walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- It’s “Florida-Cold!”

What a week! After a warmer-than-usual December and first part of January, winter finally came to Florida!  For us, that means nights down into the 50s and low humidity.  We can turn off the AC and throw open the windows!  It’s our most beautiful time of year, and we make the most of it.  I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown.  Let’s get started!


The week began with a yoga flow class (with Denis Morton on the Peloton app) and the latest installment of my “pushups project.” supervised by my son.  Oof.


Running day!  Last week I started running again with very short runs (after taking time off from being sick, and also getting used to my new orthotics.)  I continued with this conservative schedule, but first…

I warmed up with some squats.  Last spring I went to PT for a hip injury, and the therapist noticed that every time I did a squat, I shifted my weight onto my left leg.  I even did it when squatting with no weights, and I couldn’t even feel that I was doing it.  The solution to this problem was to do squats with a band around both legs, just above my knees.  During the squat I focus on pushing both legs outward against the band and that solves the shifting problem.

I did three sets, and then did some lateral squat walks with the band- if that doesn’t wake up my glutes, I don’t know what will!

Then I walked for half a mile, and ran for 2.5 miles.  Last week every run felt difficult, but this run finally felt good!

I’m working on bringing my elbows straight back instead of out to the side … obviously didn’t achieve that here!


Another yoga flow class, and pushups.


AHHH!  This was the first run in weeks where I really, really felt good.  I started off for a three mile run… it was raining a little so I wore my visor.   Our cold front hadn’t come through yet, but it was cooler- around 60 degrees.  Between the light rain and the low temps, it felt amazingly cool.

I blame the visor for what happened next.  It made it a little harder to see all around me, so I was absorbed in my thoughts and somehow missed the turn I should have taken to make a three mile loop.  I realized it about half a mile later, and at that point had committed to running four miles.  BUT I FELT GREAT!  I was so happy to be running four miles, and even added some fartleks in the last mile.  I loved it!


Okay, I have an important confession.  I don’t actually love the Peloton Strength for Runners classes.  I know- blasphemy!!!  The ones I’ve taken move too quickly from one exercise to another, and I always feel kind of rushed and frantic, rather than focusing on doing each one slowly and with good form.  I get why it’s like that- they’re trying to fit as much as possible into a short amount of time, because who wants to spend a lot of time on strength.  I also probably haven’t tried enough classes.  But for now, I’m happier doing strength on my own.

Having said that, I’m starting back pretty slowly after not doing any strength for months other than the power yoga classes.  Today I did the Runner’s Touch exercise that I’ve mentioned before.  I really like this because it works my glutes, hamstrings, balance, and when I do it barefoot, it works the muscles in my feet as well.  When I’m doing it on a regular basis, I add weights, but for now I’m just doing it with body weight.  And… pushups, of course.


Our cold front officially came through!  Remember, I live in South Florida.  We heard it snowed in northern Florida earlier this month (gasp!) but we’re almost at the southern tip of the state, so this is just about as cold as it gets for us- it was 50 degrees for my run this morning!

Hat, gloves, shorts… perfect.

After my ‘long run” and “speedwork” (I use these terms very loosely and generously) on Thursday, I dialed it back to a three mile run.  Preceded by banded squats and lateral squat walks once again.


I kept to my plan for January, which is to run every other day.  The problem with that is, it means every other week I only run three times, and I can’t run on Sunday.  That’s okay- I did my third yoga class of the week (also following my plan) and completed the pushup challenge my son set for me, which was “ten down.”  You do a set of ten pushups, then a set of nine, then eight, etc. down to one.  Ideally you’re supposed to only wait one minute between sets, but for the first few sets I rest a little longer. After neglecting upper body strength for a while, it took me a couple weeks to work up to the full ten down.

Unfortunately I had to text my son to tell him I completed the ten down challenge, because he left early this morning to go back to school.  Yes… I’m sad.  But, a couple weeks ago when I wrote about my word of the year, “Start,”  Deb kindly and wisely left this comment: “It’s perfect for you as start back into your running gradually to avoid injury, as you start back to work after Covid, and as you start life again just the three of you when your son goes back to school. We’re always starting!”  That stuck in my mind, and it really helps.  Thanks, Deb!

Today will be a little empty (although there is football!) but I’m looking forward to next week.  We have more cool weather coming, I’ll get to run four times, and I’m hoping to get a trail run in there.  Life goes on!

