walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- It Was a Weird Week

Lately it seems like my weeks are either amazing, or everything goes wrong all at once.  This was one of those weeks… not the amazing kind.  I’m linking up with Kim and  Deborah for the Weekly Rundown!  Here’s how it all went wrong…. er, down.  How it all went down… that’s what I meant.


Monday is always my day off.  After I “accidentally” ran thirteen miles on Sunday, I was worried that my foot would be sore… but it felt normal, which is to say painful when I got up in the morning, but pretty much fine for the rest of the day.


I had already decided to make this a cutback week, and since I ran a lot last week I decided to give my foot a break and do my running here:

I did a pool run, not because my foot was hurting, but just to be on the safe side.  I felt very virtuous!  I was being sensible!  Everything would feel amazing after this… right?


I followed the pool run with Gauntlet Plank workout. Later that day I got my new shoes, and then… my first shot of the Moderna vaccine!  That night my arm started to get very, very sore.  I knew this was common, so I didn’t worry too much about it.


Well, my arm was super sore.  It was sore to the touch and it hurt to move it.  That was fine- Wednesday was my day off and I had purposely scheduled it that way.  I could run, but couldn’t do any weights (oh, darn!  Ha ha.)

3 mile run followed by Runner’s Touch exercise.


I wanted to run, but with the way my schedule worked out, it was the best day for lower body weights- squats and deadlifts.  I was happy to get them done.


Here’s where it got crappy.  I just didn’t feel great.  Because the kids didn’t have school, I went for a 6 mile run before work.  Maybe it was the weights from the day before, but my legs were heavy.  It wasn’t a great run and the BEST part… my foot started to hurt.  It hurt right in the heel, where it hasn’t been hurting (during a run) in months.  What? Why?  I’m having a cutback week! I did a pool run!  I don’t deserve this!  I finished the run- I had no choice since I did an out-and-back- and went to work.

Weird thing about this run- it was 55 and windy! In April??? That’s Florida-cold!

As the day proceeded, I felt worse and worse.  I don’t know why.  Maybe it was because I didn’t sleep well the night before.  But something just felt… off.  Could it be the vaccine?  I know people usually have more of a reaction to the second shot.  Anyway, I felt tired, droopy, and my foot was hurting.  Anyone who’s struggled with a running injury knows that feeling- when you step down and it hurts, it’s like a knife through your soul.  I just wanted this day to end and luckily… it did.  That’s the good thing- a bad day always comes to an end.


I’m not taking any chances- my arm was better at least so I did upper body weights (my “ten down” pushup routine) and pullups.  I felt a little better and when I got home from work I took a nice long nap.  Just like Friday, I had a really hard time waking up from this nap.


The trumpet shall sound!  My husband and son are both trumpet players.  Anyone who has ever attended an Easter Sunday church service knows that there are always trumpets, which means that every trumpet player has a gig on Easter Sunday.  My husband and son headed off at 6 am to play three church services… and my daughter and I stayed home and slept.

You know it’s a strange week when all I want to do is sleep in on a Sunday.  It felt AMAZING!  I slept until 9:40!  I did dream about running on a trail though (of course I did- what else would I dream about?)  I’m hoping to get out for a short run later on- or possibly a pool run.  We’ll see how my foot feels.


Happy Easter to everyone!  We’re waiting for my son and husband to get home to have a nice brunch, and the kids will find their Easter baskets.  Yes… you know if I’m the type of person to have a birthday party for my cat, my teenagers still get Easter baskets!

Anyone have a reaction to their first Moderna shot?

If you celebrate Easter, do your kids still get Easter baskets?  – I’ll probably be sending my kids Easter baskets when they’re adults and have kids of their own!


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31 Responses

  1. I did have a reaction to my first Moderna (haven’t had the second yet). I’ve read that Moderna tends to have more side effects, oh joy. In addition to the normal sore arm, I ran a slight temp for about 2 days I guess. Was super tired for about 4. I still feel as though my endurance is off, although I feel fairly normal now.

    The weirdest thing? Yes, my Achilles started to ache again! Not as bad, but definitely noticeable. I guess it’s triggering some inflammation in the body. Let’s hope that’s a good thing. I’m sorry you’re going through something similar.

    A little scared about that second shot . . .

    Happy Easter

    1. What a strange coincidence! Maybe the vaccine did trigger inflammation? The good thing about that would be, it should be gone soon.
      Yes, I was hoping not to get Moderna but I had to take what I could get! I’m also apprehensive about the second shot- I’ve heard people say they feel really sick for a day or so. Once again I scheduled it so the next day is a day off- I can stay in bed if I have to!
      Hope your achilles eases up and that you have a great week!

  2. Sorry it was a rough week! Sometimes during my cutback weeks I have the worst runs- it makes no sense. I also feel like sometimes certain “pain” feels better with movement so when I stop running it gets worse. I had fun making my son an Easter basket this year. I think its great that you still make them for your kids!

    1. You know, now that I think back the last time I didn’t feel well was also a cutback week! Hmmm….
      I’ll bet it was super-fun making an Easter basket for your son! I miss that age… it’s so easy. Making an Easter basket for teenagers gets tricky.

  3. Those weird foot injuries just pop back up sometimes for no reason. It is super annoying. Happens w my hip too right when I think i am doing all the right things. I have just accepted that it is part or running life especially as we age. Ugh. Hope you are feeling better! Nothing wrong with a little more rest

    1. Yes, even though it was a “blah” week, rest can only help. I hear you on the hip thing- with me it’s my left hip. Sigh!

  4. Interesting comments about the vaccine triggering inflammation…I had Pfizer and my reaction was minimal. But that was only the first dose for me.

