Welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah (thanks, ladies!) It was a week of workouts, work, school activities… you know- regular life. Regular life has been pretty good lately! Here’s how it all went down:
10 mile long run! Actually it was 10.26, but we’ll get to that in a minute. I got started pretty early (BUT NOT EARLY ENOUGH) and ran to a park that has a cross country trail. This is a well-maintained, grassy trail and I was able to get in several miles on it before starting back home.
The last couple miles were really difficult. The heat was getting to me, and even though I had sunglasses, the sun was blinding me so much that I passed my street. By the time I realized it and turned around, I had added those .26 miles to my run- just what I did NOT want to do! Oh well. I got it done, came home and guzzled a huge glass of ice water with LMNT.
Leg day at the gym! I started by pushing and pulling the sled, then moved on to squats, deadlifts, hamstring curls, tibialis raises, calf raises, and abs.
Well, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is I got some extra sleep! The bad news is, this extra sleep occurred because I didn’t hear my alarm, and we all overslept. It was a very rushed morning of angry recriminations, but somehow I got my daughter to school on time and got in a 3 mile run before work.
Treadmill run at the gym! I started with ten minutes of pushing and pulling the sled, then ran 4 miles, incorporating hills. I finished this workout with regular planks and side planks.

I started my workout at home, with negatives on the pull up bar. Then, to the gym! For the first time, someone was using “my” sled when I got there. That’s okay- I did bench press until the sled was free.
Quick note- several people commented that pushing and pulling the sled looks “boring.” PEOPLE. Do you realize I’ve been doing pool running? Could there possibly be anything more boring than that? Or the stairclimber? I’m used to this! Plus, I always listen to podcasts at the gym.
Then on to squats…

Calf raises, tibialis raises, and planks.
This morning I was awoken by the “cat alarm,” my cat meowing at 5 am (where were you on Tuesday, Muffin???) Since I was awake, I figured I might as well get in a run in the dark. 4 “cooler” miles.

