walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Oh, Hello June!

Well, it’s June and our rainy season has officially begun.  There was a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico which threatened to head our way, but luckily all we got was two days of rain.  Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the first week of summer vacation!  Not that I’m on vacation… but my daughter is, and that made everything easier.  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown- let’s get started.


A ten mile run to the beach!  This was the run I wanted to do on my birthday, but couldn’t because of my foot.  Here I was, only a little more than two months later and able to do it.  Hooray!  I ran from my house to the beach and then jumped in the ocean.


I started the week with a yoga class, as always with my yoga bff Denis Morton on  Peloton.


I like to call this workout a “run sandwich.”  First I did a 20 minute glutes and legs strength class  (all classes on Peloton), then did a two mile run, and then finished with a core class.  I like this combo if I’m only running a short distance.


Global Running Day!  Luckily it coincided with my day off of work, so I decided to do a 5k time trial.  I treated it like a race, so I did a warm up run, and some strides and drills.  Then I started my “race.”

Well, it was a learning experience.  The first two miles went well, and I ran at my planned pace.  At the beginning of the third mile I was uncomfortable and I thought “You know, I could just stop”. WAIT!  How did that thought get in there???  I suddenly became convinced that I couldn’t continue at my pace, and basically ran the last mile like a fartlek- alternating between slow and faster running.  My last mile was an ENTIRE MINUTE slower than the first two.

I really felt dissatisfied with the way I ran, but I certainly wasn’t going to beat myself up about it on Global Running Day (that would just be wrong!) But moving forward, I have to work on my mental game.  5Ks are hard, but it’s okay to be uncomfortable.  I definitely could have run that last mile faster than I did, so it’s something to work on.  Either that or I have to start specializing in two mile races.  Just kidding.  I have a 5K coming up on July 4th.


I didn’t sleep well because of a stomach issue (sigh) so in the morning I luxuriously turned off my alarm and slept for an extra hour.  I still had time to do a core class and pull-ups before work.  So I got a good upper body workout, but didn’t get to do yoga.  That’s okay- I needed the extra hour of sleep.

I decided to try one of the new classes with Logan Aldridge, a 10 minute core class.  My first thought was that there were too many breaks, and then I realized that it was a super hard class.  There was a lot of time spent on moves where your head is not supported, and I’ve mentioned before that it makes my neck really sore.  A couple people gave me suggestions, like Lisa said to press my tongue against the roof of my mouth, and Judy said to make sure I’m looking at my belly button and not the ceiling.  I employed both those techniques, but my neck still hurt.


The rain has started!  But luckily it was just rain and no thunder or lightning, so I got out for a three mile run.  After the run I did Matty Maggiacomo’s 30 minute glutes and legs strength class from 3/22/21.  This is a hard class, my friends!  But I like it.  I think it’s my favorite of all his lower body strength classes.

While I was eating my breakfast I noticed that my throat seemed very tight and sore.  Swallowing was vaguely uncomfortable, and my thought process went something like this: “What’s wrong with my throat?  What if this is the start of some weird problem that’s going to get worse and worse until I can’t swallow?  Will I have to have a feeding tube?  I don’t want a feeding tube!!!”  As the day went on I realized that it was actually DOMS from Logan’s core class!  Darn you, Logan and your V-ups!  I’m never doing your class again!  As a matter of fact, I’m not doing any core moves where my head isn’t supported from now on.


Yoga day!  I did this class, which I’ve done before and liked.  If you think yoga is just a bunch of gentle stretching, I urge you to try this class- it starts off with child’s pose (to lull you into a false sense of security) but goes on to some very challenging poses.



On tap for today… a shorter “long” run.  Everything is feeling good and I want to keep it that way, so this is a cutback week- I’ll probably run six miles.  The rain has stopped so now it’s nice and steamy.  That’s okay- bring it on!  I’m ready for the summer heat.

Do you have a favorite Peloton glutes and legs class? –I’m open to suggestions!

Do you run in the rain? –I always do, unless it’s an electrical storm.  My husband hates running in the rain though.


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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

37 Responses

  1. I hadn’t realized it, but I’m not having that sore neck thing anymore when I’m doing core work. I just did hollow holds this week as well as GHD sit ups. Hmmm. I don’t know what I’m doing differently but now that I think about it, it’s been a while since I’ve had the sore neck. So I say just stick with it!