Does anyone have a Peloton SFR class they really love?  I’m willing to try again!

How was your weather this week? –I know 50 probably doesn’t sound cold to most people.


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Reading and Eating

I’ve started Edge of Eternity and we are now in the 1960s!  It’s amazing to me how much I actually don’t know.  Yes- I did know there was a wall in Berlin.  But if you asked me when it was built, I would have said… right after WWII?  No!  It was built in 1961, after the US and USSR threatened war over the Berlin crisis.  This was going on during the Civil Rights protests in the US.  What an incredibly turbulent time!  Needless to say, I’m loving this book. This is the third book in Ken Follett’s Century Trilogy, and in between books 2 and 3 I quickly read this: This was a reread, as all Agatha Christies are for me.  I found it at the used bookstore, flipped through it and didn’t recognize any of the character’s names.  I took that as a good sign, and decided to risk it.  So many times I start an Agatha Christie (I read them all at least thirty years ago) and remember the ending about halfway through. Not this time!  I KNOW I read this one, but I truly couldn’t remember it.  I even tried out different “ingenious” solutions: “The narrator is the murderer!  The priest isn’t really a priest!  Someone is a long-lost son!”  Nope.  The ending was a complete surprise.  I really enjoyed this reread! Eating wise… I’ve continued to pretend that it’s not hot, muggy, and steamy here, and made chili!  I while ago I made Vegan Cincinnati Chili from this website. I was planning to make that again, but when I went to the website, I noticed he also has a recipe for “Texas Chili” which is called Best Damn Vegan Chili Ever.  Well!  I had to try that. It was very good!  I’m not sure I believe the claims that this chili is “award winning.”.  But to be fair, I did leave out two “optional” ingredients, pickled jalapenos and masa harina.  Mayne next time I’ll put those in and see if it wins any awards. I will say that my husband LOVED it!  We ate it for two dinners, and both times he exclaimed over how much he enjoyed it. Chili: Cincinatti, or Texas style? What are you reading now?

Fall Fun

I had a really nice, fall-ish weekend!  When I say “fall-ish,” I don’t mean I visited a pumpkin patch or went apple picking.  No, we don’t have that in Florida- although, I’m pretty sure it’s too early for those things just about everywhere right now.  But those are things that never happen in Florida, so we have to make our own fall. We may not have cool temperatures and falling leaves, but we do have football and homecoming!  Saturday night was our high school homecoming dance, and my daughter went with two of her friends, looking amazing in her new dress.  I got a lot of GREAT comments on my post about the suit vs. dress dilemma, including one from Julie saying that she wore a tux to her prom!  For this dance, my daughter wore a dress- who knows what will happen in the future. I dropped my daughter and her two friends at the dance, and I loved seeing all the kids dressed up.  I also loved that these three girls didn’t feel like they needed dates- they were happy to be going together.  I was excited that it was my daughter’s first high school dance. I was also excited that after the dance, another mom was picking the girls up and bringing them back to her house for a sleepover.  I knew that my daughter would be in good hands and I knew she would have fun- and my job was done for the night. I got home just in time for the start of the Baylor game.  It was gloomy and rainy outside (a typical South Florida evening in September) and my house was so cozy!  We broke out the fall food and beverages. We tried each of the beers: the Oktoberfest was very good; the Pumpking Ale was okay, and the Howling Gourds was terrible.  The only one we actually finished was the Oktoberfest.  It turns out some things just shouldn’t taste like pumpkin, and beer is one of them.  But it was fun to try them all. I LOVE chips and salsa, but don’t normally eat them.  It’s one of those thing I can’t stop eating once I start, so I usually don’t let myself start.  But I made an exception since they were “fall-themed” (holiday foods don’t really count, right???) and I loved them.  The pepita salsa is delicious, and chips are always good.  Plus they looked like fall leaves! We also had this: It was good.  I mean- it was good for a prepared dinner.  Elaborate cooking wasn’t in my plan for this night, so we definitely enjoyed these “heat and serve” enchiladas. We watched Baylor win, and oh yes- I was wearing my new favorite pajamas. After the game, I stayed up late reading, and finally crawled into bed, knowing that there was no work or school tomorrow, and no one would be needing me for anything.  I could sleep as late as I wanted, and didn’t wake up until 9 am.  It felt AMAZING. After a nice slow start to the morning, Sunday got underway.  I picked up my daughter, did the grocery shopping, and started thinking about plans for the week.  I felt a little melancholy that the weekend was coming to an end.  Sometimes everything just comes together perfectly.  I know there will be more fun times this fall, but it’s possible that I’ll look back and say “Yes, that was the best night of the whole season.” Are you starting to think about fall, or are you still in a summer frame of mind? Pumpkin ale- yay, or nay?

