Well, it was a week! A week with some big gym workouts, and… pool running. You might remember last week I mentioned a little pain in my shin- by the end of the week it was bad enough that I decided to take some time off. That meant no July 4th 5K, but that’s okay. If I really, really wanted to run that race I would have done it, but it wasn’t important enough for me to run it with a sore shin. I’d rather take a little time off now voluntarily, than be forced to take a lot of time off later.
Of course there’s still plenty to talk about! Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s get right into it.
45 minute pool run! Looking on the bright side, I’m incredibly lucky to have a pool in my backyard (it’s a Florida thing.) If I were going to say something negative, I would say pool running is REALLY boring. To break up the monotony I did intervals of hard “running” and listened to a podcast (obviously!)
I went to the gym with my son! We don’t usually go together because we’re on different schedules. But because of the holiday, our paths aligned. I did his “pull” day with him, and it was hard!
I went to the gym with my son AGAIN, and this time I did his leg day workout. It’s different than what I normally do, but I felt like a change. His workout is all machines- calf raises, leg extension, leg curls, adductor, abductor, and then he finishes it off with the most grueling sets on the hack squat machine you could ever imagine.
Here’s how low he goes:
We discovered that you can actually adjust this machine- who knew? (My son said, “Well, I knew, because I read the instructions.” Oh.) But even racking it on the low setting, it was only possible for me to go down this far.
You guys, this is HARD. We did the same weight, and my son did sets of FOURTEEN. I did sets of five, and on the last one my son challenged me to do six, which I could barely do. I’m still going to do most of my squats with the squat bar, but I’ll incorporate some sets on the hack squat machine. You can get down LOW and work to failure in a way you can’t with the bar.
At my suggestion, we finished with abs and low back. My son wasn’t into it, but he humored me.
Another 45 minute pool run. Again looking on the bright side- it’s HOT here. It’s pretty nice to get in the pool instead of running in the heat and humidity. On the negative side- well… again, boring.
Back to the gym! My legs were still sore from Wednesday (obviously) so I did upper body- rows, bench press, overhead shoulder press- and calf raises.
On Wednesday, I asked my son to watch me while I did calf raises, because it feels like my right leg is working much harder than the left. He confirmed that my right calf muscle is noticeable bigger than the left. AHA. The left side is the side with my plantar fasciitis, and less range of motion. So from now on I’m going to do calf raises one leg at a time, and focus on building up the strength on that left side. And I’m also doing calves every time I go to the gym.

I finished off with abs and low back. Good workout!
On Friday night we went out for Indian food with friends, and I had… a couple… glasses of wine. Saturday was the perfect day to take off, so I could sleep in a little before going to work.
On tap for today- a run. Not in the pool! If my shin hurts, I’ll stop and get right in the pool. It’s been an entire week with no running, and my shin feels fine while walking. Fingers crossed! Whenever I take some time off running to rehab an area, it seems like the rest of my body decides to fall apart. My plantar fasciitis and my achy low back have been worse this week- must get back to running ASAP.
How was your week? Did you run a race on the 4th?
Does your body rebel when you take time off of running? Or do you like it?
46 Responses
Your hot weather has even made our news, so when you first mentioned pool running I thought that would be not bad in the heat. YOur left calf is not puny … just not as super-ripped as your right (;
I feel like I do get more strange aches and pains doing normal things when I’m not running. Especially if I’m doing a lot of walking and not running.
Yes, pool running is definitely a way to beat the heat! But I don’t want to do it all summer. And, okay may my left calf isn’t “puny” but it just seems like they should be the same size!
Sorry to hear about your shin. Hope it’s not serious.
Yes you are very lucky to have a pool.
I ran a sweaty race on the 4th.
And I hate to take time off from running. Fingers crossed that I can stay healthy.
I think the shin is okay- I had no pain today in my run. But I think if I had run on it all week it would be really messed up now. I’m sure it was the speedwork that did it, SIGH.
So you know I like pool running, but I use a guided workout which definitely takes the boring factor out of it! I will be doing some of that myself when we get back. My race really beat me up–in the best way!
