walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Happiness.

Hello Everyone!  Welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted by Kim and Deborah.  It’s also Day 21 of NaBloPoMo, hosted by San.  It was an exciting week, filled with the anticipation of Thanksgiving and of course the main event, my son’t arrival home from college.  I ran four times, and while the mileage was low, I appreciated every single run.  Any running is better than no running!  And I continued with my month of yoga, doing a Peloton class every day with Denis Morton.  Here’s how the week went!


Started the week with a 45 minute power yoga class.


Three mile run in the morning.  I’m loving these bright mornings!

Later in the day, did a 20 minute power yoga class.


45 minute power yoga class in the morning.  This was a great class- lots of side planks and half moon poses (hello, glute medius!)


Started the day with a three mile run.

20 minute power yoga class after work.


A quick 2.25 mile run in the morning.

The briefest of blue skies in an otherwise rainy day… we had an unusually rainy week!

After work I did a 30 minute power yoga class.


I noticed two things this morning… one was that instead of mixing it up, I had done a power yoga class every day so far this week.  The other was that my left hip flexor was slightly… wonky.  Not injured!  But I could just feel it, and I think it’s from yoga.  I did a 30 minute slow flow class for a change.  I also felt like I needed something slower because it was an eventful day!

After yoga I went to work, and after work got together with friends we haven’t seen in almost a year.  AND THEN!!!

My son came home!!!  He’s home!!!  Hugging him was the best feeling in the whole world.  He didn’t get in until 9 pm, and then we stayed up late talking.  Happiness.


Got up early and did a five mile run before the kids got up.  This was the first Sunday in quite a while where I wasn’t sad not to be doing a long run- five miles was just fine.

After all the great runs I had this week, this one was a slog.  I felt like I was running through molasses, and I also felt my hip flexor.  Eep.  For that reason, along with the cheesecake revelation, I decided to change up my yoga class.  I had planned a hamstring focus but instead did a 20 minute arm focus flow.  I think it was a good decision!   And now…. off to make waffles!  I absolutely love the week of Thanksgiving, and having my son home is an enormous treat.

Are you getting excited for Thanksgiving?  

Anyone else have kids coming home this week?

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37 Responses

  1. Yay on your son being home! We are actually going to my son’s place for Thanksgiving. Maybe that’s our new tradition because we did last year too — it was a few days after they moved in.

    I’m trying to readjust mentally to the concept of a 6 mile “long” run. I know it’s for the best.

    1. Yes I read your post- we’re kind of in the same boat right now. Remember that my podiatrist says the healing from shockwave therapy continues on for a while after you finish the treatment. Your achilles is still healing up- you’ll be running longer eventually.

  2. I love Thanksgiving week, too! Our son gets in late Wednesday evening (like, 10:30pm late…and that’s at the airport, an hour away). My employer always gives us Black Friday as a paid holiday, so that makes for a nice short week. Looks like your running is going well 😉

    1. Ugh, I have to work on Friday (but only until 2:30) but I have Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday off! It’s going to be a fun week. Glad your son is getting there in time for Thanksgiving!

  3. Glad your running is going well. Don’t be in hurry, longer mileage will come soon.
    In all the photos you look fast.
    My children are grown (42 y.o. son and 36 y.o. daughter) so they are always with us. Our houses are very close.

    1. Thank you! I know… I have to be patient.
      You are so lucky you live close to your kids! I hope to have that when my kids are grown… but neither of them wants to live in Florida. We’ll see!

  4. My son gets home on Weds. He has an exam that morning!!! Thank goodness he’s only 2 hours away. I get to see him a lot but it’s never enough–you feel me? We’ll see my oldest on Thanksgiving since he’s local.

    Today’s run was a slog for me too. Hopefully, your hip flexor calms down. I am sure my body is just in shock from Friday’s return to running. I’ll be fine.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I know, I feel really lucky that my son is home so early. Glad you will have everyone home eventually!
      Funny how some runs are so great and then the next one is so hard. That’s okay- the important this is we’re running!

  5. Sounds like you had a great week, Jenny. Congrats on all the (mostly) good runs & having your son home, too.

    Thanksgiving will be with my mom. I think. Well, it definitely will be with my mom, but there’s a little iffiness prior. I think that’s going to be my life for many months going forward. Still grateful to have my mom in my life!

  6. How great to have your son HOME! Isn’t it the best? Maddie won’t be home until Tuesday evening and I’ve been counting the days for awhile now. There’s so much to get done between now and Thursday and I am loving every minute of it. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Yes, that’s the perfect way to put it- it’s incredibly busy and I’m loving every minute as well. I hope you have a great week!

  7. Sounds you had some good runs this week, so one mediocre one was to be expected LOL Hopefully your son being home made up for it. Yay for Thanksgiving week with family!

    1. My son being home totally made up for it. As a matter of fact he probably caused it, ha ha, because I stayed up really late the night before talking to him. That’s okay! One difficult run isn’t a big deal.

    1. I am, Cari! Yes, it’s been weirdly rainy lately. And humid! It probably feels good though compared to the weather in NY now.

  8. Yay for reunions and family and prompts for gratitude, good food, and storing up memories for the long winter ahead. Hope this week is restorative and fabulous and just plain fun.

  9. How lovely to have your son home! And now I’m almost over my cold I’m going to check out Denis’ yoga stuff, so thank you for that ongoing rec! Hope the flexor feels better very soon.

    1. Thank you Liz! I hope you enjoy the yoga. It’s good you waited- it’s hard to do yoga with a cold. You’re supposed to do all the breathing through your nose- I’ve had trouble a few times when I’m congested.

    1. I’m loving it so much! I don’t want him to leave again, ha ha. I hope you’re enjoying your family time this week as well.

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