Welcome once again to the Weekly Rundown! It was a good week of workouts, and I got much more sleep than last week (phew.) Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting! Here’s how it all went down.
Easter Sunday! It was a little complicated, but I was able to pop out for a 3 mile run mid-morning. All my runs this week incorporated intervals of 4 minutes running/1 minute walking. I actually don’t think my ankle needs this anymore, but I’m just being cautious- I don’t want anything ELSE to get injured, especially since I was limping around for a month. But everything feels good!
Oof, this morning had a lot of moving parts. My daughter had school, which meant a 5:30 wakeup. And my son was flying back to Texas. One of my husband’s best qualities is his willingness to drive to the airport, no matter what time of the day or night (seriously- this is what you want in a partner.) So he was driving my son, but I wanted to see them off, so it was an at-home workout day.
I did the Caroline Girvan Deadbug Workout, Bulgarian split squats, and the Knees Over Toes exercises, which coincidentally involve ankle-strengthening as well.
Caroline’s Deadbug Workout again in the morning, and in the afternoon (gasp! I never run in the afternoon!) I ran 4 miles.
Gym day! I warmed up on the stairmaster, then did squats, deadlifts, and Knees Over Toes exercises. The one thing that’s still so hard for me on the injured side, is single leg heel lifts. Oof- it still hurts.
I finished with the Cool Blogger’s Workout- 3o minutes on the treadmill, 12% incline, 3 mph.
Up early for a 3 mile run, followed once again by Caroline’s Deadbug Workout.

I started at home with the deadbig workout, then went to the gym for benchpress, reverse fly, and overhead press with dumbbells.
It’s come to my attention that I’m running a 50K at the end of May, so I better start increasing my distance. This run was 5 miles, and felt pretty good. Of course, 5 is a lot less than 30… but I’ll get there. The other thing is, my race is on a TRAIL, and right now I’m avoiding the trail for fear of hurting that ankle again. But I’ll get there as well!

On tap for today…. OFF! Sleeping in, waffles… you know. The usual Sunday activities.
How was your week? Did you have spring-like weather? – We actually had a little cooldown- so unusual for April- which is why Saturday’s photo shows me running in long sleeves!
Top photo by Frederik Löwer on Unsplash
26 Responses
YES YES YES!!! You’re back baby!!! I’m sure that you’ll be back on the trails soon.
Our weather can’t decide what it wants to do. This week we had great weather, a big ol’ rainstorm, a few snowflakes, and now it’s nice again. All I care about right now is getting a stretch of dry days so that our back yard won’t be so muddy. The combo of mud + puppy is getting old – well it’s getting old for the humans, the puppy is happy no matter what.
Yes, I can imagine what a mud-fest it must be. But as long as puppy is happy- that’s what counts : )
Great news in the ankle. Mine is fine but I hiked on Monday and it ached. Twisting and turning. But I can run pain free. Still hesitant to go all out.
Yes, that’s kind of where I am- I can run pain-free, but if I twist it around a lot it aches. That’s why I haven’t been back on the trails yet.
Yay on the ankle and the 50K in May!
You’ve done enough training on trails that once your ankle is 100% that shouldn’t be an issue.
I think I’m the airport shuttle in my family ….
Are you the airport shuttle by choice, or by default? My husband actually loves going to the airport (he’s insane…)
I am glad your ankle is feeling much better and you can start to increase your mileage a bit.
This week was still pretty cold. We had snow flurries one day. But it warmed up at the end of the week! I ran outside on Thursday and Saturday. Yesterday’s run was a little over 4 miles so I am slowing building my mileage – but won’t approach what you are doing of course as I am solidly in the 10k stage of running.
My week was pretty good all in all. I was busy but not stupid crazy busy like I am some weeks. I will be traveling for the next 4 weeks so I am kind of bracing myself for that… the first of the 5 trips is a vacation, though. Then it’s NJ, Cleveland, and Napa. I think will do 11 trips in the first half of the year which is a lot… hopefully things slow down a bit in the 2nd half of the year.
Well, I’m VERY glad you have a vacation next week! Your schedule sounds insane to me. Do you have a 10K race planned?
