Hello, and welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by that dynamic duo, Kim and Deborah. This week is extra exciting because I’ll be giving a foot update. Actually I was being sarcastic there- I’m just as sick of talking about my foot as you are of hearing about it. When this is all over I never, ever want to talk about my left foot again. For now, we’re stuck with it. Here’s how the week went!
Last week was so rocky, I wasn’t sure if I would do a “long” run or not. Last Sunday I did seven miles, and I decided to split the difference- still cut back a little but run longer than my usual weekday runs. I ran six miles and it felt good- for the most part (we’ll get to that later.)
I started the week feeling encouraged. I did the first class from week 3 of the Peloton Cush Your Core 2 program, and also a 30 minute yoga flow. So far, so good!
First thing in the morning I did a three mile run, followed by the second core class.
Later in the day I did a lower body Peloton strength class. Since I’ve temporarily gone off of Jess Sims, I picked a new instructor at random, and did a 20 minute glutes and legs strength class with Adrian Williams. This class TRASHED MY LEGS, and I’m pretty sure it was from the plyometrics. I usually avoid plyos, but for some strange reason on this day I decided to throw caution to the wind- what could possibly go wrong? Ha.
I followed this class with a 10 minute stretch class with Chase, which felt good but did nothing to prevent raging DOMS the next day.
Well, ouch. I started the day with another 30 minute yoga flow, which also did nothing for the DOMS. In my experience, there’s really nothing that helps other than waiting for it to go away.
Later in the day I did core class #3, and worked on my pull-ups.
Okay… here’s the foot update. It was feeling better, but in the last couple weeks it’s been hurting again, mainly along the outside edge. I had another appointment with the podiatrist for a shockwave treatment and he said it’s the “lateral column” of my foot- basically an issue with the connective tissue, which can go along with plantar fasciitis in people who have my type of foot (high arch and supinate when I run.) He focused the treatment only on that lateral column, and still feels confident he can solve the problem.

So here’s the thing… my doctor says it’s fine to run during treatment, but he told me to keep my runs between 3-5 miles. While I was doing that it was feeling better. But I really had my heart set on running ten miles on my birthday, so I’ve been increasing my long runs. And, my foot is worse.
This is so hard for me to say, because I really, really wanted to do that run on my birthday. I just miss long runs so much. But I haven’t been honest with myself (or my doctor, for that matter.) My foot just isn’t ready to go long yet, and I have to accept it. Wanting something badly doesn’t make it happen, and just because it’s my birthday, my foot isn’t magically going to be 100% healed on March 21st. I’m going back to my schedule of running every other day and keeping the runs between 3-5 miles. I’ll still do my birthday run… later. I’ll have a birthday make-up run as soon as I can.
Oof, this was a crazy day! My daughter had an early morning jazz band performance, and then after school she had MPA (Music Performance Assessment) where both of the middle school bands played. She plays in both bands (tenor sax in one and flute in the other) and I went to hear the performances after work. The bands did great and got Superior ratings- their band director is amazing. We got home very late and very happy.
All I was able to do was a three mile run in the morning. I remember a time when all I did was run- now it seems weird to ONLY run. But I’m not complaining!

I was dragging this morning. I did the fourth core class of the week, and a 30 minute yoga flow. And it was my husband’s and my 22nd wedding anniversary! Boy… we’ve been married a long time. We tried to go out to dinner at a quiet little place near us, but discovered they had closed down. We ended up going to a place in an area with a very active nightlife. I wasn’t sure I was up for it, but it ended up being really fun. There were a ton of people out, and all sorts of new places have opened up lately, like a bowling alley and pool hall. And, there was some sort of craft fair going on with people selling thing like soap, coffee, crystals… we walked around after dinner and during the whole evening, I didn’t see one mask. It seems that Covid is over in Florida?

Five mile run! My foot hurt when I first woke up- as it has almost every day for the past two years- but by the end of the run it was feeling good. I think it was telling me it was happy, knowing I was taking care of it properly (what? Your foot doesn’t talk to you? How odd.)

After the run I did the last core class of the week. Is it just me, or did these classes get harder? There were definitely some times this week where I was peeking at the time and thinking “when is this going to be over???”
I had every intention of doing a strength class after work, but ended up cleaning the house and then went to the airport to pick up my son! He’s home for a week for spring break- hooray!!!
On tap for Sunday…
I would love to do a yoga class, but I still have that lower body strength class to get done. First up though… brunch.