    I do run in the rain, like you as long as it’s not an electrical storm or it’s not pouring. Pouring rain is kind of painful, lol. You probably don’t get cold rain, which I will run in, but it’s not the most pleasant.

    Glad you got your 10 miler in!!

    1. It’s funny because when I read your weekly rundown with the core work, I imagined my neck hurting during those hollow holds! I can do them for short periods, but I guess this particular workout had too much. Good to know that it can improve though.

  2. Oh, running really does take mental strength. Realizing that could you have run faster is the first step to winning that mental struggle next time. I’ll be digging deep during my 5K next weekend.

    I think new Peloton instructors program more breaks for themselves. Even though they train for months before they go live, there is so much going on at once it must be hard!

    I’m with Wendy on encouraging you to keep trying with the core work, but maybe a little at a time. Emma reminds that the lift comes from the core not from the neck, so try to relax the neck muscles. Have you tried putting a yoga block under your neck or using a short towel as a hammock? Those are other tips I’ve heard.

    1. I’ll keep doing core but I’ll support my head most of the time. I guess leaving my head unsupported for short moments will help strengthen those neck muscles? We’ll see.
      I’ll be interested to hear how your 5k goes. I used to HATE 5ks because of that intense discomfort of the last mile. Then I got better at it, but I guess I’m out of practice now. At least I know what I need to work on! Good luck with your race.

  3. Great job on your belated birthday run last Sunday! And way to not quit during your GRD 5K.

    You crack me up with your conversations with yourself about possible illness scenarios. You should read Running Home by Katie Arnold. She does a lot of that after her father dies from cancer. Plus you’d love reading about her many running adventures and accomplishments.

    I enjoy running in the rain unless it’s a cold rain and I’ve had my share of them over the years. They’re especially nice on hot humid days where the rain cools me off.

    1. I’ve heard of that book but never read it- but now I want to. And yes- most of the time running in the rain here is more comfortable than the heat.

  4. Sounds like you had a fantastic week (except for the neck issues). Necks are delicate, as I’m sure you know — the only other suggestion I would have would be to put one hand behind your neck to support if the posture allows.

    I don’t mind running in warm rain. I loathe running in cold rain, although I have and will do it. But not always. Because I also don’t loathe my treadmill. 🙂

    1. Yes, from now on I’m going to support my neck with one hand. It’s just not worth it to push through and then be so sore afterwards.

  5. I don’t love running in the rain, but I can tolerate it (if the temps are warm, like in the summer). I sometimes struggle with the neck thing, too. If I focus on looking straight ahead (as opposed to looking at the ceiling), it seems to help.

    1. Yes, warm rain and cold rain are quite different! I think looking straight ahead and looking at your belly button are similar-both are better than looking at the ceiling. But my neck still gets so sore!

  6. Not a Peleton user anymore. Sorry.

    Sounds like mostly a strong week. Hope your run goes well today.

    I don’t go out to run if it’s raining. But I will race in the rain.

    1. As several people have pointed out, rain can be cold. I forgot about that- it’s almost always warm when it’s raining here. I can see how running in a cold rain would be unpleasant!

    1. Our rain is very seasonal here- we don’t get much in the winter, but it can rain every day (for a short while) in the summer. But at least it’s warm, so I don’t find it unpleasant at all.

  7. Ha ha all of my virtual 5ks in 2020 were just like yours this week where the most logical thing to do was to quit in the 3rd mile. I never did but I sure wanted to with every single race. I’ve never felt that in a “real” 5k.

    I love running the rain!

    1. Yes, that’s a good point- hopefully I’ll have more motivation to hold a decent pace in a real race!

  8. I’ll run in a light rain, but I really hate running when my feet are wet, so if my shoes and socks are wet, I’ll usually stop. But there’s something about 70s or 80s and a light mist that is a really pleasant running condition for me!

    I have taken to almost exclusively doing standing core work. I’ll occasionally do some yoga sit-ups or something, but I’m super careful about clenching my jaw and neck.

  9. That Matty class is a good one though I usually prefer to stack shorter classes to avoid too much downtime. Daniel’s 5/23 G&L and 4/9 G&L are both good short ones to check out.

    I still haven’t tried Logan’s class but will this week.

    Glad to see you finally got your birthday beach run 🙂

  10. I was very much ready for June as May felt like an extremely long month!

    I mainly do Matty’s running classes but I will branch out and try some of his strength classes based on your recommendation!

