walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Fun on the Trail

Welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah (thanks ladies!)  It was a good one, and the highlight once again was my mid-week trail run.  But there were other activities as well… let’s just see how it all went down.


Leg day at the gym.  I did my usual squats and leg press, but also added deadlifts with the hex bar.  I’ve been struggling with transitioning from dumbbell deadlifts to using the bar- specifically, how to get the bar elevated from the ground since I’m not putting big plates on it (yet.)  I thought the hex bar would be good because there are handles, but it was still too low.  I remedied that by boosting it up a little.

My gym opens at 8 am on Sundays, and I like showing up at that time because it’s less crowded- so I don’t feel as self conscious fiddling around with things like this.


Uneventful 4 mile run.


Upper body day at the gym.  Teensy snafu- my shoulder is a little sore.  I feel like the kid from A Christmas Story, where he wants a bb gun for Christmas and everyone keeps telling him “You’ll shoot your eye out!”  Then he gets one and actually hurts his eye.  All the naysayers kept telling me not to lift heavy weights because I would hurt myself, and now I’ve hurt my shoulder!  Ha ha… I can joke about it because it’s not affecting my running (if it were my leg or hip I would be hysterical.)  Anyway, I’m going to lay off the bench press for a little until my shoulder is better- I can still go to the gym and do a “pull” day, which doesn’t irritate it.


Ah, my favorite day of the week.  Long run on the trail, 18 miles!  I did the same thing as last week- broke it up into three segments, and returned to my car “aid station” to get a new, icy cold water bottle and to put ice in my sports bra between each one.  This run was easier than last week’s, possibly because it was a little cooler (although I use that term loosely.)  I also found a whole other part of the trail that I didn’t see last time- you have to go through a tunnel to get to it.

Ooh! Spooky and mysterious!

This part of the trail was less woodsy and more open, but had some interesting features.

Anyway, I’m loving my trail runs.  I’m still trying to figure out how all the parts of this trail fit together, which makes it kind of fun.  There’s always something new to explore.


Cross training day- I did the stair climber at the gym.  As I climbed to nowhere, I reflected that it was the polar opposite of doing a long, adventurous run on a beautiful trail.  But since I just did that, it was a good day to stare at the walls of the gym.


Another 4 mile run, followed by a short strength session at home- Runner Touch and Bulgarian split squats, and oh yeah… holding a plank.  I’ve been neglecting planks lately.


Off!  Crazy thing- I wasn’t sore at all after my long run on Wednesday.  I mean, there are always little aches and pains; my low back has been achy lately.  But really, I couldn’t even tell that I ran 18 miles.  HOWEVER, I was still happy for this day off!


On tap for today: back to the gym for leg day.  Then, getting ready for the Super Bowl!  I’ve decided to make this recipe for the “Best Vegan BBQ Sandwiches.”  Except mine won’t be the “best” because I’m going to modify it to cut down the sugar.  They’ll still be good, though!

How was your week?  Any adventures?

Are you making a special meal for the Super Bowl?

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44 Responses

  1. I would love to run on your trail! It looks so different from mine, lol. Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I don’t think my should injury is contagious…lol. I do know that you probably want to have someone check your form to make sure you aren’t doing something to injure it. I’m working on rehabbing mine and it is feeling better. It’s always something isn’t it?

    Have a great week!

    1. I did think about you when my shoulder started to hurt!
      If you ever come down to South Florida, we’ll run on that trail. I think you’ll like it- but preferably in the winter. You might not enjoy it in the summer heat.

  2. Your trail looks interesting! It is very sandy? It kind of looks like it in the second photo. I usually run trails and ours are either dry fire roads or nice single track through redwoods which is usually very soft on the feet (my favorite). I have more trouble running in sand, so kudos to you for not being sore at all! That must mean that the training is working!

    Today I have to fix my kitchen sink, so I will be doing that with the game in the background, but otherwise will not really be sitting down to watch fully. However, I really need to fix the sink!

    1. Yes, parts of the trail are sandy, which isn’t my favorite. But the race I’m training for has sand, so I figured I better get used to it. Some of it is nice soft dirt though.
      Um… have fun fixing the sink??? I guess that will feel good to get it done!

  3. I love how much you love your trail runs! So great to see you adapting to your longer runs without any issues. It is funny how sometimes legs feel sore and sometimes they don’t. Nice work this week!

    1. Ha ha, GREAT way to turn it into a soup night! I’ll have to remember that next year if I can’t decide what to make.

  4. I wish my schedule was more flexible so I could run on that trail.

    I would get hurt at the gym. Another reason not to go. Lol.

    See you soon. I wonder if I will die in the heat.

    1. Ha, I think you’ll be okay! At least for your first few days here, it will be pleasant. A little warm on race day but it could be cloudy. Even a little rain would be good.

  5. Oooooooh I need to make that BBQ stat.

    Ha ha, in the strength game it’s better to “shoot your eye out” once in a while rather than make the opposite mistake and lift too light – you know what I’m trying to say – we all push it once in a while and when our bodies say no we back off. And hello 18 miler!!!! When I was running most of my long runs were in my neighborhood but I would never take breaks to go home or thought to set up a “car aid station” ==>and ended up getting burned out on running long and then on running in general.

    1. Well, I figured I won’t be running my 50K continually- I’ll be stopping at aid stations then, so I might as well replicate that in my long runs.
      Okay, I like that thought- better to shoot my eye out and have to back off then keep going too light on the strength training.

  6. My Super Bowl food is Mexican themed this year. Actually it’s the only time I’ve ever really thought of making anything for the game, so taco casserole sounded yummy. I’m glad your long run spot is working out for you. That’s always a challenge to find a place that works, and you can get those big miles in!! Good job on the running and I hope the soreness is just temporary with the weights.