How do you feel about long runs? – I used to get scared the day before a long run, but now I love them.
Are you having spring weather yet? – It’s been in the 80s during the day here, but early mornings were still nice and cool for running.
42 Responses
I’m so sorry it doesn’t look like your birthday 10 miler is going to happen, but it’s great that you can run shorter distances — really, it is!
The Crush Your Core classes definitely got harder — the one with holding weights between your feet was really hard, and I spent so much time fussy with the weight I barely did. I still haven’t done the 20 min class ….
Those plyo moves are the bane of my existence. They always aggravate my calves which can be the domino that knocks everything over. I’ll do a few jump squats, but otherwise I modify or else I end up regretting it. Ben Aldis usually is a safe bet for a solid but not crazy strength workout. I don’t think Robin does plyos either.
Okay, I’m going to check out Ben’s class. Interestingly the plyos didn’t seem to hurt my foot, but I did feel it in my calves. And, ack! Is there a twenty minute class coming up? Thanks for the heads up.
Ok, It’s your birthday year… you will get that 10 miler done.
And happy anniversary. My hubby and I celebrated 23 in January.
I hate to say this but the foot saga never ends for me either. I wore some tight hiking boots & spikes… and the next day, I felt pain again… in a different spot… same pain… same foot. another neuroma? I freaked. I iced and iced, took anti inflammatory meds (oops old ones). And after a few days, I could run without much pain. In fact, it doesn’t hurt at all when I run now. Phew!
I love my long run because it’s on the weekend. I can run any time of day and anywhere. It’s relaxing. I used to think stress but now it’s that I GET to run long.
Still cold off and on… and very windy!! No signs of spring besides some bird sounds.
I think you need to be really careful with those tight shoes! I know- it’s hard to find shoes with a wide enough toe box. But it sounds like that’s your problem. Glad it’s subsided now.
Yes, I think that’s one reason I love my long runs- my weekday runs always feel rushed because I have a time constraint. I love that feeling of freedom to run as much as I want.
I like that- it’s my birthday year! I’ll get that run in at some point.
I am so sorry that your foot isn’t up for the runs you want to yet. It’s weird, I had lateral pain on one of my feet — the PT said it was from a very tight sartorious tendon. It was VERY painful for a while (hence the PT), but it did eventually go away. Anyway, the point was that I also tend to supinate, although I don’t think my arches are super high. Weird. I know this has been such a long, disappointing road for you Jenny. I hope you’re out there running pain free sooner rather than later!
22 years. Ha! We’ll celebrate 37 next October. Why yes, I was a child bride, LOL! My parents were married 72 years! Happy Anniversary. Everywhere everyone thinks COVID is gone. Let’s hope that they’re right!
So sorry your foot is still giving you problems. Could you break up your birthday run to two 5 mile runs at different parts of the day? Or was it an organized group run that you were hoping to join in on? Hope you have a great week!
Ha ha… that solution sounds like one that would get me into trouble (although I did consider it for a moment.). No, I was just going to run on my own, but I think two five mile runs would probably hurt my foot as well. But I like the way you think!
72 YEARS?????? They must really have been child brides. I would be 105 on our 72nd anniversary. You actually must have been pretty young as well. I didn’t know you’d been married that long!
Isn’t the sartorius on the inside of your leg? Weird how these things seem disconnected, but they all affect each other. Well, good to know that you recovered from the mysterious lateral foot pain! Someday I’ll be telling this story in past tense.
Happy anniversary! Sounds like a surprise fun night out on the town!
Love that foggy picture!
I’m sorry you won’t be able to do 10 miles on your birthday, but you will get there. You’re doing all the right things to hopefully cure this issue and still being able to run 3-5 miles is pretty great.
I think this second Crush your core program has definitely been more challenging. I like it!
Busy week for you!
Thank you Jessie! I agree that being able to run 3-5 miles is about 100 times better than not being able to run at all.
i’m starting the last week of the Crush Your Core 2 tomorrow and I’m a little afraid! Each week is getting harder! But hopefully that means my core is getting stronger.
I feel you on the disappointment with the birthday run. A few years back some friends and I planned a running and yoga retreat for my 50th. Well, I got injured and could not run for 2 months. WE went and I did the yoga but I was disappointed. well, you have a whole year to celebrate your birthday and if take care of yourself now, hopefully, you will get that birthday run you want soon. I know you will get back there and it will be worth it
Thank you Deborah. It really does help to hear stories like yours- that was a disappointing setback for you, but here you are now getting ready for a half marathon. There’s always hope!
