walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Licking My Wounds

After my fiasco last weekend, this week was all about healing (mentally and physically.) For my ankle, I did what I do for every injury- figure out what I can do without pain and do as much of that as possible.  Movement=Blood flow=Healing!

I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s go all the way back to the day after my race.


After sleeping TEN HOURS on Saturday night, I woke up in my hotel bed.  This day was all about packing up my things, loading up the car, and driving home.  All easier said than done when you have an ankle injury!  Luckily it’s my left ankle.  I was able to get my shoe on over my swollen foot, which I considered a victory.

And after a 3 1/2 hour drive through the pouring rain (I never want to see rain again) I made it home safe and sound.


When I planned this race months ago, I requested this day off work.  BEST. DECISION. EVER.  My daughter was off of school so I was able to sleep until 8:00.  I rested with my foot up for a large part of the day, but I started moving it as much as I could- circles, tracing the letters of the alphabet- it didn’t want to move much to the side, but I did what I could.


Sigh.  I might have been tempted to wallow for one more day, but my daughter had school so we were up at 5:30.  After that, well, I might as well go to the gym, right?  The good news is, I could put weight on my foot and walk very slowly.  Moving it side to side was painful, but I taped it up and carried on.

45 minutes on the bike while listening to this podcast.  They interviewed a woman named Angie Moses, who recently completed a 100 mile race.  She said running is like a video game.  Every time you try a new distance, it’s like moving up a level in the game.  You might not beat the level the first time, but then you go back and try again- and you get as many tries as you need to complete that level.  WELL.  I liked that!

I had to go back to work, and I was nervous about that (since I’m a massage therapist… I need to be able to move!)  As long as I moved slowly and carefully, it was okay.  Not ideal, but okay.

Ankle check-in.


Let’s try some strength!  I did upper body, abs, and decided to try the leg press machine.

My foot felt a little achy, but I could do it.  This felt good!


Back to the gym, where I did 50 minutes on the bike.  Unlike Tuesday, when I just pedaled to get my heart rate up a little and the blood circulating, I made this a harder workout with intervals.  Have I ever mentioned that I hate the bike?  I wanted to quit after 10 minutes but managed to stay on for 50.



Gym again, obviously.  I did a lower body workout using machines.  Normally I like free weights, but times like this are what machines are for!  That felt good, and gave me a break from the bike.




Off!  Well, I had no choice.  The gym doesn’t open until 8 on Saturdays, and I have to be at work at 8:45.  I may be dedicated to working out, but I don’t go to the gym AFTER work- I have to draw the line somewhere.


On tap- for something completely different, I’ll be… going to the gym.  I am hoping to graduate from the bike to ANYTHING ELSE.  We’ll see.

Soooo… how’s that ankle feeling?  BETTER.  Being on my feet all day at work is hard, so I try to change up my position as often as possible.  Now I’m able to raise up on the balls of my feet, and go into a (slight) lunge.  The main area that’s still painful is the peroneal tendon, which goes down behind the outside of the ankle.  I feel like I’m so close to being able to walk normally, and yet so far.  But there was tremendous progress this week- let’s give it another week and see where I’m at!

How was your week?  Any good podcast recommendations for my gym workouts?

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53 Responses

  1. I’m sure you’ll see a lot of improvement as the swelling continues to go down.

    I hate long drives in the pouring rain — it’s so stressful, especially when others don’t have their headlights on.

    I love that perspective on races!

    1. I hate driving in the rain! This was all on the interstate (so, extra fun) but everyone seemed to drive pretty sanely and had their headlights on.

  2. You are improving quickly. Yes, movement helps. At least it did for me.

    It was rough adjusting to cold temps. It’s 15 degrees now. And being lazy during my vacation made my long run torturous yesterday..

    Looking forward to your progress and which 50 miler you pick.

    1. I think the race at the beginning of April will be too soon, but I do want to run that one someday because I’ve heard great things about it. The one at the end of April is the one I’m hoping for, but I still haven’t signed up for it. I just want to make sure everything will be healed up by then!

    1. Oh, I’ve had a lot of experience with injuries! What I’ve learned is: they all heal. So there’s no reason to freak out and get upset. Well, maybe I’m a little upset. But it’s temporary.

  3. I know you were glad to get home! I am glad you had requested Monday off. Love that idea of running being like a video game, and I know you will complete level 50! Your ankle is starting to look better. It seems like it is healing quickly! Hopefully you will be back to your regular routine here soon. I like listening to podcasts as well, The Model Health Show is one I enjoy!

  4. I am so glad that you are starting to see progress and that you have not had to only sit around for the last week! That is so helpful mentally, even if it is only something really small. You may like the Be Rad podcast, which is hosted by Cat Bradley, who took first place at Western several years back. She interviews other ultrarunners and I have enjoyed hearing some of their stories!

