One of the worst things about being injured is, it’s so boring. I’m tired of talking about my ankle, but of course the week was all about my ankle, once again.
I’m joining Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown, but I’m also tired of talking about my workouts, so I’ll summarize the week thusly: I worked out every day except Saturday. My cardio alternated between stairclimber and treadmill, and I did some strength. One day I walked outside (top photo.) Two of the days I sprinkled in some 30 second running intervals! Shoutout to Darlene, who recently recovered from her own ankle sprain. She told me that at first running would feel “weird and scary.” YES, IT DID! But I did it anyway.
On Wednesday I was determined to join Kim for her “Week of Pi.” I eked out 3.14 miles on the treadmill, and it was a comedy of errors. Since I was mostly walking, it took a while, and my treadmill cut me off after 30 minutes. I restarted it but then accidentally hit the emergency stop button ten minutes later. I restarted it AGAIN and cobbled together 3.14 miles, the hard way. But I enjoyed the challenge. (Happy belated birthday to Kim!!!)
Okay, okay… let’s talk about the ankle (when this is all over I never want to talk about ankles again.) After making a lot of improvement the first few weeks, this week I felt stuck. My ankle is better than it was, but still slightly swollen, achy, and has a limited range of motion.
I went to my sports chiropractor on Wednesday and Friday, and he used several therapies to get my ankle moving again, including a Marc Pro machine that sends weird twitches through your muscles that’s supposed to help drain out excess fluid. He also gave me some mobility exercises to increase range of motion.

On a less happy note, in my last post, I shared that the race I was hoping to do- a 50 miler at the end of April- is now sold out. I was waiting to register until I was more confident that I could run it, and it went from 25 spots available on Tuesday night, to sold out on Wednesday morning.

At first I was really upset, and was scheming to run it anyway. I emailed the race director and he said he’ll open up a waitlist next week. OR, the 100 mile race still has spots open- I could register for that and only run the first 50 miles… or maybe they would let me drop down to the lower distance if I’m on the waitlist…
But then I started to feel like I’m trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. As Darlene said, ” You will run it if it’s meant to be.” (Hmm, I’m starting to think I should just hire Darlene as my life coach!) Maybe I’m trying to force this too much. My ankle isn’t even fully recovered and I’m determined to run a 50 mile race in six weeks? I’ll still put my name on the waitlist, but I also found some other races in May that are possibilities. They’re 50K, not 50 miles, which is a bummer, but I think I have to “unstick” my mind from the fact that I have to run a 50 mile race this year. It might not happen, and in that case I’ll just have to try again next year.
So that was my week of getting unstuck, mentally and physically! I also grudgingly enjoyed the later sunsets…

Do you ever get bored with your workouts? – It’s hard to get excited about the stairclimber and treadmill, over and over again.
Are you adjusted to the time change? – I am now, but we had a rough start to the week!
33 Responses
I’m sorry you’re at the stage where you want to do more but are a bit stuck, that’s horrible. You will get there though. No time change here for a couple of weeks yet!
Thanks Liz! You know, I’m pretty sure we used to turn the clocks ahead later, and turn them back earlier in the fall- that schedule makes much more sense. Oh well- at least we got it over with.
Jeeze, you know I feel all of this! Just replace ankle with hamstring and multiply by a few months.
Like you’ve told me, your recovery will happen eventually. Now I’ll give you advice I wouldn’t want to take myself — maybe you should cut back on extra time on your feet to give your ankle even more rest — especially if it’s still swollen? Ditch the stairmaster and tread for pool running? Just an idea.
Bummer on the race, but it could be for the best if it would put pressure on you to do more than your ankle is ready for. I know, more platitudes you don’t want to hear. It all comes from a place of love and support!
Thank you Coco! I know- everyone’s comments are coming from a place of love and support. And, you’ve been there! I did think about pool running, but I think it would actually hurt my ankle more. I know that sounds weird, but it’s not the moment when I step down that it hurts, it’s picking my foot up again (if that makes sense?) I think having it flopping back and forth in the water would really hurt. Actually, now that it’s better I might be able to do it. Hmm! Maybe I’ll give it a try this week.
So very sorry you feel stuck. Injuries can be so rough. I love the picture of the sunset at 8pm. Time change has been difficult for me. It’s better now but the first WEEK I was pretty much a zombie.
Yes, I’m glad we got through that week. The first morning- Monday- when my alarm went off at 5:30 BUT IT FELT LIKE 4:30 was rough. But we survived it!