Off! Muffin meowed again at 5 am- I got up, fed the cats and went back to bed for two more hours. That felt good! After work I rushed home to see the second half of the Baylor game, which they WON! Finally! Let’s get this season back on track.
On tap for today- 11 mile run. I’ve learned my lesson, and will be getting up at 5 am, so I can get the first half done while it’s still dark. I can’t take another super hot run!
Overall it was a good week- there was that little glitch on Tuesday, but I probably needed the extra sleep, and it all worked out.
How was your week? Did you have a favorite workout? – Mine was probably my treadmill hill workout.
Tell me about your fall weather so I can live vicariously!
44 Responses
Well heck, I don’t think the sled is boring at all! I also don’t think pool running is boring, either, but I use a coached workout. That helps mix it up. Looks like another great week for you. I hope you’re finding some shade as we speak!
Thank you Wendy! I did think of you when I said pool running is boring, because I know you enjoy it. A coached workout would make a huge difference.
I don’t think the sled looks boring it looks bad ass to me! Your squats look good! Nice work on the long runs sounds like you are in a good place w your runs. Hope it cools down soon
Thank you Deborah! Realistically, we probably won’t get a cool down till the end of October, and that’s if we’re lucky. But, it will come.
Um well I guess all fitness is “boring” so I’m not sure why the sled is getting singled out. I’m jealous that I don’t have access to one.
Sigh what are the odds that you sleep through your alarm on a day when the cats decide to sleep in? About the same as winning the lotto, just much less fun.
Ha, yes- everyone decided to sleep in on the same day.
Yes, I thought it was interesting that people singled out the sled for being boring- more boring than what????
We have had really great fall weather here! Cool nights and days in the 70s. Don’t have me too much. But come winter, you’ll be the one with weather privilege!
Your rushed morning sounds stressful!! My week was really busy. I was busy at work and also trying to train my new hire. Everything takes like 5 times longer when training someone but it’s worth it to invest time in training him. And then Paul came down with a stomach bug on Saturday morning. He has bounced back fast luckily.
My favorite workout is probably my 4.25 mile route around the lake we live near. I am not training for anything so I just run at the same pace for the whole thing and try to take in the beauty around me! I am also really enjoying the CG epic heat workouts. They are very challenging and I have to modify things – like the elevated pike push ups in yesterday’s workout. No way I could do those! But it’s good to be challenged!!
Ooh, I haven’t done her Epic Heat series- it sounds kind of scary : )
I am extremely envious of your weather, but you’re right- in January I’ll be remembering why I live in Florida!
Sounds like your daughter bribed your cat to get you up at 5 so you’re not late again!
LOL on missing your street at the end of your run. That’s serious zoning out.
I am so addicted to Peloton workouts I just can’t do my PT exercises in silence. I need to revive my podcast list to get me through them.
Ha, you could put on your own music for the PT exercises!
And that’s funny- yes, there must have been some collusion there between my daughter and the cat.
Hooray for extra sleep but boo for sleeping through the alarm. Some days our body just needs an! At least you still got in your workout!
Yes, if I didn’t have time for a run at all I would have been upset. I must have been really tired to miss my alarm like that.
I hear you about the pool running! I wouldn’t enjoy that either. But then I’m not a swimming/water sport/whatever person.
I think your squats look great! Just keep doing them, and getting down lower will happen.
My week was good, despite I felt very tired on and off. My favourite workout was probably the gym session on Friday, and doing deadlifts again. It was so unexpected since I’m not “supposed to” do them just yet, but with almost no weight, it’s fine and I loved it.
Okay, I’m going to take your advice on the squats. I’ll keep plugging away at it. Oh, and deadlifts are fun!
Great work Jenny! Your strength training is quite impressive. New shoe day is always a fun day
Thanks Jessie! I’m trying. : )
Um pool running sounds even more boring than the treadmill LOL.
Love new shoe days… I need to buy a pair for my marathon.
Our weather has turned fall-like but running east on our bike path in the am is blinding!!
Good luck on today’s run,
Thanks Darlene! I can attest that pool running is the most boring activity in the world.
Oh, Muffin. You and Zelda can get together and talk about how rude it is that people are sleeping while you’re hungry. Zelda is our alarm clock more days than I care to admit!
Yes, I’m sure Muffin would have a few words to say about the situation! I try to leave them dry food to last through the night so they don’t wake us up- maybe that’s why they’re getting so chubby though.
Nice job on the sled! I’d like to try that sometime (most likely ion January, with a real sled in real snow, LOL). Wow, you ran past your street! That’s a great way to get that bonus distance (like when you’re just a hair short of the desired “even” number on the Garmin). Solid week, Jenny!
Thank you Kim! Ha, yes, you can do the real thing come January!
I actually think the sled work would be fun, not boring!
Looks like you’re doing great with your strength training! Good luck with today’s run.
Thank you Michelle! Yes, I think the sled is kind of fun. It’s hard enough to keep me focused, and that makes the time go by quickly.
Well, your fall weather is my fall weather and I have nothing nice to say about it (at least no major hurricane threats yet?). But awesome week!!! And happy you are getting your long run in early this weekend. I think it will be much more pleasant!!
It was SO MUCH BETTER. This is what I’m doing from now on, at least until the weather cools down a little and I can get back on the trails.
I’ll bet you did need the extra sleep. I was up at 3 am to use the bathroom, and it took me a while to fall back asleep — so I didn’t get up until about 6:30. Because Bandit stood up & wanting to get out. Silly me thought he wanted to go outside. No, he’s just used to me getting up earlier & generally (but not always) gets up with me & goes into a different bed. Grrrr . . .
Oh no on running past your neighborhood! I’ve driven past mine, but I don’t think I’ve ever run past mine.
Yes, I don’t know what I was thinking!!! I wanted to get home so badly- the heat must have made me temporarily insane.
“Where were you on Tuesday, Muffin???” – hahaha! This made me laugh so hard.
Sounds like a great week and wow your form on the squats is just incredible. And how exciting that Baylor won. I’m sure that was a boost to your day <3
Yes, it was a pretty great week! The Dolphins also won, so I’m on a football high!
OK you do realize that now that you’ve caved and gotten up to feed the cat at 5am twice now, that this is now a permanent situation according to the cat, right?
Signed – fellow cat owner.
Oh, I know… I did think of that. Now I’m imagining what’s going to happen when we turn the clocks back, AUGH!
I agree with someone else’s comment who wonders why the sled is getting singled out as being “boring”? I feel like pretty much all strength training moves could be considered equally boring. I also listen to podcasts usually, so I would not find it any more boring than, I don’t know, doing lunges or squats. Maybe even less boring, because you’re kind of actively “running” with the sled vs just staying in one place! Haha. Maybe I will try the sled some time… though it almost seems to cross into “cardio” territory, and you know how I feel about that… LOL!
Oh yes- the sled is definitely cardio. You might not like it ; ). But yes- I listen to podcasts at the gym. Everything at the gym could be considered boring, and the sled is less so to me.
Cats have a way of knowing you don’t need to get up, don’t they? ha! My cat was so excited that we were home from vacation that she was crying/meowing last night. She doesn’t normally meow, unless she got accidentally closed in a closet, so that was pretty funny to hear!
You must have really been in the “I can’t wait to get home” zone since you passed your street!! I don’t think I’ve ever done that.
Maybe your cat is missing the kittens!
I don’t know how in the world I passed my street- temporary insanity.
Well, don’t live vicariously through me! It’s hot.
There is a guy who brings his sled to a field where I walk and run. It always looks super fun to me! But what do I know?
Muffin! What a cutie. I hate the panicked feeling of missing the alarm.
Oh wow- that would be fun to do the sled outside. But then I’d have to own one and transport it so… maybe not.
You got some great workouts and runs in this week! I actually think the sled looks fun, or at least more fun than a lot of traditional strength training exercises!
Well, it’s not exactly cool here but it is feeling more like fall. The high temps are in the mid-90s (so much better than the 100s-110s we had from July-early September!) and the temps when I’m running in the morning are upper 60s/low 70s which feels so nice and almost chilly.
Yes, my son (in Texas) is thrilled that it’s “down” to the 90s instead of 107 every day. Upper 60s in the morning sound REALLY nice!
I’m impressed by everyone who runs in the dark. Besides the fact that I am not equipped for it, I wouldn’t want to run alone in the dark. Is it safe where you are?
I think you had a solid week and some pretty great long runs. I have my last long run on the schedule this weekend before my HM.
Other than the fact that it’s cooler, I’m not crazy about running in the dark. I don’t go on my usual route because it’s too deserted. I run up and down a busy-ish street (I’m on the sidewalk) that’s pretty well-lit. So I feel fairly safe- although anything could happen at any time, sadly.
So glad you have your light on! I was concerned until I read your response to San. Whew. That seems like the safest route (literally and figuratively).
Also, I am so impressed by your lifting abilities! You seem like you’ve really upped the weights – yes? no? (To an outsider, it seems that way. :>)
Ha, I’ve upped the weights a LITTLE. It still seems like I build strength really slowly- but I’m just going to keep at it. Getting a little stronger, slowly, is better than getting weaker.