Well, that week went fast. In addition to linking with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown, I jumped into Kim’s #WeekOfPi with some pi runs of my own. I couldn’t run 3.14 miles every day (oh, hello left foot!) but I did three pi runs. Let’s just see how this week played out…
First pi run of the week! 3.14 miles, followed by the first class of Crush Your Core 2, week 4. It’s the last week of the program! Emma Lovewell was in fine form.
Started the day with core class#2, then did a 20 minutes glutes and legs strength with Ben Alldis (all strength classes were on Peloton.) I liked this class! No plyometrics, just straightforward moves. Later in the day I did a 30 minute yoga flow. Sadly, this was my ONLY yoga class of the week. My son was home for spring break, which meant I lost my “yoga studio” (aka his bedroom.) It was hard to maneuver myself and my mat around the house and not be disturbed by people and cats.
Another pi run! 3.14 miles, followed by core class #3.
I did the same Ben Alldis glute and leg strength class, followed by pull-ups. Still working on those!
Third and final pi run of the week! 3.14 miles, followed by core class #4. I was definitely getting into a pattern here.

Finished the Crush Your Core program with the last 20 minute class! To be honest, I’m NOT happy this program is over. I liked not having to think about it- I just went to Peloton each day and was told which class was next. I’ll definitely keep taking core classes, but now I’ll have to choose them myself.
After that I did my own strength work- lower body and pull-ups. I like the Peloton classes, but sometimes I just like to do my own thing. I know how to do lunges and squats.
I do have to admit- grudgingly- that while I still can’t say I “enjoy” strength training, I like the way it makes me feel afterwards. There’s something exhilarating about it. And I like how I’m more aware of my muscles during the rest of the day. If I turn to the side I’ll think “Oh, there’s my obliques!” or if I pull something toward me, I’ll notice my lats working. Now if only I could run as much as I want, do the strength training, and do yoga every day. Hmm. I may have to quit my job to make time for all this.
We had a “goodbye” dinner for my son with veggie burgers, coleslaw and buffalo cauliflower- yum!
Here’s a little tip! If you’re booking an early morning flight on a Sunday in March, you might want to check and make sure it’s not the beginning of Daylight Saving Time. My son goes back to college today, and we had to get up at 5 am to get him to the airport- except IT FELT LIKE 4 AM, AAAAUUUGH! Nothing like adding insult to injury- it’s already hard enough to say goodbye to him.
On tap for today- my “long’ run of five miles, and possibly- since I have my yoga studio back- a yoga class.
Do you like turning the clocks ahead? – I do not.
Does anyone have any good core classes to recommend, now that I’ve finished Crush Your Core 2?
42 Responses
SJ had me do a ton of core this week, which I am still feeling! I have to admit that working core is my least favorite thing to do. I know that means I need to do more. Nice job on the Pi runs. I’m not participating because I’ve got to up my miles for my races next month.
I bet it was hard to say goodbye to your son, early wake up call aside! It never gets easier. Mine is heading to Texas with his rugby team for some games. I know they’re having fun. I just hope no one gets hurt!
Ooh! I wonder where in Texas he’s going. Now that my son is there, I know the state much better.
I actually noticed in your rundown that you did a lot of core this week. I agree- core is really unpleasant. Why is that???
My flight to Fla was at 5:30. Had to get up a 3. Ouch.
Great job on your PI runs. I did run 3 miles or so but don’t wear a watch. And my pace is slooow.
I run after work. I will be loving the extra hour of light. If only the snow would melt so I’d have a dry path to run on.
The snow will melt soon!
Okay, 3 is worse than 4. But we also went to bed too late last night, which was entirely our fault. We were packing and doing laundry, but we should have gotten it done earlier.
Hugs on your son going back AND the early start to your day. It may be very cold here still, and icy, but this morning we have sun & that’s been missing pretty much all week.
Good job finishing the core program & jumping into the Pi runs! Things seem to be going well? It’s definitely not easy to fit everything into a day.
You know, getting up super early like that actually helped with the time change- I was already so disoriented I barely noticed the time change.
Glad you got some sun today!
Way to triple-Pi it, Jenny 😉 Thanks for joining the fun!! I don’t love setting my clock ahead, but my body (and mind) don’t have issue with the adjustment. Besides, that “lost hour” in the morning (daylight-wise) returns rather quickly. I core-fess, I bailed on the last two Emma core classes (last weekend)…after eight weeks of her, I really HAD to move on, LOL I did a really good one last night (Callie’s from March 12th).
Okay, maybe I’ll check out Callie’s class tomorrow! Emma’s classes did get harder as it went on, but I think you just weren’t crazy about her personality. Oh, you missed the dance party at the end of the last class! (eye roll.)
Our clocks don’t go till the end of the month. Unfortunately, my running friend has a half-marathon that morning, a few hours’ drive from home and the morning after her friend’s wedding. Then she realised she’ll lose an hour, too! Argh!
Well done on your pi work. I don’t think I can fit one in tomorrow and don’t think I should, as I’ve run today and am running Tuesday. Hm.
You could do something else pi-related tomorrow- I remember last year I held a plank for 3 minutes 14 seconds (which, by the way I do not recommend!)
I think we used to set the clocks ahead later, like in April. That makes more sense to me- it’s too dark in the mornings now. Bad luck for your friend though!
I generally hate the time change (and we’ll see how I feel tomorrow), but today has been just fine. That said, at the time change in November, it messed up my sleep for months. Hoping things go much more smoothly this time around.
And wow to planking for 3 minutes and 14 seconds. That is intense!
That last minute was actually pretty horrible, ha ha. My whole body was shaking. I probably won’t be pi planking tomorrow!
