AAAAUUUGH! What a week. Did you know that it’s very, very hard to function without a kitchen? Just kidding- everyone knows that. I don’t mean to complain, because the end result will be a new kitchen, but this week was tough. Looking on the bright side, I usually have low blood pressure but I don’t have to worry about that anymore- my sodium intake has gone through the roof due to all the takeout we ate.
Of course there were still workouts! Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s get right into it.
4 mile run. In spite of the heat, this run felt pretty good!
Leg day at the gym! After everyone’s encouraging comments last week, I was determined not to compare myself to my fellow gym rats. Someone asked WHY I was looking at other people anyway- well, if I’m waiting three full minutes between sets, I have to look at something.

I did squats, deadlifts, Runner’s Touch exercise, calves, and abs. Good workout!
Okay. I wanted to do some sort of speed work, but I’m pretty sure the speed work I was doing is what hurt my shin. So I did hill repeats on the treadmill! Hills are speed work in disguise, right?
It’s been ages since I’ve done hills. After a warm up, I did intervals of two minutes at 4%, and it was hard! I was trying to mimic the effort of running fast intervals. It was a good workout- 4.5 miles total.
Oof. It was a hard morning. The kitchen was a shambles, and it took me forever to do little things like feed the cats and fill water bottles. My daughter had band camp at the high school, so she needed breakfast, and I had to drive her there. I got out for a run, which felt TERRIBLE! I guess the last two days- leg day and then hill repeats- took its toll, and my legs were sore and achy. I had to laugh, because the night before I wrote my “Runfessions,” where I whined that running has been hot and boring. I felt like my body was saying, “Oh, you’re complaining? I’ll give you something to complain about!” 3 hard miles. And I forgot to take a picture, but instead I’ll treat you to this stunning photo of my kitchen:

Back to the gym. Since I hadn’t done upper body this week, I did a little of everything- squats, lat pulldowns, overhead shoulder press, calf raises, abs and low back.

Off! I was able to sleep in a little before going to work, and I needed it. Oh! And now the upper and lower cabinets are in…
But no counters yet, and no sink. Obviously we need a backsplash and the floor has… issues… but at least when we get the counters and sink (hopefully Monday) the kitchen will be functional.
On tap for today… a longer run! 6 miles planned. And then- prep for the trip to Texas. My son and I will be leaving Tuesday morning for Baylor. We’re driving his car there, then I’ll get him moved in to his new house, hang out for a couple days, and fly back on Saturday. Oh, and I can’t wait to run there! Somehow I’ve managed to plan a trip to the only place hotter than Florida. The forecast for Waco next week is well into the 100s every day. I’ll be bringing my hydration vest and water bottle!
How was your week? – I hope it was more calm than mine.
Do you incorporate hills into your runs? – I live in the flattest place on earth, so if I want hills, it has to be the treadmill.
43 Responses
Ah, yes, we remodeled our kitchen in 2016 and I remember that stress…and cooking in a makeshift kitchen in the basement over Christmas! But it was all worth it (um…even though we’re not living there now, Good luck with the rest of the work!
Awesome job getting in the gym and strength training!
Ha, well we won’t always live in this house. But even when we move, having a nice kitchen will benefit us. And I’m sure your renters are appreciating your beautiful kitchen!
The kitchen Reno must be stressful but, you will love your new kitchen! Hope you are able to get back in there soon. Safe travels and move in to your son. I know it’s so hard every year but you got this.
I’m looking forward to the trip, but it’s always so hard to say goodbye! And yes… I will love the new kitchen. I’m hoping it’ll be done (enough) when I get back from Texas.
Oooh good luck with the kitchen. I know it’s a huge inconvenience but it will be SO worth it! Our kitchen will turn 2 years old in September already! Still feels like we just did it! I pretty much ate turkey wraps for 7 weeks. Haha!
All the best with the trip to campus! Hope your kiddos have a wonderful school year!
ACK! Seven weeks??? That is a long time. One of the benefits to having a small kitchen is that things seem to be progressing quickly. Of course.. it’s not done yet. Plenty of time for things to go wrong.
Oh yes, I think I said that I have lived through not one but two kitchen renos, and wow, is it disruptive to life. But! You’re in the home stretch! It’s looking really great – I love a white cupboard. And you will be so grateful to have the functioning kitchen back, it will be lovely.
I don’t have any good advice for mirror selfies and frankly, it’s impressive that you always have workout photos. I have yet to figure out how to do that, also, I don’t really think to do that while I’m working out. It’s probably for the best. No one needs to see Hot Sweaty Mess Nicole! Or do they…
Oh wait, I do have one thing I know about mirror selfies, and that is to look at the phone in the reflection, and not at your face. That way your eyes are trained towards the photo like they would be if someone was taking the photo.
