walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Oh, the Humidity!

Okay, seriously- it’s November.  We’re still seeing temperatures in the upper 80s, but worse than that is the humidity.  80 degrees and 95% humidity at 6 am?  Not cool, Universe.  But we persevered, because that’s what we do here in South Florida.  As always, I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown.  I’m also joining San and a small army of NaBloPoMo-ers who are posting every day for the month of November.  Let’s just see how the week played out.


I’m happy to report that my long run is back up to double digits!  I went to my favorite trail and got started as early as I could in an attempt to beat the heat…

Sunrise on the trail

The plan was 10 miles and I went 10.5, only because it was hard to get back to the start at exactly 10 miles.  That’s okay- I’ll run an extra half mile!

I know what you’re thinking… some shade would be nice.


Back to Caroline Girvan!  I’m working my way through her Iron Series on Youtube.  Last week I was babying a sore muscle on my side, around my ribs.  That still hurts, but I decided I had to get on with my life so I did Day #17, which was a complete upper body workout.  The only thing I had to modify were the tricep dips, but that’s okay- Caroline gives alternatives to those anyway, and this workout was still a tricep killer.


3 mile run, followed by plyometrics and Planksgiving!  Okay, I’m not really doing Planksgiving.  There are all sorts of challenges going on this month, and all I’m doing is one forearm plank every day- and sometimes I can’t even remember to do that.  But I did it today, woohoo!


Since it was my day off, I dropped my daughter at school and continued on to the park to run on the trail there.  It was hot and humid at 8 am, but it was nice to run in the daylight and not have to rush.  I ran 5 miles and did my plyometrics in the park.

After my run I did several errands, including going to VOTE!


Back to Caroline Girvan- Day #18 was glutes.  In the beginning of this workout she explains that there would be some bodyweight exercises interspersed with the weights, and I thought, “Bodyweight!  That’s going to be too easy!”  Hahahahahaha… when will I learn not to underestimate Caroline Girvan?  Towards the end of this workout we were doing single leg hip thrusts, no weights, and I could not make it through the set- but Caroline also stops to rest during sets sometimes so I didn’t feel too bad.


Another 3 mile run that started in the pitch dark and ended as the sun was coming up.  Followed by plyometrics and plank!


Off!  A day off on Saturday is still working out really well for me.  I get to sleep in a little, but then go to work where I’m pretty active so I don’t end up feeling too blah.


On tap for today- no long run.  I decided to make this a cutback week.  Not that I’ve been running that much, but I have been steadily increasing my mileage and like to pull it back every once in a while.  Instead I’ll run 5 miles, then watch the NYC marathon.  In the afternoon we’ll be watching the Dolphins/Bears game and eating nachos (don’t forget it’s National Nachos Day!) and I also said I’d make a cake for my daughter.  Oh wait- I also have to take down the Halloween decorations- good thing we have that extra hour!

So, it was a pretty good week.  I’m kind of bummed I only did two strength workouts, but in order for me to do three (or four) I need to double up with strength and running on some days, and there was too much else going on this week.  That’s okay- we start all over again tomorrow.

How was your week?  Are you having unseasonably warm weather?

Do you like turning the clocks back? – I love it, but will be complaining when we have to spring ahead!

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44 Responses

  1. It IS unseasonably warm this fall where I live, too. I know it’s not a good sign (hello, global warming), but I have to admit that I LOVE the warm temps. It sounds like they’re predicting a relatively mild winter in Eastern Canada, too… Hooray. I am NOT a fan of winter.
    But this fall has been practically perfect weather-wise.
    Enjoy the marathon watching and cake baking and nacho eating 🙂

    1. Let’s see- I watched the marathon, baked the cake (but now have to make the frosting) and will be eating nachos for dinner- so far the day is going well!
      Ugh- a mild winter for you sounds like an uncomfortably warm one for us. Oh well…

  2. I’m so glad you’re feeling better and well enough to do your strength workouts again! I will definitely keep Carolyn Givran on my radar–her workouts sound tough.

    We’ve had unseasonably warm weather too but for us, that means really pleasant conditions! We had terrible wind and rain yesterday, though. It’s supposed to be in the 60s again today and I’ll take it!