I’ve never done hack squats–we don’t have any machines at my gym. I think my coach would say that if you drop low enough and lift heavy enough in a squat, you get the same effects. Idk. It’s painful either way!
Yes, that’s what I’ve decided- squats are just painful, period. Which means they’re effective, I guess!
Sorry about the shin, and hopefully being proactive and putting in the pool time will pay off. How long had it been since your last pool run? It’s been quite a while hasn’t it?
Yes I definitely remember from my “good” running days that when I would take time off my body would start to feel weird.
Yay for dinners with friends and wine!
I think it’s been a year since I’ve done a pool run! That’s not too bad. And I ran on the pavement today and everything felt good- PHEW.
Sorry to hear about the shin pain! I have never done pool running. I would have liked to when I was rehabbing from stress fracture but I did not have easy access to a pool at that time. That is one upside to FL living!
No race for me on the 4th. I didn’t run at all actually as I got up and got us ready to leave my parents right after breakfast. I was trying to get home in time for Will to nap – and then he refused to nap. But it was a rainy morning at the lake anyways which made it easier to leave!!
Pool running is great for injuries like shin splints and stress fractures. Yes, it’s definitely an upside to living in Florida.
I’ve never tried that hack squat machine-wonder how that would go? Good for you for trying it. Hope that shin feels better. Smart idea to take some rest and let that shin heal. I have used pool running from time to time during heat waves and injury. I like the guided workouts from fluid running (same ones Wendy does)
Yes, I’ve never tried those- I just make up my own workouts. But I always think if there was some reason why i had to be in the pool for an extended period (ugh) I would try Fluid Running.
Ouch on the shin! I Hope you’re able to run today and all goes well. My body doesn’t seem to shut down when I take time off from running (probably because I’m usually busy on the bike, LOL), but my mind is another story. Although I’m grateful to have many other fitness options, I do miss dear old running when it’s off the table.
Yes, mentally it’s REALLY hard to find something to replace running!
Good for you for pool running. Remember: if you listen to the whispers, you don’t have to hear the screams!
I would love a pool at my disposal! I mean, not here. In Calgary, you’d die of exposure. But you know, a pool on a hot day is a dream!
Ha, I like that! Whispers and screams.. I’ll have to remember that.
I like to take off time from running occasionally — when I choose to. Seems like I never actually get to choose to these days! I’m sorry you’re having to be cautious and hope everything goes well today.
I love to swim. I would kill for a pool. Of course I probably would never take care of it properly . . . there are a lot of people with pools here, too, you’d be surprised!
It’s really hard to take care of it. Ours was green for the first several weeks of summer because there was something wrong with the pump and my husband couldn’t figure it out. Luckily he got it fixed, right when I really needed it!
ugh. My body gets so stiff if I take full rest days. Even if I just walk a mile, it makes a huge difference.
So nice that you got to work out with your son.
Yup, I had a 4th of July race. It was hot.
Yes, I read about your race! I think all July 4th races were hot this year.
Great job with all that pool running – it’s great you have that option. Hope today’s out-of-pool run goes well too. That’s too funny about your calf!
I know- I thought I could feel that the right one was working harder, and it was true!
I did a Caroline Girvan leg workout last week and it involved lots of squats and lunges and I increased my weight (slightly!) and paid for it for DAYS, so I hear you on how tough it can be do to push those leg workouts! How is the shin feeling now?
The shin seems all better! We’ll see how it is as I continue to run this week.
Oh yes- making any change, like increasing the weight, will make you sore for days. I know!
So nice to have pool running as an option – I hope your shin calms down and today’s run was a good one.
Great that you were able to hit the gym with your son for a couple of days. When I belonged to a gym I used to like using the squat machine – definitely a challenge!
I’ve decided that all squats are hard, whether it’s the bar or a machine!
I think you were smart to jump right into the pool rather than allowing your shin to get worse while continuing to run. I hope it doesn’t give you any problems when you take it out for a test run on the pavement. Good luck!
It felt fine today! Hopefully one week off did the trick.
Oh, you have a pool in your backyard. So cool. I wish I had a pool, or a friend with a pool. It sure would come in handy in 100+F weather LOL (I think it was smart to do the pool running to keep things light on your shins).
