walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- I’m TRYING to Spring Ahead…

Oh, hi there!  Thanks for stopping by for the latest installment of “How’s That Ankle?’ (aka the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah.) Well, since you asked, the ankle is improving.  I still haven’t tried running, but I did have some other milestone workouts this week.  Let’s get right into it!


This was a big day, because I said goodbye to the bike forever (or, until the next horrible injury.)  Instead, I graduated to this:


If I have to be on a machine at the gym, other than the treadmill, I’ll pick the stair climber.  I was able to do 40 minutes!  My ankle was a little achy, but overall it was fine.  Followed it up with the abs machines.


Another big day!  I WALKED!  Outside!  For exercise!  It… wasn’t amazing.  I had to go pretty slow- my mile pace was around 20 minutes- and my ankle was achy.  But I felt like I was able to move with a fairly normal gait.

Hooray- I’m OUTSIDE!

I followed this up with squats, Knees Over Toes exercises, and dead bugs.


Again, stair climber at the gym.  This time for 30 minutes, and my ankle was less achy.  Then upper body strength- bench press, reverse fly, overhead press with dumbbells.  No photo from the gym, but here’s something much more attractive.  At night my husband and I went out to celebrate our anniversary, and I got the “Hop Head Sampler”- three IPAs.  YUM!

Much better than a gym selfie.


We woke up to rain and thunder.  Yes, summer has arrived in South Florida.  I stayed inside and did Knees Over Toes exercises again, and the Caroline Girvan dead bug workout..  I’ve been doing dead bugs, but I’m always too easy on myself unless I have someone pushing me.  These twelve minutes of dead bugs hurt, but in the best possible way.  Later on…

30 minute walk!  For this one, I tried wearing an ankle brace.  I’m not sure if it really did anything- my ankle aches either way, but didn’t feel any worse after the walk.


Yet another big day!  I started off with 20 minutes on the stair climber, and then did the Cool Blogger’s Treadmill Workout- 3 mph, 12% incline, for 30 minutes.  I tried to do this a week ago and it just hurt too much- today I could do it.



I figured my ankle had enough excitement for a while, so I opted for an at-home strength day.  Squats, Knees Over Toes (which, by the say, is a lot of calf strengthening moves, which I need) and I did the Caroline Girvan dead bug workout again.  Again, ouch.

At night, my husband and I went to hear the Vienna Philharmonic play Mahler 9 AND IT WAS INCREDIBLE.  One of the best concerts I’ve ever heard in my life.


I know- we went out twice this week- who are we???


Off.  We got home late from the concert, and I had to work at 9 am, so I took the opportunity to sleep in.  Of course, the cats had other ideas- but I got enough rest.


On tap- I”ll be off to the gym, and who knows what excitement awaits there???   At some point this week I’m going to try running (feel free to send thoughts and prayers.) I’m still looking at that April 27th race.  I requested the day off of work, but I haven’t registered for the race yet.  I check the website multiple times a day to make sure there are still spots open (as of right now, 25 spots remain- I think I’m safe for a while.)  I want to try running, and then I’ll have more of an idea how feasible this race really is.


Do you like turning the clocks ahead?  – SIGH.  I’m trying to have a zen-like attitude- accept what you can’t control (but I’m secretly cursing. I don’t like the dark mornings.)

Are you a beer drinker? – I love IPAs, but I don’t drink much these days.  Going out for beer is a special treat!

Header photo by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash


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44 Responses

  1. Woo hoo two date nights in one week! Happy anni!

    You’re certainly getting in enough cardio to maintain your fitness so at this point you’re just waiting on the ankle to do its thing. I’ve got my fingers crossed and I’m sending the thoughts and prayers on the return to running.

    I adore a good beer and also a good beer flight. Frickin’ time change. Tomorrow will be fine because the only effect is getting more light in the evening but getting up in the dark on Monday is always a bitter pill to swallow.

    1. Yes, and it means I’ll be driving my daughter to school in the dark, which I hate. Oh well- serenity now.
      I already have plans for beer on St. Patricks Day, woohoo!