Okay, I’ll try that trick next time! And, yes- we really needed white cabinets because the kitchen is very small. The counters will be light colored as well.
Oh my goodness, operating without a kitchen would be SO hard. But look at how great it looks already!!! Woohoo!
Good luck in Texas! How nice that you get to spend that time with your son. Here’s hoping you get a cool morning for your run!
Yes, this is the third year we’ve driven to Texas together, and I love these trips. I don’t think the word “cool” will factor into any of it- but I’ll enjoy it anyway.
Hills are definitely speed work and I actually enjoy them — sometimes. Not at the moment. My not very challenging rolling hills trail felt VERY challenging today. And you’d drool over our weather!
Wow, back to TX already? Good luck. Yup, horrible heat wave there. Sorry.
We redid the kitchen first thing (after the ugly carpet, actually, but my husband did that before I moved up here — I was still in TX was we bought this house, long story). But yes it will be worth it in the end!
I like hills- or rather, my legs seem to like them better than traditional speedwork.
I know the kitchen will be worth it! I can already see glimmers of hope. And the old kitchen was literally falling apart- we had to redo it.
C’mon the number one perk of going to the gym is people watching!
Enjoy your trip to Waco. I really want to go there someday. Hopefully when you get back you’ll have a working kitchen again.
I have some fun things planned in Waco- I’ll be posting photos so maybe it’ll inspire you to take a trip. Although Waco is not most people’s #1 destination for a vacation? It’s really gotten nicer over the years.
I get hill training on pretty much every run I do, given my location. Also, I live on a hill, so I get a good incline right out of my driveway, LOL. I”m hoping to get some speedwork going…I’ve spent so much time on the bike, my running has been a little jacked lately…
When I lived in NYC I got in SO many hills without even appreciating it. Now if I even encounter a slope, it seems hard.
You’re just in an intense cycling phase… eventually you’ll shift back to running more!
Oh, I get it! We didn’t have power for fourteen hours and eating became So. Stressful. I can’t imagine a full kitchen reno. It does look great, though! Just power through until it’s usable!
It would be even more stressful for you guys because you can’t just run out to Subway of Chipotle to grab dinner. We’re lucky we have many takeout options. But I’m definitely looking forward to being able to cook again.
Good luck with the kitchen reno! We keep saying we’re going to do one … but every year goes by and we still don’t. I’m dying for a new kitchen, but not dying for consturctoin and also not being able to cook, etc. with three little ones so I don’t mind the wait either. Most of my runs have some hills, but nothing too crazy unless I make an effort to get in a big one. Nice job with all the workouts!
I would say, with three little kids, do NOT do a kitchen reno unless it’s absolutely an emergency. It’s sooo hard, and that’s with older kids. Don’t do it!
The kitchen progress looks amazing! But I hope it’s a bit more functional soon – for your sanity! Have a great drive to TX with Paul. That must be such fun bonding time for you two, and it’s nice to see where he will be living!
Our neighborhood is moderately hilly and we live at the top of a big hill! I sometimes see a guy doing hill repeats on it. But I have never been tempted to do that. Ha. I run up the hill to end my run and it’s a battle – mentally – to not walk. Some days I win the battles, some days I just walk it and call it good enough!
When I lived in NY I did hill repeats all the time- and I was much stronger and faster than I am now! There’s a “hill” a couple miles away- it’s actually an overpass over the turnpike, so not exactly picturesque. But maybe I should incorporate that into my runs. I’ll try it once school starts and I have more time.
Safe travels taking your son back to Baylor! At least you’re more acclimated to the heat than most people traveling to Waco, so you’ve got that going for you. 😉
We had our kitchen cabinets painted two years ago and I stored all the stuff in our living and dining rooms. Cooking was a pain (at least I had countertops during the process), but we got through it and love the end results.
I think the worst thing is not having a SINK. You can’t even imagine how important a kitchen sink is until you don’t have one. And, yes- I’m not looking forward to the heat in Texas, but I’m not too worried about it either. I’m used to it!
We remodeled our kitchen…24 years ago and yes, it was a mess. Especially because I had a new baby. Why on earth would we time it like that? Sadly, it needs some updates, but the hubs says no.
Enjoy Baylor! That heat down there is insane! I personally experienced my hottest day ever in Alabama last week. It was 98 with a RF of 118. It was completely stifling.
My husband said no for a long time… then things literally started falling apart so he had to say yes : )
I know the forecast for next week is 105 in Waco… and that’s not even real feel. But it’s less humid there, so… hopefully I’ll survive.
