Hello everyone! Yes, I ran- for two minutes. But it was two pain-free minutes! Victory! I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown. There was a lot more than just two minutes of running, so let’s get to it!
Normally a day off, but now that I’ve been going to PT, I started the day with leg lifts, clam shells, planks, leg lifts… all my exercises.
Started the morning with a 45 minute pool run, and then it was off to PT. Things got a little more exciting because I added some weights to my squats and deadlifts.

This was my sixth and possibly last PT appointment, at least for a little while. I’m pretty sure I’m going to do the exercises on my own from now on rather than continue to go and spend the money.
After the PT appointment on Tuesday, I was SORE. That’s what happens when you lift some weights after doing only bodyweight exercises for a while. Since my hip was SO MUCH BETTER, I decided to go for a walk.

Later in the day I did the PT exercises that focused on abs, but let my legs and hips rest for the day.
Spent an hour on PT exercises in the morning. There’s so much to do that I’ve decided to divide them into categories and just make sure I do them all several times a week, as opposed to all in one day.
By the way, several people have marveled at how good I am about doing my exercises. Remember- I CAN’T RUN. Having the discipline to do pre-hab exercises is one thing- I blow them off as much as the next person (obviously- or I wouldn’t be in this predicament.) But take running away and tell me the way back to it is through doing these exercises, and you can bet I’ll dedicate my life to it with the zeal of an Olympic gymnast! Until I’m all better and then I’ll never do them again. JUST KIDDING. I swear that this time I’ll be better about strength training.
40 minute pool run in the morning, followed by PT exercises in the evening.
The big day arrived. You know how, the first time you run again after an injury, it’s either going to be the best day or the worst day of your life? If everything feels great, you’re on top of the world. If it hurts again, you’re filled with despair. For that reason I was a little scared and didn’t exactly set out for a run. I just got all my running clothes on and headed out for a walk just to see how everything felt.
I walked for about fifteen minutes, then stopped to do some quick exercises just to remind my glute medius muscles what they’re there for. Then I casually started to walk, and broke into a run.
I ran for a minute! Everything felt great. I stopped and walked for about five more minutes, then ran again for another minute. Again, no pain in the hip. It seems to be completely healed.

Happy 4th of July! Funny story… right before I injured my hip, I signed my husband and myself up for a July 4th 5k. Obviously I wasn’t able to run it, and my husband was not too happy about getting up at 5:30 am and driving 35 minutes to another town to run the race by himself. Wait- I guess that story isn’t really funny. At least I got a good night’s sleep! I got up later and did my long pool run.

