Hello and welcome! I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown. It was a good week, kicked off with a race! Let’s just see what this week was about…
Race day! I ran a 5K trail race- “exciting” race recap here. I haven’t raced in a while and definitely have not been doing any speed work, so this race was perfect for me. The terrain was… varied… and it was enough just staying on my feet, never mind running fast.

Interestingly, my quads were sore from the race. Nothing else hurt- well, other than my foot, obviously- but my quads were extremely sore. I did a 45 minute yoga flow, which felt great.
Three mile run! My quads were still sore, but it felt good to run.
I followed this run with a 10 minute core class. I’m continuing with my Ben Alldis classes (on the Peloton app.) He has a bunch of ten minute core classes, and each day I just pick a new one.
Later in the day I did a slow flow yoga classes (again on the Peloton app.) It seems like Denis’s classes are getting harder- either that, or I’m getting worse at yoga. This class from 2/27/22 has some challenging balance poses. I’ve bookmarked it to take again!
I started the day with a lower body strength workout, ten minute core class, and pull-ups. Big strength day for me!
Another three mile run. I thought of Kim when I saw this sunrise. Funny how all sunrises are different- this one wasn’t super colorful, but I loved the way the sun peeked out of the clouds as a perfect orb.
Later in the day I did Marcia’s balance training workout. I love balance training! This is a quick ten minute class, and she incorporates ankle and hip mobility as well. Good workout- thank you, Marcia!
I did a 20 minute lower body strength class and 10 minute core class, both with Ben Alldis. And pull-ups- you know, my usual strength day.
Following my every-other-day schedule, this would have been a running day. BUT! We have some incredible weather heading our way, down into the 50s on Sunday morning. That’s unusual for us in April- it’s been so warm lately. Actually, hot. It’s been getting up to 90 in the afternoons, so we’re happy for a brief “cold front.”
No way am I missing that weather, so I rearranged my schedule to do a trail run on Sunday. Instead of running, I did a 45 minute yoga flow this morning and a ten minute core class before dinner.

How was your week? Are you enjoying some nice weather?
Do you have good running trails near you?
35 Responses
Today is sunny! I repeat: today is sunny. We’ve had awful weather all week, so I am preparing to get outside for a long run in the morning sunshine!
I struggle too with balance poses–it’s something I work on with SJ all the time. Glad to see you heading out to the trails this morning! Off to check out your race recap.
Oooh! I hope you had a great run. A long run in the sunshine is definitely a treat.
It’s good to know where the nice weather is because it sure has not been here! Haha! Glad you’re recovering well from your trail race! The sun is out today so fingers crossed we’ll warmup and dry up here finally. Thanks for trying the Balance workout!
Yes, I liked it! I’ve been adding some of the moves into my everyday routines, like while I’m brushing my teeth or putting in my contacts.
The trail pic at the end looks like a great place to run! I need to add in more Ben core, you’ve sold me on him!
Glad you had a good time at the trail race!
Yes, I think you’ll like his classes. You’re the one who got me into doing core on a regular basis- I thought “Well if Jessie can do it with all the running she does, I can certainly do it!”
I hope you had a good run today!
I am sure Denis is programming harder classes. Maybe they go in cycles? Glad you are enjoying Ben’s core classes. He’s depending for no-nonsense strength workouts.
Off to read your race recap ….
Yes, Ben’s classes are very straightforward, I know what to expect (it’ll hurt but be over quickly!)
My run was great- thank you, Coco!
While I’m not doing much yoga these days (my bad), I do know the more I do it, the harder it seems to be. I think it’s because I try to hold the poses longer and “deeper.” For me, that’s a good thing! I really should filter more yoga back into my routine, so thanks for the reminder.
Actually now that you mention it, that class was a “slow flow” class and that’s at least partially why it was so hard!
There aren’t a lot of running trails super near to me, although a few. The one where we went just to walk last week is apparently under water at the moment — that might give you an idea of how our week was. 🙂 Grateful we live on a hill and not close to a body of water!
I hope you really enjoy that cool weather today, Jenny. I know you won’t be enjoying that too much longer!
It’s already hot again! But that’s okay- at least our trails aren’t underwater.
I hope you had a good run and nice temps! I am not surprised that you were sore from the trail run. You used different muscles and pushed it. I do a couple of Ben’s stretch classes but find him a little dull for strength. Maybe I should give him another try
Thanks, Deborah, my run was GREAT! I can’t say that Ben is super exciting-his core classes are the same things over and over again. But that’s okay- when I’m taking a core class I just want to get through it quickly!
The weather has been so hit-and-miss. Cool and rainy today, but the crocuses are up. Last Monday we had a SNOW day for the kids. Sigh. But it’s all good as I know spring is just around the corner.
