walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Making it Work

You know those articles that describe an amazing morning routine?  The guy will talk about how he gets up, meditates, writes in his journal, drinks a healthy green smoothie, does his workout, then sits down for three or four incredibly productive hours at his computer… and suddenly you think ‘Wait a minute! Who’s taking care of his kids while all this is going on???”  It’s a fact- you can have it all, but not all at the same time. Kid duties seemed more intense around here this week, with an early morning band rehearsal (daughter) and lots of college application/audition stress (son.) Sleep suffered a bit and mentally I wasn’t as focused on my workouts, but I still had a good week.  Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown- here it is!


Day off, as usual.


Run 3 miles, followed by Runner’s Touch exercise.

It was a chilly, beautiful morning!


Run 2 miles.  I added a fifth day of running this week, hooray! This was the added day so I kept it short.  Because of my daughter’s schedule, I did lower body strength before the run- squats and lunges.  I don’t usually do strength before running, but I figured it was only 2 miles- what could possibly go wrong? It was fine.


Okay.  I know everyone up north is laughing at us, complaining about our “cold” weather, but holy crap!  It was cold this week!  LOOK AT THIS:

I know 39 sound balmy to some people, but we’re not used to it.  Our blood is thinner down here!  Luckily it wasn’t windy so with a hat and gloves I was fine. The funny thing is, later at work when I was telling a co-worker that it was 39 when I got up, she asked “Did you still run?” Ha!  Of course I ran! I think it would have to be 39 BELOW for me not to run.  I did grow up in the midwest- so I’m not that much of a wimp. Followed the run with Gauntlet Plank Workout.


This was my day off from running, and since anything involving my upper body was conspicuously absent this week, I did strength training focusing on pullups.  Considering how sore I was the next day, I think it was effective!


By the weekend, summer had returned.  I felt bad for my husband, who was doing his last long run before his half marathon next weekend.  After all the chilly mornings, Saturday was muggy and in the 70s.  But, he survived and so did I- I ran 3 miles.  Followed by lunges and single leg squats.


Ran 5 miles!  I wanted to increase the distance, but I had to get home to help my son out- he has a big audition via Zoom today. It’s probably for the best anyway, since I already added a day of running and two miles this week.  Might as well take it slowly. It was warm, and I returned home drenched in sweat- and it made me happy.  That’s what a Sunday morning should feel like! Followed this run with Gauntlet Plank Workout.

Why do I always look worried in these pictures? I swear I was happy!

Hope everyone had a great week! What do you guys think- it can be tough juggling everything with kids, right?  In the end, they always come first.

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49 Responses

  1. Yep, balancing workouts and kids is definitely a struggle! My son wakes up at 6 and my husband leaves for work around 6:30, so all my workouts need to be done really early. Unless I’m running with the stroller, but that hasn’t been happening lately due to the weather!

  2. I also admire those people that have super solid morning routines. Although I do workout in the morning, my routine consists of waking up, changing into the workout clothes, brushing my teeth, drinking some water and then working out. It’s pretty basic but it works for me, lol. It would be nice to do some meditation in the mornings – I can see how that would be super beneficial!

    1. I know! I just can’t figure out how to fit it in. Getting up early would do the trick but I don’t want to 🙂

  3. I agree you can have it all just not all at once. I think this applies to so many things. Running, eating, work etc. It gets a lot easier when your kids are older and can fend for themselves more. Way to fit in a solid week of workouts. Enjoy your “cooler” temps! Thanks for linking up

  4. I don’t have kids, but I do have Bandit (used to have 2 cats & 2 dogs, with varying illnesses). Still you can just leave the furkids alone at home. 🙂

    I’m LOL, though, because I have a post on my Yoga blog about morning routines next week. But it’s about trying to add in one 5 minute thing at a time. 🙂

    Nice job on your runs this week! Even though I’ve spent most of my life in the Northeast — fairly far up north, actually — I also lived in TX for 17 years. I get it.

  5. I feel for my friends who have kids, as we’re only allowed out once a day so if they take their kids for exercise, they get no solo running time or time with another adult. Really hard.

    1. Liz, I’m trying to figure out where you live. That sounds horrible! In general I feel sorry who have small kids during the pandemic- it must be so, so hard.

  6. I used to have a pretty tight morning routine but now we’re empty nesters and the mornings are all mine! I miss my boys but I don’t miss trying to get it all done, lol. Glad you warmed back up. Can you send some of that here?