We haven’t touched our kitchen and it could definitely use a “facelift” but I don’t see it happening any time soon – my dream is white cabinets and yours look incredible! It will look so bright and the space looks extra functional.
Renovations are such a nuisance but I’ve never had a kitchen reno and that definitely seems exponentially more challenging than all the others. Hang in there it’s looking great and you’re almost done.
Also, you look amazing in all your selfies. Seriously! We’re our own worst critics and I’m looking at how slim and toned you are and thinking Wow, she looks absolutely incredibly fit and powerful!!
Thank you Elisabeth! I appreciate it (although I still think I look awkward.)
You have been through so many renovations- I would leave the kitchen alone if I were you, at least for now. You don’t need that kind of stress!
Good luck with the kitchen. We had to use our bathroom to cook and make coffee LOL And as many have said after its done it will be worth it,
Have fun in TX. It’s nice to run in new places.
Yes, washing dishes in the bathroom and making toast in the living room… it’s a complete disaster. But, it will all be over soon.
That’s exciting about your kitchen, but yes, very disruptive while it’s happening.
Hills are great strength work for runners. I live in a very flat area of our city but on Sunday we met some friends out on the outskirts of town to run on a rail trail. It was either up or down, with no level spots, but not steep, rather long grinding hills. The last 2.5km was a long uphill section. It was hard but good. I have a very hilly 15km road race at the end of August so I need to get some hills in, although I have found that since I started in the gym hills are much easier. I try to get some hills in pretty regularly, luckily there are hills not too far away.
Yes, strength training is supposed to help with hills. My next race is NOT hilly at all- but I still want to do hill repeats just to get stronger in general.
Right before we left for DCI, our faucet and our microwave both crapped out. The faucet was 16 years old, so that was fine. The microwave was just over a year. Less fine. The faucet got replaced the night before we left and the microwave got completed this morning. I would still love new cabinets and counters, though.
Hope your daughter had/is having a great band camp! We are done with the bulk of ours – just two evenings before regular rehearsals start.
Yes, she enjoyed it! And she just has a couple more evenings before school starts.
Our microwave is a huge piece of junk- luckily we’re getting a new one as part of the kitchen!
Ugh, you’re giving me a taste of what’s to come next week… our kitchen won’t be functional for 3-4 days and I am already making mental plans on how to dwal with that. Any tips are welcome.
But seriously: just focus on the fact how awesome your kitchen is going to be when everything is finished. Hopefully soon!!
My week was pretty good, finished the Team Wilpers Run Challenge with a pace increase and was pretty happy to see that.
I try to incorporate hills, but Sacramento is pretty flat, too and I don’t have access to a treadmill, so for me, it’s “overpasses”…
My advice is, don’t be a hero! Just get takeout and call it a day. One night we tried to cook and it was such a nightmare- especially if you don’t have a sink. 3-4 days isn’t too long-you can do it!
Thank you!
Oh man, I would be a mess if any part of my house was being renovated, but especially the kitchen! I could really use new cabinets, but I don’t know that I’m strong enough to make it through that! Haha, for real though. As for hills, Memphis is pretty darn flat too, but we have one good bridge Downtown that I like use for hill repeats. And there are a few hilly trails out in the suburbs, which is a big drive for me. But I’ll go there when I’m training for a big trail race.
Well, I’m envious that you have hilly trails nearby! And… if you can get by with the cabinets you have, I would stick with that. I’m not sure it’s worth the aggravation unless you absolutely have to do it.
we’ve been talking about a kitchen remodel…. not looking forward to it at all but it needs to be done! besides the fact that when/if we move it will help with selling the house so… the fact that you still kept up with your workouts when your kitchen (which would equal my whole house in my dramatics) is in shambles is pretty good!
So the Netherlands is known for being flat but that is because tourists and a huge majority of the population do indeed live at sea level. However, where I live is not the case. If I want hills I go to the park, it’s 500m from my house…
It is tough to live through a kitchen remodel — but hopefully the result will be worth it! We made the mistake of setting up our minimal back-up kitchen in the basement (where there was a sink)— but it was right under the kitchen so all the construction dust ended up on everything, so we had to cover it all with a sheet everyday …..
Love your fridge magnet!
You are a rock star! Two kids at home, a kitchen reno, and then immediately leaving on a multi-day road + air trip? Good grief. I am thoroughly impressed. What’s the mileage/driving time between your home and Waco? I think you live pretty far south in FL, right? So you’d have to drive all the way north and then head west?
And, trust me, you are light years better at selfies than I am. I always look deranged. Even when someone else is taking the photo. It’s awful, trust me! Your picture looks fantastic in comparison.
Ha ha, thanks Anne! The driving time to Waco is about 20 hours- and almost half of that is just getting out of Florida.