walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- I Did It.

What a week.  I drove my son to Texas, got him moved into his dorm, and drove back alone to Florida.  The hardest part was not the driving, or the move-in… it was when I had to say goodbye to him.  I’m not worried about him- I think he’ll have a great time- and I know Thanksgiving will be here before we know it and he’ll be home.  But this is the beginning of him living his own life, away from us, and it’s painful.  I know I just have to get used to it.

In the midst of all the craziness there was some running and other workouts!  Er, sort of.  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown.  Here’s how it went!


I used to take Monday completely off, but I knew I had to do something this day, because Tuesday would be spent in the car.  My time was limited, but I did a pool run- my “pool 5k” workout, where I do a little warmup and then “run” fast for the amount of time it took me to actually run my last 5k.  It was short, but got the day started off well.


Literally spent the whole day in the car.  We got started at 7 am and got to Mobile, Alabama around dinnertime.  After a quick dinner we relaxed in the hotel room, and just to get myself stretched out I did a 30 minute Peloton yoga class.  That felt good after all the driving!


I was determined to get in a run before getting in the car for another all-day drive.  But backing up a bit… my husband generously took it upon himself to book the hotel rooms for this trip, and I told him not to get anything fancy since we wouldn’t be there long.  Well… he really took me seriously on this one.

Our hotel in Mobile was clean, but lacked almost every amenity, including a fitness center.  It was on a busy highway.  I would have run in the hotel parking lot, but it was tiny and on an enormous slant.  As I said though, I was determined.

This does not look safe…

I walked a little ways down the highway until I got to a cross street.  It looked shady, and deserted!

This should be perfect…

Well, it turns out the street was shady, and deserted… and .2 miles long.  Noooooooo!  But, I ended up making a loop- down the street, through the parking lot of the Goodwill dropoff center, and back through the parking lot of David’s Catfish House Express.  That gave me about a .5 mile loop, which I repeated until I had run three miles.


Then back in the car for another full day of driving- getting that run in first made all the difference though.


Moved my son into his dorm room at Baylor University!  This included trips to Bed Bath and Beyond, Lowes,  a grocery store, carrying around a small refrigerator, and many other mentally and physically draining activities.  I had imagined myself doing yoga (who was I kidding) or maybe even a Peloton strength class (HA!) that night, but I was clearly delusional.  All I could do was fall into bed.


Another long day of driving- this time the other direction, by myself.  I knew I was going to run, and my hopes and dreams came true when I discovered this hotel had one of these…


Obviously I’d rather run outside, but not along the side of the highway or through fast food parking lots.  Plus I let myself sleep in a little, and did you know it’s hot in Texas?  Ha ha.  A nice peaceful run on the treadmill in the AC was just the thing.  Another three mile run, and I played around with the paces a little to make it a progression run.  Makes the treadmill a little more fun.

After this run I had another long day of driving ahead of me, this time back to Mobile.  Once again I had imagined doing a Peloton class when I got to the hotel… and once again I just fell into bed.


I got up and did a 15 minute yoga flow before getting into the car.  This wasn’t to keep myself in shape, or to get stronger or more flexible… it was to keep my body from turning into a marble statue by the time I got home.  I had to drive from Mobile, Alabama back home, and I have to stress that I live in SOUTH Florida.  To drive the entire length of the panhandle and then all the way down to almost the end of the state… is a long drive.   I literally had a callous on one finger from holding the steering wheel.   The thing that really made it go quickly was that my son (as a parting gift) had recommended that I get the audio version of the Harry Potter book I was reading (Goblet of Fire) and that book is so engrossing- I listened to it for almost the whole drive.


Home Sweet Home!  Got up and did a five mile run, then… went to work.  Because who wouldn’t want to go to work on a Sunday after a 40 hour round trip drive?   Just kidding.  I had to go in to make up some hours, since I missed so much work this week.   That’s okay!  I’m only working a half day, and then I’ll come home and collapse.  It was an epic week.

Finally, back to my route!

How about you? Do you like road trips? – This one was a fun adventure, but I’m glad to be home!

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32 Responses

  1. College move ins are a whole other kind of workout and endurance event! It is really hard to let them go but it’s a good thing. Nicely done momma! You will be ok and so will he. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Deborah! It really was an endurance event. I’m looking forward to getting back to normal workouts this week!

  2. Awww, sending hugs to you and the family. This will be our big week, although we are only 25 mins away from my daughter, it will seem like many states away. It’s going to be tough 🙁 I’m glad you found a way to keep the crazies away on your trip. I’ve never been to Texas but I imagine it being as hot as the sun! haha! (well, that’s that I think of Florida too!) I hope your son transitions well to his new environment and you do too. We’ve got this!

    1. Even though your daughter will be close, she’s still moving out of the house and that’s a hard adjustment! But everyone goes through it and survives. It might take a little time though (for us- I’m sure they’ll be immersed in their new situation right away.)
      Yep, the whole trip was hot, but we’re used to it!