It can be so hard/frustrating to listen to our bodies, but I find if I shut up long enough to hear what it’s trying to tell me…it almost always has a clear voice.
Jenny – I am so sorry you’re still dealing with this. I can 100% relate to your comment about wanting to fit in that long run before your birthday and I’ve been in similar situations where I have been so annoyed to have a goal and know I shouldn’t pursue it. Oh I hope this is soon all behind you. What a long, frustrating journey. Yet how incredible you keep on persevering. Some (MOST!) people would have given up so gold stars across the board for continuing to pursue your fitness passions while trying to wisely care for your body.
Congrats on the anniversary! It will be 13 years for us this July and even that length boggles my mind. We were just kids when we got married (it feels like looking back)…and now we’re responsible for raising kids! Didn’t we just get married yesterday? Where did those years go? But they’ve been good and hard and everything in between and I just feel truly blessed to be in love with a wonderful life partner!
And the weather here. You don’t want to know. It’s horrible. As it has been for months, it seems. Today has had snow, ice pellets and rain. I have never been so tired of a winter…but we’ll make up for it with spring, summer, and fall – all of which are really lovely where we live. Your header picture looks gorgeous – as does wearing sneakers and shorts 🙂
You’re right, Elisabeth. I cant just ignore what my body is telling me just because I don’t like the message! I’ve heard so many stories of people overcoming setbacks much, much worse than this- I would never even consider giving up.
Sorry about your weather- I know some people are seeing signs of spring, but you’re way up north. Believe me, your spring, summer and fall will all be nicer than ours! In a couple months I’ll be looking enviously at the pictures on your blog. Hang in there!
It’s all so odd about your foot–I hope you get it figured out so you can get back to those long runs! I like them too.
Congrats to your daughter! Will she pursue music in college too? Enjoy your time with your boy!
Good question about my daughter. She had to be “talked into” taking band at all in middle school, and it’s only this year that she’s become so interested in it. She’s only in seventh grade, so anything could happen.
Yes, the odd thing about my foot is that five miles really does seem to be the cutoff, and why? And how did my doctor know that? I thought it would be no big deal to sneak a couple extra miles on there, but no- five is the limit.
Happy anniversary! I am so glad you were able to celebrate in style!
Bummer about your foot. “I’m just as sick of talking about my foot as you are of hearing about it. When this is all over I never, ever want to talk about my left foot again. For now, we’re stuck with it. ” This resonates with me because I broke my left leg spectacularly about a decade ago and if I never have to talk about it ever again, I would be a happy camper. Unfortunately, it comes up more than I’d like it to.
Yes, it’s so annoying (and boring) to have to keep talking about these things! Have you ever written a blog post about the indident where you broke your leg, and the recovery? Even though you’re tired of talking about it, I think it would be interesting.
When our feet talk, we all listen! I’m sorry that your foot is talking smack again and hopefully the treatments and reduced mileage will get it to shut up.
I got burned out on long runs last year and so I’ve pretty much been sticking to 10k for distance. But I have a half at the end of April so it’s time to start kicking it up. Yesterday I did 7 on a very hilly route and it was really tough. We’ll see how it goes from here.
Enjoy spring break!
Thank you! We’ve been having fun so far. Now I wish I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow.
Good luck with your upcoming long runs. I’m assuming your half is a hilly race? Sounds like you’ll be well prepared.
That is a bummer on the cranky foot, but you are honoring it by backing off for the time being. I know, much easier said than done. Those 10 miles can happen later (and I’d be delighted to run them with you, virtually!)…how about we run 3.21 miles on your birthday? We could also do a series of 3.21 things (timed push-ups, burpees, squats, etc.). I’ll even do a 3:21 plank in your honor 😉
Wow, that’s true friendship- a 3.21 plank (ha ha.) Seriously, I appreciate the support, Kim! A 3.21 run on my birthday does sound fun- I don’t know why I didn’t think of that!
In “my previous life” I ran 40 marathons and LOVED my long training runs. Now I’m grateful I can still run 3-5 miles a couple of times a week without aggravating my back. It took a while to get where I am mentally, but I’d rather run short distances than run too much and injure myself to the point of never being able to run again.
Happy anniversary!
I have a though, wait six months and run 10 miles to celebrate your half birthday. Could you wait that long?
