walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- It’s Race Week!

Welcome to the weekly rundown, hosted as always by the gracious Kim and .Deborah.  As you may or may not know, I was a little down the week leading up to my birthday and in a fit of insanity signed up for a race.  I needed something to jolt me out of the doldrums, so I picked a race I wouldn’t normally choose- a 5K trail race to benefit the Solid Waste Authority.  All week long I joked that I was tapering for the race- but the truth is, there’s probably not much I could have done that would affect the outcome greatly one way or another.  Let’s see how the week went!


It was my “long” run day, five miles.  We had an unexpectedly beautiful weekend- it was in the upper 50s for this run with low humidity.  Hooray!


I started the day with a 30 minute yoga flow, as always on Peloton with Denis Morton.  Followed that with a 10 minute core class with Ben Alldis.  I was a little sad when my Crush Your Core program ended because I loved having each day’s class already picked out for me.  Now what I’m doing is working my way through all of Ben Alldis’s core classes.  They’re all basic core routines with pretty much the same exercises, but doing a different class mixes it up just enough.


I decided to do something other than Peloton and tried out Marcia’s lower body workout. If you don’t like peppy youngsters shouting cute motivational slogans at you while playing obnoxious music, this workout is for you.  It’s quick and hits all the muscle groups.  I especially like how she includes lateral banded walks for the glute medius.  Go Marcia!

I also did a quick core class and pull-ups, and later in the day did a 30 minute yoga flow.  It was a Denis Morton class from 7/26/20, and for the first time ever, I HATED the music!  One of the things I like about Denis is the music he uses- but this time I disliked it so much, it distracted me from the flow.  I made a note NOT to take this class again!


Because of my foot issue (sigh) I’m only running every other day right now.  Since I have a race on Sunday, I had to take two days off in a row somewhere.  But now, back to running- three miles and the humidity has returned!

Followed this run with another core class, and later in the day did a 20 minute hip focus yoga flow.


Another strength day. I did a core class, pull-ups, and a lower body workout on my own.  Sometimes I feel like a class, and sometimes I want to do my own thing.  Know what I mean?


Started the day with a three mile run.

After work I planned to do a core class, but I somehow FORGOT.  It was our cat’s second birthday, and my daughter thought we should make cookies for the occasion.  That has to be the lamest reason ever to miss a workout- I was making cookies for my cat’s birthday???  It’s not like my cat was going to eat them!  I didn’t even eat them.  Although, I suppose it’s better to miss a workout and not eat cookies, than to miss a workout and eat cookies.  So there’s that.

Happy Birthday, Muffin!


I’m not taking any chances!  The first thing I did was a core class.  Then a yoga class, and later in the day did pull-ups.  Mysteriously, my pull-ups don’t seem to be getting any easier.  Or I guess I should say, I don’t seem to be getting any stronger (It doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger, right?) Well, I’ll just keeping working at it.


It’s race day!  Let’s see… my foot is still iffy, I haven’t done speedwork in two years, the race is early in the morning and far away, my garmin is broken, and best of all… it’s supposed to rain.  The trails should be nice and muddy!  As you can see, I’m going into this with low expectations, which is probably a good thing.  My husband is running it with me, so we’ll just try to have fun.  Recap coming up on Tuesday!

How was your week?  Is it spring where you live yet?  – It’s full-on summer here.  I think we’re getting up to 90 this week!

If you have pets, do you celebrate their birthdays?



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37 Responses

  1. you know what? Low expectations puts way less stress on you! I hope you have fun out there today and that your foot does not feel sore. going into my race today w low expectations as well-my right glute is not happy today. thanks for linking!

  2. Good luck today and more importantly, HAVE FUN! Seriously, what is the point otherwise? I hope your foot behaves. I know a little something about muddy trails, lol. We got rain and snow yesterday so I’m pretty sure they’re a mess.

  3. Any day you can race is a good day. And your hubby is joining you.

    Get rid of those old expectations and have fun.

    Can’t wait to read about it.

  4. I think having low expectations is appropriate for a solid waste race — hopefully you will have fun no matter what. LOL on making cookies for your cat’s birthday. Any reason is a good reason to bake cookies!