  5. The first pictures are a bit rough, but its definitely looking better! I hope it continues to heal. When I broke my leg, I did some unique fitness options, like crank cycle- cycling just with the arms! It was all I could do before I was cleared to swim. Anyways, I get it! I hope you are back to normal soon.

    1. Oh yes- I didn’t read your blog back then, but since I’ve started following you I went back and read all about that injury. That must have been TERRIBLE. So I should be happy I can do the regular bike- crank cycling does NOT sound fun!

  6. Your ankle looks so much better! I am glad it’s feeling better and you are making so much progress with your mobility. Love that video game/leveling up analogy to running! What a positive way to think about it.

  7. Your ankle looks so much better! I am glad it’s feeling better and you are making so much progress with your mobility. Love that video game/leveling up analogy to running! What a positive way to think about it.

  8. Whew! When you said last time that we’d learn more than we ever wanted to know about your ankle, for a moment I was like “uh oh, maybe it’s gotten more serious”. Instead you delivered EXACTLY what we want to know about your ankle! I agree with your assessment that another week of taking it easy (well, taking it easy Jenny style) will most likely get you back to 100%.

    I haven’t sprained an ankle in a long time but from what I remember it was fairly painful.

  9. I’m so glad you’re feeling better!
    I don’t think we would enjoy the same kinds of podcasts, but are you still listening to Hit Play Not Pause? Lately it’s been really good, I think.

    1. I did enjoy that one, but recently I haven’t been listening. I’ll go back and listen to some of the recent episodes- thanks for the reminder!

  10. Happy to read that you are recovering, movement certainly helps.
    My own story with a fractured foot.
    Summer. I’m 28 weeks pregnant with my son R. My 2.5 year old daughter is at home for the summer. I go out to see my husband off for his business trip, and somehow, somewhere, I take a misstep and fracture my left foot. I felt fine, husband leaves. About 20 minutes later, the foot blows up. I manage to take a shower and put on clean clothes. Put my 2.5 year old into the car, drive to the doctor. He goes: “cannot X-ray, pregnant, let’s just do a local ultrasound and put you into a boot. Plus, here are some crutches.”

    So, picture this: me, with my pregnant stomach, on crutches, with a 2.5 year old, slowly walking to the car from the doctor. A Kodak moment lol All was well but I have a small bump where the foot was fractured.

    1. GAHHHHH! That sounds TERRIBLE!!! I don’t even know how you managed. Well, just goes to show- everything heals up, eventually.

  11. That sounds (and looks!) like great progress on the ankle healing! I had to laugh about your comment(s) on the bike boredom. I’d MUCH rather be on my hybrid or mountain bike than inside on the spinner. Intervals are definitely the way to go, though I sometimes put the resistance low and do a fast-paced “zombie pedal” pace while catching up on blogs, etc. I hope things continue to improve with your ankle 😉

    1. Yes, why is the indoor bike SO BORING??? I’m happy to say I was able to do the elliptical today, which was a little better. Someone was running on the treadmill behind me and I was soooo envious.

  12. I am glad you are seeing improvement! It sounds like you are doing all the right things! I hate the bike, too. I had to do the recumbent bike when I had a stress fracture. And then I had to bike when I was recovering from hip surgery to repair a torn labrum. I felt like time stood still when biking!!

    1. Ha, yes every minute drags by. Sometimes I’m literally counting the seconds. But, you lived through it (twice) and I will too.

  13. It sounds like you’re making progress with the ankle recovery, so that’s great! Hopefully you’ll be back to normal and able to ease into running again soon.

    Driving 3 1/2 hours in the rain sounds…not fun at all. The one time I hate rain is when I have to drive in it, especially a long drive on the freeway. Glad you made it back safely though and had a nice recovery day on Monday! I always try to take the Monday off work after a Saturday race so I can chill after driving back on Sunday.

    1. Yes- Monday off after a race is something I’m going to try to do from now on!
      A long drive on the freeway, in the rain, is exactly what I had that day. And I was already hating the rain… but I survived.

  14. Yes, time definitely stands still. I break it up into 5-10 minute increments… just get to 15… just get to 20… etc. I’ve never done the recumbent bike but I imagine it being even more boring than the regular one, if that’s possible.

  15. Glad to hear your ankle is on the mend – you are still so active, it’s unbelieveable! I also do not work out after work. It just doesn’t happen – or rarely happens.

  16. Good job on staying active despite your injury! Hopefully, you’ll get more mobility and comfort when the swelling goes down. I hope to pop over and read your race recap later today.

