We finally had a shift in our weather! It wasn’t COLD- we’re still waiting for that first blast of crisp, cool air that brings us down into the 50s at night. But we did get down to the upper 60s and 70s, and had some breezy, overcast days that gave us relief from the heat and humidity. It was lovely! Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s get right into it!
No school AGAIN today. The schools were closed last week Wednesday-Friday because of the storm, and then today was a scheduled teacher work day for the end of the quarter. SIGH.
The upside was that I could sleep a little later- my 3 mile run started in the dark and ended in daylight.
I followed the run with a MadFit standing core workout..
Finally, back to a normal routine. I did this 30 minute Pilates core workout. It’s so hard and painful! I try to think about how strong my core will get if I keep doing it. I also did my hip stability exercises, including the one leg sit-to-stand.
12 mile trail run! This was the run I’ve been waiting for- I finally felt good. It was 68 degrees when I started, cloudy and breezy. By the end of the run the “feels like” temp was 80, but that’s nothing. I’ve done long runs where the “feels like” was 103. The weather really does make a huge difference!
You might be noticing I’ve been aggressively pushing my long run distance. Way back in May I (recklessly) registered for a 12 hour race on November 9th (hahahahaha.) I obviously won’t be running for twelve hours, but I still plan on going. The course is a repeated 4.5 mile loop, so I’ll just do what I can.
Just a cool, breezy, short 2 mile run…

…followed by hip stability exercises and Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout.
Leg day at the gym! Even this workout felt better, although I can’t credit the weather for that. I did squats and deadlifts, and felt a surge of adrenaline I don’t usually get. I really need to get to the gym more than once a week.
Another overcast, breezy run! 4 miles, and towards the end I felt a vaguely familiar feeling… that feeling when running is effortless. I haven’t been “flying” in a long time! Ever since “Calfgate” every run has been difficult. But I KNEW if I just kept grinding along, I would have a breakthrough eventually. Today was the day!
I followed up with 100 crunches on the stability ball. My stomach is definitely not getting any smaller, but hopefully it’s getting stronger.
Later in the day I watched Baylor win, FINALLY! Great game- we needed it.
On tap…. sleeping in. Waffles! Football. Baylor and the Dolphins are both on a one-game winning streak- let’s keep it going!
How was your weather this week?- I can finally talk about the weather without swearing, or crying.
34 Responses
Yay! I’m so glad you’re getting better weather and your calf is feeling better. I’m so glad you felt that runners high again. Such great news. I honestly don’t know how you train in the heat like you do. I would never be able to run long distances in “feels like 103.” Never.
Well- I’m thinking of one specific run last May- it got up to 103 and it was NOT pretty. I’m used to it though, and I carry plenty of water and on that run circled back to my car periodically for ice. It’s the Florida trade-off. We have beautiful winters but way too much heat the rest of the year.
Our weather has been cool in the mornings. 30s. But this week it will be warm again. 70s
Glad to hear that your running is going well. And that you decided to do that race.
Are you stalking the marathon eather yet? It’s probably too early. I hope it’s nice and cool for you!
Not yet. Two days before.
I love your change in attitude this week! The weather makes such a big difference and then achieving that effortless feeling on a run is such a boost (and is possible when it’s not so hot out!!). I was in VA for part of the week and it was pretty chilly for a couple of days and then gorgeous! Now I am back in MN and the high today is 80!! This is not normal! But it is not humid so it’s not so bad and it will cool off later this week. We desperately need rain, though, but there is none in sight.
I did not run while on vacation but I did logs lots of steps, especially the day we went to the mall. My watch said we walked 5 miles!!
Someone just told me that since this is a “la Nina” year (I think- whatever that means) that there’s going to be huge weather fluctuations this winter. Sounds fun! Yes, 80 is not normal for MN this time of year.
I can’t wait to hear about your vacation- I hope it was great.
The cooler weather absolutely makes a difference! Enjoy it while it lasts. I too miss that feeling of running feeling effortless. Looks like a great week for you!
Thanks Deborah! Somehow, it takes a long time to get it back when you haven’t been running (or, haven’t been running much or are struggling with an injury.) But it always does come back, eventually.
I’m so glad your running is going so well!
Your Sunday plans sound wonderful — although I spent most of yesterday on the sofa watching football and reading so I’ve got to get some chores done.
Ah, reading and watching football on the couch… my favorite weekend activity. I also have some chores today, unfortunately.
Yes I am so so so happy about the temp shift!!! I feel like this was the first truly decent week in many months. Everything feels easier!!
Yep, this was the week! And it’s funnier how much easier everything feels.
