walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Is It Progress?

Hello there!  Thanks for stopping by for the Weekly Rundown, and thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting.  It was another hot, steamy week, but that’s to be expected for Florida in July.  I also had some discouraging moments, but it was all good in the end.  Let’s just see how it all went down…


6 mile run on a nearby cross country trail.  It’s a very well-maintained, grassy trail.  I was happy to be out there running, but it was HOT.  Luckily I had my water bottle.


Leg day at the gym!  For some reason this turned into a squat extravaganza.  I did regular squats, Bulgarian split squats, and then finished off with some sets on the hack squat machine.  As always, I did calves and abs as well.

Hack squats!

I have to admit I got discouraged during this workout.  Every single time I’m working at the power rack, someone comes to the rack next to me and squats a tremendous amount of weight.  I mean, literally every time.  And I’m talking about women!  I thought, “I’ve been doing this for long enough- shouldn’t I be able to put more weight on the bar?  Maybe I’m doing something wrong.  Maybe I just can’t get strong.  Maybe my frame is too small.”  I know- shut up, brain.  I figured I can either give up, or keep working at it.  If I keep working, I’ll have to see progress eventually…right???


4 mile run!  I’m not really sure what I was thinking this morning- I started off wearing a full-length tank top.  By the last mile I was SO HOT, I had to take my shirt off and tuck it into the back of my shorts.  That helped a lot, but I still came home and gulped down a huge glass of ice water with LMNT- that felt good.


I really wanted to run on the treadmill today, but I’ve been noticing a nagging pain in one of my adductor muscles on the left side.  I couldn’t put my finger on any moment where I hurt it- but if I had to guess, I’d say it started the day I went to the gym with my son and did the adductor and abductor machines.  I felt it on my run yesterday, so I opted for an upper body day at the gym.  Bench press, rows, lat pulldown, overhead shoulder press…. and of course calves and abs.

Working one leg at a time to get that left one strong!


Another 4 mile run.  This one felt much better- look at those beautiful clouds!   Clouds help a lot.


Back to the gym for leg day!  Because I’m trying not to stress that adductor in any way, I focused on the back of my body- deadlifts, Runner’s Touch, calf raises (of course) and abs.

Waiting three minutes between deadlift sets!


5 mile run!  It was a hot day (obviously) but this run felt good!


Off!  I planned this day as a rest day so I could sleep in.  Remember how I said I was going to start tracking my sleep?  Well, Garmin tells me I got an average of 6 hours, 40 minutes per night for this last week.  Yep, I tried- but I had some rough nights.  I figured I could make up for the lost sleep by sleeping late today (that’s how it works, right?)

Overall I felt a little frustrated this week.  The pain in my adductor kept me from doing any speed work (for the second week in a row) and also prevented me from doing squats on Friday- I feel like it’s always two steps forward and one and 99/100ths of a step back for me.  But…

I got to run or go to the gym every single day.  I’m not injured (just trying to prevent an injury.) If I keep putting together those 1/100ths of a step, I’ll get there eventually- forward is a pace (and patience is a virtue!)

How was your week?  Overall would you say you were encouraged or discouraged?

How many hours of sleep do you get a night?  Do you feel like it’s enough?

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

42 Responses

  1. That still looks like a really strong week to me! Sorry you struggled with a couple things though. And don’t even worry about other people lifting more at the gym. I have a similarly small boned frame to you I think and I don’t think I’m ever going to be the strongest person at the gym- and I’m fine with that. I just want to be strong for ME. I think that’s one thing I love about lifting. You can track your weights and see real progress in you vs you, even if it’s totally less than some other person. The biggest thing is that you are going consistently and hitting it hard with actual heavy weights, compound movements, etc. I think you’re killing it! I have been semi-forced to be way out of my normal routines these last several weeks and I’m about ready to snap!! I just want to get back into my regular gym routines sooo bad. I am hopeful that this upcoming week will maybe finally be a bit more “normal”…. We’ll see though…

    1. Thank you Kae! You’re right- I’m never going to be the strongest person there. Just like I’ll never be the fastest runner at the race, but I still show up and keep running. And yes- your schedule has been crazy lately. You’ll definitely feel better when you get back to your routine.

  2. What Kae said! Your competition is you. If you want to see progress, read your blog archives from back when you were pool running and only doing strength at home. You’ve gotten a lot of miles from the 1/100ths steps with many more to come.

    Congrats on a great week!

  3. You had a great week!! Like the others said, think about how far you’ve come, not about what others are doing. I love the Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote – comparison is the thief of joy!

    I had a good week. I ran on Monday, did lower body strength training workouts in my hotel room on Tuesday and Thursday, ran yesterday, and I will run this morning when Phil is up. I really did not want to do that 2nd strength workout on Thursday morning because I was so tired from the previous day’s long day of meetings but I told myself – you packed 2 sets of workout clothes, you need to use them!

