Since I now haven’t been to the gym in weeks, I decided some remedial strength training was in order. Caroline Girvan has an Advent Series, 24 shorter workouts which I assume were designed to keep you in shape in the busy days leading up to Christmas. Obviously, a great time to do this series would have been… December. But, the second best time is now! I’m not doing them in order and I’m not doing the cardio workouts, but my plan is to work my way through all the Advent strength workouts.
Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown!
In the morning, I started the Advent Series with a 20 minute shoulder workout. Given my recent lack of strength training, this was hard (I have a feeling I’ll be saying that about all the workouts). In the afternoon, I did a 4 mile run.
I did Caroline’s deadbug workout, which kind of felt like cheating since I do that one all the time. But it IS part of the Advent Series, so I counted it. I also did my hip stability exercises, and called it a day.
Long run! Here’s where I made a questionable choice. I decided to do the 15 minute glutes workout from the Advent Series before my run. I figured it would be a good warm up.
GAH. WHY did I think this would be “easy?” I should know Caroline Girvan by now! Somehow in this 15 minutes there were a gazillion hip thrusts, and three sets of sumo squats. The problem was, it didn’t just work my glutes- my quads felt trashed by the end.
Then… a 14 mile trail run. I definitely felt the fatigue in my quads the entire time. I can’t decide if this was a stupid mistake, or a brilliant strategy- a hard workout before the run to get me used to running on tired legs? Hmm.
My quads were SORE. In the morning I did the Advent back superset workout, and after work I ran 3 miles. Somehow I neglected to get a photo!
Okay, I’m not going to sugarcoat it- this day was hideous. My son left (boo hoo) and my husband, normally the airport chauffeur, wasn’t able to drive him. So I took him to the airport, which involved two solid hours of driving BEFORE I WENT TO WORK. I worked all day and then had two private clients in the evening, and then had to pick up my daughter from a rehearsal. Yes, I realize people just had their homes burnt to the ground so I really shouldn’t complain, but I’m complaining anyway! It was an exhausting day, mentally and physically.
BUT! I didn’t want to break my Advent streak, so I did the 15 minute “tucked abs” workout in the morning. There is no rest in this workout (WHAT.) I still can’t decide if I loved it or hated it, but it felt good to do SOMETHING before a super busy day.
4 mile run before work. My quads are STILL sore from Wednesday (???) but I added some speed work.
After work I plunked down on the couch to watch football… and there I stayed. I had a vague idea to do an Advent workout in between games, but in the 4th quarter of the Chiefs game, pizza arrived, and, well… don’t be ridiculous. Thus endeth the streak.
Okay, I’ll get right back on it! I think a lower body Advent workout is on tap, because I’ll have a few days to recover before my next long run.
Has anyone else done Caroline’s Advent Series?
Are you watching football this weekend?
40 Responses
I didn’t know about this advent series by Caroline so thanks for bringing it to my attention! I need to find some of her body weight only workouts to do as I’m recovering. Obviously, I can only do the lower body ones, but it would be a good way to maintain some of my level of fitness during recovery.
Phil took the boys to his moms yesterday so I was on my own at home. I went for my first longer walk since surgery, which felt good. I had the Chiefs game on in the background but didn’t watch it very closely then when the boys got home, I watched the Lions game with Phil and was so bummed if they lost. I was really hoping the Lions would make it to the Super Bowl.
I know- I’m also bummed that the Lions lost. I’m rooting for the Chiefs, but other than that all the teams I care about are out of it now. That won’t stop me from watching more football today though.
Check out the Advent series- I think she specifies “with dumbbells” or “bodyweight only.” And, like I said they’re short- usually around 20 minutes.
I am watching football by default. That’s what’s on all day every day here so I glance at it. I’m much more interested in college football than the NFL at this point so I’ll pay attention to that. I am tired just reading about that 14 mile run on tired legs. Ouchie but nice work!
Well, you’re in luck because there’s college football on tomorrow night! After that we have to wait till September, sigh. It is kind of fun to watch the NFL playoffs so you get familiar with the teams before the Super bowl. I assume you’ll be watching that (with a big bowl of guac?)
I was thinking of you on Friday, Jenny… sorry it was just as brutal as you were anticipating it to be.
Hope you’re recovering from goodbye and that longass day and Wednesday’s quad work.
I started some “gentle” core work this week and am having trouble every time I go from sitting to standing or vice versa.
(Not watching football over here, but am still heartbroken about the Lions’ loss–Detroit deserves something good!)
I know! I was rooting for the Lions. Bummer. And- I know that soreness that makes sitting and standing so hard!
LOL on doing an Advent workout in January, but anything to keep you motivated!
We are definitely watching football this weekend! The Commanders game was great fun to watch as. Commanders fan! Now I hope the Ravens do well today too!
I was rooting for the Lions, but am now moving on to root for the Ravens today! I’m glad the night game is on earlier so I can watch the whole thing.
I’ve done Advent! Like you I did it my way and skipped a few of the workouts that didn’t suit me and took rest days, but I remember liking it. I wish she had more short workouts.
Friday was a rough day! Boo!
Yes, the Advent series is great if you’re trying to fit it in around other things. 15-20 minutes is perfect.
We are definitely all about footballl this weekend along with a lot of other busy events! I often do a barre glute warmup before a run but not a full lower body
Yes, I guess I was thinking of this as kind of like a barre class, which it wasn’t. Live and learn!
I have not done any of the Caroline Girvan workouts. In fact, I just started doing workouts from an app this past week.
You bet I’m watching football this weekend! The Commanders only won four games (I think) last year so we are thrilled with how they’re doing this year! I’m exhausted today because I stayed up way past my bedtime last night watching the game.