Ah! That’s a great idea!!! I’m not promising I can wait that long, but it might be the perfect solution. Thank you!
Happy Anniversary!
I’m so sorry your foot is being tempermental. I hope you are able to do that birthday run the way you want to, sooner than later. As you probably know, I don’t do long runs anymore. I was happy leaving them behind when I crossed that finish line in London .I won’t say I’ll never ramp up again, but chances are slim and I’m good with that.
Congrats to your daughter!
I noticed you don’t do long runs, but wasn’t sure if there was a specific reason for it. I know, I need to shift my mindset for now- I’m glad to be out running at all.
Happy anniversary! I’m sorry about your foot and your birthday run. I guess it is a lesson in acceptance, but that’s a hard lesson for sure. It sounds like frequent shorter runs is much more appropriate for your foot right now, and who knows what the future holds, but there’s also nothing wrong with shorter runs. I do know what it’s like to have your heart set on something though, and know that you won’t be able to do it. Hopefully your new doctor helps to heal up your foot! It does sound promising.
Thank you Nicole! Funny how it’s so easy to believe in acceptance until it’s something you really want, ha ha. But you’re right- there’s hope.
I’m really sorry your foot is not where you want it to be in order to do your birthday run. It is so hard when an injury doesn’t heal as quickly as we’d like. I hope you’re able to get things figured out.
Happy Anniversary! And, congrats to your daughter!
Thank you Michelle! I appreciate it.
I am so sorry about your foot. I know how frustrating it is. I wish I could say something to make it feel better.
A has his MPA performance today. Our school is hosting for the district and I am so excited to see them all play.
We have been venturing out little by little here. We had a strawberry festival this weekend, and we are going to try to go to The Players and a balloon festival this weekend. I don’t feel as nervous at outdoor things.
I hope your son enjoyed MPA! It’s fun hearing them, right? Especially the sightreading part.
It sounds like all your outdoor activities will be fun and safe! Hope you have a great weekend.
Oh bummer about having to reschedule the birthday run. Sorry to hear that. It’s hard to be so patient! I always run my year in miles, and it will be 5.4 for me this year. Maybe that will work for you? (and eek, is it really 54 for me? how did that happen). We are hitting 30 years for our anniversary too. Wow. Happy anniversary to you! I agree, COVID is over here too 😉 That’s cool your daughter plays two instruments for band. My son really wanted to play saxophone and he did learn it. I think he ended up preferring the trumpet though. It’s exciting to see all of that green grass around your area. Our grass is brown and sad looking!
That’s funny, I did think you were younger! It must be all that running. I would have to do 5.6- annoyingly just over what I’m supposed to be doing. But it’s something to think about- would those .6 miles really make a difference? Hmm.
And you 56?? See, I thought I was older than you. Yay us, we rock!!
Oh that’s funny. Obviously we’re posting young-looking pictures of ourselves!
Oof, I’m sorry you’re still dealing with foot pain, even after all the work you’ve done! I’m also sorry you won’t be able to do the birthday run you planned – at least the long run. Hopefully you can find some other way to celebrate with a run!
I work out in a third-floor apartment so I hate when there’s a Peloton strength workout that includes plyometrics. I just can’t do those exercises for fear of annoying my downstairs neighbors, lol. Someone else mentioned Ben Aldis – I really like him! I think I’ve taken the most strength classes with him.
Yes, Ben is my new favorite! No plyometrics, just straightforward moves. I think they should put it in the description, whether or not the workout includes plyometrics- so many people want to avoid them.
Happy anniversary. Sounds like you had a nice date night out for your anniversary. I am glad you enjoyed it (even if most people didn’t wear masks – how did you feel about that?)
I am so sorry about your foot. I am very lucky that I haven’t really had any injuries that sidelined me for longer periods of time, because I can only imagine how frustrating it is if you want to do your runs and are not allowed to… and as you said, just pushing through it will not make your foot better. So I hope you can “keep yourself in check” and wait with the long run until your doctor has cleared you.
On a side note, who takes your running pictures?
Ha ha… I take my running pictures! I have various places where I can set up my phone (usually right at the start or end of my run) and I take a video- then take a screen shot from that video.
Oh, very smart… I am usually reluctant to set up my phone when I am out and about esp. when there are other people around – haha. Do you not mind that at all? Good for you! 🙂
Well… I try not to do it when there are other people around! Every once in a while I get someone walking their dog in my video though.