walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Not Bad, Just Different

Well, this was an interesting week!  I wish I could say there was a ton of running, but I can’t.  There were cardio alternatives though, and I switched up some things strength-wise.  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown!  Let’s just see what happened in this odd week.


Leg day at the gym!  The most notable thing about this workout is that I put ten pound plates on the bar for my squats, for the first time.  I didn’t quite get down low enough though, as you can see by this photo:

I always get scared doing squats- scared of what, I couldn’t tell you.  Scared that it will be hard?  Or that I can’t do it?  I vowed to try it again next time and get down lower.


Okay, sigh.  My shin was acting up again so I got in the pool.  Just to clarify, this is a recurring issue that pops up every time I try to run a little faster.  It’s not that I can’t run; I’m just trying to prevent it from getting to that point.  45 minute pool run.


Inspired by Wendy’s post last week, I got out my old arch-nemesis, the pull up bar.

We meet again…

I was able to do a hard at-home upper body strength workout with the 10 and 15 pound dumbbells I have- lateral raises, overhead shoulder press, and negatives on the pull up bar.  The way I do them is, I put my knee in the band and pull myself up (with the band to assist me.) Then I slip my leg out of the band and sloooowly lower myself down with full body weight.  It’s crazy how hard this is!  I also did planks and side planks.


Instead of doing a long trail run, I decided to do a “long cardio” at the gym.  I did the first 30 minutes on the stair climber (ugh) and then got on the treadmill for an hour.  Again- ugh.  I felt my shin when I first started running, but as long as I kept the treadmill at an incline, it was fine.  Treadmill runs are so boring- I adjusted the incline and pace frequently just to break it up.  Yes, I would rather have been out on the trail for 90 minutes!  But this was a good substitute.


Another 45 minute pool run.  This time it was still dark, so I got to “run” with the full moon!  (I thought of Kim.)

But the biggest thing about this workout is that I listened to this episode of the Human Performance Outliers podcast, with Ben Patrick, the “Knees Over Toes” guy, talking about his top six strength moves.  I’ve heard of him many times, but something just clicked this time.  Once I was out of the pool, I looked up his moves on Youtube and decided to add them into my routine.


Leg day!  Part 1 was at home.  I did Knees Over Toes tibialis raises (these should help my shin!), goblet squats, and Nordic hamstring curls.  or I should say, I attempted the Nordics but couldn’t quite do them- they are REALLY hard.

Then, the gym where I pushed and pulled the sled!  This is another Knees Over Toes move- he says it helps with achilles issues and plantar fasciitis.

Your heels never touch the floor- you can see how this would strengthen the feet and calves.

Then, back to the squat bar- I got down lower!

After deadlifts and abs, I did hamstring curls- obviously my hamstrings are very weak, and I have to work up to doing the Nordic curls.


Hmmm, my legs were sore today!  That’s okay though.  I got in a good 5 mile run before work.

The humidity was 95% for this run, but it was early enough (just after sunrise) that it felt okay.  I felt my shin before and after the run but not during, so… I guess it’s fine for now.  The tibialis raises and sled pushes/pulls should fix everything!


OFF! Sleeping late!  Pumpkin pancakes!  Reading and watching football!  It’s going to be a nice, relaxing day off.  I like my workouts, but I definitely know how to relax when the time comes.

What do you like to do on your days off?   Or do you not take days off?

Have you heard of the Knees Over Toes workouts?

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41 Responses

  1. I have not heard of knees over toes. I do do goblet squats fairly regularly, but I don’t belong to a gym (and don’t plan on joining one anytime soon).

    I listened to my body, too. I really wanted to get that third run in, but I knew with a tough week coming up next week — hello, heatwave & trip to mom most likely by myself — not in my best interest. Better to recharge.

    Your squat form looks amazing!

    1. Thanks Judy! I’m not sure it’s “amazing” but I’m getting better. I’ve been working at it!
      I went through years and years of not listening to my body, and I finally learned. You can’t ignore the signals- eventually it will catch up to you.

  2. No. Never heard of it. My gym workouts are very mild. Just some machines.

    Pool running sounds the way to go. Lucky you.

    Hope your shin pain goes away.

    1. Thanks Darlene! Since you don’t have any issues with injuries (other than the weird flukey ones where you fall) you probably don’t need Knees Over Toes. You might as well stick with exactly what you’re doing now.

  3. I love my rest days. Back when I was running it was very much “work hard rest hard”. After my long runs on Saturday morning I would literally spend the rest of the weekend on the couch. I also loved sleeping in for a bit on my weekday rest day. I still do, it’s just that now that I don’t run there is less to recover from – now my weekday rest day is more of a celebration that the weekend is coming.