We have a lot of great trails locally; I spend too much time doing sidewalk circuits and should make better use of trails, but it’s hard in the winter/spring as the terrain varies so much. Some places would still have ice and snow, and others are just big mud bogs. There is a VERY long (like 100s of km) crushed gravel path that I use for long walks/running that stays in pretty good condition all year, but I do love trails through the woods better.
Wow, you are lucky! I love crushed gravel trails. Yes, I can see how the trails through the woods wouldn’t be great for winter running/walking. Hopefully you’ll be able to use them soon.
Weather in Wisconsin this time of year is incredibly variable. There were snow flurries on Friday night and today it was in the low 50s. I’ve been out for one run and hopefully the weather will turn around to consistent good weather. The 10-day forecast isn’t very encouraging, but we’ll see. Spring will spring eventually.
There’s a short loop in the woods at a small park about half a mile from my house. I love running it when the ground isn’t too wet and there aren’t many mosquitoes, which significantly cuts down the number of times I run there. I will admit that I do most of my outdoors running on a middle school track, so it’s not very exciting, but it’s what I’ve got!
Actually, i wish I had a track to use! Our school tracks are all locked up. I could use the track at the school where my husband teaches, but it’s kind of far from our house.
Yes- spring will spring eventually. Hang in there!
Nice photos! This week is slated to be very cold and chilly. Only a couple of days are going to be above freezing, and that means barely above freezing. April in Calgary, you never can predict what might happen.
Ugh. Your weather sounds pretty bad. However! I’m pretty sure you’ll have some beautiful weather in the summer when we’re down here sweltering, so it all evens out.
We do have lots of trails nearby. Contrary to what Judy said. We even have runs planned on Monday’s. Then they switch to Thursdays in the summer. Pretty muddy right now.
I’m not much of a trail runner though. I will go once it dries.
Enjoy your cool weather. I’m looking forward to warm weather. And some drying up.
I will specify that the trail I run on isn’t super technical, and it’s not hilly. Your trails are probably a lot more difficult. I hope you get some warmer, dryer weather this week!
I live in Minneapolis and we have lots of paved running and biking trails in my neighborhood. It’s one of the main reasons we love our neighborhood. I can run along a creek or around various lakes – there are endless options and combinations to be had. And it’s great for stroller walks, too – especially the creek because there are often ducks hanging out and my boys get a kick out of watching them.
We are on the opposite end of the weather spectrum, though. It has been so cold and wintery here. This is typical for Minnesota but still disappointing because we all expect April to be nicer. It’s going to be nice today and tomorrow but I have a horrible cold so won’t be able to get a run in! But soon enough it will be reliably nice here.
Oof- you Minnesotans are tough! I grew up near Chicago and that was bad enough- you guys are next level. But… you’ll have a beautiful summer. Then I’ll be envious of you!
I’m sure the varied terrain added to your quad soreness! A few of my friends that run on trails always tell me that it can sometimes feel like cross training just to stay upright, lol
Yes, it must have been the terrain. I’m sure it was good for me!
Congrats on your trail race! Hopefully, all of the yoga helped with your sore quads.
I haven’t tried Ben’s core classes, but I do appreciate some of his other strength classes – not the most entertaining, but solid and straightforward.
You know, I’m not really sure if anything helps with muscle soreness other than the passage of tie. They’re better now!
Yes, solid and straightforward is the perfect way to describe Ben.
TIME. The passage of time.
50 degrees is a great temperature for running no matter where you live. Good choice on switching up your days. Hope the run went well! I’ll have to give Marcia’s workout a try. Balance is always a tough one for me!
The run was great! And you’ll like Marcia’s workout- it’s quick but has a lot of good moves.
Nice! So glad to see you racing again!
We don’t have trails that are close enough for me to be able to go. I don’t like running trails alone, and it’s tough to rally people to come with me.
Yoga is funny: some days it feels easy, but then then the next day, the move that was so simple was suddenly impossible. Keeps you on your toes, for sure.
Yeah, it is a little weird to be out on the trails alone. Every once in a while I’ll see a cyclist but that’s about it.
I used to think of yoga as just a bunch of stretching and meditation… until I actually tried it. Yoga can be HARD.
That looks like a beautiful trail and I hope you had a great run in that fantastic weather! Our W&OD Trail is 44.5 miles long on the Washington & Old Dominion old railroad bed. It’s paved and has a parallel gravel horse path. I’ve run and ridden thousands of miles on it over the past 31 years.
Our weather is much better this week and I’m taking advantage of it!
That trail sounds like the best of both worlds- paved AND a gravel part! I hope you got some good weather and were out on the trail this week.