walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- It was a Win-Win-Win-Win!

Hey, guess what- cutback weeks WORK.  After an easier week, I was all set to go on Monday and felt good all week.  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Read on for details!


I was ready to start the week with a double workout!  First, a 3 mile run…

Then after I dropped my daughter at school, leg day at the gym.  Sled pushes and pulls, squats, deadlifts, tibialis and calf raises, and abs.


Perfect day for an upper body workout.  i got out my pull-up bar and did three sets of negatives (ouch, as always) and did overhead press with 15 pound dumbbells, followed by core .  Once again my son’s bedroom has been turned into my “poor man’s home gym.”


AH!  Since I didn’t do a long run on Sunday, I REALLY wanted to do it today (Sundays and Wednesdays are my days off from work.) Wednesdays are tricky because I have to get my daughter to school, and on this day I also had to be home to wait for the dishwasher repairman.  But I was undaunted!  I ran 4 miles early in the dark, took my daughter to school and went straight to the trail for 9 more (hot) miles- 13 miles total.

I used my ice hat!

Breaking it up this way isn’t my favorite way to do a long run, but it worked for today.  I got four miles done before it was too hot; I got out on the trail; I got my long run done (leaving my Sunday free); AND we got the dishwasher fixed.  It was a win-win-win-win!


I planned either a short run or cross training for today, and I opted for the latter.  20 minutes pushing and pulling the sled…

Pulling is actually harder!

And then the rest of the time on the stair climber.  UGH.  People complain about the treadmill, but the treadmill is heaven compared to the stair climber (and don’t try to convince me otherwise!)


Back to the gym.  Runner’s Touch, , tibialis and calf raises, squats…

then rounded it off with bench press and planks.  There!  I did upper body TWICE this week!


5 mile run before work.  Yes, still hot here.  Some days have been upper 80s instead of 90s, but the humidity is still high.  Maaaaybe we’ll get a cool down by the end of the month? Or maybe not.


Remember how I wanted to clear my Sunday morning?   On tap for today- sleeping in a little, then watching the Chicago Marathon!  Woohoo!  I’m so excited for all the runners- the weather looks amazing.  While they’re running, I’ll be watching and eating waffles.

How was your week?  Are you having lovely fall weather? – Grr.

Did you have a favorite workout this week? – Mine was definitely the trail run!

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38 Responses

  1. I always have cutback weeks every 3-w weeks in a training program. I actually find them a relief and they encourage me to really push on my on weeks.

    I got three runs in this week, for a big total of … 24km. But I’m happy to get in three runs and my gym session after the disastrous run I’ve had. I’m trying to be careful to not get too fatigued and trigger another bout of severe vertigo. Our weather was back to winter this week, Tuesday’s run was in the rain but my favourite run was probably that one because I actually joined the session for the first time in a while. I just did the intervale at 5:30min/km instead of 5min/km to save stressing my body too much.

    1. Oh boy, I’m behind on your blog- I want to hear more about this disastrous run. Sounds like you’re feeling better now.

  2. Pulling that thingy looks so hard – well done! It’s inspiring to see your gym work and home gym stuff as I try to gear up to getting back to some kind of fitness once I’m properly over my Covid (I went through the night without a coughing fit last night so getting there …).

  3. Warm temps. Lots of rain yesterday.

    I break up my runs when I face to. It’s better than skipping them.

    Yay on your winning week. I’m excited about Chicago too.

    My favorite was my Wed morning run since I had a friend along. Soon she will be in Florida.

    1. Now I’m getting really excited about spectating NYC! It really is coming up soon.
      I think breaking up the runs is fine. You’re still finishing them on tired legs. I probably wouldn’t want to do every single long run like that, but I think it works for the most part.

  4. Nice work on a really great week of training! I can feel the excitement in this post! Also wow your abs looks great in that outdoor running photo!

    This week was an ok week for me. I ran on Monday. I didn’t get my workout in on Friday as I had an 8:30 call. I can’t quite fit a workout in and be zoom presentable on school days. I ran again yesterday and will do a CG workout later this morning. Tomorrow I will run.

    We are having cool fall weather – highs in the 50s. I prefer 50s to 80s in October but it was such an abrupt change!! It’s great for running but it’s pretty chilly for like going to the park with the boys. I didn’t have them wear mittens yesterday for the school event and that was a mistake. Will’s hands were so cold! Mine were too. But the crisp weather feels good!

