walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- I’m Outta Here!

Well, I had a frustrating week.  I thought the calf pain was finished and then it came back.  But we have to keep moving, right?  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown.   Let’s get right into the gory details.


It all started out so hopefully.  Last week I had two pain-free treadmill runs so I decided to take it outside- what could possibly go wrong?

Somewhere in the middle of the run I felt my calf, but I just focused on my form, tried to relax my lower legs, and lift my heels up behind me.  It seemed to help, and I finished this run encouraged- 3.5 miles.

Later I did the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout and my piriformis exercise (the one I hate.) So far the week is going great!


This was a strength day at home- Carline Girvan deadbug workout, an upper body workout from Sally McRae’s app, and all four of the hip stability exercises from Brad Beer.  Feeling good!


Here’s where it all fell apart.  I ran again on the treadmill- everything felt good until about 2 miles in, when I felt that painful pull in my calf again.  OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.  Is this ever going to end?  Let’s just see what happens if I ignore it and keep running.

Still using that harness!

I finished 4 miles, but it hurt. Sigh.  Later I did my hip exercises.


Leg day at the gym WITH MY SON!  He made us do some hard things, like the hack squat machine.  I hate it so much!  He insists that the whole point of it is to go down all the way (when he does it, his butt actually touches his heels.) On my last set, I was going down so low that I finally couldn’t push back up, and had to crawl out from under the machine.  Ha ha, well I definitely worked to failure on that one!

We also did deadlifts which went a bit better.


Okay fine_ I’ll do a pool run.  As I was going down the steps of the pool, I felt a jolt of pain- so now I hurt my calf doing a pool run???  I give up.

45 long minutes…


Back to the gym.

Oh, you again…

40 minutes on the stairclimber, and I had to fight with myself to keep going for 39 of them.  I followed it up with the abs machines and called it a day.


As you can probably tell, I wasn’t too happy with how the week went, but guess what- I’m leaving my troubles behind and blasting off to Texas!!!  It’s the 4th annual mother-son road trip, and as I’m writing this on Saturday night we’re over halfway there- spending the night in Gulfport, Mississippi.

Always a happy moment- it takes FOREVER to get out of Florida!


On tap for today- a workout in the hotel gym!  I already checked it out- the gym has four pieces of equipment, but I’ll make it work.  And by tonight we’ll arrive in Waco.

Do you like road trips? – I love them!

Any advice for me?  –Maybe I should just get my leg amputated and run with a blade.  Those athletes run FAST.

Top photo by Mithil Girish on Unsplash

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36 Responses

  1. Oh man that is so frustrating! I know how you feel as I have a strange hip flexor pain that comes and goes but no matter what I do, it’s hard to shake. However, I can go months without it popping up sometimes. Usually the best thing is rest, but I almost never want to do that!!!

    Have fun on your Waco trip!! Last one, right??

    1. Yes it’s the last Waco trip! At least, the last road trip we’ll be here in May for graduation.
      I know- rest would do the trick, but who wants to do that??

  2. Ugh I am sorry that this calf issue is still plaguing you! It’s hard when nothing you do seems to make a difference and the pain keeps coming back. Gah!

    I hope the road trip continues to go smoothly. I am not a road trip person… they can be fine with adults? Like I enjoyed the drive back from Charlotte to Minneapolis when I moved back in 2014. I flew my mom out and we spread it over 3 days. But that was the rare road trip that I enjoyed. Usually I would much rather fly. Like I would never drive to Chicago anymore. It’s about a 7 hour drive but it can be so trafficky so I would rather fly! But I know it’s not always practical to fly places.

    1. i should have said, I enjoy road trips WITHOUT KIDS. Not with kids. And- I think you have a good idea of the frustration of my calf pain- you’ve been dealing with the RA flare in your finger much longer than I’ve been dealing with this. Well- maybe things will turn around for both of us SOON.

  3. I love road trips, but I know that feeling of “is this state over yet?” so well. Have fun!

    Advice for your calf? Keep throwing everything but the kitchen sink at it like you’ve been doing. Feel your feelings and know that this injury will soon be just a memory.