    I’m really sorry to hear about your foot. Yes, we runners definitely know what that’s like. Nothing worse than an injured runner! I hope some more pool running and a little rest helps. Fingers crossed!

    Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks Jessie! From what most people say, the Pfizer shot shouldn’t cause you any problems. But nothing is for sure these days!

  5. I laughed when you said your foot felt normal. It ached etc. my foot always hurts when I run so that’s normal.

    Anyway I hope your foot pain stops so you can run.

    I had no reaction to either. It’s very individual. My hubby had Moderna and had no reaction to either. Maybe your second will be better.

    1. Yes, it’s funny what our definitely of “normal” is!
      Now I’m almost looking forward to getting the second shot so I can see what happens! I feel like it’s turned into a suspenseful thriller.

  6. I’m sorry your foot was hurting so much 🙁 Perhaps a little more pool running will help?

    I had read somewhere that some seem to have a reaction to the Moderna vaccine more than the other two. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Hopefully, your second shot will be a breeze.

  7. My SIL and I both had Pfizer. I had fatigue and brain fog within a few hours of the shot and she felt great…then about 3 days later she had to take a “couch day”. So yes you can have a delayed reaction…or no reaction at all. My prediction is that I’ll have a worse reaction to shot #2, but I’ve also heard of people having a reaction to the first shot and then no reaction to shot #2…there’s just no way to know.

    1. It’s super confusing when people are getting all different shots, and then having all different reactions to the shots they got! Can’t wait for my second one… ha.

  8. Oh no, that is a weird week! I felt a sudden blast of fatigue from my first Pfizer shot. I’m getting dose #2 on Wednesday – and I’m expecting it to be a worse reaction. I hope yours was just a reaction – and foot pain is no fun! My kids are teens and we did get them an Easter basket all full of candy. It’s a nice excuse to have some leftovers for me. LOL! Happy Easter!

    1. Good luck with your second shot! One thing I’ve heard is that the reaction to Moderna is worse than Pfizer- so maybe you’ll be okay. At this point it seems like anything can happen though- everyone seems to react differently.

  9. I’m so sorry about your foot pain! That sucks! As a chronic foot pain sufferer I feel you so hard right now. Maybe it was from the vaccine but how odd??? Hopefully the new week will be better.

    1. Yes, it was very odd to have it flair up again! Tomorrow starts my new week (I always take Monday off) so I’ll run and see what happens.

  10. Sorry for the rough week but I’d blame the vaccine for all of it. As much as I’ve seen people with minimal side effects, I’ve also seen people who are off for awhile. This too shall pass. Hopefully soon. I love trumpets! We had one at our wedding ceremony. : )
    Hooray for pool running! That may be the thing I miss most about belonging to a gym. I have no pool access now.

    1. Oh, yes, trumpets on Easter and trumpets at weddings. I actually used to play the trumpet as well (apparently it runs in the family!) and I played lots of weddings.
      I’m taking your advice and blaming the vaccine for everything, including the sore foot! Hey, you never know.

  11. Is that pool in your house? So jealous! I am sorry to hear about your foot. I know that is frustrating. I got the Pfizer vaccine. The first one didn’t bother me too much. My arm was sore. The second one is when I got chills, a headache, and I was very tired the next day. I took a nap and felt a bit better.

    1. Yes, the pool is in our backyard- it’s pretty common in Florida. It’s not heated (too expensive) so we can only use it part of the year. It’s just now getting warm enough.
      I’m feeling better this week but not looking forward to the second shot! I scheduled it so I have a day off the next day- so should be okay.

  12. Sorry about the rough week. I had my first AstraZeneca vaccine last Saturday, felt unwell Sunday and sleepy Monday and only ran again on Tuesday, seem to have done OK. Still have a sore arm but only slightly. Hope this coming week is a better one for you!

    1. Thanks Liz! We don’t have AstraZeneca here so its interesting to hear your experience. Soon we’ll all be done with this… I hope.

  13. Funny thing about Easter baskets…I did them (religiously LOL) forever. I even kept up the tradition when the kids were in college. Last year, Covid was happening, though not quite ramped up…yet…in Iowa. We did have everyone for dinner (immediate family), and I blew off the baskets because I didn’t think anyone really cared about them. Well, you can probably guess what happened. “Where are the baskets? Aren’t we doing baskets anymore?” My bad LOL I thought about bringing the baskets back this year, but didn’t…and no one seemed to notice. Maybe I should surprise everyone next year, and go all out? Anyways…so sorry to hear about your foot, and the vax hangover (if that what it was). Hoping you’re feeling better today!

    1. That’s a funny story about the Easter baskets. My kids would have the exact same reaction! I feel much better today, so whatever it was (probably a vax hangover) seems to be gone. I’m excited to start a new week!

  14. Happy Easter!

    I’m 43 and my mom still gives me an Easter basket! The bunny was good to all of us this year.

    I’m sorry you had a reaction. Everyone has had such different experiences with the different vaccines. I hope you are back to 100%

    1. Ha ha, I like your mom! The more I think about it, I’m sure that it was a reaction from the vaccine last week. I feel so much better now- can’t wait for that second shot, ha!

  15. I’m so sorry to hear about your foot acting up. That’s just not fair after all you’ve been doing to try to heal it. You mention that you got new shoes, could they be the cause of the sudden pain? Yay for getting your first vaccination! Everyone is reacting so differently that you could easily be suffering ill effects from it. Here’s hoping this week is a better one for you!

    1. Debbie, I did think about the shoes. They’re the same shoes as I had before, but they are a newer model- you never know if something was changed slightly that aggravated my foot! Just to be on the safe side, I’m running in my other shoes for now (I always alternate between two pairs.). Thanks for your comment!

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