    Hopefully running in the pool under a full moon will appease the running gods and your shin will be back to normal!

    I had to brace myself to even click the link to see what a Nordic hamstring curl was…never never never ever. On the plus side my pushup game is back on. What’s been happening for a good long while is that I start to get the hang of pushups, and then I start loading a bunch of extra stuff on like more planks and pull up stuff which overwhelmes me so I go back to square one. This time my plan is to keep the pushup routine up until the end of the year and then maybe start flirting with pull up baby steps (hanging on the bar, negatives). We’ll see!

    1. Hanging on the pull up bar is actually hard! Something about stretching the muscle that far with the weight on it. I haven’t been doing pushups because of my wrist (sigh) so I figured I might as well focus on the pull up bar again.
      Imagine how strong your hamstrings would be if you could actually do Nordic curls! I’m going to try and work up to a modified version.

  4. Nice work on those squats. I went through a phase last year when I was really afraid of squats–especially when SJ piled on the weight. Earlier this year, she had me do an EMOM of front squats alternating with back squats, Same weight, more reps for the back squats. That somehow changed things for me. The other thing I remind myself of when it gets really heavy is that you can always bail in the bottom of the squat by letting the bar roll off your back. There’s no shame in ‘failing’ a lift!

    I haven’t heard of the knees over toes guy, but I’m going to check out his stuff!

    1. Yes, that’s a really good point. My son was trying to convince me to put more weight on the hack squat machine, and pointed out that if I can’t get back up I could just crawl out from underneath. Somehow I felt that would be a little… embarrassing… but how will you really know you’re at your limit if you don’t fail? I’ll keep it in mind (but I still hope it won’t come to that.)

  5. Um, that move looks impossible! I would say the sled is good to strengthen your calf muscles (etc) but probably NOT good if they are already injured. Yikes!

    Your dark o’clock moonlit pool run actually looks nice!

    I like running on my tread but I absolutely have to vary the incline and pace. Doing an “easy” run on a tread is the hardest.

    1. Yes, I guess the sled wouldn’t be good if you already have a calf injury. The one I really found impossible were the Nordic curls though.
      Yes, doing a run on the treadmill without varying incline and pace is torture!

  6. I think you are really smart to pull back on running before your shin issue becomes a problem. I basically did the same this week w my glutes. It’s good for body to get a little pull back week as well. Hope it helps you feel stronger this week!

  7. your strength training looks amazing and so inspiring! I need to get my butt to do some weights or something…one of these days. That full moon swim looks fun! Peaceful but spooky. I run in the dark these days but never would’ve thought of swimming.

    1. I think you’ve got enough on your plate with all the running you do and three kids! Also, you do regular core work which is probably the most important thing- so you’re doing great.

  8. I have not heard of knees over toes workouts so I’m going to check them out. Working the tibialis anterior will be very good for your shin splints. Smart girl for being proactive and running in the pool when your shins were tender.

  9. Your squats look amazing! Running before the sun comes up? You know how I feel about mornings so I AM IN AWE! AWE, Jenny.

    Your Sunday rest day sounds amazing. Hope you’re having a great (delicious, relaxing) time.

    1. Elisabeth, you would not like my current schedule. My daughter and I get up at 5:30 on school days, SOB! I’m trying so hard to get in bed earlier, but so far I haven’t been great about it.

  10. I had not heard of “Knees over Toes” but I checked out the exercise videos that you linked. Interesting exercises to try!

    I don’t take a ton of days completely off but I do try to have “lighter” days in between. I think your day off sounds wonderful!

    1. Yes, I noticed you don’t usually have “off” days. Lighter days work though- I could do stretching or yoga on my off days and it would probably feel good.

  11. Great week of workouts but I am sorry to hear about the shin pain! This was a week of pieced together workouts. I haven’t had a normal week in a couple of weeks. I am majorly craving routine. Maybe in a week I will get back to usual but with my new hire starting on Tuesday things are a little wonky. I am just doing my best. I got 3 mile runs in this past weekend at my parents. It was ridiculously humid though. We are having crazy weather. Like it’s 100 at home. That is not normal for sept in Minnesota. So I am just bobbing and weaving and trying to move my body as much as I can! So that means I do take days off. But the days I don’t exercise it’s entirely because of work. Like on Thursday I worked from home but I had an 8:15 client call and had to take taco to daycare so I couldn’t fit a workout in.

