walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Mmmmm…. Lemonade.

In his article, 7 Life Lessons from a Guy Who Can’t Move Anything But His Face, Jon Morrow says,

“We’ve all heard the cliché about turning lemons into lemonade, but to do that, you can’t be pissed off at the lemons, go into denial about the existence of the lemons, or get depressed because you’re tired of making lemonade. You just have to grab a lemon and squeeze the sh*t out of the motherf*cker.”

I’ll admit there were a couple times this week where I got really tired of making lemonade, but I’m ending the week on a higher note.  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown.  Here’s how the week went!


Well, let’s rewind briefly.  My run on Sunday was mysteriously difficult due to the achy knee issue.  When I went to bed on Sunday night my neck, low back, and feet were slightly achy as well and I was worried I was getting sick.  But I woke up Monday feeling okay.

Physically, that is.  Mentally I was pretty bummed out, and I’ll admit I rage-quit my PT exercises for a few days.  I had been doing them so diligently, but to be confronted with aching knees just as my hip was completely better was discouraging, to say the least.


This was a planned running day, but I did a pool run instead to give my knees an extra day to rest.  I had a little conniption fit on this day, and wrote a blog post about my frustrations.   I realized that one reason I love running is that it makes me feel young.  When I can’t run, I feel old.  I don’t like feeling old.


I was determined to get out for a trail run- I desperately needed it for my mental health.  My knees ached but I pushed through it.  Since my knees ease up as I run, I decided to dispense with the run/walk intervals, and just ran for 30 minutes.

I needed this run so, so much.  It was hot- I got out late- and I haven’t run on the trail, or for 30 minutes straight, in about eight weeks.  But it felt amazing.  I finished and felt like my old self.


Back to reality!  I took Deborah’s advice and finally got on the Peloton bandwagon.  I did my first class, 30 minute Strength for Runners with Becs Gentry.

If you have no issues, are running well and need a quick workout to keep everything strong, I think this is excellent.  There’s a little bit of everything- single leg, squats, lunges, abs, upper back… short, sweet and effective.

Unfortunately I do have some issues (have I mentioned that?) so I had to modify the lunges- I was afraid they would fry my knees.  But I replaced them with more of the single leg moves, and still got a good workout.

Obviously if you’re paying $12.99 for three months of unlimited classes, you’re not going to find things like “Strength for Runner’s with Achy Knees” or “Strength Workout for Your Left Glute Medius.”  For now I’ll have to modify the workouts to suit my needs- but I think it’s going to be a good thing.


Started off for a run but my knees really hurt.  I had to decide if I could hobble through the first mile or so and hope they eased up- and I just couldn’t.  I walked back home and got in the pool.  Obviously I was disappointed, but the adrenaline I was feeling pushed me to have an awesome pool run- if those words can really go together.

I’m going to say something kind of weird here.  I don’t think my knee pain is from running.  I can’t explain it exactly, but you know how sometimes you just know what’s going on in your own body?

One day I was running happily and the next, both my knees were aching terribly.  Nothing in any of my PT exercises irritated my knees, and I’ve never had a knee problem before, in my entire life.  That includes slow running, fast running, marathon training, 50 mile weeks (in my youth) and many, many times returning to running after an injury.

I’ve been googling other reasons for achy knees, and things like lupus come up.  So I’ve stopped googling (I don’t think I have lupus.) For now I’m just going to wait, take my turmeric, try not to irritate my knees, and see what happens.  What else can I do?


Did another Peloton class, 20 Minute In the Heights Core Strength with Emma Lovewell (is that really her name?) I liked this one as well, although there were lunges in the warmup (grr!) Then I finally went back to some of my PT exercises- the clamshells, glute bridges, side leg lifts… etc.


Very exciting- another pool run.  PT exercises planned for later in the day.

It is what it is! But why am I so blurry?

In other news, I can see that all my best intentions for sleeping more have been thwarted for the next two weeks.  I can’t resist staying up late to watch the Olympics!  I’m not that into beach volleyball, although I respect the fact that these women are incredible athletes, and of course I’m rooting for team USA.  But I’m loving the gymnastics and swimming, as always!  Last summer was such a terrible summer (in addition to all the other issues, my sister had a serious illness- she’s better now!) and we kept saying “Just look ahead- next summer all this will be over and we’ll be watching the Olympics.”  And here we are!  YAY!

