Oof. I felt like I was running through molasses this week. I can’t seem to get used to strength training again, but I’m not giving up! I’ll slog through these runs until it all feels normal (that will happen… right???) Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown! Let’s just see how it all went.
Back to the gym! You may recall that I went last week to do lower body for the first time in three weeks, and it completely trashed my legs. But I was undeterred, and returned for more lower body. I did Bulgarian split squats, deadlifts with the hex bar and calf raises. I have the theory- based on no evidence whatsoever- that the calf raises will help my plantar fasciitis. We’ll see!
My legs were sore, but not as sore as last time. I did a 4 mile run, followed by some planks. I definitely did better with my core this week.
Another gym day! This time I did squats (again with the bar only), calf raises, bench press and lat pulldowns. Good workout.
I know what my life has been missing- trail running! I went back to the trail for the first time since my race, and ran 6 miles. I was glad to get back out there, but this was a HARD run. My legs felt trashed once again (what is it with these squats???) and it was so hot. I thought I would be okay since it was only 6 miles, but I missed my ice hat!
I did this Caroline Girvan abs and core workout. Oof.
At night, we went to my daughter’s band concert… which was the final middle school concert. Ever. I can actually remember my son’s very first middle school band concert. Between my son and daughter, we attended six years of concerts at that school, and this was the end. I know it’s time to move on, but I was sad.
4 mile run, and now what? My right hip was so, so stiff. I couldn’t figure out why, until I remembered sitting on a hard plastic chair in the middle school cafeteria the night before for almost two hours. Hmmm. Maybe I’m not so sad to be done with middle school, after all- the high school has nice, comfy auditorium seats.

I did crunches on the stability ball in the kitchen while making breakfast… a little core is better than nothing, right?
I did Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout.. It’s just 12 minutes, and all variations on deadbugs. When it starts you think “Oh, this isn’t so bad” but by the end you’re singing a different tune. Never underestimate C.G.! Other than that, it was a day off.
Happy Mother’s Day! Remember how I was going to run a Mother’s Day 5K? Yeah, not happening. My legs just don’t seem to want to move fast these days, which makes it hard to imagine running a race. My husband has also been struggling with his running (although his issue is just finding the time to do it) and he said he didn’t want to go to the race because he would be a laughingstock. Ha ha, I think that’s a BIT of an exaggeration- but under the circumstances we just weren’t motivated to get up excruciatingly early to slog through a 5K.
BUT! I am going to run a 5K time trial today (after sleeping to a more reasonable hour.) It’s going to be…. interesting and humbling. But you have to start somewhere! I’ll take this time and use it to set the paces for my upcoming speed work.
Are you doing anything special for Mother’s Day?
Any big events for you this month? – We have middle school graduation coming up soon!
56 Responses
I’m going to sit with my feet up all day after a really big day with family yesterday–my son’s college graduation. I may look into one of those Caroline Girvan core workouts but that would be about all I’ve got in me for today! Nice work running in the heat–I don’t know how you do it!
If I didn’t run in the heat, I wouldn’t be able to run. So I either have to move to Alaska or figure out how to cope with it. Next trail run I’m bringing my ice hat though!
You deserve to sit with your feet up- college graduation must be very emotionally draining. I hope you’re enjoying the day.
Your legs may still be recovering from that little trail race you did a few weeks ago!
LOL on the auditorium seat upgrade for high school. Will there be a middle school graduation ceremony?
Yes, the middle school graduation ceremony will be in a couple weeks. And luckily it’s at the high school! Hopefully on never sit on those horrible plastic chairs again.
Oh man, you just brought back memories of our middle school band concerts. We spent a lot of time in those (thankfully comfy) seats and then we blinked and the boys were in high school and out of band.
It really sounds like you’re still recovering from the race, which is expected. I know that it always took a few weeks to “get right” after a half, let alone a TRAIL ULTRA. But you’re getting there! Enjoy your “5k on your own terms”!
Well, my daughter will be in the high school band, so we have many more concerts to attend.
I did enjoy my 5k (on my own terms) except for the wheezing, gasping, and exhaustion. Ha ha… I have some work to do!
Happy Mother’s Day to you! I hope your legs start to feeling better soon! They went through a lot at your 50k! I ran yesterday but it’s rainy this morning and I’m not in the mood for a rainy run. Tomorrow the rain will break and we will get some sunshine again finally! Woo hoo! So I will get a run in tomorrow.
It’s our anniversary on Friday but we won’t do much to celebrate since we will be heading to my parents lake home for the big event of the month – my grandma’s 100th birthday party!! I am looking forward to seeing lots of family at that. Paul also has PK graduation in May or June. I haven’t heard the date yet so am now assuming early June. He will be there until the 2nd to last week of June and then transitions to the public school summer kids program. It’s a big change for him but hopefully he will meet other kids that will go to his school. They move the location of the program around each summer and this year it’s at the school he will attend so it worked perfectly for us. He can be a tentative kid so it will be nice for him to get to know the lay of land before school starts in September!