80 degrees vs. 100 degrees absolutely makes a HUGE difference when running! I think 70-80 degrees is my sweet spot for running temperatures because it’s warm but not too hot. But our morning lows are finally cooling down here, and yesterday I did my long run in the middle of the day and it was in the mid-60s and it was so nice to wear a long sleeve and not sweat to death!
I’m so excited for you to do that race! I’ve never done any timed races but they sound interesting — unfortunately all the ones near me are on very short, completely flat paths which I’m not excited about but if I could find one on a longer loop with more climbs, I would consider it.
Mmm, I would say my sweet spot is a good 10 degrees cooler than yours. But maybe I would feel differently if I lived in a dry climate. Also, mid 60s is tank top weather for me! Wait, maybe I shouldn’t be living in Florida…
I’ll let you know all about the race. I’m just a little bummed that I won’t be fully experiencing it- I’ll just run for a few hours, probably. Guess I should have signed up for the 6 hour option!
Yeah, and I’d like to say 50-60 is my sweet spot. If it is 80 degrees, I’m staying inside and pretending the outdoors doesn’t exist!
Yeah, and I’d like to say 50-60 is my sweet spot. If it is 80 degrees, I’m staying inside and pretending the outdoors doesn’t exist!
Strong abs is what we want!!! I had a look at that standing core workout and I’ll try some of those exercises, great for balance too!
I remember that November race with the loops. Sounds like such a fun concept, and you should be able to do quite a few of them although not for 12 hours. I’m so glad for you about your effortless running!!
Thanks Susanne! I think that standing core workout would be good for your foot strength and balance- otherwise it’s probably easier than the type of thing you’re doing.
I’m glad I’ll be able to do the race- I agree, it sounds like a fun concept. I want to see what it’s all about!
Yay for having a good easy run!! I know what you mean — i have been dragging since getting back into running after my broken toe. I know it will take time but I’m impatient! Glad things are getting back to normal and routines are resuming.
You really haven’t been back to running for very long! But I know- we’re always impatient with these things.
It was downright COLD in the middle of the week – we had to turn on the heat! – but now it’s back into the 70s. Typically midwestern “fall” weather. But it’s making for some glorious morning walks with the dog, so I don’t mind.
Oooh heat- it sounds cozy. And 70s sounds nice . I all the photos of Hannah’s walks on your post today!
We’ve had spectacular weather–I’m sure if you talked to your sister, she’d tell you we are in a drought. I don’t even care because I’m just loving our extended summer. Happy to be getting my trail miles in on dry trails. I’m so glad to hear you had that breakthrough run today.
And BTW, I used to do strength training just once weekly–it was perfectly fine!
Oh, thank you Wendy! That makes me feel better, because when I’m doing long runs it’s SO hard to do a true strength workout more than once a week.
Dry trails are very nice- i’m happy to be out on my trails again, but they have been wet. Oh well.
I’m so glad the running is feeling better! Our weather took a swing back towards summer the past few days… of course, I’m totally good with that 🙂
Yes, I’m sure you’re happy with an Indian Summer (do we still call it that? It’s probably been changed to something else now.)
so glad to hear that you’ve had cooler weather and great runs! did you figure out what helped to resolve the calf issue?
weather here in jakarta is the usual, heat and humid but I stop complaining about it. most days i’m just grateful that I can run injure free and outdoor (not too bad air quality).
Thanks, Coco. The calf issue remained a bit of a mystery till the end. I had several ART session which seems to resolve it. We think the tibial nerve was involved but it’s not clear why,… anyway, it’s gone now, phew!
I know- for a while I was complaining about our heat, but then realized I just had to stop. Complaining doesn’t make it any cooler!
Love the temp shift and the perspective shift, Jenny. I kinda want to say the pics look even better than usual–maybe because you’re cooler and more comfortable? (You’re so fit!!)
Thank you Maya! Yes, maybe I was feeling better when I took those photos!
YAY for breakthroughs! The weather got wonderfully cooler here and then today was too warm again (not compared to you, but for me). I’ve been wary of working out because of the neck pain and not knowing what will make it worse, but I’m actually feeling like I want to do something a little strenuous, so will try to figure out what that should be.
So glad you had your breakthrough run at last! It’s gone cold here, worse because we had a week in Spain where it was not cold. At least it’s bright today; there is a lot of greyness and rain around at the moment. Dark run coming up this evening when I go to running club – I managed a couple of miles yesterday morning to check I could run and am going to do a couple tonight.
What a positive week you had! It must be that strong core from the workout you did on Monday (wow, that looks super hard!). I bet you will surprise yourself at that 12 hour race. Sounds like a great Sunday.