walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- “Ouch” Edition

Oh hello!  This week started out innocently enough.  I decided to make it a cutback week for running, since the last several weeks I had increased mileage.  You’d think I’d feel good- nice and rested- but my body decided to fall apart in several minor, temporary, and extremely annoying ways.  SIGH!  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this week’s rundown.  Let’s get to it!


Day off as usual.  I did do the Somatic Movement exercises for plantar fasciitis every day this week.


Things started off normally with a three mile run, followed by Runner’s Touch exercise. So far, so good!


Last Wednesday I had a fun 5 mile trail run, but this was a cutback week so I just ran 2 miles.  Then… I decided to do squats and deadlifts.  I had taken a short break from doing strength training with actual weights (as opposed to bodyweight exercises) and I decided it was time to put plates on the bar again.  This was the start of my downward spiral…

Little did I know what was coming!


Woke up with crazy, crazy bad DOMS from the weights.  Well, that’s to be expected, but it was really unpleasant.  We all know how crippling that leg DOMS can be!  Luckily it didn’t keep me from running- as a matter of fact, it felt better while I ran but then came back with a vengeance as soon as I stopped.  Followed this three mile run with pushups.

I also woke up with a very stiff neck, I assume from the way I slept.  It was so painful that it gave me a headache as the day went on, AND one of my wrists was bothering me.  Not sure if it was from planks, pushups, or work (I’m a massage therapist.) Between the legs, neck, head, and wrist, I was not having a good day.



Day off from running.  Legs and glutes were STILL sore from weights on Wednesday.  I did the Gauntlet Plank workout and called it a day.


Although I didn’t think it was possible, my neck was even worse.  Luckily I could still run!  I did three miles without turning my head at all.  My wrist still hurt, and since as I mentioned I’m a massage therapist, I can’t mess around with that.  I need my wrists!  I abandoned all planks and pushups (for now) and did pullups instead.  These didn’t bother my wrist or my neck, as long as I was careful to look straight ahead.


All I needed was a trail run and all would be well!  I hoped.

This should fix everything!

Last week I had such a fun adventure, but since this was a cutback week I only ran five miles.  It somehow didn’t feel as epic as last week’s run, but it was way better than nothing!  I did have one little incident though…

As I was getting ready to start my run, I suddenly heard a loud “OINK.”  What in the world?… I looked down the trail and saw a large… PIG.  I reached for my phone to take a picture, but it ran into the bushes before I could get a chance.  Do we even have feral pigs in Florida?  Are they dangerous???  These are the questions I pondered during my run.  When I got home I looked it up and the answers are yes, and yes.  But since only five people have been killed by wild pigs since the 1800s, I don’t think they’re too aggressive.  Still, it reminded me that my trails are on the edge of the Everglades, and there is wildlife out there, even if I don’t usually see it.

Wild pigs live in these bushes! (Apparently.)

What’s the most unusual animal you’ve seen on a run? (That pig was mine, for sure!)

Anyone have any miracle cures for a neck spasm?  I forced myself to sleep on my back all night last night, and that helped a lot.

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42 Responses

  1. Sorry about your neck (and everything else!) I randomly get neck pain alot and its probably from sleeping wrong. It usually lasts a few days and then goes away. I’m just glad I can run with it! That’s so strange that you saw a pig on your run!

    1. Yes, seeing a pig was surreal. I’m guessing my neck issue is from the way I slept. Funny how much damage can be done while sleeping!

  2. Oh holy OUCH. The lower body DOMS are pretty unforgiving… been there, done that (just a few days ago). I have neck issues, on occasion, and those are frustrating! Hope you’re feeling better!

  3. Sorry about your neck and wrist! I hope they are feeling better today.

    Oh wow- a PIG! That would be a surprise! Ugh, don’t you hate when you can’t get your phone out fast enough? I’ve had black bear sightings on runs up north and never could capture a picture (though I’m usually too freaked out!)

  4. Sometimes when I do lots of planks my wrist bothers me so I often do elbow planks instead. The sore neck is the worst hope you are feeling better. Wow a pig? That’s something you don’t see everyday!

    1. Ha ha, yes, you definitely don’t see a pig everyday on a run. That’s actually a great idea- I usually do a combination of planks, but I’ll switch to only elbow planks for a while.

    1. Yeah, this neck thing is horrible. Now I can empathize with my clients who come in, demanding that I fix their neck pain! At least I can run, but everything else hurts.

  5. Oh no, I’m so sorry about the body problems! They are so darn annoying. I didn’t know you’re a massage therapist — if only you lived near me. 🙂 I don’t think I know anything to do while you’re having a spasm, only things to do normally to release tension & you probably know that stuff already.

    TX has wild pigs, but we never saw any. And yes, they are definitely dangerous! I’m trying to think of the strangest animal I’ve seen on the run. Nothing really out of the ordinary: eagles (rarely); deer (occasionally); snakes (rarely); a fox (once); and a couple of times groundhogs.

    Strangest thing we’ve seen in the neighborhood was a mama turkey & her babies!

    I hope you find some relief this week.

    1. Thank you Judy! My neck is much better- sometimes the only course of action is to wait for it to ease up on its own. Ha ha, the turkey family must have been a strange sight for sure!

  6. Ugh stiff necks are miserable. It’s one of those aches that you forget about until you get it – and then boom. The worst. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks Melissa! It’s feeling better every day, and you’re right- by the end of the week I’ll have forgotten all about it.

  7. Ouch is right! So sorry about your stiff neck and DOMS. Having a stiff neck can be so uncomfortable.

    The weirdest animal I’ve seen on a run was a deer – which I guess really isn’t weird, but I normally only see squirrels and dogs, lol.