Weekly Rundown- Everything is Awesome!

I don’t want to say this injury is behind me, because that would be tempting fate a little too much.  But let’s just say “Everything is Awesome” from The Lego Movie has been running through my head, and life seems good!  I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown.  Here’s how it all played out… Sunday I walked one mile and ran 3. Everything felt good! Monday I did lower body strength at home, including single leg exercises and squats.  One of the (few) things I’m proud of from my work this summer is the progress I made in the one leg sit-to-stand.  It’s one of the foundation exercises on Sally McRae’s app and also one of the hip stability exercises from Brad Beer’s book.  You start sitting on a chair or bench, and stand up using one leg, then sit back down, stand up again, etc. only on one leg.  When I first started I could only do five reps on each leg- now I can do 36 reps!!!  At least something has improved. I also did Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout..  I’m really tired of it by now! Tuesday I walked 3 miles… … and then did a different core workout!  I did Caroline Girvan’s Standing Abs Workout, and I liked it.  At least, I liked doing something different. Wednesday Again, I walked one mile and ran 3.  Still feeling good! Thursday I did my single leg exercises, and another core workout.  This one Engie recommended, MadFit Standing Core Workout..  I liked this one too!  Then I had time for 20 minutes of walking. At night we watched the Dolphins game, which was a complete fiasco.  We lost, and our quarterback got ANOTHER CONCUSSION.  The poor guy will be out for… ever?  The rest of the season?  I feel really bad for him, and now our season is a shambles after only the second game. Friday Gym day!  It was a very squat-focused workout, because I skipped deadlifts.  My low back is nagging at me again, and deadlifts sadly make it worse.  After squats and Bulgarian split squats I did some core (abs and low back machines.) At night I planned to go to our high school football game, but it rained so much that the band couldn’t play (so I didn’t go.)  They did manage to play in the rain and our team won!  This was our homecoming, and last year’s homecoming was completely rained out.  September outdoor events just shouldn’t be a thing in South Florida. Saturday This was a big day- I walked one mile and ran 4!!!  I’m getting there! At night we watched the Baylor game.  FINALLY.  A game where it didn’t rain, no one got injured, and we WON!  At least the football week ended on a high note. Sunday Off!  Sleeping in and waffles will be involved (obviously.) So, it was a good week.  Moving forward, I’m going to cautiously try running every other day.  Running every third day was great to get me back from this injury, but I can’t do that forever! How was your week?  Were there any moments where you sang “Everything is Awesome?” Top photo by Stainless Images on Unsplash

Friday Coffee Date!