    1. Yes, unseasonably warm in November means pleasant for you. I hate to say it but I’m hoping you have a cold front soon! We can’t cool off until you do.

  3. It’s warm here too. Poor marathoners.

    No I run after work so not happy. Hopefully I squeeze in some early mornings and lunches.

    Glad you’re feeling better.

    Thanks for the reminder. I’d better plank.

  4. so glad to see you feeling yourself again! way to go on that 10 miler/ I bet that felt amazing. It was much warmer again here this week and it’s so humid today. One of my friends is also doing the Girvan workouts and trying to convince me to give them a try. While I will never give up my Peloton, I may try them when I travel in December. Have a great week!

  5. So glad your 10+ miler went well. You are smart to do a cut back week too.

    Thanks for the reminder on National Nacho Day — maybe that’s what we will have for dinner!

    1. We were going to have nachos during the football game, but we changed our minds and are having them for dinner instead!

  6. Way to go on that 10-miler! Seems like it’s been a lifetime since I ran double digits (it’s only been a few months, but you know #grumpymuscles). I forgot to mention it, but yesterday was the Hillbilly Hike half marathon. I’d thought of running it with Barb, then thought of doing the 10K or the 5K. Then, the past couple weeks have been less than ideal, in terms of running, so I didn’t register. Turns out yesterday’s weather was so wet, cold, and rainy, I would have really been miserable (as were all the other runners who DID run the race). I guess my DNR strategy (Did Not Register, LOL) worked in my favor 😉

  7. It was unseasonably warm earlier this week and then the temps dove back to normal for this time of year. So yesterday it was in the 40s. Which is weather I like to run in but guess who is sick again with another cold? This one is more run of the mill so I will still be able to go on my work trip to NYC. But that meant no workouts for me this weekend. I have a 10k on thanksgiving so hopefully I can get back on track. October was awful for workouts and now November is off to a crappy start!

    I hate the time change as you know from reading my blog! I would rather just stay on DST! But moving Will’s bedtime back worked, or appears to. Both boys stayed in bed until 6. But that meant extra long days of parenting last week to keep him up later. Hopefully he keeps sleeping until 6 so Phil isn’t dealing with early wake ups while I am in NYC!

    1. Oh noooo! Well- I’m glad this cold is more mild. You know I’ve been doing run/walk intervals (4 minutes running, 30 seconds walking)- maybe that would be a good way for you to get back into it after all these setbacks.
      Oh, I know… I hated the time change when my kids were little. HATED it.

  8. I loved the extra hour of sleep last night, but it comes at the price of having to walk the dog in total darkness at night. Oh well.

    Mega props on your double digits! I always say that I hate telling other people what to do, but if I was dropping 10.5 milers like they’re hot, I’d be treating myself to a half marathon;-)

    1. I’m definitely looking into races right now! The only thing is, I’m not running that fast. So I’m looking for trail races… we’ll see.

  9. The clocks thing. Ugh. It’s so dispiriting for folks with young children and pets. I do like the extra light in the morning, but I’m not loving the idea that it’s going to be pitch black here at 5pm. I don’t know the answer, but DST in unpopular in our house!

    1. Well, my sister is beside herself because their elderly cat meows for food at 5:30 am… which will now be 4:30. When I had little kids I HATED the time change!

  10. Congrats on getting back up to double digit! This runner doesn’t do that unless she’s training for something. 🙂

    Except for the heat it sounds like a great week for you! Even though I don’t have a “real” job, I almost always feel like I’m rushing when I run, too. Bandit needs to be run, or I’m getting ready to go to my mom — just always seems to be something.

    1. Judy, I know exactly what you mean. If I’m home, there’s always something I need to be doing. I think that’s why I like going out to the park sometimes.

  11. 80 degrees and 95% humidity are exactly the conditions I had at 6am when I ran my first marathon back in 2007. I broke down crying at the starting line because I was so fearful of what was to come in those conditions. Ugh!
    Sorry it’s still so warm there. We’ve enjoyed a very pleasant fall for the most part.
    Glad your rib is feeling better! I think two solid strength workouts per week in addition to the running you’re doing it plenty! Nice work. Enjoy the nachos!

