walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- More Trail Adventures

Hello!  Hope everyone had an awesome week!  I had some fun runs on the trail and increased my mileage a bit.  That lingering pain in my foot has moved to a different area (WHAT) and I’m taking the advice of no doctor ever- ignoring it until it goes away.  So far so good!  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown.  Here’s how it went!


Day off as usual.  Once again I did the Somatic Movement routine for plantar fasciitis every day this week.


Ran 3 miles.  I decided to run on the trail as much as possible, which only amounted to two days this week.  For this run on the roads (as well as all my other pavement runs this week) I wore my Hokas- because a rule of life is, “If your foot hurts, wear Hokas.”  My foot felt fine, as it did for every run this week (it’s only when I’m not running that I feel it.) Followed this run by Runner’s Touch exercise.

Me and my Hokas!


Trail run!!!  On Wednesdays I have the option of running after I take my daughter to school, so I ran on the trail (I’m not going to run on the trail super early in the dark, obviously.) But first, since I had the time,  I did some strength work- walking lunges and single leg squats.  When I started my run I could feel the fatigue in my quads- it must have been from the squats.  I was trying really hard to get down to where my thigh was parallel with the floor, and it was challenging.  This was supposed to be a four mile run, but when I started and my legs were already fatigued, I decided to make it five.  Ha ha… I know.  It made no sense.  I guess I just figured I would make it an extra-hard day!  I also was on a mission to try and figure out where I could make the trail loop around, rather than just turning back the way I came.  No luck on this day- I ended up doing an out-and-back.


Not surprisingly, my quads were REALLY SORE.  I did an easy 3 mile run and called it a day.


This was my day off from running, and I had planned to do squats and deadlifts.  But my quads were still sore- I really know how to trash them.  Instead I did Runners Touch (which targets glutes and hamstrings) and pushups.  I do the Runners Touch barefoot so it also works the muscles in my feet- yay.


3 miles followed by Gauntlet Plank workout.


I love Sundays!!!  I went back to the trail for a planned 7 mile run.  This time, I ran far enough so that I got to an option to turn onto a more wilderness-y path.  Yes!  Yes!  I’ll take it! Although there was this sign…

Er… wait a minute…

After a brief hesitation, I decided we’re more a threat to them than they are to us (since they’re apparently endangered) so I took that path.  I did not see any Indigo snakes.  After a bit, this dead-ended into a road I was 99.9% sure I recognized from last week, when I had taken the other direction on the trail.  If my calculations were correct, I could take this and loop back around to where I started.  However!  I was exactly at 3.5 miles.  I could go back the way I came and know for sure I would run seven miles.  OR, I could attempt to loop around… knowing it could be longer.  I decided to loop!

After running a little ways on the new road, I realized I had committed myself to running a couple miles (at least) on pavement.  And it was sunny, and the wind was blowing strongly against me.  Grr…

The never-ending paved road…

But then!  I looked to the side and saw that if I ran down a hill, there was a dirt path running parallel to this road… not sure if that path linked up to where I would need to be eventually, but it looked way more pleasant than the road I was on.  I ran on that dirt path all the way back to where I needed to link up to the last bit of trail that would take me back to my car… and there was a canal separating the two.  It didn’t look deep… I could maybe wade through it (I wonder if Indigo snakes can swim?). I decided to find my way back up to the paved road that I knew linked back to the path I needed.  I also knew I was going to go longer than seven miles, but I didn’t care.  Up until this point, it was my favorite kind of run.  Not knowing where I was going, exploring different paths, being out in nature… the miles ticked by easily…

UNTIL THE LAST ONE.  Actually, more like the last 1.5.  I was now on the part of the trail I knew, and I was tired.  It’s been quite a while since I’ve run long enough to really feel fatigue at the end of the run, but I felt it now.  I used two tricks to get through it- first, I focused only on getting to the next landmark.  Just get to that rock… now just get to that tree… now just get to that puddle… nothing actually happens when I get to these places, only that I pick the next landmark to focus on.  I’ve used that on long runs and it’s a great distraction.  Then for the last half mile I used my mantra reserved for these moments: “I’m strong.  I’m good at this.  I can do it.”  Over, and over, and over again.  I’ve had long runs where I hit a bad patch and literally said that mantra again and again, for an entire mile.  It never fails- by the time I get to the next mile, I feel like a new runner.

