Woohoo! Summer vacation has begun, and while I of course will still be going to work, the carefree atmosphere is contagious. My mornings will be much more leisurely and I love having my son home. It’s all good! And I had a good week of workouts. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s get right into it!
I had a GREAT trail run! In the beginning it seemed doomed, because I didn’t get out as early as I hoped. My kids kept me up late on Saturday night talking (how can you go to bed if your kids want to have a fun conversation?) and when I woke up on Sunday, it was already light. No, no, no! If you’re going to do a long (ish) run in Florida in the summer, you should already be running once the sun is rising.

I got to the trail as quickly as I could, bracing myself for a heatfest… and it was fine! Yes, it was hot by the end, but I felt good. I ran 8 miles, but in the future if the run is going to be longer than that, I have to get up earlier.
I did this Caroline Girvan abs workout, and then my “at home” leg day. Bulgarian split squats and calf raises with 2 x 15 pound dumbbells- if I were at the gym I wouldn’t be going any heavier than that, so it was fine to do at home.
Well, I overslept by 35 minutes. Apparently I turned my alarm off and went back to sleep, although I have no recollection of it. I got out for a quick 3 mile run, followed by the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.
Speed work! After a warmup run I did 6 x 400s, on my “poor man’s track” (i.e. stretch of sidewalk that’s approximately 1/4 mile.) I’m starting to feel a little, tiny, bit of speed coming back into my legs. Next week I’m hoping to get to an actual track!
After dropping my daughter off for her penultimate day of school, I went to the gym for leg day. Very exciting news- they got a bunch of new equipment, including a new setup for the squat bars. And they have…
The big ten pound plates! I’m totally set up for deadlifts now! I did squats, deadlifts, calf raises, and bench press (had to do something for my upper body.) Great workout.
At night we had my daughter’s middle school graduation! Look out, high school… she’s coming.
I overslept AGAIN. Seriously- I need to start going to bed earlier. Luckily today was a rest day, other than this Caroline Girvan 20 minute abs and core workout.
I started the day with a 4 mile run…
And then focused on some single leg strength work. Runner’s Touch exercise, more Bulgarian split squats, and calf raises.
This was the first official day of summer vacation, and I celebrated by going to Starbucks before work. I sat there while reading everyone’s “Runfession” blog posts and drank my favorite Earl Grey tea. Fun!
Caroline Girvan deadbug workout- I can finally say it’s getting easier (although not more enjoyable.) And then I did some back exercises (rows with dumbbells) because my upper body strength was deplorable this week.
On tap for today… a 10 mile trail run! I have high hopes of getting out early to beat the heat- as much as possible, of course. It’ll still be hot and humid, but that’s called “Summer.”
Overall it was a good week! I feel like I’m finding my stride with strength workouts. I managed to get them in without trashing my legs for speed work or my longer run. Next week my goal is to get to the gym on Tuesday and Friday for squats and deadlifts both days.
How was your week? Does it feel like summer where you are?
What’s your favorite running season? – Since I live in Florida, winter. But I do appreciate all the daylight in the summer!
37 Responses
You’re doing such a great job fitting in so much strength! That is always the struggle for me, even though I love it, I make time for running first, strength second…
The sun is fully up by 5 am in London right now- so I would need to be running quite early to beat it here!
Yay for the start of summer!
Yes, you probably have REALLY long days now- and really short ones in the winter.
I really struggled with getting strength in while training for my race- that’s why I’m trying to prioritize it now.
I’m up early to drink my coffee and head over to a beautiful trail! It’s sure to get crowded later–it’s at a state park. The weather is incredible and I’m taking full advantage.
Congrats to your daughter (and you!) I agree with you about staying up late and listening to your kids talk. Trust me when I tell you that you’ll miss that!
Enjoy your run!
I’ve definitely learned how to get my kids to talk to me- announce that I’m going to bed early- suddenly they have all sorts of things to say!
I hope you had a great run! I can’t say our weather is “incredible” but I got in a good run anyway.
Starbucks and Runfessions sound like the perfect mix – I look forward to those posts every month! Congrats to your daughter (and to you for getting to use those new plates in the gym)! It definitely feels warmer up here in New England this weekend – I need to get my daughter’s summer clothes organized for these last 3 weeks of school (so close)…
Wow, you guys end school late! You must start after Labor Day. That was the schedule we had as kids, but the schools down here start August 10th (I know- it’s SO EARLY!)