I know how it feels not to be able to run the race you set your mind and training to run. It can feel like nothing else can take its place. There is no reason to believe that your ankle will not heal. It just might not be as fast as you would like. There are so many races out there to run and when you are ready, you will find the right one for where you are right now xoxo
Thank you Deborah! I know. It’s funny how my mind gets fixated on one certain thing, like a race, and I think that’s the only one. I have to zoom out and look at the big picture.
I know that this is a frustrating time, but you’re in such a better place than you were a few years ago when you were stuck with pool running and barely getting to double digit runs. Most people don’t run half marathons, fewer run marathons, a tiny percentage run 50k, and even fewer go for 50 miles. HANG IN THERE! You’ll know the right race when you see it.
Right now my workouts are very repetitive – short strength sessions and the 3/12/30 treadmill workout. But strangely it doesn’t bug me. Back when I was running and had so much variety I was more likely to be “bored” by an easy run day or “bored” by speed day. Even when I was doing the Caroline Girvan workouts I had a lot of “ugh glutes day” or “ugh HIIT day”. I can’t explain why every day being the same is oddly…nice.
Well, I actually do like the 3/12/30 workout- I can see how it might be kind of nice to just get on the treadmill and do it, and not have to think about it. I do get tired of the CG strength workouts, but that’s not her fault- they’re really hard! I know they’re good for me, and I’ve been doing her advent dead bug workout (but every time I hear the music starting it fills me with dread, ha ha. At least it’s only 12 minutes.)
I think targeting a slightly later race even if it’s ‘just’ 50k (I say just very jokingly!) makes more sense than trying to run 50 miles in 6 weeks with your recovering ankle! I know it is tough to not achieve something you set out to do this year. I have had that feeling many times with all the challenges of injuries, RA, etc. like I was so close to my 4 hour marathon goal in 2015 so I wanted to run a marathon in June of 2016 – but then I had this horrible nagging hip pain and ended up needing hip surgery in May 2016 which sidelined me until October… and then I got engaged and married and started having kids and that 4 hour marathon goal died a good death. Obviously your life is in a much more stable place so you won’t have pregnancies to sideline you/prevent you from your goals or shift your priorities. I more so share this to help with the perspective shift. You are a strong, healthy woman and if this isn’t the year for your 50 mile then 2025 will be. And 2025 sounds like a great year for a 50 mile race if it doesn’t happen this year!
I do get tired of my workouts at times but less so now that I do CG workouts as she mixes things up a lot and keeps them interesting. But I do run the same route over and over and over. But with the change in seasons, it keeps it from getting boring! When the kids are older I figure I can drive places to run if I need a change in scenery.
So Lisa- your story reminds me of how, before I had kids I really wanted to get into ultra running. I had done several marathons, had an ultra picked out, something prevented me from running it and then I got pregnant. So it seemed like that dream died- but now in my 50s I’m doing it. So, i’m just saying… if you ever wanted to revisit that 4 hour marathon dream it’s totally possible when your kids are older. Of course, it may not be important to you anymore. I’m just saying… never say never.
Darlene has some good advice! I know your workouts are boring right now and I am sure it is hard to be positive. But, your ankle will heal and you will be back to your normal workouts soon! I do get bored with my running routes. Where I used to live I had four different routes out my front door. Where I live now I just have one. I change up my direction, but that is about it!
I actually got outside for a walk/run today (mostly walking but a little running thrown in) and it did wonders for my mental state. I just go berserk if I’m stuck inside all the time. I do know what you mean about repetitive routes though- when I’m running normally, I have one main route that I do for my “normal” runs, and it does get old. But I’m usually able to get out to the park or a trail once a week, so that makes a big difference.
I’m so sorry you’re feeling stuck! Injuries can be so all-consuming but you’re doing what you can with what you’re able to do now and I think it will definitely help when you get back into running.
I think a slightly later 50K is probably a better idea than trying to run a 50 miler next month! And you’ve still got most of the year ahead of you, so I’m sure there’s a 50 mile race somewhere later in the year that you might be able to make work for you. And if not, there’s always next year!
I’m lucky enough to have a lot of trail options within a 30 minute drive (even more are within 45 min-hour but those are reserved for weekends when I have more time) that I don’t really get bored, but I do usually hit up the same 3-4 parks every week just because they’re the closest to me and I know the trails there pretty well. And on weekends I try to explore new places when I can!
Ashley, you live in an amazing location! I’m seriously envious. And I think you have more options for long races year-round. But you’re right- there are always more races out there. Even in Florida!
Ugh, so sorry for the ongoing turmoil with the grumpy ankle. I hope things will keep improving, and last week’s treatment will give the healing and recovery a boost. Thanks for having Pi with me 😉 The only adjustment I noticed, regarding the time change, was the joy in seeing the sunset happening so late…it almost feels like summer 😉 ((big emphasis on the “almost,” LOL))
Yes, I agree- that later sunset does feel good! And, now we’re on spring break- I think by the time school starts up again it will at least be getting light for the drive to school in the morning (driving to school in the dark makes me cranky.)
i couldn’t miss the week of Pi completely!!! Hopefully next year I’ll be able to join in a few more days.
