmer life is when he’s not here here.  As soon as we got home, he unpacked his suitcase in the middle of the living room, showered us all with gifts, and demanded large quantities of food.

By bedtime, my head was spinning, and I decided to sleep late (7:30) on Saturday, figuring I would either run or do yoga later in the day.  Well…


It felt weird to get up and start getting ready for work right away.  The good news is, I had all easy clients and my wrist is starting to feel better.  The bad news is, my son realized he left two important items at school.  So… after work i did my #1 favorite thing (#2 being driving to the airport during Friday rush hour) and WENT TO THE MALL.

Actually I like the mall.  But there are some important “mall rules,” and one is, never, ever go to the the mall on the Saturday before Christmas.  But, my son needed a watch charger and black dress pants, so there was nowhere else to go.

Well… we got what we needed, but I stand by that mall rule.  I’m hoping to never go again the weekend before Christmas.

As I was making dinner I realized I never did do that workout.  And that’s why, if you really, really want to exercise, you should do it first thing in the morning!  Otherwise you never know what the day will bring.


Another busy day, so THIS TIME I got up early and ran five miles.  Yay!  Running is so therapeutic.  It really cleared my head.  And, my foot felt pretty good!  I’m really hoping to get those orthotics this week.

I can tell this next week is going to be even more exhausting and crazy.  Life with my exuberant son is more complicated, more tiring, and you know what else?  I think I’ve laughed more these past 24 hours than I have the entire last three months.  I’ve finally picked my Christmas theme for the year…. “Laughing all the way.”

Okay, I’m off to wrap more presents, decorate gingerbread houses and watch Christmas movies!  I hope everyone is having a fun and festive weekend!

Was your week chaotic?  Do you have any chaos-causing people in your life?

Are you ready for Christmas, or still getting ready?

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

40 Responses

  1. Sorry to hear about your achy wrist and ankle. Hope both are improved.

    I struggle to get it all done. Now that things are more normal, everyone wants to resume getting together for the holidays. So with work and that, running is hard to fit in but I make it a priority. It’s stressful though.

    Luckily my hubby’s family is not big on gift giving or celebrating and so not much to do in that area.

    Hope you get in your runs this week and things go smoothly with your son and the rest of the family.

    Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you Darlene! I was impressed with how you got all your runs in this week- you really had a busy schedule. Yes, it definitely helps if you don’t have a lot of family expectations.

  2. I am so sorry about your wrist! One thing you can do is have forearms on floor instead of hands for poses like down dog. Hopefully you won’t need that nugget.

    HATE the mall at Christmas time. Then again haven’t been since COVID hit.

    Can’t imagine how stressful all the stressed people are. Good luck next week! I know it’s going to be stressful for me for different reasons.

    1. I never even thought about having forearms down, but it’s a great idea. I did a short yoga class today and it was okay, but I might use that idea tomorrow anyway. I’m still trying to rest that wrist as much as possible.

  3. Sorry to hear about the wrist, that’s really hard. And you feel so panicky when you hurt something you need for work – I know this very well from hurting my hand and being a transcriber! I don’t really have chaotic people in my life but I do have a friend who when she comes round, she can’t keep still, she just picks up ornaments and books and stuff and asks about them, and it makes me feel very tense!

    1. Yes, I never even thought about that when you hurt your hand- it could affect your work. Given how many things can happen to our hands and wrists, I guess we should just be glad it doesn’t happen more often.

  4. Christmas is easy-peasy compared to what happens after Christmas…our big trip to your sunshine state (for several weeks). I slept-in until around 7:00 this morning, and that was a BIG mistake because I’m about two hours behind on all the work that I need to get done today. Sleeping-in is SOOO overrated, just saying. And, I know what you mean about freak aches and pains. My feet took turns hurting, on alternate days, in various different places (I do think the Covid vax was a factor, even if just a little one). And my back is still being grumpy upon wake-up. UGH. But, I’m surviving, so all is well.

    1. Yes, I would blame that foot pain on the booster. I need to get mine, but I can’t seem to set aside a day to possibly be under the weather- some people are saying they had a similar reaction to the booster as the second shot. I just can’t afford to lie on the couch all day!
      I agree- the best part of sleeping in is the night before when you anticipate a long sleep- the reality doesn’t always live up to that!