Tell me your favorite Peloton strength classes!  

Women’s gymnastics on tonight- who’s watching it?

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36 Responses

  1. Are your knees swollen and hot? Or just achy? You could be experiencing patellofemoral pain syndrome, since you had some time off of running and are now returning to it. Maybe try taking ibuprofen for a few days, just to see if it calms down. I have RA and while I know enough to be dangerous, you could always go see your PCP and get bloodwork done. It will be interesting to see what my return to running is like.

    We started watching the Olympics last night. I was so frustrated with the coverage, especially when they ran 6 commercials in a row simultaneously with the beach volleyball (of course that screen was way smaller!). Plus the women’s ‘uniforms’? They might as well be wearing a thong! I’m not a prude but this is a sport…lol. Ok, rant over….

    1. Yes, I thought the same thing about the beach volleyball uniforms. Strangely, my husband has become enamored with that sport, hmmm.
      My knees are not swollen or hot- just achy. I’ve been doing turmeric but I think it might be time for the real thing, i.e. ibuprofen, ha ha.

  2. Have you had a physical with blood work just to make sure that nothing else is going on? I have so many favorite classes to share w you! There are a bunch of older matt wilpers strength for runners 10 min classes that incorporate a bunch of PT type exercises. I really like them. Friend me on FB and we can chat about classes in messenger.

    1. Oooh! That sounds good! I’ll do that.
      I did have bloodwork done a few weeks ago- it was before the knee issue started. I might go back and look at those results to see if there’s anything unusual that was glossed over.

  3. Your getting into Peleton is inspiring me to try some, esp as I can get a mat down in my office now I’ve moved it and things around. I hope you can get the knees resolved, though.

  4. That’s so frustrating that your knees are hurting. It may not be from running so if it continues it will be good to rule out anything else. But I guess there’s still the chance that its from your body adjusting to running again? And maybe your form has changed now from all the PT. Make sure you’re foam rolling those quads! Hope they feel better quickly and you can make your full return to running.

    1. Thanks Lisa! I will make sure to roll my quads! It’s a good activity to do while watching Olympics and night.

  5. I haven’t had the time to watch as much as the Olympics as I’d like, even though I tape it (so don’t reveal anything for the next couple of weeks, LOL!). I actually do like Beach Volleyball — not so much regular Volleyball — but I realized I needed to fast forward through it because I wanted to see the Men’s Gymnastics.

    I’m sorry your knees are still giving you problems. Dare I say maybe it’s time for another PT visit? My husband has had an achy hip forever. He refuses to tell a dr about it. It limits our walking/ hiking (and of course is just painful in general). I do hope you get answers!

    I will say this: for years I never had foot issues. Until one day my ankles (not my Achilles) started to hurt. Then it was the side of my foot. That one got really painful for a while. And then both did resolve on their own (although I was also seeing a chiro at the time, did eventually go to PT for the side pain). Often I do find issues will resolve — but they can take a really long time.

    I hope that you have another great trail run soon!

  6. That photo of a refreshing lemonade instantly made me crave one, lol. As I’m typing this, I am realizing that I haven’t had lemonade this summer so that needs to change quickly!

    I am hoping that I can get more into the Olympics. Right now, I’m just not feeling it. Maybe that will change once I’m able to watch more events as the days go on.

    So sorry to hear that you’re still having knee pain 🙁

  7. Sorry to hear about the knee pain Jenny. Sometimes that happens with a return to running, as others have mentioned. Hopefully you can figure it out.

    I have the Olympics playing basically all the time I’m at home, I just like watching them, no matter the sport!

    1. Yes, even though I said I wasn’t that into the volleyball I still have it on! I’m excited that the 2028 olympics are in LA so we can see the events live.

  8. OK, I’ll say it for you — WTF is going on with your knees??? Is it both of them? I’m frustrated for you!

    Welcome to the Peloton family! I am taking notes for a blog post on Peloton classes to take when you’re rehabbing, but I think one of my picks does have lunges. The 20 and 30 min strength for runners classes tend to have a bit of everything, although some of the 20s just have lower body (not core, but “sneaky core” like single leg balance moves).

