walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Putting It All Together

Well, I can tell December is going to be one crazy month- as always.  This week had shopping, decorating, band concerts, baking, and of course plenty of workouts.  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s get right into it!


This was the day my son went back to school, on a 6 am flight.  My husband took him to the airport, but I was up with them at 4 am to make his breakfast and say goodbye (sniff, sniff… it never gets easier.) Then I went back to bed and slept fitfully until 6:00, when I got up for a 10 mile run.

There were all sorts of things wrong with this run from the beginning.  I hadn’t slept well (obviously.) I meant to eat something before I started but I forgot (ARG!!!) And, my legs felt heavy, which was a mystery until I remembered that I did a Caroline Girvan full body strength workout the day before, which included squats and lunges (note to self: don’t do that again.)

But you know what?  It was fine!  After the first few miles I settled into it and started to feel better.  Towards the end it was getting hot, but I just told myself “The sun gives me energy” over and over again.  I was tired at the end, but overall felt better than when I started.

I ran from my house to the trail, which meant that about half the run was on roads and the other half on the trail.


Day off.


I guess the universe heard my incessant complaining about the heat, because it got down to 66 degrees.  It was a cold front! (Oh no, I’m falling for DeSantis’s little plot!.)  This 4 mile run felt pretty good.


Gym day!  This was the day where I had my free session with the trainer, and it was worth every penny.  Seriously, I’m getting a lot of pushback when I tell people I want to lift heavier weights- my son is also opposed to this idea, because he thinks I’ll increase my risk of injury.  Fine!  I’ll do it on my own.

“Heavy” lifting.

The training session was actually a great warmup, so after I extricated myself from that I did squats with the bar (okay, no snickering, all you heavy lifters!) and benchpress, where I was able to put 10 pounds on the bar.  The other thing I would like to do is deadlifts, but for that I agree I might need some instruction.  Like… if I’m not putting heavy plates on the bar, how do I get it elevated enough off the ground… I’ll have to consult Coach Google on this one.

I rounded out this workout with some dumbbell rows, and hamstring curls.  For those, I’m glad to use the machine.  I do one leg at a time, and I think it will help me rehab this achy hamstring that’s been nagging me since the summer.


I thought I might be sore from the gym, but the only thing that was sore were my forearms (?) Another 4 mile run… humidity was back and temps back up to the 70s.

But at least it was cloudy! That felt good.


I started the day with Day #23 of Caroline Girvan’s Iron Series, which was glutes and hamstrings.  Those hip thrusts are hard.

After work I ran 3 miles.  I really, really didn’t want to.  I wanted to take a nap.  But, I want to switch my day off back to Saturday, so I told myself to run today, and sleep in tomorrow.  I was happy I did it!


Day off, and was able to sleep in till 7:30 before going to work.  Hooray!


On tap… 12 mile run.  The last couple weeks I got a little sidetracked from my regular long runs, but I have to get back on it.  For one thing, I’m apparently running a half marathon in February with Darlene (although I haven’t registered yet, must do that!) and also, well, I have a lot of work to do if I’m going to run a 50K in April.  I have time, but I have to get serious about it.

One last thing… I had to stop doing plyometrics because they were hurting my foot.  BUMMER.  I would love to not have plantar fasciitis for the rest of my life, but I’m not sure at this point how to proceed.  I really don’t want to spend a lot of money on a treatment that’s iffy (I’ve already done that) and no treatments are guaranteed to work.  When my clients are dealing with frustrating issues I always tell them “There’s a solution to this- you just haven’t found it yet.”  So… I’m temporarily baffled, but there must be a solution out there, somewhere.

Do you have naysayers in your life?- I don’t know why, but people love to tell me I can’t do things. Hrumph.

If you lift weights, do you have trouble fitting it in with your running? – I feel like I’m fitting together pieces of a puzzle, trying to figure out when to run and when to go to the gym.




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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

41 Responses

  1. I also stopped doing plyo work years ago when I had PF. I just didn’t think it necessary to put more impact on my feet and never went back to it. It might be helpful to have someone watch your form on deadlifts at the gym to start. There will always be those who don’t agree w your approach. We don’t have time for them! 🙂 That is fun that you and Darlene will get to run together. She is the queen of half marathons. Love to see you back to your long runs and feeling good.

