walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Good News and Bad News

Well, there was good news and bad news this week.  Or actually, there was great news and terrible news.  The great news is that after taking a week off, I was able to run again, and my shin felt good.  The TERRIBLE news, as I shared on Friday, is that our AC died.  But it’s fixed now, we all survived, and there were plenty of workouts as usual!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Here’s how it all went down…


First run back after the shin incident!  4 pain-free miles, followed by Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout.

This was the day the AC conked out.  Sadness!  Misery!  Of course it happened on a Sunday and our AC people couldn’t come until Monday.  OF COURSE.


This was a great morning for the gym!  The cool, air conditioned gym.  Followed by breakfast at Starbucks, where they crank the AC so high I have to wear two sweatshirts, and then on to work which is, once again, air conditioned.

It was leg day, so I did my usual routine of warming up on the stair climber, then squats, deadlifts, Runner’s Touch exercise., calf raises, and abs.

Back to regular squats!

Meanwhile my husband was waiting at home for the AC guy.  He diagnosed several major and expensive problems, and promised to return the next day to fix it.  THE NEXT DAY.  Sigh.

On an “unrelated” note, one of my coworkers told me they keep prisons very cold, because if the prisoners get too hot they get angry and aggressive.  Oh really?  Hmm.


After a hot and sweaty night, I was a little worried about a run today.  I wondered if my core temperature was already so elevated, that running outside would be too much.  But it was fine!  Another 4 mile run that felt good.

And, by nighttime the AC was fixed and the house was cool again.  PHEW.


I really wanted to run today.  Normally Wednesday is my treadmill speedwork day, but I think that’s what hurt my shin, so I decided to err on the side of caution, and instead went back to the gym for upper body.  Rows, lat pulldowns, bench press, overhead press, calf raises and abs.  Calves and abs are happening every time I go to the gym!


Oddly, after a night in the nice, cool AC, it was on this run where the heat got to me.  Was it hotter or more humid?   Whatever it was, I was roasting.  Maybe this was the problem:

Yep, “feels like” 90 at 7 am is not okay!  But I did it.


Leg day at the gym again!  This time I tried something my son does: he sets his timer to make sure he rests long enough between sets.  He said for large muscle groups, like squats and deadlifts, you should be resting three minutes.  It’s amazing how long three minutes actually is!  I would say in the past I was resting around 60-90 seconds, and resting longer really enabled me to work harder.  I was able to do an extra set of squats, and add weight to my deadlifts.

How exciting!

On the downside, this takes a LONG TIME.  Coming to strength training from a runner’s perspective, it seems odd to be standing around doing nothing in the middle of a workout.


I did my Daily Shakedown, which is a 15 minute full-body mobility routine, and Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout.  Other than that, it was a day off.


On tap for today- a longer run.  Possibly on the trail, and definitely with an icy cold bottle of water in my hydration vest.

How was your week?  Are you enjoying some hot summer days?

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

44 Responses

  1. Ugh to no AC. We don’t have AC up at our lake house and while it’s definitely not Florida, it gets warm in here. We have ceiling fans and box fans and get them going. The mornings are usually cool, tho, and we’re never here for more than 2 nights, so it’s tolerable. I can’t imagine being in Florida without it!

    SJ uses a timer when I’m lifting heavy to make sure I get enough rest between sets.

    1. Oh, that’s interesting! I think if you don’t use a timer it’s hard to wait the full time- it just seems so long.
      I grew up in the Midwest so I know how hot it can get! But if the mornings are cool, at least that’s something.

  2. I quickly read your Friday post. Yeah, we had that happen (of course always in the Summer) when I lived in TX (while the hubby was up here, in his nicely air conditioned apartment). I get it. We had to replace our AC (here, and there, too). Never fun but even here, for me (and hubby, who’d probably never admit it) — and Bandit, it’s still necessary in the Summer.

    But you got all your runs in! Great job!

    It was high 70s and extremely humid this morning (well it was raining) at 5:30 — it’s supposed to rain most of the day & luckily it’s not a running day for me, although I think the rain is finally dropping that humidity somewhat.

    1. Yes, I saw from your and Darlene’s posts that you guys have had a LOT of rain! At least I hope it cools things off.
      Yes, why does the AC always break in the summer when it’s super hot??? I guess it’s working harder then so it’s more likely to conk out.