Yep, I also stayed up for the end of the game! I was rooting for the Lions, but now that you tell me about the Commanders previous season, I’m happy they won. I mean- all my “real” teams didn’t even make the playoffs, so I’m not heavily invested in any outcomes, which is kind of fun too. I just want to see close, exciting games.
I’m not sure if I’ll hit up any football games, but the Spartans will be playing hoops later this morning 😉 I need to checkout your friend Caroline…maybe she could add a thing or two to my life, hmm? I hope all the DOMS have dispersed!
DOMS are just aboug one- why does it take so long??? And speaking of hoops- I guess I’ll have to switch gears to basketball once football season is over.
I think I’ve done several of the Advent classes by “accident” and enjoyed them! That’s wild how long your legs were sore.
Looks like a strong week Jenny!
Thank you Jessie! Yes, you can “accidentally” end up doing some of those- they appear randomly on youtube. I can’t remember if that’s how I found the deadbug workout? Or if someone recommended it?
Oh Jenny, I’m sorry Friday was such a bad day! Sending you a hug!
Thank you Nicole! The weekend definitely rejuvenated me.
Ugh so so sorry about Friday! i’ll have to look into the Advent series. I find myself looking for video on YouTube to supplement my strength training, especially anything that’s helpful for my core.
You would like Caroline Girvan- her workouts are hard, and you can do them at home with dumbbells. And they’re good if you’re also doing them on a day you run, because they’re not too long.
that sounds like a fun workout, short and sweet. I may give it a try as sometimes I don’t have full 30 min for her other workouts.
Yes, these are perfect if you just want 15-20 minutes!
Nope on the football but congrats on the 14..
I struggled run/walking my 10 – wind!!! cold! and it’s snowing… Grrr.. I hate winter.
Yes, that sounds terrible. Think of the mental toughness you’re building though!
Sorry about your rough Friday and the sore quads but hopefully it’ll be a good stimulus for training!
I unfortunately DNFd my 100K because of foot soreness that made even slow hiking very difficult. It was a tough decision but I think the right call because I don’t want to risk injury! But I still achieved a distance PR of 52.4 miles and had my first experience with a crew and pacer which went amazingly and I have some things to work on for next time!
Well, someone said on a podcast (can’t remember who) “I’ll either win, or I’ll learn.” Either way it’s a valuable experience, and congrats on the distance PR! But what about the foot- is it okay now? Do you know what’s wrong with it?
Thank you! My feet are a lot better now, unfortunately they just get sore on the bottoms after about 30 miles or so due to all the pounding and the trails here are pretty rocky so they just beat them up. But towards the end the soreness was so bad that I couldn’t move any faster than 40 minute miles and I couldn’t imagine covering another 11 miles when I was moving that slowly.
I’ve done Advent, but I have to admit to modifying about half of CG’s exercises. I cannot do some of the Bulgarian lunges, for example, because of mobility problems in my left ankle, so I end up just doing split RDLs. I just find her to be a tiny bit of a motivation killer, so I’ve been moving away from CG recently.
No football in our house, but I heard the Lions lost, so at least I won’t have to have a huge inner debate about whether or not to watch an NFL game.
Yes, and now you can wear your Lions sweatshirt and not have to worry about getting stoned. I did move away from CG after I did the Iron Series, but I’m liking the shorter Advent workouts. I DEFINITELY use lighter weights than she does, though!
I think I am one of the few people who (almost never) watch football. I am a baseball girl all the way 🙂
I used to only watch baseball, but have somehow gravitated to football in my old age (ha.)
Oh, Jenny–a strength streak sounds really challenging! I’m glad you broke the streak, by taking a day of rest. Ooof-that trail run must have been hard.
We’ve been watching all the football. These playoff games have been really exciting! Looking forward to next weekend. Who do you think will make it to the Super Bowl?
Well, if it’s the Eagles and Bills, I’m boycotting the game. I would like to see the Chiefs, and I’m also rooting for the Commanders… we’ll see.
I did watch football this weekend! I will admit I wanted the Rams to win because of everything LA has been enduring and it was a nail biter! I was also hoping the Chiefs would take a year off and let someone else in on the fun…but that wasn’t to be!
I’ve been doing Caroline Girvan and can 100% see what people like about her. That said, some workouts are soooo hard. I’ve been searching for very specific things – like today my upper back/shoulders are sore from a lot of flys, so I think I’ll do upper body stretching and focus on abs and lower body. I also appreciate that she doesn’t talk a lot!
Yes, I think some people miss the talking, but I don’t need it. Her workouts are definitely hard though.
I was rooting for LA, and Detroit, and Baltimore. Arg! how did all my teams lose??? I do like the Chiefs though, although I would have been equally happy to see Houston win.
I’m looking forward to next weekend’s games!
I’m getting ready to watch the Ohio State game right now (and by “get ready” I mean find a free stream on YouTube because we don’t get any sports channels. haha!!) I applaud your effort in the Advent streak. Like Caroline would have anything even slightly “not brutal”? 🙂
Bummer you had to say goodbye to your son. That was a long winter break though! Ohio State has a short one, which does not bode well for a skiing family,
Hope you have a great week!
I’ve been doing the advent series too, because they are short and I like that! I do them 5 days a week, my rest days are Thursday and Saturday, which I look forward to. I don’t do as much weight as you, I’m sure, so they are not as hard. But still hard! I do 5lb and 10lb weights.
Your Friday sounds like it was a really long and draining day. A two hour drive before work? That’s a drag. It’s so hard when the college kids leave. I miss having them around so much.
I’m laughing (with you?) at the quad workout before running. Yowza.
I didn’t watch football over the weekend, but Coach and I tackled a basement project. I’m watching the ND game as I’m typing this.