Hope you do okay with the time change. In general I like going back but not forward, but today actually wasn’t that bad, and it helps that it coincides with my daughter’s spring break.
Oh, that is early for a flight! Glad you had a nice time with him visiting, even though you had to give up the yoga studio 🙂
I’m sad the crush your core is over too for the same reasons! Emma’s classes were somewhat predictable, nothing that I hated. Now I have to find ones myself- today I did one with Selena that was too much standing bicycles and I don’t feel those. I prefer core on the mat or planks.
Great job on the pi runs – awesome week Jenny!
Ugh, I’m almost tempted to just repeat Crush Your Core! But it’s a progression, so the earlier classes might be kind of easy. We’ll see.
LOVE all the Pi runs. So fun! And good tip about the flight. It’s rough to get up that early with or without the time change!
Yes, we weren’t happy when we realized the time change was this weekend!!!
I enjoyed Crush Your Core II and like you, I’m ready for something else. That goodbye dinner looks delicious. Bummer your son has already headed back. Our daughter doesn’t start spring break until next weekend and she and her sorority sisters are headed to Hilton Head, SC so I’ll have to wait until the end of April to see her. Sigh. Nice job on the Pi runs!
Oh yes, I’m just waiting for the year where my son has “something else” to do on one of his breaks (sob!) Still… the end of April is coming up soon.
You are doing so great, especially with all those pi runs!
I hate strength training, but I like feeling strong, so therein lies the problem. However, it’s definitely having a positive effect on me, so I guess we endure?
I’m sure it is so hard to say goodbye to your son. I hope you had a wonderful visit.
That buffalo cauliflower looks amazing!
There’s no doubt the strength training is good for us! And it does feel good to feel strong.
I do not like the time change and always feel off for a few days. Nice job on the core classes this week. You could always do the program again! It is always hard to send our kiddos back after they are home again xoxo
I’m seriously considering doing the program again. But it’s a progression so I feel kind of wimpy going back to the beginning… we’ll see.
I hate time change! It’s the worst and I always feel wiped out afterwards.
Yes, it can really mess everything up. Sigh.
LOL on the really early early flight — I do not like DST either. I prefer the early morning light since my evenings are consumed by work anyway.
If you join the Peloton hardCORE group on FB, there is a monthly calendar of workouts with a core class most days. That’s what I turned to after I finished the first Crush Your Core program. There are also 10 min core focused yoga classes you might like.
Glad your foot was able to carry your through some Pi runs!
Okay, those are great suggestions- I’ll check out both of those. And yes- I would rather have the extra hour of daylight in the morning. Oh well!
My husband was on the west coast for the last few days and then there was the time change and by the time I picked him up at the airport he was absolutely befuddled about what time/day it was. I felt badly for him – it’s obvious that he’s not in “travel shape” and then Daylight Saving on top of it seemed to send him over the edge!
OH yes, that would be hard! Unless you do it like my son did- he traveled from Eastern to Central time zone yesterday, negating the time change altogether. Very confusing though.
Oooh, a Pi Day run would have been a good idea today! Oh well! It’s my rest day. The veggie burger feast looks great!! And I love daylight saving time. I do miss that hour of sleep, but I think the extra daylight for food photos makes it worth it.
Ha ha… well, that’s a true food blogger’s take on it! I would still rather have the extra hour of daylight in the morning rather than afternoon, but we’ll have plenty of daylight soon enough.
Oh I’m so not a fan of the time change. Nice work with your Pi runs – how’s your foot feeling?
Congrats on finishing Crush Your Core. There are so many good core classes on the app. I agree with Coco to check out the hardCORE group on Facebook – the calendar always has some good ones.
Hugs to you on your son going back to campus – it’s hard when they’re home for such a short time.
Thanks Michelle! I’m already looking forward to May, when he’ll be home again. I’m also having a “cranky’ hip this week- not sure how that happened- so I’ve been doing lots of yoga. But I’ll check out that hardCORE group soon. It sounds good!
Yay for three pi runs! While I don’t love the “lost” hour of sleep, I love that it stays light an hour longer in the evenings and don’t mind it being dark when I get out for early morning runs.
The going away dinner you made for your son looks yummy. Will he be home for the summer or is he staying in Texas for classes or an internship?
We’re not sure what he’s doing this summer yet- he’ll be home for at least part of it.
I would still rather have the hour of sunlight in the morning… but it’s not that terrible to be out running in the dark.
Love that you joined Kim’s #WeekofPi 🙂 It’s such a cool challenge and a fun reason to get in a few 5Ks.
I’ve been struggling with daylight savings time this week. I was fine on Sunday but I have been dragging yesterday and today. Even coffee isn’t helping lol. But at least we get additional daylight at the end of the day.
I’ve been off too this week, and I’m not sure if it’s the time change or just me not getting in bed early enough. Let’s blame the time change.
Oh, that is a bummer getting up that early, and saying goodbye again for awhile. My daughter decided to change her major! She’s in environmental science now, and will go into Information Technology in the fall. Hopefully she likes it! When I went into that major in college I know nothing about computers but luckily it all worked out and I enjoy it.
Both of those majors sound fascinating to me! I hope she likes it.
I really hope we can STAY on DST for good. I hate moving back and forth and the dark mornings, but I love getting more daylight hours in the evening. But it’s the moving back and forth that messes up my rhythm.
Yes- I think we should stop this madness. No ones likes it!
I loved Emma’s Crush Your Core Program. Did you finish both her programs already? There is a Crush Your Core 2!
I actually only did the second one. I guess I could go back and do the first one now!