walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Not Like Other Weeks

Well, it was quite a week!  We had a trip to Tampa, I had an amazing trail adventure, and we ran a race!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s get right into it.


15 mile run!  Sometimes when I set off for a long run I’ll say “I’m going to do X-ish miles, depending on how I feel.”  I’m really glad I didn’t say that this time, because I didn’t feel great at any point during this run.  Nothing hurt (other than my hamstring, which is always a 2 or 3 on a pain scale of 1-10) but it just… wasn’t great.  But I did it!  It was partially on a cross country trail and partially on pavement.

My “smile” looks more like a grimace.


I did Day 1 of Caroline Girvan’s “Tempo Week” workouts, which was chest, shoulders and triceps.  Because I knew I would only get to the gym once this week, I considered this my “push” day.


4 mile run in the morning…

…and then in the afternoon I went to the gym.  Words can’t really express how much I DIDN’T want to go to the gym- my upper body was sore from the Caroline Girvan workout, my quads were sore from the run on Sunday, and I was just tired overall.  If there had been any alternative I would have taken it, but this was my only day.  So I went.

I did a combination “pull” and leg day.  It wasn’t the best workout I’ve ever had, but it was good- as always, I was glad I went.


A quick 3 mile run…

What a difference a day makes! It dropped down to 49 degrees overnight.

and then we blasted off to Tampa!  Woohoo!


No workouts, other than walking all over downtown Tampa and supervising three 14-year-olds.  We were there for the FMEA (Florida Music Educators Association) All-State convention- my daughter and two of her friends played in the middle school band.  They had rehearsals and we also went to the exhibition hall where they could try different instruments, get information about summer camps and colleges, and of course, purchase merch.  One of my favorite moments was when we looked at the 2023 All-State hoodies- the names of all the kids who participated were listed on the back.  The kids were so thrilled to see their names on a hoodie!  My daughter asked “Is $58 too much for a hoodie?”  No, not in this case.

Best hoodie ever!


After doing MAJOR kid duty on Thursday, I handed those responsibilities over to my husband for the day.  I dropped my daughter at her rehearsal and drove about 30 minutes out of town to an incredible trail.  It was huge and beautiful.  There was a main trail and lots of colorfully-named offshoots.  I quickly realized that the main trail was very runnable while the offshoots were more technical and often had standing water.  I stayed on the main trail for the most part but couldn’t resist taking this detour:

and also I ran on “Hogwild” because… well, how could you not?  These trails are used by runners and hikers, but are also for mountain bikers.  The last offshoot I tried was “Techno Pig” which was a mistake!  It had roots, rocks, and was very twisty.  Other than that I would say these trails were 95% runnable.

I skipped this one.

I absolutely loved this run- 10 miles in the most perfect weather you could hope for.  I want to come back and run more sections of this trail.

Afterwards, I went back to our hotel and TOOK A BATH.  I haven’t taken a bath in… 5 years?  10 years?  Long, luxurious baths just don’t fit in with my lifestyle, so this was a huge, huge treat.  And then I took a nap. This day is in contention for the Best Day Ever.


My husband and I had signed up for the inaugural FMEA 3K run, which started at 6 am.  Late on Friday a cold front blew through, and we knew it was going to be in the low 40s, and windy.  My husband said “Do we have to do it?”  My son’s response was “What would David Goggins say?”

Here we are at 5:45 am! I love how my husband wore a SCARF.

In addition to the “Florida cold” temperatures and wind, it was lightly raining.  But as always, this race was FUN!  I’ve decided the 3K is my new favorite distance.  Or maybe from now on I’ll just do 50Ks and 3Ks, ha ha.  You know how that last mile of the 5K can be so painful?  Just lop off those extra 2Ks!  It felt good to run fast, although I use that word loosely.  But it was fast compared to the trail running I did the day before.

My daughter’s concert was at night, and we drove home afterwards.  It’s a four hour drive so we got home very late!


On tap for today… sleeping in, tea, waffles, Dolphins game.  Getting my son ready to leave and bracing myself to say goodbye- he goes back to school tomorrow.

It was an amazing week.  I loved being in a different city, with different weather and different people.  (We did miss our cats though.)  This next week will feel very dull- but at least I’ll be able to finish getting the Christmas decorations put away.

Have you ever run a 3K race?  

Have you ever been to Tampa? – It’s a beautiful city!