Wow, that will be a huge event. Are you going to be able to take any time off work, or will it just be a weekend?
I’m sure Paul will be fine- and yes, that is lucky his summer program is at the school he’ll attend! He’ll get used to it and hopefully meet some future classmates.
Hope you’re having a nice day!
It will just be a quick weekend trip. We go up to my parents on Friday morning and come back Sunday morning. The party is Saturday afternoon and then there is an after party at a restaurant (which my grandma won’t be at – the open house will wear her out!). So it’s kind of a lot of driving for a short visit but was the best we could do!! But I’m excited to see my grandma. She’s been pretty depressed recently so hopefully this lifts her spirits.
Aw… I hope so. Sounds like a whirlwind! I want to hear all about it (and maybe see a photo of your grandma!)
Happy Mother’s Day! We had our last formal concert for band this week too, and I still didn’t get a picture of my son in his full outfit (the band jackets get returned to the band room before I could get a picture of him!). Drat. When I’m feeling better I’ll have to check out some of those other CG workouts. There are so many I’ve never seen. It’s nice that she has published so much free content! Hopefully it will all stay free.
I guess CG’s new thing is a paid app, which is fine- she should get paid. But there are so many free workouts available, and I don’t want to follow a program too closely.
Your story of your son suddenly made me think of my high school graduation- I returned my cap and gown before my mom could get any pictures and she was SO mad! I made sure to take plenty of pictures of my son BEFORE his ceremony, ha ha.
Your legs are probably still recovering from your trail race as well as the strength training. Hang in there it will all work out. Hope you have a great mother’s day
Thank you Deborah! Yes, my legs just can’t seem to get going with the strength- they might still be recovering from the race a little. But you’re right- it will all work out.
Have “fun” at your time trial! LOL at maybe not being so sad about having to sit in the hard plastic seats. I’m sure you will miss the concerts! It’s amazing to me what parents tolerate before their kids can actually play well. I know I was awful at first!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Yes, middle school band is something special. It’s a mix of putting up with bad playing, and appreciating how hard the kids are trying, and appreciating the occasional excellence. I’ll miss it for sure.
Happy Mother’s Day! Your body is still recovering and the heaviness in your legs is your cue to ease up a bit. I know it’s not easy to do so but it will pay off.
Will your daughter do band in high school? Time flies so fast!
What?? Ease up? But I don’t want to! Ha ha… you’re probably right. Sigh.
Oh yes, my daughter is doing band next year! And she’s doing a band camp this summer. Lots of flute and piccolo sounds in my future.
I would wage bet that your calf raises will help the PF. They may not cure it, but they may help with the mobility. Years ago, I was reminded that everything on that posterior chain is connected, and a lot can happen “along that chain” to affect all the other parts. I’d also suggest (though you’re probably already doing them) extra calf stretches as well, to further elongate the muscles/tendons on the lower part of your leg. Happy Mother’s Day! I’m having dinner with the kids later this afternoon 😉
Yes, I was doing a lot of stretching, didn’t feel like it was helping so I stopped. But now that I’m doing the calf raises I should go back to stretching again, just to make sure it doesn’t actually make my calves tighter.
Enjoy your kids today!
I agree with others – I think your body just may need some more time to recover from your race. Sorry to hear you’re dealing with PF – hope the calf raises help.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Thank you Michelle! I’ve been dealing with the PF for over three years now (my PF anniversary was in April, sigh) but I keep coming up with different things that I think will cure it.
Happy Mother’s Day.
I know the feeling… UI just couldn’t motivate myself to run a 5k ay my current snail pace.
My long run at a 12:XX pace felt like a 8:XXpace. Maybe that’s the new me?
Well, you are just coming back from an injury. I’m hoping we can both get some semblance of speed back!
Happy Mother’s Day. I actually wanted to go for a run today, but it’s extremely windy and in addition to being made of sugar (I hate to run in the rain), I’m also made of paper apparently because I hate, hate, hate wind. I could run on our treadmill, but opted to eat candy on the couch and read blogs instead which is also quite lovely and a lot less sweaty! So my run will wait until tomorrow. I did a really long walk yesterday, so I’m not feeling too bad about exercise.
Ha ha.. I like your eating candy on the couch option. I don’t mind rain, or wind, but the two of them together are pretty miserable. Happy Mother’s Day to you as well!
Happy Mother’s Day! And so sorry about the PF – I’ve had issues in the past and hopefully will stay issue free this training season. It’s the worst! Hopefully the calf raises help.