  11. I don’t mind running in the rain especially in the summer when I feel it cools me off a bit. I do love some of Daniel’s and Rad’s glutes classes short but effective. I also have a few of Rebeccas bookmarked. Happy to share those w you. Some of the core work just takes time and a real focus on form not to strain your neck or back. Have you tried any of the new standing core classes w Rebecca? I like those too. Glad you got that beach run in!

  12. Bummer that the tongue on the roof of the mouth didn’t help with the neck pain!

    5ks are so hard! I have never raced that distance because I am just awful at it. When I was in a running club, we used to do a 2 mile time trial and that was supposed to predict our marathon time and dictate paces for various training runs and it just never worked for me. Even with a warm up, I could not run 2 miles at a fast pace. I could string together 2 miles in the middle of a half marathon that were faster than the 2 miles at the time trial!

    I have not done much running lately since I always have a kid at home with me with these darn quarantines, but I have done 2 3-mile runs with the 4yo in our bob stroller. Which is SO FREAKING HARD and humbling. But at least I am doing something. And I’ve gone on a ton of walks. Paul goes back to school next Monday so I am hoping to get back on a schedule of some sort again.

    1. Well… think how easy it will be when you’re able to run without pushing the stroller!
      I used to HATE 5ks, and avoided them. This was when I lived in NYC, and there were races of all distances available year-round. I ran a lot of 10ks. Not 10ks are harder to find, and 5ks are everywhere. A few years ago a raced a bunch of them and started to get better at it- it really is a skill, holding that level of discomfort for three miles. I’m going to try to get good at it again.

  13. A warm rain is okay for exercise if I have to endure it, but mostly I find it too much like sweating (which I hate). I also wear glasses (never contacts), so rain is just very inconvenient for seeing anything as well which is kinda helpful when running!

    Again I’m just beyond thrilled you did your beach run. I know it was a bummer around your birthday, so gold star for getting out there to do it now 🙂

    Also this: “What’s wrong with my throat? What if this is the start of some weird problem that’s going to get worse and worse until I can’t swallow? Will I have to have a feeding tube? I don’t want a feeding tube!!!”

    Um, this is me 100%. You should ask my husband; one tiny little thing will happen and in 4 mental steps I’ll have myself living in a cardboard box or eating liquid through a straw. Neither have happened yet, but yikes it’s such a frustrating personality trait in my life. We had some renovations done while we were away that can’t get completed for a few weeks and I am a ball of anxiety thinking of all the things that could go wrong. I don’t *want* to do this and my husband can just very easily leave all the “what-if’s” out of his mind, but I feel like I think through every single worst-case scenario.

    All that to say – I laughed out loud when I read what you wrote, but mostly because I can relate so, so closely! And, by the way, I’m very glad it was exercise-induced and you will not be needing a feeding tube.

    1. Thank you, Elisabeth- I’m also glad I won’t be needing a feeding tube. In all seriousness, those thoughts really did go through my mind, even while realizing how ridiculous I was being. Why do we do this???
      i have one suggestion for you- a visor. If you have to run or walk in the rain, a visor may help. I usually wear contacts but occasionally wear my glasses and yes- rain is the most annoying thing with glasses!

      1. Yes! I started using a visor this year (easier than a hat because I often wear my hair in a bun) and I have loved it for exercise. So far I’ve also just avoided exercise in the rain!

  14. Sorry about the neck thing, that must have been alarming for a bit (I get you on the feeding tube thing: every time I got exposed even vaguely to Covid, I had myself with a tracheotomy and I had to make my ex-speech and language therapy professor friend reassure me I’d be under anaesthetic if that happened!).

    1. Ha, well hopefully if you get Covid now it won’t be quite that serious! It’s funny what our minds do to us.

  15. V-ups are the worst! They definitely hurt my neck and even sometimes my throat. I don’t like them at all.

    This season promises to be fairly active and I’m not looking forward to it. I hate the rain, and people’s nerves are already so on edge.

    1. I actually don’t mind the rain, but I don’t want to lose power! And yes- people get crazy when a storm is coming. Well, you never know- sometimes they’ll say it’s going to ba an active season and then we don’t get anything. Fingers crossed.

  16. I am not much of a bad weather runner, but running in a warm summer rain sounds just about perfect 🙂 (we don’t get these here in CA).

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