Hey, it’s Friday!  Pour yourself a beverage in your favorite fall mug (wait- you do have one, right?) and join me. Let’s talk about the weekend!  Tonight is another high school football game, and I will be there.  The last two weeks have been away games, so I’ve missed going.  But you know what that means- it’s time for Homecoming!  My daughter decided to go to the dance with a group of friends, and we started thinking about what she would wear.  But let’s back up for a moment… The high school concert band uniform is tuxes for the boys and long black dresses for girls.  When my daughter was a freshman last year, she said she would prefer to wear a tux. Now, I wasn’t entirely opposed to this, but I just preferred that she wear a dress… like all the other girls?  I told her that whatever she decided to do was fine, but there’s a reason boys usually wear suits and girls usually wear dresses.  Girls are more curvy, so dresses flatter them more.  My daughter is very curvy, and I thought a tux would just make her look kind of big all over. She decided to wear the dress, and I thought she looked lovely!  Then I was telling my friend about how well I handled that situation, and she thought I was VERY WRONG.  Why, she asked, did it matter how she looked?  Why did I make that the most important thing? Er- good question.  When it was time for New Year’s, my daughter wanted to wear a suit to the party.  I agreed immediately, and she actually looked kind of cute (not that it mattered!) Later I asked how she liked wearing the suit, and she said “I loved it.  I felt really confident.”  Okay then. Back to Homecoming!  My daughter said she wanted to wear a suit, and we got to work on her outfit (I was tasked with finding her some new pants, which was surprisingly hard.) Then yesterday she went to the mall to help her friend find a dress, and came home with… a dress, which she is now wearing to Homecoming. You guys, I can’t keep up!  Girls are so hard!!!  Boys are so. much. easier. Anyway, while my daughter is at the dance on Saturday night, my husband and I will be watching the Baylor game!  I have a fun fall-themed dinner planned, with some new things to sample from Trader Joe’s. One last thing- I’ve submitted my request for postponement of jury duty.  Weirdly, the request had to be submitted in writing, and by that I mean I had to write a letter and mail it through the U.S. postal service.  When was the last time you did that? I was so confused.  I couldn’t even really remember how to do it.  When I printed out my letter, my husband looked at it and said “You didn’t leave room for your signature.”  Oh yeah- I totally forgot.  Then I had to find an envelope and a stamp, and take it to the mailbox… I mean, don’t we have more modern methods of communication nowadays?  Anyway, I hope it gets there, and I hope I get my postponement (actually, I’m hoping they forget all about me, but if worst comes to worst I’ll take a postponement.) That’s it for this week! When was the last time you mailed a letter?  I don’t mean a greeting card or postcard, but like an official letter?   Do you think I was wrong to encourage my daughter to wear a dress?  How much does appearance matter? What are your plans for the weekend? Top photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

43 Responses

  1. Just between you and me==>I had the same experience with Peloton strength. I found that the classes were either too easy or too hard, and I felt like I wasn’t really getting a workout in.

    We’re in super freeze mode here. The roads are clear so I *could* run outside but it’s not worth it since it’s so dry that it hurts to breathe. So the treadmill it is!

    1. Well, good thing you have the treadmill option! I might take some recommendations on the Peloton strength classes and try again- I’ll report back if I fid any I like.

  2. I am glad to read that you are feeling a lot better and back to running. Smart to start slow again. I do have a few classes I really like that I return to. I do the regular strength classes more often and prefer to stack shorter classes. feel free to reach out anytime and I will give you a few ideas 🙂

    1. Okay, i may do that, Deborah. Since I’m still paying for the Peloton app I might as well get full use out of it! Thanks.

  3. I like the Peloton strength classes, just for the fact that I don’t have to write my own workouts, LOL. I agree, though, some are much better than others. I really like Daniel’s strength classes because he packs a lot of stuff into a short class and gives you enough of a rest between sets (while he explains the next move) that the time frame works for me. That said, Many of the moves are ones I already know…but I have also had a great refresher on moves I’d forgotten. Like Deborah, I also stack some of the shorter ones to get a longer session done.

  4. Congrats on the push-up challenge and yay on the running! The Peloton SFR classes are hit-or-miss, especially Bec’s classes. I started keeping notes on my favs and ones to avoid. Some good ones: Matt Wilpers 4/10/19 (10 min), 6/4/21 (10 min), 8/28/19 (to min – the hips PT class), 4/15/21 (20 min, full body). Becs 8/2/21 (10 min, unilateral work), 12/20/21 (20 min). I need to do a blog post. LOL!

    1. Seriously, you should do a blog post with your favorite classes and a little description of each! People would love it. I’ll pick one of these that you mentioned and try it this week.

  5. Oops on missing your turn for the three-mile loop, but yay on feeling good after running four miles. It sounds like your runs are going well and that your orthotics are working.

    I’m happy that my comment hit home with you and is helping now that your son is back at school.

    1. Yes, your comment really helped me! It was like you read my mind, because I’m sure I didn’t mention anything about my son in that post. But you have kids, so you’ve been through it.

  6. I’ve been dabbling in Andy Speer’s Strength II series and I have to say it moves too slowly. Who’s got that kind of time for warm ups and cool downs? Especially since I usually do the workouts after a run, I’m already quite warmed up. Oh well. We’ll find what works for us!
    It is sad to see them go back to their college life. Sigh. But time does fly. And it really helps to see them so happy too.

    1. Oh yes, that’s the other thing- I’m not always happy with the warmups and cooldowns either. Maybe I’m just picky!
      Yes, time flies. My son will be home for spring break on March 5th!