    There’s a 10 min Matt Wilpers one that is all floor work from 8/28/19 — the preview photo shows him on the floor doing a single leg glute bridge, I think. There’s also a 10 min Hanna Corbin barre class that is great — leg lifts and clam shells and such from 6/9/21. There’s a FB Group called Peloton SweaxyStrong where people write up all the classes. Sometimes FB makes it hard to find what you’re looking for, but the posts are tagged with different class formats.

    1. Alright, thank you! Deborah also mentioned Matt Wilpers so I’ll check him out. Yes, I’m beyond frustrated at this point. SIGH.

  9. UGH…spending the entire day (and most of yesterday/last night prepping & traveling for today), I totally did not know about gymnastics on tonight. Can I say it again…UGH!!!!!! I’m exhausted, and desperately trying to get through the blogs…but I may have to stay up even later to catch some of the coverage. I’m glad Peloton is coming to your rescue (of sorts), but I sincerely hope those knees lose the attitude. ((hugs))

    1. Yes, knees- lose that attitude!!!
      Don’t worry, there’s still lots more gymnastics! The best is still to come.

  10. That lemonade looks delicious, we have a lemon tree in the garden and you can imagine how many lemonades we drink!
    Sorry about the knee pain. However I think you don’t have to worry, it happened often to me after a break from running: ice, stretching …. and run again!
    I like watching the Olympics but not all day long! I am very angry because rugby (I mean the classic rugby with 15 players) is not an olympic sport!

    1. Okay, thanks- this was actually very comforting. Sometimes I think I try to make things more complicated than they really are.

  11. I hate reading about your knee. I hope you find the cause.

    Great news on the trail run.

    My feet have finally stopped hurting. I’m pretty sure it’s shoes and standing. Thank you COVID for keeping me sitting at home and barefoot. Lol.

    Darn. I missed the Olympics. I’ll have to check online. I love the gymnastics.

    1. There’s a lot more gymnastics coming up Darlene!
      I’m so glad your feet are better! That was a major problem for a long time for you, wasn’t it? It makes me feel good to hear that- there’s hope!

  12. ugh on the knees!!! I’m so sorry Jenny! And you know what it’s ok to be pissed off about this. But there could be so many reasons. And you’ve gotten some good suggestions. Have you changed shoes recently? Have you thought about having a run analysis done? maybe it’s also something else that ends up hurting your knees in the whole chain?

    you know, you are so massively lucky that you can turn to the pool when you have issues. I’m not saying that so you feel bad or insinuating that you don’t know that – I’m sure you do. maybe even stick with the pool for just a little while?

    I know how frustrating it is, I really do. x

    1. Thanks Renee- it’s good to be reminded how lucky I am to have the pool. This would all be so much worse if I didn’t have that option!

  13. I’m so sorry the knee mystery has not been resolved. I can just imagine how tired you are of making “lemonade”. Enough already. I do hope it’s nothing more serious. I wish I had answers for you. Sigh.

  14. Oh man Jenny I’m really sorry about your knee pain – how frustrating! I do think it would be worth checking out with your primary doc just to cover your bases.

    Glad to hear you’re trying some of the Peloton classes. I agree with Deborah that some of the older Strength for Runners classes feel like a good PT session. I have done a bunch of the 20 and 30 min SFR classes and have enjoyed them. So many options!

  15. Ugh, what a bummer to hear about your knee pain. How are your shoes? Could they have too many miles on them and need replacing? Sometimes it’s easy to overlook the simple things.

    Yes, I’ve been watching the Olympic, too. Not sitting down staring at the screen, but having it on in the background and catching tidbits hear and there.

    1. I’ll be trying out newer shoes next time I run!
      I’m still staying up too late watching Olympics. I just feel like, they’re only happening every four years (normally) and I don’t want to miss anything.

  16. First of all, google is the devil, so abandon all searching of symptoms. It’s not good!

    Second, I’m sorry this has made you feel old. When I can’t run, I feel weak, and that makes me absolutely hostile to everyone, including myself.

  17. welcome to the Pelocrack. I still modify a lot even though I’m further out from injury.
    Sorry your knees gave you issues. They’re evil like that, but glad trail medicine was good.

  18. I am so sorry to hear you are still having knee problems. I know this won’t make them feel better but still sending hugs to you. Yay for the Peloton classes! It’s been a while since I’ve taken a strength class but I know Coco has mentioned the Strength for Runners classes.

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