  2. Sounds like you’ve had some good times this week! I like a good beer but since I’m coeliac there are very few options so there’s no point trying to be a beer drinker, there are some good local GF beers around here but I’m more about whiskey. How fun for you though with the IPA tasting!
    I’m happy to see your progress with the ankle, and a big yay to walking! As you know, I know all about the frustration of foot injuries and also the joy of coming back, one step at a time. I cross fingers and pray you can get back to running as planned. Do you do soleus heel raises? They’re amazing for ankle strength (I need to go back to doing them myself).

    1. Yes, I’ve been doing regular heel raises and soleus heel raises- I definitely need them.
      Are there any decent gluten free beers? It definitely seems like it might not be worth it. Maybe if I had celiac I would develop a taste for whiskey too.

      1. Yes, there are actually some nice gluten free beers, but a micro selection compared to what you have as a regular beer drinker. We have two very local breweries and one makes exclusively gluten free beer as I understand it. They have lagers, a lovely pale ale, and some other ales (IPA included) that I really like, and then there’s one in Kinsale where they make two GF lagers, the second one was released last summer and it’s absolutely lovely! They also make whiskey and we have a cask with them so we visited their cask owner event last summer and had a small tour in the new brewery & distillery. He said it’s super easy to make beer gluten free, basically only add something to the mash to make the protein fall to the bottom so it can be filtered off. So really, more breweries should be able to do it!

        1. That’s interesting! I’ll bet more and more breweries will be offering gluten free beers, since so many people are avoiding it nowadays.

  3. Happy anniversary! I’m an IPA fan for sure. So much so that if there’s not a good IPA to be had, I’ll just have sparkling water or club soda.

    Compression is part of RICE, so the ankle brace could be helping. Are you taking any anti-inflammatories? Regardless, I hope your ankle continues to improve.

    1. If there are no IPA options, I’ll usually have wine instead : )
      I took ibuprofen during the first 24 hours but now I’ve gotten away from it. I’m seeing my sports chiropractor on Wednesday so I’ll do whatever he says- but for the most part I’ve stopped the ice and anti-inflammatories.

  4. Happy Anniversary! How fun to get out for some date nights. I was just thinking recently that I’d really love a stair climber for our home gym. I suspect the ceiling is too low for it though. I do think it’s a great exercise. Wishing you continued healing on that ankle!

  5. Those beers look great! I am a beer fan, and definitely an IPA fan, but I am currently a lightweight, as I almost never drink these days. I went for a few beers the other day with a friend, and by a few, I do mean three, and I was hungover the next day! My 20 year old self would be ashamed. I just have a hard time having just one, especially when I can walk home, which is what I did. Not sure if you ever get Russian River, but they have a good IPA that you have probably heard of, Pliny. The elder is usually available, the younger has a cult following and only released once per year, and they only let you get two drinks. However, if you ever have a chance to get that, you should try it. Our other local brewery that I really love is called Fieldwork; if you ever get a chance to try any of theirs, I have never had a bad beer from there, all types!

    1. Okay, I’ll keep my eyes out for the Russian River IPAs. I’m also a lightweight these days. This sampler I had was three 8 oz. beers, and I figured when I finished it I would order another glass of whichever one I liked best. Nope- I barely got through the sampler and I was done. I would definitely be hungover if I drank three regular size beers.

  6. Yay!! I’m glad things are progressing! That’s funny about the bike & stepper, but you gotta go what works for you, I don’t mind springing ahead because the dark mornings don’t stay dark too long this time of year (and I run in the dark all winter anyways, LOL)…At least now there’s promise of diminishing darkness soon! Beer? Not a beer gal; never have been. I love the availability of ciders these days, though!

    1. I know- the mornings won’t be dark for long. That’s what I keep telling myself!
      I used to like ciders, now they’re too sweet for me. Funny how our tastes change!

  7. Glad your ankle is starting to feel better and Happy Anniversary! Hoping your chiropractor can do some magic! When I sprained my ankle (I may have told you this), my chiropractor did the active release therapy on it, which hurt like crazy, but I was running the next day. I hope you get to do the race on the 27th!