I am so glad you are feeling good and in a great headspace for that 50K. It’s going to be awesome!
It got cold this weekend: we were in the 40s again last night. I have no idea what’s going on. This week will be cool mornings and warm afternoons.
I don’t mind driving to Jax International. It’s a pretty easy shot. MIA? No thanks lol.
Oh, MIA is a NIGHTMARE! My son usually flies out of Ft. Lauderdale, but even that is unpleasant for me.
We got down to the 50s a couple nights this week, which was cold for April! We won’t see 40s again till next winter (if even then..)
Yay, I’m glad you’re feeling so well!
Thank you Nicole! After reading your “Day in the Life” post, I’m picturing you with your pot of coffee, early in the morning, reading and commenting on blogs : )
It sounds like everything is getting back to normal with your ankle, which is very exciting! You should definitely be ready for your 50K!
Our weather is so up and down here. It was 85 on Thursday, then super windy and 70s on Friday, then only in the low 60s and breezy yesterday when I did my 16 mile long run, which wasn’t super enjoyable as I hate running in the wind! And then we’re supposed to hit 90 for the first time this year on Thursday, so it’ll really feel like summer, until it dips back down in the 70s over the weekend. I’m so ready for more consistent weather, even if it means it’s hot!
Yes, I’ll agree with you- windy running is probably my least favorite. Your weather really is all over the place- we haven’t hit 90s yet, but it’s coming. Sigh.
I’m so glad to see you getting back to your baseline! Glad that your ankle is behaving–mostly.
I think I’m going to have to try Caroline’s deadbug workout!
Wendy, I love that workout. It’s 12 minutes long- so a good length- but I feel like my whole core is REALLY worked over.
Great to see you back at it!! I know how good that feels. Slow and steady you got this. Have a great week. Still waiting for my smiling gym photo 🙂
Spring weather? Yes, we had plenty of spring weather last week in Iowa, which is code for winter-like temps with plenty of rain and wind. We did get some welcome sunshine, though, the last couple days. I had a similar revelation yesterday, regarding upcoming races. Although I’m 99% certain that I’m downgrading to the 10K (from the 13.1 at Drake) in two weeks…I STILL have DAM to DSM 13.1 in early June (#FacePalm). I’m not worried about being ready for that, I just have to be mindful that the mileage maintenance needs to be on-point.
Sounds like your ankle is healing nicely! I’m very curious about your deadbug workout – I’m all for more core work!
I’ve complained about the weather already on your blog. It still sucks, but it looks like things are going to turn around and be warm and sunny next week, so I dare not complain too much.
Yay for all your running! I’m so excited to hear all about your plans for the race at the end of May!!
Yes indeed, you will get there! It’s great that you’re running pain free and ready to up the miles.
We had four days of rain and lots of wind last week. Yesterday and today we had sunshine and lots of wind. Seriously, I’m over the wind!
So glad to see you are running again! isn’t it awesome to have running back to life? we appreciate it more when we lose it for a while.
I haven’t made my favourite waffle recipe in months. MONTHS! I used to make them every single Friday. I need to make them ASAP. Like this week. If I don’t post about having waffles and it being a highlight of my week, please lambaste me for it!
“It’s come to my attention that I’m running a 50K at the end of May, so I better start increasing my distance.” Haha! As always I am just so impressed with your dedication to exercise. I was thinking that I also think there are seasons to things. Right now, for a few reasons, I need to go slow and steady and short. But there might be a time again when I walk/run more. Sometimes I feel like: “Oh, my longer distance days are done.” Because I don’t do it anymore. But I can start again, another time. If I feel like it! Somehow I think I forget about that. There is a season to everything…but also, seasons recycle and come back. This tangent was all going through my mind as I was writing this comment, so sorry for the unscripted babbling what was flitting through my brain 🙂
Very exciting that you are going for the 50k! I’m so glad to see you running and moving, and I agree, I’d be a bit cautious too! Slow and steady!!
Great news Jenny! You have had plenty of time with injuries, its your time to run pain free!!
The weather is bananas this year, and it doesn’t seem to be limited to any one location. Here’s hoping it settles down before your race. So glad to see you are on the way back.