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51 Responses

  1. What an absolutely fun week Jenny! I have those same Hokas, btw, but mine are very muddy, ha!

    I had to chuckle that your husband is wearing a scarf 🙂 Rainy and 40’s can be pretty chilly though!

    How do you find the Caroline Girvan tempo vs. Iron Strength?

    1. The workouts are about the same length and are similar, but in Tempo she’ll vary the pace, like you’ll go slow on the eccentric for one set, and then slow on the concentric movement on another set. And then sometimes you’ll do holds or pulses. It’s just nice to mix it up a little.

  2. I’ve been to Tampa a few times and it’s a really fun place to visit! Being beer drinkers, we visited the Cigar City brewery and were not disappointed. Those trails look amazing and you know I wouldn’t have hesitated to check out ‘Gator Bait’ lol. I’ve never run a 3k. How fun!

    1. Yes, there wasn’t much chance for beer drinking on this trip, but I’d like to go back for a more “adult” experience sometime!

    1. Yes, finding a trail in a completely different area was super fun. Now I’m motivated to look for new places to run near me.

  3. There’s not much one can comeback with to “what would David Goggins say?”, right? I love the names of those trails – it must be so fun to say “I ran Hogwild!” haha!

    1. Ha ha, yes, I had to try Hogwild. And by the way, my son (the one who brought up David Goggins) was sound asleep in the warm hotel bed while we were out there running!

  4. Yay for a great week! I’d avoid a trail “To Misery” too! LOL on your husb wearing a scarf to run a 3K with temps in the 40s.

    Congrats to your daughter — and yes, that hoodie is worth every penny!

    1. I can tell you he was definitely the only one there wearing a scarf.
      In retrospect I’m curious about that “Misery” trail. I might have to check it out when I go back!

  5. What a fun trip, and yes, ABSOLUTELY to the hoodie! How awesome that you got two great runs in while in Tampa! Best day ever is a huge testament to Friday’s run, bath, and nap.

    We’ve been to Tampa for two weddings and now our son and d-i-l live in a nearby suburb. We were supposed to be there now, but someone’s work schedule messed up those plans. They’re moving to Charlotte at the end of the month so no more easy trips to Florida with a free place to stay…

  6. All those trails sound so fun! I’m glad you had great weather for your trip. We’ve been to Tampa several times, and it IS a beautiful city. I love running along Bayshore Blvd…it’s very reminiscent of the Chicago Lakefront, with water on one side and neat architecture (and some beautiful homes) on the other. I had to laugh at your husband’s scarf, too!!

    1. He was wearing that scarf and hat just walking around during the day and we kept begging him to take them off! Yes, Tampa is beautiful. It has a very “old Florida” feel that I love.

  7. Great job on your runs! And so cool about Tampa! Our marching band uniforms were on display there!

    We are going to Orlando in April for a performance, and A keeps asking if we can go to DCI in Indianapolis next year. We are band people, through and through.

    1. Why don’t you have A audition for All-State next year? My daughter will audition again, and if they both made it they would be playing in the 9-10 band together!

  8. Congrats to your daughter on All-State! That’s a fabulous accomplishment. I don’t remember any mech at Illinois’ All-State but I’d have to have that hoodie as well. Those trails do look enchanted! I was last in Tampa a few years ago for the Gasparilla races. So fun!

    1. I would be surprised if they weren’t selling hoodies at Illinois All-State- if there’s money to be made, someone will be doing it! I’ll bet those Gasparilla races are great- it would be a perfect race-cation.

  9. Wow what a week.

    You are putting in some serious mileage… I’m still running conservatively. No reason not to.

    Yes on the bath… what a luxury. I used to take them often but it’s been quite awhile.

    Congrats on the race.

    I have never been to Tampa…. I do want to.

  10. We flew into Tampa for our last 2 family beach vacations but did not go into Tampa! I also met Stephany, I think in Tampa but it might have been St. Pete, back in 2013 or 2014 when I was in FL for work. But I didn’t see the city at all – we just met at a Starbucks!

    It sounds like a wonderful time! How fun to travel with both of your kids and enjoy some beautiful music! I am glad you got some alone time on the trails!

    I have never done a 3k – only 5k! It does sound like a nice, short distance! I ran a couple of times this week but the conditions were so awful as we got freezing rain this week. I was hoping it would melt a bit by Saturday but it was still horrible so my neighbor and I just did a short 2.5 mile route.