    I am wine girl with an occasional bourbon or rum drink!

    1. My chiropractor has done active release on other injuries, so if he wants to do it on my ankle, great. But… OUCH. I’m already cringing- it hurts so much!

  8. I’m with you–I don’t like the dark mornings either! I had hoped to catch the sunrise this morning–I’m still in California–but I slept through my alarm. Grrrr. I’m finishing with the blogs and then I’ll head out for one last run.

    Fingers crossed that your ankle lets you run!

    1. Thank you Wendy! I’ll bet it’s going to be hard to come home from California. I can’t wait to hear all about it and see lots of photos!

  9. Yay for progress! Graduating from the stationary bike to the stair climber, doing the cool bloggers treadmill workout, and walking outside is huge!

    BTW, I meant to thank you last week for the Unsplash tip. I was not aware of their free photos. It’s always good to have another resource.

    1. Yes, I use Unsplash all the time. I mean I’ll use my own photos if I can, but if I don’t have a good one I’ll use one of theirs. It’s pretty fun to browse through and look at everything!

  10. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Two dates in one week, that is very lively of you! I’m not much of a beer drinker but I support your choices.
    If I have said it once, I have said it a million times, and that is that time change makes no sense. The original intent was for energy savings, and it has absolutely no relevancy to our modern lives. And yet we still do this stupid thing. Honestly, it’s so annoying. Just pick a damn time and stick with it.

    1. Well, I love turning the clocks back, so… I think we should turn them back one more time in the fall and then be done. Who’s in charge of this, anyway???

  11. Guess whose stationary bike is coming today? This girl’s! I’m so not excited about all the hours I will have to log on it while my knee recovers. I’ve been thinking of you though, and I’m sure I’ll think of you more as I use it.

    Thank you for the dead bug work out! My physical therapist gave me dead bugs for my back but I also can’t really get to a place where they feel hard, so I appreciate someone showing me how. And at this point I think I can do those with my knee, which doesn’t hurt but has a few sprains and a hairline fracture. Anything where I’m not on it works pretty well.

    I used to be team DST all the way but then I got old and couldn’t fall asleep great and now I hate it. Oh how the tides have turned (for me at least). I hope you’re ankle keeps feeling better!

  12. Well… the stationary bike is MUCH BETTER THAN NOTHING. I was grateful to have it when I first injured my ankle. Hopefully you have some good entertainment lined up- I listen to podcasts but some people watch TV or whatever. You will get through this!
    Yes- at the beginning of that dead bug workout I’m thinking “this isn’t so bad” and by the end I want to cry. I can’t make myself suffer that much on my own, so I need to do that workout a few times a week.

  13. I feel like I’m reliving my recovery except that I don’t have a 50 mile race.. only 13.

    so yes, work out and ignore the discomfort because it’s not worse. Then walk, the same. You will run soon and it will feel weird and scary.

    Good luck.

    I prefer red wine but I do enjoy sours and stouts!!

    1. Yes, my husband said the same thing. Running and walking made his ankle ache, but it didn’t seem like it was being re-injured. If I wait till there’s no pain at all I could be waiting for months. I know running is going to feel weird and scary- I’m thinking I’m going to start on the treadmill so I can adjust the pace, incline, and grab onto the sides if I need to. But… I’ll get there.
      If you like stouts, you can drink a Guinness after your race to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!

  14. So glad you’re moving forward! I’m recovering and getting in plenty of stationary bike time for the first time in my life when I am not running. Happy anniversary! I do like a good beer sometime – I love a flight! IPAs and sours are my favorites. I also love stouts and porters!

    1. I used to LOVE dark beers but now they taste too heavy and sweet to me. Just give me all the IPAs!
      I’m glad you’re getting out there running again so you can minimize your time on the bike : )

  15. Happy Anniversary – and yay for 2 nights out 🙂

    I’m quietly cursing DST too – I’m not looking forward to the dark mornings again.

    So glad your ankle’s improving!