  5. When it rains, it pours, right? I know ALL about that! I do think my broken ankle and foot were related to my wrist injury (tendon tear)–it was weak and I lost my grip on the rope…So now that I’m back to doing all the things, yep, the wrist is starting to bother me again. Sigh…I hope your wrist stops hurting soon. Otherwise, I know a guy…

    I would say that my youngest, while not necessarily chaotic, causes chaos when he comes home just because he disrupts our routine. But I sure do love having him around!

    1. Yes, I absolutely love having my son around but he definitely disrupts my routine- especially since I had turned his room into my ‘home gym.” I had to move some furniture around this morning so I could find a place to unroll my yoga mat.
      That’s discouraging about your wrist- these things can take so long to heal. I hope it’s okay.

  6. OMG I LOVE your Christmas theme! Perfect! My college daughter is definitely our “exuberant” one as well. She comes in like a tornado…in the best way! I am hoping this week will be a tiny bit calmer since my work schedule (knock wood) is a bit lighter. The maladies of your patients really puts things into perspective though! Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you Marcia! Yes, it’s funny that I never really noticed how chaotic life is with my son until he left and came back. Hmmm. Anyway, Merry Christmas to you too- hope you have a calmer wee (if that’s possible!)

  7. Ah, laughing all the way is the best way to get through the holidays! That chaos is worth it!
    I sure hope your wrist is better — have you tried taking NSAIDs for it?

    Off to check out your vegan cookies!

    1. The wrist felt better this morning when I did a short yoga class- the true test will be at work now! Fingers crossed.

  8. We have a few chaos causing and bringing family members as well I try to keep my distance! Ha! I am sure having a sore wrist is not good for a massage therapist. I am so thankful to my guy and don’t know what I would do without him. I am one of those people you speak of that has 90 m super deep tissue massages. They are life saver for me and I so appreciate how hard they must be for you all. Hope you all have a fantastic week together. Merry Christmas to you

    1. Yes, you are one of those hard people to work on, because you like deep pressure AND you’re muscular- a challenging combination. But I don’t back off the pressure for people like you because I know that’s what you need. Also, smart choice to go to a guy- lots of people (men and women) only want a female therapist, but a lot of times the men can get in there a little deeper.

  9. Haha, I love how some people just bring chaos! I think that’s my oldest sister. It’s a whole different kind of energy!

    Sorry about the achy wrist and heel- I hope they don’t last.

    Your kitten is so cute!

    Great runs this week!

    I refuse to go to the mall during the holidays! People just love the Mall of America here, but I just can’t. 🙂

  10. Awww, your kitty is so cute! How old is she? My daughter is definitely the louder of my two kids. The house has a buzz again now that she is home! I did end up going to Target on Saturday. Ugh. But luckily the lines moved fast.
    Glad you were able to get your runs in! I’ve been dealing with tennis elbow and I’m trying to figure out if it’s related to me working longer days recently. I can only imagine what a challenge a painful wrist would be in your job!

    1. Yes, there’s a whole different dynamic with the older (louder) kids home!
      That picture is actually from last Christmas, when she was still a kitten. Now she’s all grown up- she’ll be two in April.
      Hope your elbow is okay- tennis elbow is annoying.

  11. Oh no, I hope your wrist is on the mend and that your orthotics do the trick when you start wearing them. Remember to only wear them for one hour the first day, two the second, three the third, and so on until you get to a full day or you may create a whole new pain in your foot.

    Yay for having your son home from school! Enjoy every chaotic second of having him around!

    1. Yes, I now there will definitely be an adjustment period with the orthotics! I’m hoping to get them this week and start getting used to them.

  12. Your poor wrist and heel! Hope they heal quickly. Enjoy having your son at home!

    Okay, I have a question: how do you get those running photos? Do you set your phone up somewhere or does someone take photos of you? I have been so curious!

    1. Ah, my “amazing” running photos (ha ha.). I have a couple places, one right where I normally start my run and one where I end my run, where I can set my phone up. one is a fire hydrant and one is-ew- a receptacle for people to dispose of bags of dog waste. Anyway, I take a video (trying to do a photo with the timer was too hard) and then I take a screen shot from the video. Some bloggers have little portable tripods- I want to get one of those so I can have pictures in different locations!