    1. Yes, I’m actually kind of afraid Darlene is going to kick my ass! I haven’t run a half marathon in several years.
      That’s a good idea- I’ll have someone (not the annoying trainer) watch me and make sure I’m doing it correctly.

  2. I hear it all the time about heavy strength–that I’m going to hurt myself (no, not with proper form) or that I’m going to get big (no, I’m not training for that). My sister keeps asking me what she can do to firm up her thighs as long as it’s not “what you do”, Lol. I got nothing…. you are on the right track. Be patient with yourself! And no, I don’t have trouble fitting it in because I only run 3-4 days per week.

    1. Well, I know there was a running coach who had a podcast and he used to say, if you want to look good at the beach, do bodyweight exercises. If you want to get strong and run better, go to the gym and actually lift weights. So maybe your sister can just do some bodyweight stuff to get her thighs in shape!

  3. 12 miles. Good for you. That is my mileage for the 2 weeks before my half.

    I could never run more then 4 miles without fuel either.

    December is a crazy month here too.

    My Feb half will be just for fun. Since I have more serious ones in March and April. I’m hoping it will be warm but not too warm.

    1. ME TOO. If the weather is nice it will be really fun. If it’s super warm… we’ll still have fun but we won’t be fast!

  4. Bummer, sorry about plantar fascinates issues – I had it pretty bad 2 summers ago but then I got pregnant and even though i kept running it went away! Not the solution you’re looking for, but hopefully your issues work themselves out.

    1. Ha, no I don’t think that will be my miracle cure. But it’s interesting though- I wonder why pregnancy made it go away???

  5. If people tell me I can’t do things, then it triggers me to do them! Ignore the naysayers, they are just people who don’t bother to try (whatever it is) themselves.. usually.
    As you know I lift weights and attempt to run but since I’m not really up and running with running (LOL, that was a weird sentence!) yet, I may not have much to add. However, I go to the gym twice a week and my plan is to run twice a week on non-gym days, and probably do some at-home bodyweight exercises on non-gym days too. I think you’re doing the right thing with lifting heavier. You just need to make sure you do the exercises correctly with straight back, squeezed tummy etc and you’ll be fine. And getting stronger=less risk for running injuries.
    I’m very envious of your weather. For my run tomorrow it will be 4C/39F. I’m excited about running again but not entirely looking forward to it because of the weather!

    1. Yes, I complain about the heat- but today it was 66 when I went out which felt amazing. So I should stop complaining.

  6. I can’t believe your son would eat breakfast so early — or were you fixing him something to go?

    I don’t do much plyo because of the risk of PF. I max out at 20 jumping jacks.

    1. I fixed his breakfast to go, but I’m not sure when he ate it. Possibly in the car on the way to the airport! He eats so much- he was actually a little miffed that I didn’t pack him a lunch. I was like, “Your flight lands at 9 am!”

  7. Often times, when people tell you YOU shouldn’t do XYZ, it’s because THEY don’t do XYZ (or haven’t even given it a try). YOU know your body better than anyone else, so as long as you’re respecting any limitations and proceeding with caution, you should be fine. I haven’t done plyo in forever. They were part of the P90X regimen, and I really liked them, but was REALLY glad there was only one workout each week because they were intense.

  8. I’m just going to come out and say it…I think that plyo is bull. I know it’s supposed to build power and whatnot but just sayin’ that if I had a dime for every time I’ve heard someone say “do plyo!” I’d have a decent amount of money and if I had a dime for every time I’ve heard someone say “so I did plyo and I got x, y, and z benefit from it” I would have exactly $0.00.

    And speaking of things that other people say, I think you’re good with tuning out everyone who is telling you not to lift heavy sh*t.

    I never figured out how to balance running with anything else – the struggle is real.

  9. Start learning deadlifts with dumbbells. 20s or 30s or 40s would be fine. When you’re ready for the bar, but it on the squat bar very low so you can lift it off and put it back there when you’re done. Nobody dares tell me a I can’t do…except my sis once told me I needed to “get a life” because she felt I was running too much. Ha!

    1. Oh, that is GREAT advice! I do dumbbell deadlifts (like in the Peloton classes) and wasn’t sure how to transition to the bar. Thank you!

  10. It is NOT easy to do #allthethings. And just when I think I’ve got it down, then suddenly I feel as though I’ve done too much!