    1. Thank you Michelle! And, yes… the morning commute to school was just getting comfortable, and now we’ll be in the pitch dark again. This just isn’t right!

  16. What a fun week for you guys! Happy anniversary! Even before I knew about my gluten intolerance, I didn’t like beer! Maybe it was because of that intolerance? But my husband LOVES IPAs. That is definitely his drink of choice except in summer when he often drinks lagers since they are a bit lighter.

    I loathe the time change. It is so so awful. Pre-kids, I didn’t mind falling back but post-kids I would rather lose an hour than gain an hour – because you gain an hour of parenting, not of sleep!

    I need to try the CG deadbug workout! I have never done it! I did a killer lower body workout on Friday with so. many. lunges! I am still sore today!

    1. The time change with kids is definitely a killer- but I can see how you would prefer to spring ahead, rather than fall back and add an hour to the weekend! Ha- it won’t always be like that. You’ll see- someday they’ll be teenagers and you can all sleep in on the weekend if you want.

  17. Happy Anniversary!! I am a fan of seasonal beers – the Sam Adams brews especially. My husband loves IPAs but they are too hoppy for me.
    That’s great to hear you can see improvements by completing those workouts. Progress is progress, regardless of how slow! I am surprised the stair climber doesn’t bother your ankle, but glad it doesn’t since you like it so much. I am very clumsy on that machine. I often trip so it’s not my favorite.

    1. For the first two weeks after my injury, I didn’t get on the stair climber because I was terrified I would trip and jam everything up again. Now it’s solid enough so if I trip (which I do, every once in a while) it’s not a big deal.

  18. Happy anniversary! I am not a beer drinker at all, but I do like an occasional bourbon or mezcal cocktail, or hard seltzer for something lighter.

    Arizona doesn’t do the time change so fortunately I don’t have to deal with springing forward or falling back, but if I’m communicating with someone in another time zone, I have to remember how far behind or ahead I am at that time of year. Right now we’re on the same time as California.

    I’m so happy that you’re making progress with your workouts! I do really like the stair climber but don’t usually have access to one. But it’s definitely more exciting than the bike or elliptical!

    1. Oh yeah- i forgot AZ doesn’t do the time change! What a concept.
      Yes, the stair climber is waaaay better than the bike, oof. And I always get a better workout. I wouldn’t have access to any of these things if I didn’t belong to a gym. But it’s a pain to get to the gym every single day, I have to say.

  19. Sounds like you are starting to feel your ankle healing. It’s hard to be patient but feels good to be on the right track. Happy healing this week. Slow and steady

    1. Thank you Deborah! Yes, it’s so hard to be patient. Isn’t there some kind of magic pill I could take, ha ha?

  20. It was SO DARK this morning. Hannah saw me come down the stairs and crawled back into her kennel. She was clearly aware that it was too early. I do like that it’s not dark as soon as I’m out of work, but…I’m not sure.

    I’m so impressed that you went out twice in one week! What fun!

    1. I know- when my alarm went off I was like WHY IS IT SO HARD TO WAKE UP. Oh… right. That’s why. The cats were happy to see me up though!

  21. Happy anniversary! And yay for getting back to walking outside! So very awesome!

    I don’t mind the time change (although I hate “losing” an hour). And I don’t really drink beer. There is one sour I like from a local brewery, but I am more of a Bud Light/Mich Ultra during football games if I must, kind of girl. I prefer wine, or bourbon (like an old-fashioned or similar cocktail).

    1. I like wine. I’ve never been able to get into bourbon though.
      I’m about to go out for a walk right now! It is definitely awesome- I’ve spent enough time staring at the inside of the gym.

  22. I’m laughing about the 20 minute mile being slow. That’s pretty much my pace. I guess I need to speed up my game, huh?

    I really dislike DST.

    Congratulations on your improvement, it’s amazing!

  23. I’ll never stop thanking you for introducing me to the Caroline Girvan dead bug workout! I have to wonder if I have the record for watching/doing it on Youtube the most, ha! It’s soo effective!

    Yay for the IPA sampler 🙂 Got to have some fun too!

    The stair climber is such a hard workout!

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