    1. Thank you Birchie!!! I’ll take that advice. And- another loooong state is Louisiana. I mean, it’s a wide state and we drive all the way across it. There also seems to be a lock of exits with easy access to bathrooms, but maybe that’s a subject for another day.

  4. I may agree with your hubby. You may have to stop running completely for a few weeks.

    I’m not a doctor though.

    I usually fly or take the train.

    1. Yes, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you mention driving anywhere! Trains are fun though. Flying can be such an ordeal- I’ll be flying back on Wednesday.

  5. Ugh! I’m so sorry. The only advice I have is advice I wouldn’t follow, i.e., try taking two weeks off — are you sure the stair climber doesn’t tax your calves?

    I don’t dread or love road trips, but I would love the time with my son. 😉

    1. Yes, I especially loved the time with my son. He’s a good road tripping companion! About the stair climber- going DOWN steps seems to tax the calf, but not up. So everyone thinks I should take two weeks off… I’ll think about it. Grr.

  6. Oh, how fun with a mother-son road trip!! I love road trips!
    I’m so sorry about your returning calf pain! As you know I’m no expert, but my immediate thought was – you had a decent run on the road and it hurt on the treadmill.. I know you had good treadmill runs before but I imagine the form will always be different on the treadmill than on road. Could that be something? Would it be a good thing to only run on road for a while, be strict with form and see it if works or not, before going on the treadmill where the form might be different? To eliminate variables? I can of course be wrong about treadmill running since I’ve never been friends with treadmills myself.
    Big yay to your hacksquats! Working to failure is the ****! I think the hacksquat is a nice option for more challenging squats since it’s very safe and you can just hang up the bar when you need to.

    1. I don’t know, because last week I had two good runs on the treadmill! But you’re right- the form is definitely different.
      Yes, incorporating some hack squats into my routine might be good. I can practice getting down really low. I still think squats are scary though.

  7. I hope you can not think about it for a few days while traveling w your son. I know no runner wants to take off a few weeks of running but at this point it can’t hurt. Hope the move in and travels go smoothly. No I am not a fan of road trips. I don’t do well sitting in the car lol

    1. The second day got pretty long- I’m glad we’re hear and don’t have to drive tomorrow. And yes- I’m trying to just enjoy my time and ignore my calf for now.

  8. Ugh I’m so frustrated for you about your calf! I hope you can find something that works for you to keep the pain at bay. Will you try to run while you’re in Waco or just give yourself some extra time off?

    I love road trips! I do enjoy flying as well but I’ve never been on any flights longer than a few hours, and I actually haven’t flown anywhere since 2019, but I’ve gone on several road trips since then. I will caveat it by saying I’m usually a passenger on these trips, not the driver, so that may be why I find them enjoyable. I’m already looking forward to my next one in October!

    1. I also like being a passenger, but when I go with my son we split the driving about 50/50. My husband LOVES to drive so when we do a road trip together, he usually drives the whole way, which is fine with me.
      I don’t have access to a gym while in Waco, so tomorrow I’m going to go for a fast walk. If that goes okay I MIGHT try running the next day. We’ll see!

  9. I like road trips, but they take a toll on my long legs (and patience, back when I had three kids to keep entertained in the backseats, LOL). I love your sense of humor through all your trials with the calf annoyances. I hope your trip goes well with your son, and that you have a safe trip back to your warm state of residence 😉

    1. Thank you Kim! I guess this is one good time to have short, stubby legs- they don’t get as cramped up in the car. And- I did NOT enjoy road trips quite as much when the kids were little. Driving with my son now is fun.

  10. I’m so sorry to hear the calf pain returned! Maybe…just maybe it’s time to call in a professional?

    Tell me more about that device you have your thumbs hooked into when you run…

    1. Oh, that’s my FloatRun harness! I’ll write more about it- it’s hard to say if it’s actually doing anything when I’m running so little. It’s supposed to help with your form.
      The problem with calling in a professional is… they may not know what’s going on either. I don’t think the PT I’ve been working with is on the right track. I guess I can go back to my sports chiropractor and see what he says.