But this time I only had to go half a mile and I was back at my car, with 7.75 miles for the day.  Oops!  But not sorry.  It was such a fun run- even that last part.  My foot didn’t fall off, and now I know where those trails go- at least that section.  There will be more to explore!!!  I can’t wait.  But for next week I’m taking a cutback week- I don’t want to overdo it, and I have a fun running adventure planned for my birthday in three weeks- have to make sure everything feels good.

Anyone else have some fun outdoor runs?- sounds like the weather was more cooperative!

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35 Responses

  1. I totally get the “I’m trashed from lifting so I’ll run even longer”…been there done that! I’m not a doctor either but if the pain is moving to a different spot…seems like that could be a good sign??? Enjoy your cutback week!

  2. Sorry your foot is still giving you trouble! I heard somewhere that when pain moves around it’s probably an issue somewhere else. Like maybe your hips or glutes or core? (Aren’t those always the causes of injuries?) The thought of snakes being on the trail would creep me out! Glad you didn’t run into any.

    1. Yes, I definitely think the pain moving around is trying to tell me something! I have no doubt the original issue is not my foot.

  3. Ooh the snake warnings might have me a little freaked out! Sorry your foot is still bothering you but it’s good that you are doing the stretches and it just may take some more time. Have you had it looked at by a PT or Dr?

    1. Ugh, I had a doctor do a series of shockwave treatments on it. Trying to decide if maybe to try another doctor? Or just keep going on my own.

  4. Ah, it’s been ages since I’ve gone on an “adventure” run without knowing exactly where I was going — and it was in Balboa PArk in San Diego. LOL on that advice a doctor will never give you.. But we runners understand.

    1. It’s only recently that I discovered these trails- until the last couple weeks it had been a long time since I had an “adventure” run.

  5. I don’t have much access to trails, and that’s good because my sense of direction is MIA. I wouldn’t be as brave as you to try to explore unless I had a friend along LOL Your leg work reminds me that I’ve been skimping on lower-body work lately. Stay tuned…I may be chatting about my quads and hammies next week 😉

  6. No cool outdoor runs for me lately, but that’s probably because I always run the same boring route, lol. Your running adventure makes me want to try out new places to run!

    1. I had been running the same boring route too, and then got inspired by other bloggers posts to try something different! I’m so glad I did.

  7. Your trail run sounds like quite the adventure. Glad you did not come across any of those Indigo snakes. I’d die! Thankfully I have not come across any snakes in Florida. Probably because I stayed in my “neighborhood”. Haha!

    1. Occasionally I’ll see little snakes, and those are startling enough! I probably would have had a heart attack if I had actually seen an Indigo snake.

  8. I’m drooling on you running in a tank.

    Sorry about the foot. I can relate.

    Trails are becoming my favorite places to go. But it’s hard to run on them on the ice and snow.

    1. Yes, I know you can relate to foot pain, Darlene! Tank tops are actually some of my “cooler” temp gear, believe it or not- as it gets hotter I’ll move to a cropped top, and then to just wearing a sports bra. You know what it’s like down here!

  9. Wow, that’s a lot of mileage! Glad you didn’t see any snakes. 🙂 Because of snow, it’s been a long time since I’ve run on trails.

    I love your tricks to get yourself through a hard run, too! When it’s really bad (and it hasn’t been in years, thankfully) I count footsteps.

    1. Yes, I count footsteps too! Sometimes I count footsteps at the beginning of my run just to get through that initial transition from walking to running, until my body is really into the run.

  10. Ooh, I love the indecision of trails! I don’t love snakes, indigo or otherwise. I’m glad you didn’t see any critters out there.

    Your poor foot! I’m so sorry it’s hurting in different places. I hope you get some relief soon!

    1. Thanks Jenn! Luckily it doesn’t hurt while I’m running… but it sure hurts when I get up in the morning, and after I’ve been sitting.

    1. Ha, I know- I’m not exactly AFRAID of snakes, but I would be scared if I actually saw one- especially one that big!

  11. hooray for the trails! way to get through the run that was longer than initially planned… I love those kinds of runs (or even walks) sometimes, but it is generally the last mile or so (no matter the distance for some reason!) that is the toughest.

    Sorry about your foot – I always wear hokas because my feet are a mess! love them!

  12. When I have a pain, and it moves, I think that’s a good thing! Not sure the logic behind it, but if it changes maybe it’s not that bad? Glad you got to explore the trails a little more this week. I hope your foot is feeling better!

    1. Yes, I’ve always thought that too! I guess if there was real damage to a specific spot the pain wouldn’t be moving around. Anyway, I’m going with that theory for now!

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