    I need about 7.5 hours of sleep ideally. I have higher sleep needs than others due to my RA and I really need to prioritize it… but I am in a stage of life where my kids are both in bed by 8ish so it’s easier for me to get to bed early. It will be a bit harder when the kids are older. Although my husband is more of a night person and I am more of a morning person. So maybe he can be the one staying up later with them. We will see! I’m the morning person in our relationship so I’ve gotten up with the boys for most of their lives, which I don’t mind. So someday the pendulum will swing and he will be the night parent. Or that is what I am envisioning!

    1. Yes, it does get more complicated with the kids get older. One of my problems now is the kids stay up late, and I end up staying up with them. But I don’t need to! They can definitely put themselves to bed. : )

  4. I think I average about 7 hours, but really would do better with closer to 8. I have high sleep needs and tend to undersleep and then crash. Sigh. Some of it is life (a kid waking up, or our AC is out so it’s hot and I’m restless), but a lot of it is my own poor decision-making (staying up too late to read).

    It was an up and down week for me, but ending on a high not. Off to rendezvous with family now – we’re going to have 12 people at our (un-air-conditioned house!) for supper. Here’s hoping the AC repair guy shows up tomorrow as promised or I might literally melt away.

    1. Ha, I REALLY hope the guy shows up!!! And my sleep issues sound like yours- some are unavoidable, but I don’t do myself any favors by staying up late reading.

  5. And you’re looking over at the squat next to you why?? 😛
    Looks like a strong week to me. I honestly don’t know how you run in that heat. Being in the South for college tours was soul sucking. Fine for a walk or bike but RUN? Ugh! Props to you!

    1. It’s funny, because I just accept the fact that I have to run in the heat, but if you told me I had to go on a campus tour I would cry. By the time my run is done, I’m ready to be in the AC for the rest of the day.

  6. I’m sorry about the new nagging issue, but at least it’s not stopping you from running.

    I guess another benefit of working out at home or having the office gym to myself is that I can’t compare myself to anyone. It’s so hard to avoid that comparison trap!

    1. Yes, that’s the problem with the gym. But maybe it’s good for me- if I’m home I can convince myself I’m doing just fine- at the gym I’ll push myself harder.

  7. Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy,” and I try to remember that when I start to compare myself to others. It’s tough, but we’re much happier if we don’t fall into the comparison trap. You’re doing great and that’s what you need to focus on. Remember how you used to say that you needed to lift weights more and look at you now!

    1. That’s true- just getting to the gym on a regular basis is an improvement. i have to try not to look too hard at what the other people are doing though!

  8. Comparison is the thief of joy! Don’t look at what other people are doing, focus on what you are doing. You’re pushing yourself and putting in the work. Who cares about the amount of weight??

    Man, that Florida heat would be tough for me! It was in the 90s in Minneapolis a few days while we were home and it was TOUGH.

  9. Sorry to hear about those nagging pains.

    I use the machines and I always gave to lower the weight. I’m pretty weak. I figure it’s better than nothing.

    No expectations. Neither encouraged or discouraged. Taking it one day at a time.

    I do feel if I didn’t work I could run more and work out more. Then again I’d have less money

    1. Okay, I’m going to adopt your attitude for next week- no expectations. And, yes! I always feel like I’d have time to do everything if I just didn’t have to go to work.

  10. Like I said, I love the new body battery feature on my Garmin! When Bandit isn’t coughing and I’m not sleeping at my mom’s, I actually do pretty good. You’re close to 7 hours, so that’s not so bad — not everyone actually needs 8 hours a night. I really varies!

    I’m sorry about the continued niggles. Yes, it always seems as though there’s always something.

    About women lifting heavier — yup, no comparisons. You have no idea how long they’ve been lifting, and seriously, how heavy do you really need to go? Yes, there’s nothing wrong with heavy weights — but sometimes I really wonder whether lifting really heavy is beneficial.

    1. That’s true- it’s silly to compare because I don’t know these women’s histories etc. But it’s hard when we’re right next to each other at the gym!

  11. I can totally relate to the 2 steps forward..feeling. It is hard not to compare your weights to someone else’s. I would say that you have no idea what they do on other days. I bet they did not run 6 miles the day before and the day after like you do. “Eyes on your own paper” or something like that 🙂 Keep doing you!

  12. It seems like a good week to me! You’re keeping at it and that’s the most important thing, right? I was avoiding working out with one program I was doing, so I switched to a different program today and hopefully that will help keep me motivated.

    I get to bed by ten each night and usually lights out by 10:30-10:45 (depending on how good the book I’m reading is!) and get up at 6 or 6:30 most mornings, so I probably get 7.5-8 hours a night. I probably *should* aim for 8-9 hours, but it is what it is!