  11. Man, I’m sorry about your continuing issues. Have you gone to a PT or exercise dr yet to see what’s up? That piriformis exercise sounded painful when you shared it but I still don’t understand how to do it 🙂 Have a great trip!

    1. I did go to a PT and had several dry needling treatments, which I had high hopes of- but now I’m thinking we’re not on the right track. I should post a different photo of the piriformis exercise so it’s more clear. i know it’s hard to figure it out from the photo in the book.

  12. I am a fan of road trips! That’s so great that you get to go with your son. Memorial time spent together I’m sure! My son comes home in a week. I can’t wait to give him a big hug!!
    So sorry your calf is being a big jerk. How do you like the harness? Did I miss your review of it? I feel like my form is super wonky now and wondered if something like that would help.

    1. I haven’t reviewed the harness, because I’ve been running so little I don’t feel like I can tell if it’s working or not yet. I definitely like the idea of it, it’s not uncomfortable, it’s easy to use and it was cheap! That’s as much of a review as I can give right now.
      Your son is coming home!!!! Wow, that summer went fast.

  13. Let’s hold to the leg for a little while longer before we make any drastic decisions. But of course, I understand your frustration.

    I do hope you have a great trip. Florida is so long, worse for you than for me, although the panhandle does take a while.

    1. It takes forever to get UP to the panhandle from where I am, then we have to get all the way across! I will say the roads in Florida are very pleasant though.
      And- okay. I’ll keep the leg for a while longer, ha ha…

  14. I am so sorry. It’s so frustrating when a pain comes and goes and you can’t pinpoint why it is happening. Have you tried icing? Foam rolling?
    I hope you can just focus on the time with your son for the next few days and try to stay off the calf for a bit. Maybe it’ll be happier when you get back?

  15. My PT told me NOT to ice, but to use heat instead. And I did try foam rolling. Sigh!
    I’m definitely enjoying the time with my son- it’s good to get away and think about something different for a change.

  16. so sorry to hear that the calf situation continues. that’s so frustrating. I wonder if another sport doctor can help to diagnose it?
    I’ve never done a road trip and would be interested to try once, as long as I don’t have to drive. hehe. Have fun!

    1. THank you Coco! Yes, I’m thinking of going to a different doctor when I get home. The one I’ve been seeing doesn’t seem to be helping.

  17. I do not care for road trips. LOL. I’m such a Negative Nellie about them. I just hate sitting still for such a long period of time – I get stiff and I hate it. But I like to be in new places, so that’s always exciting! I hope you have so much fun on your road trip and that your calf is instantly healed by time in the car!

    1. Yes, I definitely get stiff. I need to stop every couple of hours, which is a little controversial when I’m with my son- he would like to drive longer stretches. It’s fun to be in new places AND see how you got there- that’s what I like about road trips.

  18. I hate driving, but don’t mind being the passenger 🙂 But not as common here as it was in the U.S….

    Enjoy your mother-son trip! Time flies, wow, graduation next year!

    I hope the calf pain goes away 🙁

  19. I have mixed feelings about road trips. Sometimes it’s great, sometimes it’s horrible. Weather, moods, roads – there are a lot of factors that go in to how I feel. My husband LOVES them, though, so I foresee more road trips in my future. He wants to drive across Canada and the US one day, and that does sound like an epic adventure.

    So sorry about your calf. What a drag.

    Hope the final roadtrip to Waco was a delight. I know you love spending time with Paul and I feel like roadtrips really offer the space for some great conversations and “bonding” as my father would say. (Whenever my mom and I spent time together when I was a teen, he’d comment how we were spending “bonding time”).

  20. AUGH. I hope that Waco is a good reset for you and that you come back to find your calf has… miraculously healed? Or at least that you’ve figured out a way for it to feel better consistently? I’m envious of your road trip… I love them, and will be writing about my own (much cooler, literally) one soon!

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