Moving forward, I’m going to start a very conservative return-to-running schedule! You run for one minute, walk for nine, run for another minute, walk for nine, run for one more minute and then walk again for nine. The second day, you run for two, walk for eight, etc. I’ll do it every other day and it goes by quickly- before you know it, you’re running for thirty minutes straight and ready to start building mileage again.
SO EXCITED to be at this point, finally!!!
Is anyone doing a race or special run today?
What are your plans for the 4th? – We’ll be celebrating a little, but also getting ready for our trip. We leave for Austin on Tuesday. Hopefully. Unless the tropical storm hits us, and then we won’t be going anywhere. Fingers crossed!
30 Responses
So happy for you for 2 pain free minutes and the beginning of your return-to-running plan! I’m the same way , where I’m so diligent about the exercises as I return from an injury, but then once I’m all good, they slip away.
Have a wonderful trip, fingers crossed the tropical storm is not an issue!
Thanks Jessie! I don’t know how many times I’ve said this but this time I REALLY AM going to keep up the exercises- it’s so not worth it to be injured.
The first post injury run is always scary! So glad that you felt good. taking it slow is always a good idea. Keep doing what you are doing!
Thanks Deborah! I’m happy to take it slow- just thrilled to be running at all.
Hooray for some pain-free miles! Your comeback plan is a good one. Safe travels and have so much fun in Austin!
Thanks Marcia! That’s if we manage to get there- tropical storm Elsa is coming alarmingly close to us, alarmingly close to the day we’re supposed to fly. We’ll see what happens!
Yay! So glad you had a pain free 2 minutes of running ! Thats a great sign! Cant wait to see how your return to running goes.
Thanks Lisa! I know two minutes isn’t much, but everything felt normal. I’m excited for a little more running this week!
Welcome back to the run! I love a good comeback.
Ha ha, yes life would be boring without all these ups and downs!
Very exciting that you are able to run pain free – even if it’s just a few minutes! Sounds like you have a very solid plan to start back conservatively. I have been lax about my PT exercises already. I do think about them often, and half the time they get done. I’ve got one more visit and then I’ll be gone on vacation. I think all of the hiking on vacation will be just as good as exercises and resting. Fingers crossed you have an uneventful trip!!
Thank you Lisa! I’m hoping we’re able to fly out on Tuesday. We’ll see how good I am about keeping up with my exercises while on vacation- I’m definitely planning on it.
YAY! Jenny’s back!!
So happy for you! I had a similar walk-run-walk strategy when I came back after my Achilles injury. It takes a while and suddenly…. you’re running without any walking breaks and everything is back to normal! Well done with all your PT and pool running. It pays off!
Yes, I’m so glad I did PT and didn’t try to just figure it out on my own. Thank you Catrina!
Glad you can run with no pain. I had a similar experience when I broke my femur in 2007: walking in the pool, walking on the treadmill, running on the treadmill and … at last…. coming back to life: running everywhere!
Enjoy your time in Austin.
Thank you! It’s funny how recovering from an injury seems to take forever while you’re doing it. But then when you think about it, six weeks isn’t really that long.
I remember being afraid to run after an injury. What if I made it worse? So exciting when you realize that you are healed. So happy for you. All that patience and PT paid off.
Enjoy your vacation.
Thank you Darlene! Yes, coming back from an injury can be scary. That’s why I’m taking it super slow.
Yay for pain-free running! You have been so diligent in your recovery – I’m glad it’s paying off for you.
Enjoy your vacation!
Thanks Michelle- yes, not being able to run made me very diligent! Now to keep up the PT exercises while on vacation…
Shoot…either my comments are going to spam or just “poof” into the blogosphere. Anyways, here’s another shot LOL (Totally don’t recall what I said the first time). I’m so glad you’re able to run again (even if it wasn’t very far). Baby steps will never do you wrong 😉 I hope all works out for your trip!
Thanks Kim! I wonder what’s up with those disappearing comments, hmmm. Anyway we made it to Austin, yay!
Yay for getting in a little running and feeling good!! You’ve been so dedicated to pool running, PT and your exercises, I’m not surprised you’re getting there. Way to go!
Thanks Melissa! i’m excited for some more (short) runs this week.
Yay! You ran! I know that’s the best feeling, especially after injury. I’m so happy for you.
I hope you are able to get to Austin safely! I have no idea what that storm is doing, and I don’t like it. Fingers crossed!
We made it to Austin! I think you’re still in danger from the storm… I’ll have to look at the path (now that we’re safely out of Florida.)
Any length of time for pain-free running is a huge accomplishment – I’m so happy to hear this! You’ve been doing such a great job with your PT exercises so it’s good to hear that it’s all paying off.
Enjoy your time off this week 🙂
Thanks Kim! You too.
I’m so happy to hear that you’re at the point where you can start adding running into your running. Making a slow comeback is key – I learned the hard way after coming back too quickly several years in a row after getting the same spine injury over and over.
Hope you were able to get away for your trip and by now are having a blast in Austin!
Yes, a slow comeback is key. Luckily we’re on vacation and there’s so much going on, I’m distracted from the fact that I’m running so little (and walking so much.) I know from experience that the time will pass by quickly and soon I’ll be running normally again.