  13. You are so strong. Please try not to compare yourself to others. It’s not fair to you.

    Stay safe out there. It feels like the heat is going to go forever.

  14. I’d wager a bet you’re making more progress than you’re aware of. It’s tough to see the progress ongoing, but if you’d compare your squats on a monthly basis (?), you’d probably see a difference. But, you’re keeping at it, and that’s PROGRESS 😉

    1. Thank you Kim! You’re right, and there’s nothing else to do besides stick with it. No one ever got WEAKER by going to the gym 3 times a week- that’s what I keep telling myself.

  15. I had a great week, lots of different things going on again (haha)… but I was discouraged by the fact that I rode my friend’s Peloton and it felt so much harder than mine. I could barely hold my zones. Uff.

    I get about 7 hours per night, which I am ok with ( a little bit more would be ideal though), so I do try to “make up” on the weekends if at all possible… what do you think is your ideal amount of sleep?

  16. I know the struggle of the comparison game, but you have to remind yourself of how far you’ve come! I do feel a lot of times that I’m not making any progress and then all of a sudden I have a breakthrough. It will happen–you just have to stick to it!

    Nice week of work! After spending a few days in Alabama, I don’t know how you run in that heat!

    1. Okay, that gives me hope. You’re one of the people I would be looking enviously at, at the gym- so if you also feel stuck sometimes, I won’t get too down about it.

  17. Chiming in to say I think your strength progress is amazing from this vantage point!!! And probably the person squatting a bunch can’t run the way you do and would be floored by the idea of an ultra 🙂 This has me motivated to lift more. At some point. I probably need to actually get my butt into a gym at some point. Even two days a week of ‘real’ heavy lifting would probably be really beneficial . . . but I’m soooo unexcited about it!

    1. Oh, I was unexcited about it for years! Then I finally got myself to do it… and I’m slightly less unexcited. i’m used to it now, but if you told me I could just run and would never get injured, I would probably stop strength training immediately.

  18. I never feel like I get enough sleep! Especially lately, when I have been waking up between 3 and 5 nearly every morning.

    So impressed that you are out there running even in the terrible heat! So frustrating about the adductor muscle though. I hope it is feeling much better.

  19. Ugh it’s always something! Hopefully the issue goes away soon. Glad you’re still able to run and be active.
    I’m not a good sleeper. ell, scratch that – I am, but I have 3 kids and it seems like at least one of them is not sleeping well, which impacts me! Especially my recently 2 year old – just changed him into a toddler bed from his crib and lately he wants to sneak out of his room.

    1. Oh yes- when my kids were little I used to say that I was a GREAT sleeper- it was just that other people always prevented me from sleeping. Now the kids are better but my cats wake me up way too early.

  20. I don’t know, I read your WRD every week and to me it seems like there is progress. Whatever you do, please don’t compare to others! Comparison is the thief of joy! I totally understand because here I am on the leg extension doing 30KG and feeling good and right after me comes a woman putting 120KG on! But I am not her, I am me and this is MY journey! So sorry about you adductor. And no idea how you strained it (if it’s strained I guess)?

    1. I know- there’s no reason to compare. But it is hard when you’re at the gym- it’s hard to ignore what other people are doing. The adductor seems better now- I think I possible strained it doing- what a surprise- the adductor machine. I know usually do that one, but let my son talk me into it. Grr!

  21. I think you’re doing amazing, I don’t even do strength workouts at the gym because I’m too intimidated and you’re there using the machines and squatting and everything! I totally get the comparison trap thing though, but more so for me with running since I’m so slow. But we have to remind ourselves that we’re putting in the work and being consistent and it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing!

    Sleep is crucial for me, it’s something I’ve always prioritized and I feel my best getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night. I usually get that much and sometimes even 9 hours on a weekend when I don’t have to wake up early! Sometimes I wish I could make myself wake up earlier to get a few extra miles in but I feel good about my sleep routine and don’t want to sacrifice it just to run a little more because I know I’ll feel better with enough sleep.

    1. Ashley, I promise you that I was VERY intimidated going to the gym! I still imagine that everyone is smirking at me behind my back (although, logically I know that no one cares what I’m doing.) But I appreciate the vote of confidence. Oh, one other thing that helped me is having my son do some workouts with me- if you can find someone with more knowledge and experience, it helps a lot. Or you can just keep doing what you’re doing- strength work at home works too!

  22. You are truly amazing – you identify your goals and then work towards them. Not many people do that, and even fewer do it consistently! So don’t compare yourself to others at the gym – as others have said, just think about how far you have come! 🙂

    1. Thank you Anne! I’m trying. It’s true that I don’t know people’s history- I was listening to a podcast the other day and the woman said she’s been lifting weights since high school! I guess if I had started then I’d be pretty strong too by now.

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