Hello and Happy Mother’s Day! I actually have mixed feelings about Mother’s Day, because I know that it’s not a happy day for everyone. I remember the Mother’s Day after my mom died, I just felt awful. If you’re not excited about this holiday, here’s a post by Anne Lamott that might help.
Happily, I’m in a good place now and have a wonderful family who are busy making this a nice day for me. The mug at the top of this post was my present, and I love it. I also got in an amazing trail run and do not have to cook any meals today (the best present of all.) But first! I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown…
Always a day off.
Very easy four mile run, followed by Gauntlet Plank workout.
Five mile run with some speed work thrown in- two mile warmup, then 8×200 at 5k pace (although God only knows what that is at this point… I went by feel) with 200 jog recoveries in between. One mile cooldown.

Lower body strength work. I did squats, deadlifts, and a lunge matrix which included curtsy lunges, something I don’t normally do. Boy, did this come back to bite me. I’m seriously re-evaluating my strength training routine. Read on to find out why…
SUPER SORE. Well, okay. That’s what lifting weights does to you- I get it. A very creaky four mile run. The soreness subsided as I was running but was back in full force as soon as I stopped. Afterwards I did my “ten down” pushup routine, which comes out to 55 pushups.
This is getting annoying. Still sore. Even more sore, possibly. Did a very slow three miles, followed by a few planks. This soreness is really unpleasant during the day as I’m going about my normal activities.

STILL. SORE. Not as bad, but come on- I’m doing a long run. I don’t want to start off with sore legs! But that’s what I did and actually the run was one of the best long runs I’ve ever had. It was 14.5 miles point-to-point on a packed gravel levee that skirts the Everglades. My husband dropped me off at an entrance point, and I ran back to the access point closest to our house, then ran home. Anyway, I’m going to write more about it this week because I did some new (to me) things that helped make it a great run. I know fourteen miles isn’t extremely long (just kind of long) but it’s challenging in that it’s completely un-shaded, with no water available and to be honest, not a lot to look at. The entire trail looks basically like this:
It’s beautiful, but there’s no change of scenery or terrain. So, it has its own challenges.
That’s it! I hit 30.5 miles for the week, which feels like a nice milestone.
I hope everyone is having a great day today! Did you do a race or long run?
Anyone going out to celebrate, or having family over?
32 Responses
Wow, that path looks mentally tough, especially with no shade! I look forward to your post about your tips and tricks to get through it!
Actually I’m going to give you a shout out- I got the idea from you to drink a glass with Nuun before the run!
While that path looks nice, I can see how it can get boring without a change of scenery or terrain! Sorry you were so sore this week. That definitely makes runs more challenging!
Yes, there isn’t a lot to look at after appreciating the view for the first mile or so. I just embrace it as a Florida thing!
Mother’s Day used to be a very painful holiday for me–we experienced 9 years of infertility and treatments before there was a medical breakthrough in IVF and we were able to conceive. Being able to celebrate is something I never ever take for granted!! Thank you for being so thoughtful. I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Great week of running, BTW. I so want to run your trail!
Yes, that’s why I hesitate to post too much about Mother’s Day. I didn’t know that about you. Glad you have your sons and are able to celebrate now!
After a week of running in Florida, I don’t know how you do it.
Love to hear that you had a great long run.
Mother’s Day is not a happy time for me but it was my Birthday and I went for two awesome hikes. I’m good!!
Darlene, I noticed in your post you were running a little later in the day- that’s part of what made it so hot. I usually go first thing in the morning.
I’m glad you’re having a happy day and embracing the things you love!
I ran in 50 degree sunshine this week and I was toasty. LOL! I’m a whimp when it comes to running on a path with no shade, so kudos to you!! I’ll be doing yard work this week, so that will leave me sore for days I’m sure. I think I’m going to try to do some lower body strength this week. I usually avoid it to not flare up angry hamstrings, but I should probably start doing it and then I wouldn’t have those issues (hopefully). Great workouts this week!
Be careful of your hamstrings with the yardwork! They’ll really get sore if you do a lot of leaning forward.
Strength can make you sore sometimes when you least expect or want it. Way to knock out that long run today. Hope you had a great day
Thanks Deborah! After my run my day was super relaxing. Happy Mother’s Day!
Nice miles! If you’re dropping 14 milers on a monotonous trail with no shade, that means that running is going well! Happy Mother’s Day.
Running is going well! Mostly, ha ha. That cranky foot is still there. Happy Mother’s Day to you too!
So very true what you said about Mother’s Day. I lie to celebrate my mom on this day, but always try to be respectful of anyone that may be having a hard time with the day.
Awesome job on your runs, especially in that weather. You’re amazing!
Thank you Kim! It’s funny though because I think people who run in the cold, on hills, or at altitude are amazing. It’s all what you’re used to.
Mother’s Day can be fraught. I’m glad you enjoyed yours. Mine was very low key, but I spoke to both of my kids and saw my Mom. <3
That running route looks tough. I need shade and rolling hills.
Shade and rolling hills would be nice! Glad you had a nice day, Coco.
Oh, can we talk about DOMS? LOL, I had a nasty case on Thursday (and most of Friday), but it’s all part of the gig. Curtsy lunges give me DOMS every time I do them; pure evil, they are! I look forward to hearing more about your Mother’s Day run!
It was probably the curtsy lunges that did it. I heard someone on a podcast talking about how important they are- obviously I should stop listening to podcasts.
Cheers to a great week, DOMS and all! Glad you enjoyed your long run so much. Being in the heat and sun that much would wear on me for sure. We gathered for Mother’s Day and it was weird because some people wore masks and others did not. Kids <16 aren't vaccinated yet so I don't know what to think.
Yeah, that’s a tricky one about the kids. I wouldn’t know what to do either, and it would feel weird to have some people wearing masks and some not. I guess we’re in for a confusing transitional period now.
Hooray for a great week!!!Isn’t it amazing how some weeks can feel SO GOOD? Shade would definitely be necessary, your weather is too warm for me these days – it was in the 30s/40s today!
Yes- do not come down to Florida! At least not until next winter. We’re acclimated to the heat though.
Love the mug! Yes, 14 miles is long!
I’m sorry you’ve been so sore; interested to hear what you’ve come up with there!
I wasn’t as close to my Dad as I am to my Mom, so that will definitely hit me a lot harder. And I suspect it’s going to be sooner rather than later (but she is 93!).
Judy, you are doing the very best thing possible which is spending a lot of time with your mom- you’ll be able to look back with no regrets. Hope the service for your dad went smoothly.
hey 14 miles is long! We aren’t all long distance runners 🙂
weird that you were so sore for so long! but it worked out in the end it seems!
glad you had a good mother’s day and that it’s easier for you these days. for me it’s also a super sensitive holiday and it’s hard every year and also hard to explain without people trying to make you see the positives. I learned to keep my mouth shut because literally no one wants to be confronted with negative feelings. So thank you in any case for acknowledging that it’s not great for everyone.
Renee, thanks for the comment and congratulations for making it though yet another Mother’s Day! It’s a nice holiday if you’re in a good place, but I think there are way too many people who suffer through it, for a variety of reasons.
Wow, that’s a tough path in unremitting sun, well done, you! At least it wasn’t an out and back, I suppose!
Ha, an out-and-back would have been pretty brutal!
Congrats on the long run! 14 miles is long. I am doing 6-7 and that is long enough for me.
Thanks Zenaida! It’s funny how it’s all what you’re used to- there are times when 6-7 is long for me.