    1. Thanks Marcia! Now I’m curious about how that marathon went for you. I think I would cry at the starting line too if I had that weather.

    1. It’s funny, people’s different perceptions- I don’t mind it getting dark earlier. It makes things feel cozy.

  12. I can contribute that here in Germany it is also rather warm for the time of year. However today we actually said its getting colder and we might have to start heating by the end of the week. I am amazed about the amount of exercise. I wished I was this diciplined but running is just themes boring for me. Ever has been. I wonder who is taking those photos of you running?

    1. I take them myself! I set up my phone and take a video, then take a screenshot from that. You can probably tell that a lot of times I can’t find a good place to put my phone and end up with kind of a strange shot- but I’m trying.

  13. Great week for you, Jenny… consistency counts, even if you don’t always get all the workouts in that you’d like (I have the same problem). And kudos for getting out the vote early! I dropped off my ballot on Friday and am hoping for a good outcome on Tuesday.

    1. Unfortunately I don’t know if I can hope for a good outcome on Tuesday (here in Florida)… but you never know.

  14. Wow, that is HOT and HUMID. You are a superstar to run through that! (I am a heat/humidity baby, as I grew up in the west and live in the midwest.)

    And now I need to go look up what Planksgiving is!

    1. Well, I’m used to the heat and humidity down here… but I will say, I have less tolerance for it the older I get.

  15. Yay for getting in some good runs! It’s great hearing that you’re back out on the trail. 🙂

    Your statement “and sometimes I can’t even remember to do that” rings true with me because I’ve yet to do my first day of Planksgiving even though I have every intention. I just don’t think of it when I’m working out…

  16. Do you have shade for any of your running paths? You are a trooper! My tip for seasonal decor… I just decorate with leaves, pumpkins and Halloween things, and then take down anything spooky and leave the rest up until Thanksgiving! 😉 It really stretches the season out. haha!
    I do love it when I look over and see Caroline resting in the videos. Maybe she is human after all! (well, a super human…). I’m glad your mileage is getting up there. Yay double digits!!

    1. There’s not a lot of shade here, which really adds insult to injury!
      I definitely have some thing that stay out all fall, then some specific Halloween things and then specific Thanksgiving. But there are definitely leaves and pumpkins that stay out all season.

  17. Awesome job on all of your workouts this week!

    What’s crazy is that we have had similar weather here this week as well! Its been hum and around 70-75 degrees for the past 3 days – it’s really wild and very much out of the norm for us!

  18. I am so impressed by your workout routine. I have a hard time being consistent with sports in general but I keep trying 😉
    I would say for us so far it has been a typical year. It started raining in the Bay Area, California last week but you never know how the winter turns out. Hoping for more rain in the weeks and months to come. I actually like the extra hour in the fall but could live without the spring change. I would not mind if they would do away with it.

    1. Yes- if they’re going to do away with DSL, don’t turn the clocks ahead in the spring. I know there’s some talk of it but not sure how it’s supposed to work.

  19. We’re in km here so when I hear miles I always have to try to do a quick conversion in my head, which I’ve done now … and so, good job. It’s always a relief I think to get back to reasonable long runs. The running coach at our club always says it’s not a long run unless there’s a 2 in front of it, but he’s working in km, so your run qualifies, although I’ll still take anything over 16km as a proper long run.

    Any strength training is still good and life will certainly get in the way of our grand plans sometimes.

    1. Ha ha, I can only convert kms to miles if it’s a 5k or multiple thereof. You’d think after all this time I would have mastered it, but no.

  20. We’re finally starting to get some nicer weather here on the west coast of FL, so it has been nice to have some 70-degree mornings and lower humidity in the afternoons. This is the time of year that makes all of those months of super hot heat worth it!

  21. I’m getting a hurricane right now, so it’s all a mess LOL!

    You did so great getting your workouts in. I’m still planking and still hating it.

    1. Ha, the Planksgiving you’re doing looks really hard (I should know, since I originally signed up for it.) Hope you get through the hurricane okay.

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