Yes, it might be best to have a friend with a pool- the upkeep is kind of a pain!
I hope your run went well today!
I love how you are going to the gym with your son and trying new things. I never use machines and wouldn’t know how to adjust them — is that hard to do?
I definitely have imbalances in my legs, but when I get tested by a PT they don’t test differently — I guess they are both strong enough?
Well, having my son there definitely helps- he helps me adjust everything. It’s also pretty self-explanatory if you really look at everything closely- which I usually don’t, apparently.
I once read a quote that the only thing better than owning a pool is having a friend that owns one (as in: access to a pool with no maintenance)!
Go you – I can 100% see this being boring, but a nice rest for your body and a nice break from the intense heat. Hope it’s feeling great this week.
Nicole does it again: “if you listen to the whispers, you don’t have to hear the screams!” What a great quote!
Also, that “puny” calf recently did an ULTRA…so I think it’s pretty incredible! (Though, how interesting that the left – your problematic side – is less defined. The human body and how we compensate for injury is pretty wild!)
Yes, pools and boats- it’s better to have a friend with one, than have to take care of it yourself! We don’t use the pool as much as we did when the kids were little- but we still have to maintain it, and I’m very grateful it’s there when I need it.
I did not know pool running was a thing but I am intrigued! It looks like you are wearing some sort of apparatus — is it a weight of some sort? How many laps do you do and how fast do you go? Also, do you have waterproof earbuds?
I LOVE that you got to do these workouts with your son. That is so sweet, that you are working out together and helping one another out. He can get so low with his squats!!! I honestly don’t think my body would move that way!
Your experience with PF and low back pain flaring up when you stop your normal routine sounds very familiar. My PF also seems to like being in motion — I notice it much more on days when I don’t walk.
The thing around my waist is a flotation belt. You wear it, and then “run” in the deep end. So you’re not actually touching the bottom. I couldn’t tell you how many laps (it feels like two million) – I just go by time. And I’m using just my regular earbuds- they’re not waterproof, but they’re also not expensive. So if one fell in the water (it hasn’t happened yet) it wouldn’t be a tragedy.
Pool running and working out with your kid? This sounds great to me!
Yes, there was no actual running, but things could be much, much worse!
you are so so lucky to have a pool.. I’m glad that you have it and that you have an alternative when things are creaky, in this case your shin. And how fun to go to the gym with your son!! I wish I had a gym buddy for sure. I used to go all the time with my friend Vincent (who also was a running coach, very handy) because Ron isn’t always excited about the gym. Vincent has long covid though and he can hardly do anything now 🙁 Anyway… not to be a bummer! sorry! Hoping the shin issue is just a blip and you can get back to the road and trails soon!
Oh that is terrible!!! I feel really bad for Vincent- obviously normally a healthy, active person. It’s a good reminder to still take Covid seriously (which I have to admit… I usually don’t, these days.)
Very interesting about the calf size! Good for you for being proactive about the shin pain. I hope it is fleeting! I feel like I am just falling apart these days! I need to get motivated to get in our pool. I wasn’t even motivated to go to the gym this week. Wow, what a low squat your son does! My hamstrings hurt just looking at that 😆
My knees hurt just looking at his squat! Apparently that’s the way to use the hack squat machine (according to Youtube) as long as nothing hurts. Probably easier for a 20-year-old to get down that low, than it would be for us.
I’m really impressed with your strength training! Those squat machines are VERY hard! I used to go to a place called Discover Strength pre-pandemic and they worked us to failure on them. I always dreading that machine 🙂
Yes, I always dread squats as well! Why do I do this to myself???
OK, if I lived in FL, the pool in the backyard would be required, despite the daunting care and maintenance needed.
Also? Everyone is “uneven” in some way – you have a clearly identifiable reason for your calf differences, and now you’ll work on it! I wonder if improving the strength in that calf muscle will help your PF?
Hope the shin is still on the mend and feeling good.
Thanks Anne! I’m wondering if the calf is weak because of the PF, or the other way around? Either way, getting stronger can only help.