    1. Yes, there’s still some swelling- it’s amazing how long it takes to get back to normal. I think (hope?) staying active helps.

  17. I’m so glad your ankle is improving! I had to get creative when I broke my ankle and foot a few years ago. I did a lot of pool running as you know. But I also rode the bike, which helped a lot. Once I could walk on it, things got much better. But I didn’t run for 3 months while I waited for it to heal. Glad you will be back at it soon!

    1. Yes, your injury was much worse. Although I don’t think I could do pool running right now- it hurts that peroneal tendon too much to move the foot back and forth, unsupported. But- they all heal eventually.

  18. So glad to see those final pictures show a lot of progress on the ankle recovery! I cringed at the first ones. That must have been so painful/uncomfortable for you 🙁 I didn’t get to comment on your race recap post, but it sounds like you might give it another try? I really hope so! Very cool story about Jonathon too. I know with your tenacity you will be right back at it soon!!
    I have been putting all of my podcasts aside and listening to audiobooks lately. I’m going through a murder series by Anthony Horowitz (the Hawthorne series). Good stuff! I’ve gone through an 8 hour book in less than a week, which is pretty rare for me.
    I hope you have a great upcoming week, and get all healed up!

    1. I’ve read the Horowizt Hawthorne series! I love them.
      Yes, I will DEFINITELY give the 50 mile distance another try- I have my eye on a race in late April, if my ankle can handle it.

  19. I’m glad you’re seeing improvements!

    I am NOT a podcast listener usually, but one that I just started listening to again is Under the Influence. It’s a Canadian-produced podcast about marketing strategies. I find it ABSOLUTELY fascinating. I used to listen to it all the time and my kids love it too. Each episode is ~30-minutes. Recently I listened to ones about when big brands “quit” – for example, I can’t buy Kleenex brand facial tissues or Skippy PB in Canada anymore – and another one all about how Taylor Swift markets her brand. I’m not making it sound very interesting, but it’s probably my all-time fav podcast.

    1. Actually, it does sound interesting. But I’m not sure it’s riveting enough to keep me going on the bike. Of course, the podcasts I’m already listening to probably don’t sound riveting to most people!

  20. Your foot looks like it’s healing well! Well done getting all that done, even the leg press. Movement is such good medicine! I hear you about the bike. I love a good bike ride, but first I have to pass the first 10-15 mins of “this is so boring and miserable”. After that I like the challenge. But this is because I use an app where every route has uphills and there are other cyclists to compete with… I would never keep the interest in cycling without the app!

    1. i need that app!!!!! But I’m going to keep that in mind next time… just get through the first 10 minutes, that’s the hardest part.

  21. I’m impressed how quickly you are back to working out! Kudos to you! Hope the healing continues its way and you can participate in the next race without any issue.
    I find treadmill/stationary sooooo boring in general, but when there’s variation, it can be a bit more tolerable.

    1. Yes, I’m REALLY hoping to do a race at the end of April… we’ll see. I agree that the treadmill can be boring, but I’ll run anywhere, evern the treadmill. It’s still WAY better than the bike!

  22. I always feel like I have to rest and not move an injury, it’s interesting to know that movement = blood flow = healing. Makes total sense. I’m impressed with your progress, and glad you’re on the road to recovery. I’m with you on timing for exercise. I’m not good about doing it in the evening, it has to happen early for me.

    1. Rest in the very beginning is good, but then with most injuries you have to start moving ASAP. Well, I guess if it’s a broken bone you don’t want to move that… but even then, moving other parts of your body will still help with blood flow and healing.

  23. I feel like I would have just collapsed and not gone to the gym at all this week if my ankle had looked like yours. I guess that’s a huge difference between the two of us. I’m happy that it’s feeling better – it’s great that it bounced back so quickly!

    1. Honestly, the fact that I still had to get my daughter up at 5:30 and of to school got me up and moving even when I didn’t want to. If I didn’t have her, I might have collapsed for a while.

  24. I always freeze when I get hurt, but your approach makes so much sense (and cuts down on the restless feeling from total rest). I’m so glad it’s already looking better (and hopefully feeling better, too)!

    1. For the first day I rested it and iced it over and over again- but after that I figured it was better to move. It’s definitely feeling better, but more sore than I would like. I’m hoping for some good recovery this week!

  25. I love the idea in that podcast, and I’m so glad it brought you a fresh outlook and some positivity for next time. You’re going to get it!

    And your ankle is looking so much better. I’m glad it wasn’t anything more serious.

  26. I am surprised you didn’t take your foot as an excuse for some rest days LOL but I am glad you’re able to move around and it already looks a lot better.

    BUT: Why do you hate the bike, my friend?

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