Ugh I’m so sorry that you’re still overcoming the injury! What a bummer. I’m with Darlene and agree – you will run the 50k if it’s meant to be … this may not be your time, which means when it is your time it will be right! I have been there and it sucks. Sending you good vibes and hoping you can stay a little less bored. Maybe find a good series to watch when you’re on the stairmaster?
Yes, I’m usually listening to podcasts on the stairclimber- maybe watching something would be better. i’m hopin I won’t be on it for TOO much longer though!
Do you ever get bored with your workouts? Oh, Jenny. I find every minute of working out miserable and excruciating and I read your blog to tell me why I’m wrong!
Ha ha… well I’m not doing a very good job of it this week! This is why I like RUNNING. Not walking on the treadmill, and not getting on the stairclimber at the gym day after day. Running. Sigh.
I know how you feel, too!
I’m getting bored of my bike rides. Yesterday, I was out for a longer ride and I was grumpy. I forced myself to think more positively but it didn’t really work.
However, on a truly positive note: I’ve been very strict about not doing any walking on my bad leg (I have a stress fracture in the femur). I’ve been on crutches and it’s starting to help! Now, 5 days later, I really feel the difference.
Let’s both hang in there!
Yes, hang in there Catrina!!! Your leg will heal- bones sometimes heal much quicker than soft tissue injuries. The truth is, we can do all sorts of other things, but there’s nothing like running, and that’s just the way it is. We’ll get though it and both be running again soon.
I totally get you about injuries, and especially talking about them, is boring. You just want to get back to normal and enjoy your running/lifting/whatever! I didn’t want to ever talk about feet and stress fractures either but just get on with life and fitness. Ironically, now my husband has a foot injury.
Before reading your, and Darlene’s, posts, I had forgotten how long it takes for an ankle sprain to heal. Good job though getting all those more tedious workouts done and some running too although it’s weird and scary. And I’m glad you got some mobility exercises. When I had my stress fracture I did simple mobility exercises all the time (that my physio gave me) also before getting out of the boot, and I think I had a lot of benefits from them.
I’d also gladly hire Darlene as a life coach!!
Ha, not sure if Darlene has read this yet- she’ll be surprised to learn she has a new career path.
The mobility exercises have been helping me a ton!!! Seeing the chiropractor and getting those treatments also really helped. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel…
just couldn’t reply in NYC but my two sense is that you can run, it will be slower and not sure when it will feel normal. I think I may need to accept this new normal. But it is so much better than not running.
LOL about following my advice… you may need to do as I say not as I do. Not the best role model since I’m impatient.
It was hard for me to run a 5k when I trained for a half marathon. It felt like a cop out. It was even harder to accept my finish time.
Mentally, you should run the 50K. and probably physically wait on the 50 miler. IMO.
Darlene, your advice is right on the money once again. I signed up for a 50k at the end of May : )
Darlene is a wise, wise woman!
I know this has been hard. Recovery is never easy, especially when we are just used to the get up and go! I promise the mobility moves will make everything better.
My toxic trait is that I would register for the 100 and then make myself crawl if I had to. And then be in so much worse shape after. Don’t be like me. I am clearly the whole problem LOL!
Ha ha… yes, I definitely thought about going that route. Ultimately I came to my senses though. And you’re right- the mobility moves are really helping.
Just wanted to come here and thank you for all your comments on my blog. And to stand with you in the solidarity of “this sucks.” I appreciate how much you are embracing the positive right now, and trying to accept things with equanimity. I have always sucked at equanimity but I’m trying to use this as practice for that mindset. But it’s really hard. Also, not being sure what to do is hard. I think that is what is driving me crazy right now. Do I try to test in late April at the dojo? If I do test I might re-injure myself preparing or actually testing. If I don’t test, and my whole cohort moves up without me, and I take a bunch of time away, I may just quit entirely. Both options suck. And I hate not knowing how something is going to turn out. I hope you can make a decision about racing this season that feels right for you and that you can be at peace with. And I hope your ankle feels so better so soon!
Thanks Noemi- the injured have to stick together! Your decision of whether to test in April or not sounds similar to me trying to decide on a race. If only someone could just tell us for sure- yes, you can do this, or no you can’t. It’s hard not knowing.
Having to give up running was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, and I was never a hard-core runner. So I get it. I hope you get back out there soon, and keep running for those of us who no longer can. <3