    Here’s the thing though — you know your own body best. So listen to the naysayers, and then do what you think is the right thing.

    You seem to be doing a good job with your running! And your strength work!

    1. Thank you Judy! I still feel like I’m figuring it all out… but if (when) I get it wrong I just do it differently the next week. It’s not like i’m training for the Olympics- I can afford to make mistakes.

  11. I hate fitting in weight lifting. So I’ve neglected it. Oh, well.

    Glad you got weather that was a wee bit cooler. I’m sure that helps.

    I ignore all the naysayers. What do they know?

  12. My husband and I discuss the dilemma of weights/cardio/yoga/stretching. I mean, I’m not a professional athlete and I can’t/won’t do two-a-days, so what am I supposed to prioritize? This is one of those things that should be included in the Adulting handbook that doesn’t exist, but totally should.

    1. Yes- it seems like the only way to make it work sometimes is to do two-a-days- but I’m also not a professional athlete so I have other things like work that take up my time.

  13. Plyo and I are not friends.

    It is hard to find a balance of “all the things” – I’m trying to find a good off-season routine.

    Great to hear that you’re up to 12-mile runs! Hope it went well!

    1. Thank you Michelle! And yes- I’m kind of annoyed because everyone talks about how you should be doing plyos- without mentioning that they aren’t good for some people, sigh.

  14. I am so not the person to give you any advice on the exercise questions (I walk and occasionally run and that’s…it). I’m living vicariously through you!

    1. Yes, my long run was great! And I didn’t really like that trainer session- it was just a ploy to get me to purchase a package, which I don’t want to do.

  15. I am entering the season where I will do strength training more than running because the weather can prohibit me from running. But at most, I’m working out 3-4 times/week which is pretty ho hum but all I can manage to fit in these days. 2 runs + 2 strength training workouts would be ideal. But I’m at the mercy of my schedule. Today would normally be a running day but i had to come into the office as I was on a big national sales call and didn’t want to stress about something happening with my wifi or something like that. And Friday is my other day I usually run but Will has his 2y dr appt that morning. And i travel this week. But hopefully I can fit in one workout in the hotel during my stay. I know Wed will be a later night so chances are I will opt for sleep on Saturday.

    Re: the Christmas gift thing from today’s post, the kids will still get some Santa stocking stuffers on Christmas Day so they’ll still have some gifts to open. But they’ve get a TON of gifts from extended family. Last year, Paul opened gifts over the course of 4 freaking days so we could spread it out a little so he’d actually pay attention to what he got. My MIL gave him something like 12 gifts. We asked her to scale back this year. We’ll see if that happens! But they’ll get gifts from the extended family we celebrated Will’s bday with as we see them on Christmas. Last year they probably got 3-5 gifts each at that party? They are too young to remember who gave them what, so there will be a general sense of abundance on Christmas, even though most of the gifts won’t be from us! I did read the website FAQs after we gave them the gift and it said to store it under the bed or at a friend’s house. That just seemed like more effort than it was worth, though! So we keep reminding Paul that this is their big gift from mom and dad!

    1. Yes, you’re right- there will still be more than enough gifts on Christmas.
      Your schedule sounds so, so hard. You deserve a lot of credit for fitting in any workouts at all!

  16. December is definitely the fastest month of the year for me – I often can’t remember everything that happens, but I know it’s the busiest month, lol.
    Glad to hear that you liked your training session at the gym!

    1. One of the things I liked about Peloton is that there was always a record of what I did all week- now I actually have to keep track of it on my own. If I don’t write it down I would get to Sunday and not be able to remember a thing.

  17. I have ALL the empathy for your plantar fasciitis issues. It is the worst. THE WORST.

    Your running Christmas tree mug is SO cute. I need to find one of those for a friend of mine who runs.

  18. Stopping plyometrics sounds like a good decision in regards to your consistent PF pain – hope it helps. I had to stop it as well about 10 years ago when I was going through a similar issue.

    I have lifted weights pretty religiously my entire adult life so it’s just part of my routine three days a week. Even while marathon training and running “all the miles” I continued to lift regularly, just easing up on the load.

    1. Does ANYONE actually do plyometrics, or do people just talk about them? Everyone seems to have a story of how they can’t do them for some reason or other.

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