    1. Ack! 100 degrees??? You’re due for a cool down soon.
      Once school starts and your new hire is on board, HOPEFULLY you’ll get into more of a routine. As usual, I think you’re doing great. I did NOT do all these workouts when my kids were little! Not even close.

  12. I usually do some easy yoga to stretch a bit but still feel lack of exercise makes me sluggish. I would say the hardest mental day for me is Saturday, the day before my long run as I know I need to rest, fuel up, but at the same time feel sluggish and wanting to move faster. when I’m off training cycle, I’d probably do more swimming on non running days without having to worry how it will affect my long run.
    squads is daunting to me too. I’m still with 10 lbs. (5 lbs plates each side) and want to perfect the move before adding more. my hamstrings are always sore the next day.

    1. Yes, a lot of times I feel sluggish on my off days. And yes- the day before a long run can be hard. I get anxious and just want to get that run over with!
      We’re about in the same place with squats. I’m still progressing to 10 lbs each side, but I start off with just the bar, then 5 lbs, and I work on my form. Then I do 10 lbs but I can only do a few. I figure if I do this, I’ll work up to a full set with the 10 lbs eventually!

  13. I am definitely afraid of doing squats. Last time I did them it messed up my knees. And if it’s not my knees, it’s my hamstrings! But I think easing into them would help, but I’m afraid to even start at this point. Good job on your workouts – you are very committed!
    I haven’t heard of the Knees over Toes workouts. Sadly, I did not make it to the gym last week. I felt weird going when my husband was injured. I think I’ll get there this upcoming week!

    1. Hmm! Well, if you have knee problems, Knees Over Toes guy can help! He has a whole program where you ease into things very slowly so you don’t hurt yourself. I’m not doing his whole program, but the things I am doing, I really like.

  14. Nice work with the squats!
    My husband has talked a lot about the Knees over toes, and he does a lot of the pushing and pulling sled, and that kind of assisted pull-up too. The sled work will be a lot of foot strengthening done for you and should work wonders for your PF! All the calf raises you do are very helpful too. I haven’t had PF but thought I did earlier this year, so did a lot of reading about it.
    I hope your shin gets better asap. A pool run in the moonlight looks fun and relaxing!

    1. Thank you Susanne! I’m loving the sled- it’s funny, I’ve seen it at my gym all along but never used it till now.

  15. The Tibialis Raise is super interesting. Because of how my ankle is reconstructed, I have a really hard time getting my food completely on the floor – this is a good exercise for me to work on! I wonder if this is part of the reason I have so much hip pain when I try to run. Those videos were really interesting to watch – thanks for sharing them!

    1. Oh good! I hope it helps you. Yes, I really like them. He also has a book in case you’re interested in his whole program.

  16. Good work!

    My squats look like yours right now. I lack the flexion in my right ankle to get any deeper. Boo.

    I hope your shin gets with the program.

  17. 93% humidity for me on my run this morning but I did enjoy it (and I’ve run out of work so can finally catch up with blog posts …). Well done on finding such a variety of interesting things to do. I get scared of squats, too, I think I think I’m going to get stuck or just fall over backwards!

  18. You are so great at listening to your body! Me, not so much…I really struggle with taking rest days because I feel like I’m not running/working out “that hard” which probably doesn’t even make sense but because I do a lot of power hiking during my trail runs due to the terrain/elevation gain and most of my runs are done at an easy zone 2 effort, I don’t feel like I deserve to rest which obviously isn’t true. Also I get really antsy if I don’t get outside and do something every day so I’m trying to have one day a week be an easier hike so I’m not running every day. I wish I liked cycling or something so I could have a cross training day but I’m too scared to crash on a bike and get hurt lol.

    The sled work looks interesting and actually kinda fun! I have issues with calf tightness sometimes so this looks like a good exercise for that. And I think your squat form looks great, I haven’t progressed to squats with a bar but they can be tough even just bodyweight or holding a kettlebell!

  19. All the comments make me intimidated to check out this program but you served me well with Caroline Girvan! Still a fan and love that it’s free! I was doing Kim Runs the Mittens’ strengtb program for a bit (paid) but I realize I like following along with someone doing the workout more, like CG’s workouts.

  20. You are seriously impressive with your dedication to your strength routine! Go you. I could not do so many of the things you do (and then lament that you cannot do *better*!). I hope you recognize just how amazing all of this is, and the progress you have made. 🙂

    1. Thank you Anne! I definitely go through different phases- this is probably the most dedicated I’ve ever been to strength training. I know, I should focus more on progress and less on where I’m falling short.

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