  3. I totally related to how long rests feel! I started a new strength training program and sometimes I’m just staring at the app while the seconds tick by just feeling at loose ends! (Somehow, I feel like I’ll appreciate those seconds more, tho, as I get further into the program, haha!). I’m so glad your AC is fixed!

    1. Yes, I mean what are supposed to do while you’re waiting? Sometimes I’ll stretch a little, just to feel like I’m doing SOMETHING. Maybe I just have to get used to this.

  4. Oof. Feels like of 90 at 7 am. Not cool – literally and figuratively! I am glad your AC got fixed. A hot house is not good. It makes you feel like you are going to ‘boil over’. But I hate overly air conditioned places. The room of my lunch event on Tuesday was so dang cold. I was wearing a long sleeve dress but was practically shaking from the cold by the end of the event! It was rough!!

    My week was decent. I did more workouts than usual since I was only in the office one day which you already know from reading my Friday post! I’m kind of settling into running on sat and sun and doing strength training workouts on Monday and Friday when the kids are out of the house!

    1. Yes, I know what you mean. Seriously, our Starbucks is SO COLD. I always have two sweatshirts in my car, to wear when I go to Starbucks. But then I’ll see people sitting there in t-shirts! I don’t get it.

  5. Bummer on the A/C but I’m glad it’s fixed already.

    I am absolutely horrible at resting between sets. I’d rather do supersets. I understand how it would let you do more though — that is a benefit!

    Hope you stay cool this week!

    1. Sometimes I’ll do supersets- it’s definitely more efficient. But I guess to really get the most out of each set you have to rest.

  6. Three minute rest does sound long! That could explain why people hang out on the gym equipment, or hover around it, for so long. Losing the AC is a tragedy!! At least that was a relatively quick fix. My neighbor was without AC for at least 30 days when they needed to replace theirs. I can’t believe they survived… I would have lived in my basement the whole time. haha!
    I’m glad your shin issue has cleared up 😊

    1. 30 DAYS??????? OMG. We couldn’t even live in our basement because we don’t have one. I guess we were pretty lucky!

  7. Ugh to the AC “sabbatical.” That would be tough to withstand those conditions for very long. It’s one thing to be exercising in it, but just sitting around, feeling hot and sticky is no bueno. Glad it got fixed! I’m also glad to hear the shin is feeling better!

    1. Thanks Kim! Yes, it’s one thing to go for a hot and sweaty run… but then to come back to an extremely hot house is not fun. And forget about sleeping comfortably!

  8. Oh dear, a broken A/C is no good, especially in Florida! That heat/humidity combo is horrible. Glad you were able to get it fixed and I hope it wasn’t TOO expensive. Our unit is about 44 years old, so I know we are living on borrowed time with it.

    1. HOW many years old??? Did you say… 44? I would say you’re living on stolen time. I’ve never heard of a unit lasting that long. But maybe that’s just here in Florida, where we run them incessantly.

  9. I am already resentful of the time it takes me to exercise. If I had to rest for three minutes between sets, I would LOSE MY MIND. Of course it’s taking a long time! THAT’S A LONG TIME. Do you listen to music or audiobooks or podcasts or SOMETHING when you’re at the gym? If not, I don’t know how you wouldn’t go crazy with that timeline.

  10. Sorry about the A/C – glad you were able to get it fixed.

    You’re doing great with your strength workouts! I’m terrible with resting between sets – sounds like it paid off for you.

    1. Yes, until I set my timer and saw how long it really takes, I wasn’t resting much between sets either. I’m not sure three minutes is always going to work for me- I can’t spend THAT much time at the gym!

  11. I recently confessed that we try to use our AC sparingly and let the house get too hot sometimes, but yeah, no AC is NO BUENO… especially when it’s hot AND humid (like in FL). At least our heat is usually “dry”, but still anything about 90F is rough. I am glad you got it fixed. (Also, I am not surprised they keep the prisons “freezing”… totally makes sense!)

    1. Yes, it’s just way too uncomfortable here with no AC. We even run it in the winter, but in the summer it is a NECESSITY.

  12. 1. I HATE THE HEAT. This is miserable. I am so glad your AC got repaired. I am just waiting for our AC to conk out on us — it is working so hard! 2. THREE MINUTES. That sounds like an eternity! Interesting that that’s the right amount of time. 3. I did a video with a lot of lunges and it was not good. Lunges and I do not get along. 🙁

    1. Ha ha, lunges are hard! I saw someone at the gym doing them with a barbell and very heavy weights- arg! I need to start doing them again, but I’ll start with body weight.