    1. Yes, I usually don’t try to make something that corresponds to the teams- it just seemed like a fun challenge this year.
      I do think the shoulder soreness is temporary. It’s kind of a bummer, but not a big tragedy to skip bench press for a couple weeks.

  7. It’s fun exploring new features (on existing routes). I did a lot of exploring during my recent winter run streak, going through some alleys I hadn’t seen before. I’m toying with the notion of running “every street.” I just don’t want to have to map it to get credit for it, LOL (I think there’s an app for that). I hope your shoulder feels better!

    1. Yes, I love doing it on the streets as well. I feel like I know the streets around here much better than most people, thanks to running.

  8. Yay for such a great mid-week trail long run!

    To answer your question, I had a great adventure this week. We went to the farm to see my mom and then to Charlotte, NC to see Pablo’s new home! We’re driving home today, so our Super Bowl snacks will simply be whatever we can find pre-made at the grocery store.

    1. I can think of plenty of things pre-made at the grocery store that I would be very happy to eat for the Super Bowl! Chips and guac come to mind.
      I read about your adventure on your blog- it sounds really fun.

  9. That is a great sign that you are not sore after the 18 mile run! Bummer about the shoulder pain, though. That seems to be the area where I am most susceptible to getting hurt when lifting.

    I had a decent week but missed a workout on Friday since I was solo parenting and the boys school had an early close. So I couldn’t wedge it into the day since I had a busy day at work on top of that. I did get out for a walk when Phil got home from the airport, though!

    I am not making anything for the superbowl as Phil decided to take both boys out to his mom’s. So the HOUSE WILL BE EMPTY AND QUIET! I am so very excited. But we made a big batch of lentil soup yesterday so I will consider that my superbowl meal! And will likely have a bowl of that tonight.

  10. I’ve tweaked my shoulder from weightlifting before. I have this gal I see for massages occasionally and I swear she does wonders with that. Perhaps a massage might help? I’m going to have to check out your recipe. I’ve been vegetarian/mostly vegan for close to 3 years now, but I am still learning. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Teresa! I’m hoping to get a message this week. And, check out the other recipes on that website- Nora has a lot of great ones.

  11. Great work!

    I love getting my long runs done midweek, so I love that your 18 miler was on Wednesday.

    You are going to be epically prepared.

    No big SuperBowl plans. I’m not into it.

  12. I’m sorry to hear about the shoulder pain. Hopefully it will get better within a week or two. I’ve had something like that and it was very temporary. The hex bar is so clever and I love deadlifting with it. I think the hex bar is much easier to use than a barbell.
    Well done doing the 18 miles! That’s very good and your trails look intriguing. Enjoy the Super Bowl, here we have the Six Nations rugby going on instead, and Ireland is doing very well.

    1. I’ve never watched a rugby game! Maybe I should try it sometime.
      My shoulder is already much better than it was last week. I think if I continue to baby it, it will be fine.

  13. Way to get that 18 miler! Amazing you’re not at all sore after. Wow! Hope your shoulder is ok. I’m a little disappointed the Caveman didn’t want anything too special for our SB meal. I could’ve at least done some good guac and chips but oh well. Hope your shoulder is ok!

  14. That tunnel does look spooky — at least you can see through to the other side.

    I’m really happy to see you reporting “uneventful” runs — that’s wasn’t happening a year ago. 😉

    I bought my husband chips and salsa to enjoy during the game. Yup, that’s how fancy I am.

    1. Ha ha… chips and salsa sound pretty great to me!
      Yes last year my weekly rundowns were a lot more dramatic- and that wasn’t a good thing.

  15. Love the trail running – though I do think I’d be spooked running through that tunnel!! The older I get the more and more cautious I get running solo.

    How great that you felt so wonderful the day after your trail run. That is a lot of miles!!

    1. In the reviews of this trail a couple people said they were dubious about the tunnel- but other people responded to say it was very safe. So I went with that!

  16. Congrats on your 18 miler! I think it’s great that you’ve been enjoying your trail runs so much.

    Sorry about your shoulder pain – hopefully a little time off will help.

  17. Great form on those deadlifts!

    I’m really creeped out by the tunnel you ran through! I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to run through that!

  18. Super spooky!
    I had greek . Oh so traditional for the Super Bowl, but while I’m not vegetarian, most of the traditional foods don’t appeal. Maybe a chi li if it were colder
    So glad you didn’t feel 18 miles of pain

    1. Chili would be a good Super Bowl food! I thought about that this year but decided to try to match up our dinner to a KC theme.

  19. Oh, I bet that spooky tunnel added some pep to that point in the run! I’d be so freaked out, haha! Lots of good thoughts for the shoulder and that it’s just a quickly passing bump in the road.

    1. I think my shoulder might be better enough to try some (light) bench presses this week. We’ll see.
      Yes, that tunnel definitely made the run exciting for a little. It was fun.

  20. I love the long runs where it feels as though you didn’t run long! You’re doing great.

    You can hurt any part of your body doing pretty much anything. Sometimes just getting up from a chair (no, thankfully, I haven’t done that at the moment). You know your own body best.

    I do love to explore new trails! Although all the sand would be a turn off for me. Takes me back to training for my first trail half — ugh, hated the sand (no sand in the race, just didn’t know where else to train!).

  21. Way to go on that long run! I like how you’re breaking it up, that helps mentally for sure. And awesome job with the strength! Hope the BBQ sandwiches turned out well.

    1. Yes, I figured the race will be broken up by aid stations, so I might as well mimic that. And the sandwiches were delicious!

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