    1. Yes, having high expectations for this particular race would have been a mistake. We did have a good time though.

  5. Nothing wrong with low expectations! Not every “race” needs to be a “race.” I hope your foot holds out and plays nice. We always celebrate Max’s birthday… he gets an ice cream cone 🙂

    1. Ha, that’s cute. Muffin got a little extra cat treat on her birthday.
      Yes, this was more of an “experience” than a race. But it was fun!

  6. I bet that you DO have fun. Sometimes setting a low bar is the right thing to do. 🙂

    Oh, your cat looks like my Cleo! She’s only been gone 21 years now. I always have a soft spot for calicoes. Funny story, I shared a photo of Cleo my husband took on an older & different blog. Someone used it in a trivia game at Red Robin — he actually managed to get money from them. Cleo was everywhere, it seemed.

    Excited to hear how the race went!

    1. I had a calico growing up, so I have a soft spot for them as well. It was actually my daughter who insisted on getting Muffin though.
      Race recap coming on Tuesday! You’re right- it was fun.

  7. I hope you had fun with the race! Can’t wait to hear all about it. Thanks for working out with me. 🙂 Happy Birthday to Muffin! We’d totally be celebrating here as well. Ozzy turns 5 on 4/16 and you’d better believe we will celebrate! Haha!

    1. Ozzy’s birthday is coming right up- how exciting! Thanks for providing the workout- I’ll check out some more of yours this week.

  8. Happy birthday Muffin! I do have the cat’s birthdays on our family calendar, but that’s about it. And this year we forgot to even buy them Christmas toys. Oops! 😂 “Lower your expectations and you’ll never be disappointed” is one of my mottos!! It’s a must. I hope you had a fun race with your husband. Rain just adds to the excitement of the day, right? Looking forward to your race recap!

    1. Race recap is coming Tuesday! I’m going to adopt your motto for myself. The race was fun, and my husband enjoyed it too.

  9. I hope you had a great day – regardless of the outcome, that your foot felt okay for the run and that it broke up your regular routine.
    We have no pets, but I’m sure the kids would swindle me in to celebrating their birthday’s if we did! But I think “I was making cookies for my cat’s birthday” is an adorable reason to miss a workout.

    It is not summer here. Sigh. It is spring (according to the calendar) but they are calling for enough snow tomorrow a friend just texted that she’s expecting a snow day. Double sigh.

    1. SERIOUSLY??? A snow day in April? That’s harsh.
      The race did break up my regular routine and turned out to be fun!

  10. Good luck and I hope you have a blast!

    Happy birthday Muffin! What a cute little kitty. I love any excuse for cookies! Your self control is amazing, to bake cookies and not eat any of them…are there any treats that you can enjoy?

    I will have to try Ben’s core classes! I too miss having them picked out for me 🙂

    1. I do make treats for myself- usually sweetened with stevia or monk fruit. No one else in the family will eat those though.

  11. Good luck – I hope you had fun today!

    I don’t think I’ve done a core class with Ben so I will have to check them out.

    We’re all for celebrating our dog’s birthday so I love that you made cookies for the occasion 🙂

  12. I hope you had a blast at your race! Baking cookies for your cat’s birthday is one of the most legit reasons to miss a workout. Happy birthday to Muffin! Our dog’s birthday is on Easter (yep that’s all the information that we have from her previous owner) and of course there’s usually an extra treat for her.

  13. Happy second birthday, Muffin! We not only celebrate Pablo’s birthday, but also his gotcha day. 😀

    I hope your race went well and I can’t wait to read your recap!

    BTW, are you on Instagram?

      1. No, you haven’t seen m posts because there aren’t any lately! I’ve been really bad about instagram these days.

  14. Happy Birthday to Muffin – such a cute cat! When my dog was alive we would celebrate his birthday by giving him a “nice” dinner. He loved chicken and rice so we would mix in a little bit of that with his dry dog food.

    Hope that your race went well!

  15. We don’t know the dog’s birthday, but we celebrate the day we adopted her with a long walk and lots of photos. We just leave our cat alone on her birthday because that’s what she loves best!
    I can’t wait to hear how the race goes – I bet it will be awesome!

    1. This is the first pet I’ve had where we know her real birthday. But we also celebrate the day we got her- we definitely spoil her.

  16. Of course I celebrate my cats’ birthdays! Hahaha. Even though they have no idea what’s going on. One year I tried to make this special cat dessert for them from a recipe I found online and they hated it. So now I just give them some yummy wet food with a special topping. And a present, of course!

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