  13. Glad your son is home and you’re managing to laugh, despite it all.

    What a sobering reminder to me of just how much pain/grief/anxiety people are dealing with; that must be hard to have so many emotionally weighted clients, but also how rewarding to give people much-needed relief in the middle of so much tremendous suffering!

    Hope things calm down and you get a chance to relax, enjoy, and get some relief for your body! And fingers crossed the orthotics make a big difference!

    And 100% ditto on the running photos. I have wanted to ask that question like a million times since I’ve started reading, but felt like I should know the answer to this already? Thanks, Nicole!

    1. Okay, I answered the photo question in my response to Nicole. But I’ll add one thing- every once in a while if I’m with my husband I’ll have him take a photo but it never seems to come out that well! He always does something weird- I guess he’s not really thinking about how the picture would look on a blog.
      Thank you Elisabeth- I know this will be a crazy week but I also have some days off of work- that will help!

  14. In all the pics you look very fast!
    Sorry about your wrist, I hope you get well very soon.
    Here hectic days, my wife is busy to wrap the gifts for our children and our grandsons, to buy food for the Christmas lunch and to prepare cookies. As a teacher she will have her days off from Thursday.
    Have a good week.

    1. Yes, this week is hectic! It’s amazing how much work we put into Christmas Day. I hope you’re enjoying it- and good luck to your wife.

  15. Oh, no! I can’t imagine how much your work could be impacted if you hurt your wrist. I broke my right thumb (in early March 2020, so it never was properly treated because no doctor would see me) and I’m constantly surprised by/irritated at how much it impacts my day-to-day life. I hope it’s feeling better and you can do your work without pain!

    We need to find someone we know who lives in our town who will be here on Christmas Day and be willing to walk our dog in the afternoon. That is my only holiday preparation that has to be done yet. *sigh* If we can’t find someone, there’s a possibility I may stay home with the dog while my husband goes to visit his family.

    1. Oh no! I hope you’ve found someone to walk your dog. I guess you can’t just bring her with you. I hope you don’t end up staying home.
      Yes, isn’t it surprising how much you need both thumbs? You never really think about it until you have an injury. Can your thumb still be rehabbed? How annoying that you broke it right at the beginning of Covid!

  16. I’m so sorry to hear about your wrist! I hope the pain is short-lived. I can only imagine how hard it is to do your job with a sore wrist. It’s sad to hear about the challenges your patients are facing…really puts things into perspective, doesn’t it?

    My son definitely brings a bit of chaos when he comes home, but I think part of it is we get used to a routine without him. That said I wouldn’t trade this chaos for anything 🙂

    I hope things slow down for you this week.

    1. I feel the same as you- I wouldn’t trade the chaos for anything.
      My wrist is much better. Turns out listening to my body and babying it for a few days really helped- who knew? (ha ha.)

  17. That kitty is so cute!

    December was supposed to be a lot of fun, but we had some stumbling blocks. I’m trying to recapture my Christmas cheer.

    1. I’m sorry to hear that, Jenn! It’s hard when you have so many expectations for the month and it doesn’t go as planned. I hope you’re starting to feel better and can enjoy these last few days leading up to Christmas!

  18. Phew, that does sound like a crazy busy week, but hopefully the holiday weekend will be much calmer.. and yay, your son is home!
    I do have the same rule: don’t go to the mall (or shopping anywhere else for that matter) the Saturday before Christmas. It’s crazy.

    I didn’t realize that massage therapists have to professions: massages and therapy LOL (judging from all the personal life stories you get to hear). I hope your wrist and foot are better… it’s annoying to deal with injuries!

  19. Oh man, something I never thought about: how an injury like a sore wrist could impact your work as a massage therapist. It makes so much sense, but oof, that must be really difficult! I never know if my massage therapist loves the fact that I’m a pretty easy client that asks for suuuuper light pressure or if that makes me more boring, haha. Maybe somewhere in the middle?! At least I won’t make her wrist sore from pressure!

    Yay for your son being home but UGH at going to the mall the Saturday before Christmas. It had to be a madhouse there.

    1. Ha ha Stephany, I can tell you that if every client were like you, it would be really boring. But it’s VERy nice for a change if everyone is asking for deep!

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