    1. Well, I would put deer in more of an “exciting” category rather than “unusual.” But I guess it is unusual compared to cats, dogs, squirrels… the norm.

  8. LOL about the pig sighting!!! Only in Florida, right? Did it hurt to laugh? Or were your DOMS all gone?

    I have had weeks like this too–I always blame my RA, but sometimes I just overdo it. I hope you have a better week!

    1. Well, the funny thing is, you’d think I would see things like snakes, alligators, bobcats, panthers (er, hopefully not) – animals I would more associate with Florida. Who knew feral pigs live here too? From what I read, pigs make up a large part of the panthers’ diet.

  9. Ugh, sorry about your neck. Sounds like my upper back last weekend — luckily it got better in a day. Have you tried taking Advil or a muscle relaxer? Yikes on the wild pig! I don’t think I’ve seen anything too crazy, although deer freaked me out the first time I saw them because I live in a built up area and can’t imagine where they live.

    1. Thanks Coco. I did try advil the first day and it didn’t seem to help (sigh.) But it’s getting better- these things always go away with time.

  10. Oh wow sorry about all the aches and pains. I am nursing some lower body DOMS right now myself. Sheesh.
    That is nuts to see a pig out of the blue! That would totally throw me for a loop.
    I haven’t seen too many really surprising animals. I see the usual, coyotes, skunks, fox, deer….one time a crayfish crawled right across the trail in front of me. That was weird for these parts.

    1. Actually all those animals you mentioned seem unusual to me! I just don’t usually see a lot of wildlife- which made the pig sighting especially memorable.

  11. sounds pretty painful! I would probably just keep putting heat on it (the neck) and trying to move it afterwards gently. Maybe some muscle cream as well! But it’s tough because one wrong move and it could just be painful for a while. I used to do sports massage and yes I know how much you need those wrists!!

    I don’t think I’ve seen unusual animals on my run. Well, maybe alpacas? seeing a pig would most definitely throw me for a loop!

    1. Thanks Renee- yes, heat might help. I’m going to try that tonight. And, an alpaca definitely counts as an unusual animal!

    1. Thank you Zenaida! Sleeping on my back seems to be helping the most- it’s just not my favorite sleeping position. But it’s worth it.

  12. Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about your upper body/neck pain. I hope it’s feeling better each day.

    A cyclist on one of the Facebook pages I follow just posted a picture of about 15 feral pigs they saw while out on a ride, but I can’t remember where they were located. I have mad respect for wild pigs/boars after watching Old Yeller as a kid. The most unusual animal I’ve seen while on a run was an armadillo in Florida (I think that’s what it was). It was odd only because we don’t have them in Virginia. We used to run by the DC Zoo and we’d see monkeys, but that because we were next to a zoo so that doesn’t count!

    1. Thanks Debbie! My neck is much better today. Yes, we have armadillos down here, and one of the streets in my neighborhood is called Armadillo St, but I’ve never actually seen one. That must have been cool- they’re weird-looking!

  13. Oh no, that stinks about the neck pain!! I hope it’s getting better as the days go on. I saw a bald eagle fly over my head on Sunday! I wish I had my phone more accessible to get that picture! But most unusual that I’ve seen is a coyote running on my path, and a mink which ran across the path. Yes, in Ohio! That pig would have startled me for sure! I still remember doing a kettlebell workout that left me so sore I couldn’t run for days afterwards. It seemed like a very innocent workout too! Hope your week goes better!

    1. Thanks Lisa! This week is already better than last week. A mink? That’s unusual for sure! Also, I’ve never actually seen a coyote, even though I know we have them around here.

  14. Too bad about the pains. Hope this week is better.

    I laughed that I was relieved that I do zero strength training. No aches.

    Not much that is strange here. Turtles deer rabbits. A pig? That’s weird.

    1. Yes, I did have that thought Darlene- “This never would have happened if I hadn’t lifted weights!” Maybe I should just stick to running- much safer (I wish!)

  15. A PIG! Wow! Sorry to hear about all your ouches, and I hear you about the wrists – being a transcriber, I get terrified about mine, that’s why I don’t run on ice!

    1. Luckily I live in Florida so I don’t have to worry about ice- but yes, a fall on the ice would really mess you up.

  16. Leg DOMS is the WORST! I slacked off on weights since my injury so I just got back into lower body strength as well. My legs hurt for 3 days after doing a lower body strength class last week. I really need to be more consistent with that!

    We see wild pigs all the time up by where we are! It’s closer to central Florida though so that’s probably why, and we have lots of nature preserves out this way. You do have to be careful but mostly they are more scared of you than you are of them. The ones we see disappear pretty quickly when they hear us coming!

    1. I think you hit the nail on the head- if you’re more consistent with strength training, the DOMS isn’t so bad. I’m determined to be better about it.
      It must be so, so beautiful up where you are! I hear a rumor that there are even hills (ha ha… in South Florida it’s absolutely, completely flat unless you’re running over a bridge.)
      Yes, I got the feeling the pig was pretty scared to see me!

  17. I’m sorry you were hurting! Yikes! I hope it’s passed by now.

    Wild pigs are absolutely a thing! They can be very aggressive, especially if mama is around, so please be careful.

    There is a pair of zebras who live within a few miles of me, so that’s pretty amazing. I have also come across a loose horse, snakes, a gator or two, turtles, ducks, and a bobcat.

  18. Oh wow!! I didn’t even know wild pigs were a thing! That would be a wild sight! 🙂 Thanks for your nice comment on my blog, Vegan Crunk! Who knew a post about vegan dog food would get people so up in arms. HA!

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