  11. What a fun week! I agree that your Friday does sounds like “the best day ever” 🙂 You are racking up some great mileage – I hope this means you’re feeling good.

    I’ve never heard of a 3K race. Fun to try a new distance.

    1. I am feeling good! I have to be careful though because when I’m feeling good I want to run more and more, and that’s when I get injured. So far so good though.

  12. hi, I’m new to the blogger, also a runner. I also just go out for long run by feel. when I’m not training for.a race, I’m kind of lost in planning my runs. how do you plan your runs and training?

    1. I usually plan my long runs based on what I did the week before. This week was different than most because I did an extra “longer” run, the 10 mile trail run in Tampa. Usually I’ll do my long runs on Sundays (or Wednesdays, my other day off, if I need to switch things up.) I have a general idea of distances, but I’ll also just look at my Garmin and add or subtract extra distance if I need it. I’m not as organized as some people- for example I’m not following a formal training plan- so I might not be the best person to ask!

  13. I love what your son said about Goggins!! We try to think like that too.
    The trail looks very interesting and I LOVE the names!
    I’m going through trouble after trouble with my running but when/if I get it to work consistently, I’ll start looking for shorter races, and a 3k would be good to start with, but I’ve never seen any 3k’s here, only 5k or 10k.

    1. Yes, it’s a very odd distance. I’m not sure why they made it a 3K, other than that it’s the first time they’ve done it and just wanted to see how it would work out? I heard someone say next year they might make it a 5K.

  14. I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of a 3K run, but it does sound like a fun distance!
    I think running in a new place is such a good way to discover gems in an area that you might not otherwise find. That trail looks gorgeous and the names are making me giggle. Someone sure had fun with those signs!

  15. Weather is such a difference maker. so glad you had great runs.
    Baths are my favorite self care.
    Hope to see you next week. I’ll text you when I get into town and hope we can find a time

  16. What a fun week, Jenny. I love that you got to run on the trail (by yourself! ;)) and that you had such a great run. I also love that you ran a 3k with your husband. His scarf is so fashionable. Ha.
    I have never run a 3k (didn’t know they exist) but sounds like an appealing distance for sure.

    Bath and nap sound heavenly (although I am not a bath person, I’ve come to embrace naps when I get them… not very often I might add).

    1. It’s funny how many people are saying they’re not bath people! I LOVE them- I have to try and do it more often.

  17. I have never been to Tampa – oh, there are so many places I would like to travel…
    That hoodie is great! My daughter’s Middle School band program makes a shirt every year and everyone wears it full of pride. You can always tell, who is band.

  18. Everything about your week is so fun! I am glad you got to experience a new running place and take a bath in the hotel. Honestly, I am not a bath person. As much as I like to relax, I simply cannot do it while taking a bath. I have been to Tampa once or twice. I don’t remember much about it though. I went there for work, and before I became a teacher, I worked at the American Bar Association. I am sure the cats missed you too!

    1. It’s funny you say that because it was the only part of the trip that wasn’t perfect- we missed the cats and worried about them (even though we had someone come to feed them.) They were definitely happy to see us.

  19. Oh I love everything about this.
    The pictures of you wearing A HAT! Those trails look incredible and I love the hoody and that you and your husband did that run together and that you got to take a long bath (although you know how I feel about baths) and then enjoy a nap. Best day ever, indeed. I hope you get a repeat experience of this scenario many times in the coming months, my friend.

    Stay warm!!

  20. Those trail names!! At least they prepared you with an appropriate name. I can only imagine the scarf your husband wore was very aerodynamic, yes? 🙂 Congrats to your daughter on the band selection. Sounds like a great trip and experience for her!

  21. I’ve never run a 3k race (but it does sound like fun) — but I have been to Tampa several times. It’s a fun city!

    I did NOT get anything for being in Allstate. My, how times have changed!

    Yes, it’s definitely fun to got out of Dodge sometimes. Sounds like a great week, except for your son going back to school.

    1. Well, they didn’t “get” a hoodie- we paid a pretty penny for it! But yes- I don’t recall a hoodie with my name on it when I did all-state.

  22. What a beautiful week and so glad you got to run in a new place and on that incredible trail!! Plus, a race too?!
    Oh that hoodie is most definitely a MUST! What a lovely way to acknowledge all the participants.

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