walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- RACE WEEK!

Hey hey!!!  It’s race week!  To go along with my “relaxed” buildup to this race, I also had a relaxed taper.  Just a few short runs, minimal lower body strength, and guess what- I had no major aches or pains.  Unlike previous tapers, where I was convinced my foot was broken or that I had serious shin splints, this one was uneventful!  I’m starting to think this is the way to go.

Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s get right into it.


4 mile run!  This run felt extra good for some mysterious reason.


A full body strength workout from Sally McRae’s app.  Good workout- a little bit of lower body but nothing too heavy.


I started the day with the Caroline Girvan Deadbug Workout, then after I dropped my daughter at school, continued on to the park for a 4 mile run on the cross country course.

Another good run!


I did a Sally McRae upper body workout, followed by the CG deadbug workout again.


Last run before the race!  This one, of course, felt horrible.  My right hip was really tight and my feet were achy.  That’s okay- I knew I couldn’t get through the week without something acting up.

I didn’t do the whole Caroline Girvan workout, but did a few sets of deadbugs for good luck (What? That’s not a thing? Hrumph.)


Off- slept in until 7, packed, went to work, and then BLASTED OFF TO INVERNESS, woohoo!!!

Luxury accommodations! There actually aren’t a lot of places to stay in Inverness, Florida- unless you want to camp. WHICH I DON’T.


RACE DAY!  Funny thing- I was reading over my recap from the race I DNF’d in February, and in it I said “I’ll never complain about the heat again!”  Oh, REALLY?????  So I’m making that a goal for the day- I WILL NOT complain about the heat!  That’s goal #1; goal #2 is to finish the race.  Recap will be up on Tuesday!!!

Are you racing this weekend?  If so, good luck!

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39 Responses

  1. GOOD LUCK!! I will be thinking of you tomorrow morning and hoping all goes well. I hope the cat nip spray helps ward off the biting flies!

    No race for me! I was excited to see that SHU ran a 3:35 this am! I ran 5.75 miles this morning. I meant to do like 5.5 but my route was a bit long. Now I am thinking about switching my office days to MWF this summer so I can maybe train for a fall 10 miler. I have been working tues-thur but then my workouts all get crammed into f-m and it’s tough to get 3 runs in… Instead I could try to run tues/thur/sat. We will see.

    1. Yes, I just read SHU’s recap! VERY excited for her. My own recap is coming up tomorrow- I don’t want to ruin the suspense (if there is any) but I will say the biting flies were not a problem!

  2. You had a great taper week… and isn’t it a real taper unless the last run before the race goes horribly? LOL

    I hope you had an amazing race/experience today (and I think you do have every right to complain about the heat if it was anything like what was predicted). Looking forward to reading all about it!

    1. It was amazing!!! And… I think of that last run kind of like in theater, they say a bad dress rehearsal means a great opening night.

  3. I hope all goes well today! I had to laugh at your casual attitude regarding the discomforts from Friday’s run… it’s our reality, isn’t it? I’ve got this week of taper to soldier through, and am excited for next weekend’s race… but am even more excited to have a few months’ reprieve from long-long distances (and the worry of random running-related discomforts).

    1. Yes… I’m also glad to have a reprieve from long distances for a while. Of course I say that, but then I start to miss it.

  4. I hope all goes well today! I had to laugh at your casual attitude regarding Friday’s run (and the subsequent discomforts from it). That’s our reality, LOL. I’m excited for my race next weekend, but it will be nice to not have any pre-long-distance race anxiety for a few months afterwards.

  5. YOU GOT THIS!!!

    I’m so excited for you.

    I hope it goes well, and whatever doesn’t go right is something you can laugh about later.

    1. It never all goes right- but that’s just life (or, the life of a runner.) Thanks for the encouragement!

  6. Such a great taper week for you. Good luck -although I suppose by the time you read this, you will have already raced. I look forward to reading all about it.

    1. Yep, I’m reading all these comments on Monday morning. I appreciate all the well wishes though! Recap coming up tomorrow!

  7. Of course deadbugs bring good luck! 🤪 I should do some of them myself!
    I hope you’re enjoying the race today and that all is going well. And that the heat isn’t too bad!

  8. Eeek! I hope it all went so well! I know this was a big one, and yes, it’s been so hot!

    I can’t wait to read your recap!

    1. Thank you Jenn! It was a big one. And I feel like you can appreciate what running a race is like right now, being a fellow Floridian.

    1. Ha ha… noooo. I opted for a comfy hotel bed. Although I might have slept just as well if I had camped out.

  9. I can’t wait to hear how it went! I’m glad your taper runs mostly felt good, but yeah, it seems like something always feels off about the last run before race day. I hope your race went well and you have some stories to tell!

  10. “This one, of course, felt horrible”. lol. It is so humid and gross here today (which always brings tornado watches too) – I hope you have perfect running weather for the race.

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