  13. I find AC tricky; I get cold so easily so tend to find AC overwhelming, but it has been HOT here lately so our AC is running each day. As I write this my feet are like ice blocks though, even though it’s not actually that cold in here.

    In your climate I can’t imagine a night without AC! So glad you got it fixed without toooo long of a wait but it still sounds very miserable 😩

  14. ok so … we don’t have a/c. I know it is not at hot and humid here as it is in Florida, but I know the misery. A couple of years ago I finally said to Ron, that’s it, I have to have a mobile a/c unit because otherwise I am likely going to spontaneously combust (mind you it was my hot-flash and night sweats phase of menopause). So we got one, thank the universe. But still it doesn’t really cool the house that much. Anyway, I can imagine the major suck that was.

    Glad shin-gate is over!!!

    1. Ha ha, yes shin-gate seems to be over! And about the AC- I certainly hope it’s not as hot and humid there as it is here, but I’m sure you still have your days. A mobile unit is way better than nothing. As a matter of fact one of our neighbors, seeing that our AC was out, came over and offered us their mobile unit! It was the day we got ours fixed, so we didn’t end up needing it. But we would have taken them up on it if the AC didn’t get fixed that day.

  15. Well, there’s no AC in most places in London, though hitting 90 is rare…I wonder if starting with a warmer core temp could have helped you? It seemed that it was the run after the AC was back that the heat affected you more!

    Great work with the strength training. Glad the shin feels better!

    1. I’ve heard a weird theory that starting with a warmer core temperature can help… but I don’t really believe it.

  16. Oh my gosh, I would have cried!

    I used to work in a club, and they kept it warm so people would buy more drinks. Funny how the change of temperature can have massive behavior changes. I’m glad you’re back in business and out of pain.

  17. Ugh in the AC. Glad to hear it’s fixed.

    This is one of the first summers where I have to turn on the AC every day. It so hot in my office which is upstairs.

    I think the treadmill is hard on the legs. I avoid it. Well because it’s boring.

    Hope your shin is better.

    1. My shin is better! I think it was speedwork in general that hurt my shin, not necessarily the treadmill (sigh.)

  18. I can’t even begin to imagine how miserable you must have been Sunday, Monday, and most of Tuesday without AC in Florida in the summer! Thankfully you got it fixed in a “somewhat” reasonable amount of time. And it ‘s never fun spending money on stuff like that even though it’s very necessary.

    On a happier note, yay for running pain-free!

  19. I’m SO glad you finally got your A/C fixed! It’s crazy how much of an impact not having that can have on our lives!

    I was without A/C for a whole 24 hours earlier this week when a freak storm came through and knocked out power to my neighborhood. I’ve never experienced being without power for more than an hour or so so this was rough, since I couldn’t even run a fan to keep cool! I barely slept Monday night but on the bright side, I woke up naturally around 4:30 which gave me time to run 7 miles before work, when I usually only have time for 5. And when I got back from work, the power was back on and I was never more happy to have A/C!

    I’m also happy you were able to run pain free again! I’ve noticed that if I run on the treadmill on back to back days, I start to have shin pain so I try to limit my treadmill usage which is fine since I don’t love it haha. But hopefully you can find a way to get back to speedwork!

    1. Ooooooh yes, we’ve had that situation. Several times over the years we’ve had our power knocked out by a hurricane FOR DAYS ON END. There’s a big difference between having no AC, but fans, and no power at all. I’m glad your power came back on quickly, because that is miserable!
      I really want to get back to some type of speedwork, but I’m going to try something different since my shin apparently didn’t like 400s on the treadmill!

  20. Sounds like a good week, save for the a/c, of course.
    OK, question on the rest time. Does it need to be TOTAL rest? That is, could you do some light arm work or arm stretches if it’s a leg day and you’re resting between sets? Because it seems weird that it would have to be TOTAL rest, but I’m kind of averse to rest in general. 😉

    1. Yes, great question. I would imagine that doing arm stretches would be fine. Sometimes I’ll do some body-weight only calf raises, or stretches. It is a really long time to just stand there. I’ll run your question past my coach (aka my son) and see what he says.

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