    1. Yes- 50s is great for running, not so great for other outdoor activities. Soon it will be mitten weather every day for you!
      Ha, I can see how it would be impossible to get the boys off to school, run, and then be ready for a meeting- too bad it’s not just audio. That would work!

  5. I have no idea how you survive these daytime runs! You and my husband 🙂 Do you find you enjoy your strength training now? I used to but now running higher mileage it feels like such a chore! I know I need it but kind of feel like I won’t be able to ramp it back up until after my race.

    1. Hmm. Well, I’m not sure “enjoy” is the correct word, but I definitely like it better than I used to. I would find it really hard to do the mileage you do, and strength. It’s hard enough with my lower mileage weeks.

  6. I remember the stair climber from my gym days! All I will say about it vs the treadmill is that I was doing 4 days a week on the treadmill and one day a week on the stair climber…so I totally agree with you.

    1. Yes, and I might have to get creative again this week. My runs aren’t even THAT long yet and I’m already scrambling to get them done!

  7. Nice job getting in that long run on a busy day! We runners do what we gotta do, right?

    I didn’t want to take last week off running — don’t get me wrong, I like to take a few breaks a year. But it seems like everytime I take one, something comes up & I can’t run! Hopefully not the case this time.

    We were in the 80s while I was on vacation, but as I commented to my husband a few times, thank goodness it wasn’t humid. Sorry! You’ll get there! And then we’ll be freezing.

  8. I love my cutback weeks, but I also like taper, LOL (I think I’m in the minority on both counts). I’d have to say my favorite workout was my 3-mile progression run last Monday. It was hot, and it also was after work (so my body was tired), but that just made the success of the run that much sweeter 😉

    1. Sometimes those afternoon runs really feel great- it’s like you’ve had all day to get warmed up and stretched out, or something.

  9. I’m glad your cutback week worked! It’s one of those things that sounds like it makes sense, but it could go in the opposite direction!

    This week started out unseasonably hot, but then the temps really dipped on Friday night and I had to bust out my heated vest. Bring on fall!

  10. Sled pulls are way harder than pushes! Usually, SJ has me do the pulls with a rope and pulling hand over hand. It’s brutal. Glad you got those miles in! I’d be happy to share some of our cooler weather with you!

  11. Nice work getting your long run done – sometimes we have to split it up and work around our schedule.
    Uff, it’s still pretty hot for you. We had a temperate September but got another heatwave over the weekend (95F). It felt definitely too hot for the beginning of October!

    1. Yes, trips to the gym used to be so daunting to me! It just goes to show, you can get used to anything. Now it just seems normal.

  12. We definitely had a bit of a cool snap. I’m wearing a light sweater and jeans today!

    Although I prefer school to start earlier, I definitely have plenty of time to run and even workout before A goes to school. It helps.

  13. Cutback weeks used to be so hard for me (moreso mentally than physically) but now I try to look forward to them as a much-needed recovery time and know that I’ll feel even more ready to go the next week!

    Great job getting your long run done even with having to split it up! And that way you got some time on the trails too but didn’t have to do the full thing once it was already hot. It’s also still been very warm here — still mostly in the upper 90s and I’m so ready for fall…aka 80s lol!

    My favorite workout of the week was definitely my 50K (ended up being 33 miles) race last Saturday. I feel like I was training for it forever even though it was only since July, and now I can’t believe it’s already over! It was a super tough day but so rewarding and the course was gorgeous so I really couldn’t ask for a better experience for my second ultra!

    1. Oooh, congratulations!!! I want more details! How did you manage it in the heat? Were there frequent aid stations and did you use ice? I assume this was on a trail? Have you considered starting a blog so I could read a full race recap? 🙂
      Hope you’re getting some serious recovery this week!

      1. Fortunately for me this race was in northern Arizona so it was actually chilly at the start and then the high temp for the day was low 70s so it was basically perfect race day temps! There were actually only 3 aid stations and the last one was over 12 miles from the finish which was kinda crazy but since it wasn’t hot I was able to make my water last.

        I have thought about blogging again haha. I used to blog on and off but haven’t done any blogging in a couple years and I kinda miss it, so stay tuned possibly! I think it would be a fun way to post about training adventures and race recaps for sure like you do!

        1. Yes, I would absolutely love to hear about your training and racing adventures in the southwest!!! So different from what we have here. Glad to hear your race had such good weather. Three aid stations is NOT A LOT, but I guess it’s manageable if it’s not too hot.

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