  7. It’s so ironic that this is the nicest time to be outside in Florida; it is -17 degrees Celcius here + windchill. It is COLD. And there is SO MUCH SNOW. Heaps and heaps and heaps of it after a winter storm. Thankfully we didn’t lose our power this time.
    I have 100% signed off running for now. I just couldn’t take the treadmill any longer and the roads are so icy/sidewalks aren’t cleared of snow reliably. But I’m carrying on with my outside walk each day and I’ve been loving that habit, especially since I’ll allowed myself to just walk loops around our neighbourhood. I always used to feel obligated to do a longer walk, but there is something comforting about knowing I’m close enough to home to call it quits when I’m cold or tired and I don’t really have to pay attention to anything much and can turn my brain off since we live in a quiet loop of streets.
    After I finish my cup of chai I’m bundling up and out I’ll go!

    1. Yes, January-February-March are our months to be outside and soak it all up! We do suffer in the summers though- it’s so hot, everyday, for months on end. It’s a trade-off, and I can handle the heat better than cold.
      I don’t blame you one bit for taking a break from running! It sounds really miserable. But glad you’re getting in your walks! I do remember from my days up north how important it is to get outside everyday in the winter. It’s nice you’re enjoying that so much.

  8. Having lived in the south, I get that weather is relative. But considering I woke up to negative temps the last couple of days (that’s before the wind chill) . . . moving along. 🙂

    Sounds like you’re in a really good place now! It’s about time & I’m very happy for you.

    I actually think there are great benefits to running 3 x week one week & 4 x week the next. Although then again I’m very slowly rebuilding, again.

    I 100% agree with you on the Peloton ST classes. I’ve tried a few and I always felt like they were rushing through exercises, even while reminding you to be mindful of your form. I turn else where for my ST. But I do enjoy the running & biking classes!

    1. I should try the Peloton running classes sometime! Kind of silly that I never have.
      I grew up near Chicago, so I lived through some very cold winters. I’m not sure how I would react to that kind of cold now though- shrivel up into a ball and whimper, maybe? i haven’t even been up north to visit in the winter in a long time. I’ll stick with my “chilly” 50s!

  9. I think I’m the only one in the group who doesn’t do the Peloton classes, so I cannot comment on it, lol. I do strength at the gym and that’s plenty for me. I have the same issue as you with the squats, only it’s my right leg that dips in a bit when I come up. I worked on it before my injury but now that my right glute isn’t always firing properly, it’s back. It’s not bad, but I caught it on my selfie video last week at CrossFit.

    I’m laughing that you wore gloves on your 50 degree run, but I have to remind myself that 50 feels cold when you’re used to 80s!! Enjoy your more temperate weather.

    It’s always hard when my son goes back to school–he went back last week. It’s so boring here for him, I can’t blame him. But I sure miss him!

    1. Isn’t it interesting what you catch from those selfie videos???
      I could have gotten through that run with no hat and gloves, but I would have been a little uncomfortable. I get a headache if I don’t wear a hat when it’s that cold. Ha ha… yes, I’m sure my blood has thinned out a lot in the 20 years I’ve lived in Florida.
      My son was totally ready to go back to school. I guess I should be happy he likes it there. And, I’ll see him again in March!

  10. 50 sounds like summer lol -3 today. But you get it done. I just hate all those layers.

    It better warm back up by the time I get to Florida.

    It seems like your running is going well.

    I aim for 3x a week but some weeks it’s 4. Never more.

    I only used peleton for running and biking… but the running classes are so short!! 20 or 30 min.. a few 45. It didn’t work for me.

    1. It’ll be warm when you get here! Even if it gets down to 50 at night, the daytime temps will feel warm, especially in the sun.
      Yes, I have been meaning to try the Peloton running classes but they are short. You would have to do a warmup on your own first and then start the class probably.

  11. I broke me left leg dramatically about ten years ago and so my foundation is uneven, which leads to a lot of imbalance issues for me, so I feel you on the fact that my left and right sides are quite different! Our bodies are never perfect, but I’m always impressed with how much you’re able to do in a week!

    1. Well… I try! Some weeks are better than others. Sometimes I feel like I’m barely keeping my head above water. For those of us with major imbalances, we have to work extra hard!

