walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Moving Forward

Well, it wasn’t an exciting week around here, but since nowadays exciting seems to equal bad, I’ll take it!  The only change in my foot situation (which I like to call the “deluxe” version of plantar fasciitis) is that I had a mindset shift. I decided to stop babying it so much, and proceeded (cautiously) to add a fourth day of running to the week.  This week I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for their Weekly Run Down!


Monday was my day off, as usual.


3 mile run.  I’m sure running slowly, but it feels great.  After running through the sweltering Florida summer, we’re getting our reward this month.  Beautiful morning temperatures in the 50s!  I did the Gauntlet Plank Workout after this run.


This title of this blog could also be “The Reluctant Strength Trainer.”  If I could just run every single day I would be in heaven.  Since I live on planet earth though, I’ve been very good about strength training twice a week.  I do squats, deadlifts, and pullups (using a band to assist- dreams someday of doing an unassisted pullup!) Lately I’ve been adding some single leg exercises as well, and on this day I did single leg squats.


Funny thing about this photo! This was as low as I could go, and it felt like my thigh was parallel to the floor.  Ha ha… not quite!  Looks like I have some work to do.


2 mile run.  This was my added 4th day of running so I kept it short.  But it felt great.  Followed up with Gauntlet Plank Workout.


3 mile run.  My foot felt fine, even after running two days in a row.  Victory!  It was a busy morning so all I did was run (living the dream!)


Strength training again, and this time I did the Runners Touch.  This one is hard if you’re not used to it!  I’ve done it on and off throughout the years, and one thing I like about it is it takes a lot of foot strength to keep your balance.  I need more foot strength right now so I’m adding this into my routine several times a week.


Words can’t really describe how much I miss doing a long run on Sundays.  I miss getting up early and heading out for 2-3 hours with my gel and podcasts.  SIGH.  Today I ran 3 miles and guess what- it’s way better than 0 miles so I’ll take it.  It’s hard coming back from an injury but I’m going slow.  I’ll get there eventually!  Followed up this run with the Gauntlet Plank Workout.

It got down to the 40s which is really cold for us!

One last thought.  You know that question “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?”  (34, by the way.  That’s not my actual age- that’s my imagined age, ha ha). The other day I came up with a similar question- “What would your body look like if you didn’t know what it looked like?”  In other words, if there were no mirrors and you just had to go by how your body felt.  With all these planks, I think I might have a six pack!  It’s settled, I’m getting rid of my mirrors and just going by feel!

Hope everyone has a great week!

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

16 Responses

  1. Hey there!! 😉 Great to have you join Deborah and myself, and all the others!! Looks like you’re keeping busy, and your foot is feeling better. I like that strategy of no mirrors…just going by how one feels. If that’s the case, I’m 29 and I have a smashing six pack also 😉
    **PS, make sure to link you blog post on either Deborah’s or my WRD post, so all the other linkers can see it. Thanks so much for joining us!!

  2. So glad you are joining us for the Sunday linkup! Yes as Kim said, make sure to link your blog so others can find you as well. PF is the worst! I have had it a few times myself. Sounds like you are on your way back. I am a big proponent of strength training as well. I would not mind being 40 again!

  3. That’s great that your foot felt good on the run. I haven’t had to deal with PF, knock on wood, but know p,entry who have & know that’s not easy to get rid of.

    Photos can definitely be a comeuppance sometimes. As a yoga teacher, I can tell you all sorts of poses where you think you’ve nailed it until you see the photo.

  4. PF is sooo hard! You’ll be back at it soon enough, but the wait feels like FOREVER!

    So glad to have “met” a new Florida blogger, even though we are on different ends of the state!

    1. Well I’ll enjoy your blog- Northern Florida is so different from South Florida- more woodsy and less palm tree-ish. It’s beautiful up there.

  5. Haha I love the idea of just going by feel! That’s what matters anyway! Glad you’ve been able to increase your running. Strength training is so important, even though all runners want to do is run!

  6. Gosh I know how it feels coming back from injury! I’m still on my running rehab program with strict instructions to only run 2x a week. It’s going well though and I’m still walking a lot and finally adding some other exercise in my plan as well.

    You’ll be doing that long run at some point, just keep your eyes on the prize!

    1. Yes, I’ve been injured enough to know that it will end someday! Slow and steady for now and we’ll be back at it- it’s funny now big the injury seems now, but when I look back on most of my injuries I can’t even remember which foot (of leg) they were on!

  7. So great to meet you through the linkup! I’ve dealt with PF in the past and it’s no fun. I finally got rid of mine with custom orthotics (after both doing my own exercises and stretches and seeing a physical therapist). The good news is that ten years later and I’ve had zero problems with it. Okay, to play along with your game… I’m 63 years old and mentally feel like I’m in my 30’s. Physically, I’m reminded that I’m not in my 30’s when I first wake up and feel all stiff. 😉

    1. It’s encouraging to know you have been 10 years PF free! Yeah, I did forget about that part of how your body feels… getting out of bed in the morning reminds me I’m not in my 20s anymore! Or 30s… or 40s…

  8. Super reluctant strength trainer here! Though I have been better about it for the last month and I think it’s paying off. I hope that the PF clears up soon. I’ve never had it but my husband deals with it constantly.

  9. I’m pretty sure I had the “deluxe” version of PF back when I was training for BigSur! It was the worst! I did a lot of deep water pool running. Glad to see that you are easing back into running again. I’m excited to follow your journey!

    1. Thanks Wendy! I’ve been following your blog for several years but just learned how to leave a comment as myself and not “anonymous.” Took awhile but I figured it out!

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