  7. Great week! I won’t say anything about the weather, promise. I get it! It’s all what you’re used to! I remember when I ran the Tokyo marathon with a friend who lives in the Cayman Islands- I think it was 45 degrees and I was in a tank and shorts, and he was in pants and long sleeves 🙂

    I’m just jealous of your weather and clear paths!

  8. Ha ha I would have an amazing morning routine if I didn’t have a job and a family. For the most part I work out in the mornings and my husband works out at night and whoever isn’t working out is on kid duty, but some days we both have to be hands on. My goal for our family isn’t to look back and say “I never missed a workout”. Congrats on being able to ramp up your mileage!

    1. That is so true- there might be things to look back and regret but “not missing a workout” won’t be one of them.

  9. Balancing all is a tricky thing. I am thankful that hubby takes care of the teenage boys when I am busy, so we have a good team thing going. You cracked me up with your photo caption– I am the same. Sometimes my running pictures look like I am worried or upset. Oy.

    1. I’m seriously trying to smile more when I’m taking a running picture- I’ll probably come out looking ridiculous.

  10. I added an extra day of running, and said run was two miles as well! (Of course, mine was on the treadmill, because it was about 50-degrees colder here LOL) Balancing everything is so tricky! Even with our three kids out of the house, we have successfully filled that “void” with other things and it still feels somewhat hectic in the mornings. I guess that’s life LOL

  11. Great job on fitting it in with your busy schedule. 39° would be gloves and ear warmers for me, too, but if it was sunny I could get by with shorts and short sleeves or a tank and a thin nylon shell jacket. It’s interesting how we all acclimate to our weather so quickly.

    Yep, even at 33 and 31, my sons and daughter-in-law and soon-to-be daughter-in-law always come first! It’s just the way we mommas are! ❤️

  12. LOL on the morning routine. Even without kids, my mornings never go that *perfectly*. LOL on the frigid temperatures. 39 would feel pretty OK to me.

  13. My kids are grown and I still can’t get in a morning routine!!

    Holy cow! 39 to 84.

    I didn’t realize that you lived in Boca. I’ll be there Thurs-Sat. I go every winter. I have several different friends in that area. I’ll be in Ft Lauderdale for the race. If you will be there, maybe we will can meet up after the race. My email is dsc59@nycap.rr.com

  14. Great sunrise. Acclimating when I run the FLL Half is always a not so fun challenge. I wish I’d “known” you earlier in January, I was running in Boca. Well the very north fringe at Spanish River.

    1. I’m in the southernmost part of West Boca but Spanish River is still not that far. That’s a nice area to run in!

      1. It was fun to do something other than go north to Atlantic or George Bush, which I do all too often. I forgot how far south Spanish River was from Linton though!

  15. You’re right: Juggling kids never figures into those perfect morning routines, does it? It WAS cold here when we arrived. I was thankful I brought my winter jacket on the plane. I was amazed how low the humidity was. Of course it’s higher now and that’s ok. Still beats below zero.

  16. My guy is 12, so he’s fairly independent. However, I still need to be on him for school live lessons and meetings. All the kids have been rockstars this year, but it’s pretty easy for me to sneak out and run in the morning, then slide home to supervise.

    39 is COLD! We had some nasty weather here, too, but I think it’s easing up. I think.

    1. We’re lucky we don’t have little kids anymore, right? Can you imagine if we had to do virtual school with a kindergartener?

  17. Well, I don’t have kids but I certainly don’t understand the first scenario you described! ha! I am sitting here catching up on blogs trying to start a new morning routine with a cup of tea though. I’ll probably be toast by lunchtime from getting up early!

    Good runs this week! You guys have crazy weather down there!!

  18. What kind of audition is involved for your son? My daughter is heading to college in the fall and it’s really hit me this week. I was a bit weepy thinking about all of the changes that would be happening! She is undecided right now, and will be going to a college that is close by so it’s not that bad… but still. I’m sure 39 degrees is very cold feeling for your area! We have another single digit temp run tomorrow and luckily I’m getting used to that temperature now.

    1. My son is going to college as a trumpet performance major so he has a playing audition for all the schools he’s applying to- because of Covid they’re all via Zoom. Which is lucky, otherwise we’d be flying all over the country! Yes… next fall is going to be rough. We can commiserate with each other!

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