  3. Here the University system is different. Most of the students follow the lessons and come back home, they don’t have a “College life”.
    I am sure that your son will have a great year and you will be proud of him.
    Glad you succeeded in running during your trip.
    I travelled a lot for work and I was always looking for a hotel with a gym and treadmills: just in case, because I preferred to run outdoor to “discover” the cities.

    1. Yes, normally when I travel I like to see the area, but it just wasn’t feasible on this trip. And I know… other cultures are different and the kids live at home longer. Right now I’m wishing we did it that way… but I would still have to say goodbye eventually.

  4. Wow, what a trip! My sister moved to Texas (from Maryland) a few years ago and my mom drove with her there. But then she flew back since they took my sister’s car. I am very impressed that you were able to get in that run on the .5 mile loop!

    1. I definitely thought about renting a car to drive there, and then flying back- but it was too expensive. Apparently driving a rental car one way and dropping it in a different city incurs a hefty fee.

  5. Wow- I’m so impressed by all the driving by yourself! I am terrible at road trips. I get so sleepy!

    And I’m duly impressed by your determination to find somewhere to run! I love it. Runners are crazy, ha!

    1. I thought I would get sleepy but it actually wasn’t a problem. Maybe it was the mega-iced tea I sipped throughout each afternoon, heh heh.

  6. You are a driving beast!!!! I’m not a fan of long car trips (and I’ve taken many in my years). If I’m the driver, those trips are especially dreadful. Isn’t it insane how exhausting it is sitting, (almost) perfectly still, for hours on end?

  7. I’m so glad your long drives and drop off went well. I definitely feel like the tin man after a few hours in the car. You were hella determined to get that run it! I would have given up when I saw that busy road. Yay on the hotel treadmill. I did 10 min yoga classes in my hotel room this weekend to get my body moving.

    1. Yes, those long drives can be a killer. I just had to run- I couldn’t sit in the car all day for the second day in a row without running first!

  8. wow that is a seriously fast and furious trip!!! and I had to laugh about you saying you’d turn into a marble statue had you not done a 15 min yoga session before getting back in the car! We limit our drives to 8 hours max and that includes all pit stops so it’s probably more like 6 hours driving. Once we drove back home in one go from the south of France. 12 hours. My husband cursed all the gods for about a week after that…

    I can imagine it’s hard to say goodbye to your son as uni, but the time WILL really fly by.

    1. Yes, this drive would have been more comfortable spread between three days (each way.). But I didn’t have time for that! My son will definitely be flying home from now on, but it’s something to think about if we do end up doing the drive again.

  9. Awwe I can imagine the drop off was very emotional for you 🙁 But you’re right, Thanksgiving will be here before you know it!

    That’s a super long drive! I admire that you were determined to still get in workouts during that time, especially running near the hotel to get in 3 miles!

    1. Getting in those workouts was more like self defense at that point- I just couldn’t have sat all day in the car for all those days without running!

  10. Oooh, that is a LONG drive. I’m glad you made it there and back safely, and I hope he has a wonderful year. I know I will be a mess when I send A off to college, but I’m not thinking about that right now.

    Funny thing – my husband is a diva when it comes to hotels. Even when he is looking for something “no-frills”, it will be a nice place. He doesn’t understand the concept of a clean space to rest your head. Bless him.

    1. Ha, well there’s something to be said for that! You won’t end up in a place like we did in Alabama. Although, yes… it was definitely a clean place to rest our heads.

  11. Our trip this week is about a 6 1/2 hour drive. And we both don’t enjoy driving. On the way home we’re staying over roughly halfway through.

    Yes, TX is hot. And humid. It should feel like home!

    I once ran around parking lots when we drove from Vegas to CA . . .

    I hope you’re slowly getting used to being an almost-empty nester. At least you have quite a few years before the next one flies the coop!

    1. Yes, my daughter will be home for a while now… luckily.
      i highly recommend listening to an audiobook for your drive! It makes the time go by so fast. Of course, you and your husband would both have to like the same book…my husband wouldn’t have listened to the book I chose.

  12. Wow! So many emotions and thoughts this week. I am glad it went well and that now you are home safe. Rest up and relax. Time will go by fast and your son will soon be home visiting. Now, I am assuming this time he will fly home?

  13. Okay, I’m exhausted just reading about all of your driving! It’s hard dropping our babies off at college for the first time, but it’s fun to watch them flourish while away at school. I hope your son has a wonderful year; and when it’s your daughter’s turn, she picks a university closer to home. LOL

    1. Ha ha… thanks Debbie! Yes, that would be nice if my daughter stayed closer! After growing up in Florida, both my kids are anxious to get away.

  14. I’ve definitely done those side of the highway by the hotel road trip runs! They’re never super pleasant, but they’re always interesting. At least it’s something new to look at since my usual week day runs take me down the same streets I’ve run a million times. Glad you found a treadmill later though!

  15. I love road trips, but not when I’m driving!! My daughter is obsessed with Harry Potter – has read all of them and now is working her way through the movies!

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