I’ve had PF in this foot for over three years now. I figure eventually something will work… right???
Happy Mother’s Day! I hope that the calf raises help with your PF — I have read that some of PF is caused by calf tightness, so perhaps the extra exercise will help!
Thanks for linking to that CG abs workout — I am going to try it even though it looks like a killer!
You’ll have to let me know how you like it! It’s definitely a killer, but I like how I feel afterwards.
I reckon you’re still in recovery. It took me aaages after my ultra to stop feeling fatigued and hungry! Just when I thought something might have gone wrong I felt better again!
Yes, I guess I must be. Either that or I’ve just gotten slow AF, ha ha. Let’s go with the recovery theory.
You are not alone. This week has been brutal. I don’t WANT to do exercise and when I do, I feel like I’m fighting for every second of activity. And I don’t have the excuse of just having run a big race! It’s nice that you’re keeping going, though, and not letting it stop you!
It’s funny how some weeks are just like that! I’m not positive that I can keep blaming it on my race. But I know from experience that it will eventually feel good again.
My PT gave me lots of calf stretching for my PF and other arch problems – I even got one of those boards to stand on that increase the stretch. It really has made a huge difference (when I’m consistent with it) (which is, admittedly, my problem with PT haha)! Hope the legs feel fresher this week!
Thank you Lindsay! I’m going to look into it. You’re the second person to say that it helps.
I recently purchased and have been using one of those calf/foot stretchers to help with my PF (now in both feet). It’s been helping (only been a week).
Thanks for linking that CG deadbug video! Going to try it tomorrow.
Oh really! I’ll have to check it out. If it’s already helping after a week, it sounds promising.
My calves are tight! I try to do stretches 3/day. Going to it now before bed! lol
I bought the ProStretch one (single) on AMZ, it’s the blue one. ProStretch original calf stretcher and foot rocker.
Okay, I’m going to look at it right now. I definitely don’t stretch 3x a day, and I bet that would help.
To skip the 5 km was a wise decision, the trail is always hard and the body must recover.
I miss my exercises in the gym. After the incident only stretching and running for me.
Have a good running week!
Hello Mr Knight! It’s been a while. I’m going to have to find out what this “incident” of yours is. I hope you’re doing well!
For the incident have a look here:
I’m still also going to the gym, just not as often as I’d like. but it’s going to happen 3 times this week if it’s the last thing I do. I do think starting strength again does mean your legs need to adjust. I keep thinking I need to up my program a bit and then I remember I’m supposed to be building up. Probably was for the best that you skipped the race – but you know you don’t HAVE to race to participate. I love your husband’s dramatic reaction though – sounds like mine hahahaha! I’m the one coming in last still smiling and getting people to cheer for me when I cross the finish line LOL.
keep on keeping on, Jenny!
Yes, I thought my husband’s comment was funny. There are plenty of people who run slowly or even walk the whole way. We’ll definitely do the next one, which will be on July 4th.
The humidity was something else this week. I struggled HARD.
I got all sentimental over the last freshman concert of the year. I don’t know what’s wrong with me lol!
I hope you get some lightness back in your legs soon!
Well, there’s something special about freshman year- so I can see why you were sad.
You’re reminding me that the weather could have something to do with my fatigue as well- summer is officially here.
Yay for saying goodbye to the middle school uncomfortable chairs! 😉 I always found it a little sad moving from one school to the next, but it’s part of their growing up and remember how excited they were for their next adventure.
Hopefully, your legs will recover completely soon. Don’t forget they’re probably still recovering from your trail race – they haven’t forgotten the dunes of hell. 😉
Ha ha… yes, I guess it takes a while to recover from Dunes of Hell!
And, yes- luckily my daughter is very excited for high school. That makes the transition much easier.
It can be so hard to maneuver through that heavy leg feeling! Sometimes it takes me legs a few days to “play nice” and go back to normal, lol.
I don’t know how you do all the workouts you do- I would be permanently sore.
Sounds like a fun week Jenny! I am checking out those two Caroline workouts, I’m in need of some new at-home strength.
The Advent series ones are great- they’re still hard, but shorter than Iron series. For me they’re easier to do on the day of a run.
You keep at it! Good for you…. the legs will eventually adjust LOL
We didn’t have anything special going on – I am not a mother and our mothers are too far away, so it was a low-key Sunday for us.
I love your persistence, Jenny, and your willingness to get out there and Do The Things, even when you know they may not be easy. (Or, when you know they will not be easy – enough of this “may not” stuff!)
And, I admire your ability to run in the HEAT – although I know you do not have much of a choice. Go, you. Seriously.
Yes, if I weren’t willing to run in the heat, I wouldn’t be a runner. Or I wouldn’t live in Florida. Since moving isn’t feasible right now, I’m trying to embrace the heat! It is hard though.