  12. I was resistant to Peloton, but for me, I’m saving so much money compared to the Discover Strength training sessions I was doing (they were pricey) and I just love the flexibility of fitting it in whenever I can, but I suppose you can get that from any online strength training. I personally do like the SFR classes too as they aren’t super intense where they affect my running. I want to be strong, but running is my primary focus so I like that the moves seem to be focused on injury prevention. BUT I will note that some classes are hit or miss. Anyways, I don’t know if I’ll do it forever, but it’s working for me for now!

    Anyways, happy to hear you’re getting back out there slowly post Covid and the orthotics are working well so far!

    1. Just from what I know about you from reading your blog, I’m guessing that you don’t need a lot of strength training. You probably have a good running form without many imbalances, and you’re already strong- so I can see how the SFR classes are good for you. You’re a perfect example of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

  13. I echo Coco’s comments on the SFR classes – in general, Matt’s are better than Becs’ classes. I prefer the general strength classes – Robin and Rad offer some good ones, and I’ve just started checking out Daniel’s classes and like them.

    It’s great that running continues to feel good for you! Your 50’s weather is my ideal run temps 🙂

    1. Yes, I think the weather is a major factor in my great runs this week! Luckily it continues next week.
      I’ll check out some of the classes you mentioned- I definitely need to branch out.

  14. That’s interesting that you mentioned the SFR Peloton classes this week! I think I’ve only take the one with Matt but it was too boring for me. But in general, my attention span pretty much taps out at 20 mins if I’m doing a workout video! I’d rather take several shorter classes. Even so I didn’t care for the repetitive nature of the workout. My trial will be ending soon so I’ll just cancel it because I don’t use it enough.
    That’s great your running went well this week! I agree, 50 degrees is a great temperature.

    1. I think I’ll try some of the general strength classes (as opposed to SFR) before I do anything drastic. But right now I only use the app for yoga, and I’m wondering if I could find yoga that I like elsewhere. We’ll see!

  15. I do love Becs Gentry Strength for Runners. There are three or four classes that I do on repeat, ten and fifteen minutes each. I like them because I can see my strength increase. My booty has, um, become a lot stronger. I don’t know if you’ve tried them but they do a lot of balance work and core stability, which is key for me. I had a major injury in 2019 and my focus is always to keep injury at bay so I can keep running for years and years.

    Your January weather is amazing! That’s pretty much perfect weather.

    1. I’ll agree- this weather is perfect.
      I did a couple Becs classes, and I remember I did appreciate the amount of balance work in one of them. Running is just basically balancing on one leg and then the other, over and over again- so leg strength and good balance is important! Maybe I should go back and find that specific class again.

  16. Glad you are feeling better and you are back to running.
    50 is the same temperature we have here on these sunny days.
    We have the same scheduled plan which is to run every other day and I also complain because I can only run every other Sunday. Even if I am retired and I have plenty of time Sunday is the best day for a run because there is no car traffic and less people around.

    1. Yes, funny that we both have the “Sunday” issue. It’s definitely the best day for running! Oh well- I’m sticking to every other day for now.

  17. We will be in the low 30s tonight! It’s been the coldest winter I can remember!

    I’m sorry you’re not enjoying the Peloton strength classes. I hope you can find something else.

    Stay warm!

    1. Okay, brrr! We got down to the upper 40s tonight, and I doubt we’ll get any lower than that. We are definitely in a cold snap!

  18. I haven’t done the SFR program, but I usually think Becs has really good strength classes for runners and I also think Adrian is an excellent strength coach (and he’s a runner too).

  19. I often have to remind myself to bring in my elbows when I run, so totally get what you mean about correcting form.

    While I don’t do the SFR classes on Peloton, I try to do a few strength classes a week to supplement my running and cycling. Jess Sims is my favorite strength instructor (well she’s my favorite for everything!). but Daniel, Adrian and Rad are also great.

  20. You forgot the best about Florida cold — manatees!
    I’m so missing them.
    Yay for a run that felt good.
    Some of the SFR are good, others aren’t great. Find what works for you

    1. I don’t know where to go to find manatees- and you’d think I would have figured it out after 20 years.
      i’m trying a new Peloton strength class tomorrow- I’ll report back!

  21. As your fellow “Florida sister,” I feeeeel you on this weather! It probably feels great to run in, too! I’ve enjoyed not having to run my AC and bundling up when I go outside.

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