It is so nice to have the kiddos home! I sure miss that. Nice job this week with fitting in strength and running. Hope you run went well today! Heading out now for mine. I took a peek at the ab workout-does she ever talk or you have to watch the screen?
She doesn’t talk- you have to watch the screen, or if you know the workout pretty well you can listen for the beeps that tell you when one segment ends and another begins. In some of her longer videos she talks in the intro but to be honest she has an accent and it’s kind of hard to understand her!
I think I would really miss the talking and cueing that I like in Peloton classes
Happy summer to all of you!! I bet it is nice to have a less rigorous schedule and to not schlepp your daughter around as much! My kids aren’t on an academic calendar yet so things don’t feel all that different for us schedule wise, but it is feeling like summer as we’ve had beautiful weather! We’ve been outside a lot and the boys had their first popsicles of the season yesterday.
My favorite season to run is the fall, although we’ve had beautiful running weather lately as the mornings have been nice and cool! My least favorite is the winter as it’s bitterly cold and icy outside.
Yes, I’m sure summer in much easier for you with being outside much more. And I’ll bet the boys were excited about popsicles!
That trail definitely looks hot! I would die without shade. You are tough!
Sounds like you’re in a good place & good luck with the 10 miler today!
Thank you Judy! I got out earlier which is a must nowadays. I’ve never figured out why Florida has NO shade- we need it so much!
Not to brag, but okay it’s a brag, I live about four blocks from our middle school gym and NO ONE uses it during the summer, so guess who’s going to be doing more work on the track as soon as the kids are out of school?! This girl here!!!
I am nearly as excited about summer as you are. I don’t even have kids. I’m just excited that the weather will make outdoor activities reliably pleasant and everyone is just more pleasant during the summer! Woot woot! Let the sun shine!
Oh, I’m SO envious!!! We live pretty close to the middle school, but can’t use the track (grr.). I’ll have to go to my husband’s school which is about a 15 minute drive away. Oh well- I have time to do it because it’s summer!
Yeah when the kids are talking, I am most definitely listening. What a great week you had! Nice mix of strength and running. School is out here as well and I am here for it!
Yes, my week finally felt like it had a good balance. It’s nice when the kids are old enough so summer vacation means more free time for you (as opposed to having to supervise them in various activities!)
My youngest FaceTImes me frequently, and I’m so grateful for all the conversing (I’d much prefer she’d text me first, to know if I am truly available, but I love that she’s reaching out to me so frequently). Favorite season…would you be surprised if I told you SuMmEr? 😉
Ha ha, no I’m not surprised at all!
Woohoo to summer time! Exciting that your daughter is now heading to high school too. We did open our pool, and finally got the water clear, so it’s officially summer now! Although the water is far too cold for me to swim in it yet. I’m a wimp and wait until it’s over 80 degrees! You did a great job fitting it all in this week, despite those sleep ins. Yep, you might need to get to bed a little earlier, but it’s hard in the summer to not stay up late I think!
Yes, it’s hard to go to bed early in the summer- it stays light so late! I’m going to have to really make an effort.
Our pool turned green and we’re not sure why, SIGH. My husband spent the day today working on it- hopefully he figured it out.
I’m glad you’re getting back into running well after your ultra. It would certainly have taken it out of you. I love your poor man’s track. Mine is around our local park, there’s about 1.4km combination gravel and bitumen which is a bit easier on the legs than all bitumen but not as fast.
We are pretty fortunate that running is not too bad in Melbourne all year round, although I do prefer summer to winter. We have a bit of variety in our weather so even though we’ll be running in the heat sometimes it’s not too bad. I also enjoy being able to have post-run brunch with friends and not be shivering.
At the moment I am in Noosa and the weather is stunning, sunny, light wind and 22-24C. I wouldn’t like to be here in summer though – too hot and humid.
Hmm, it’s hard for me to imagine shivering during a post-run brunch! I’m so used to living in Florida, it just seems like everything is hot all the time. Your trip to Noosa does look stunning- and it’s winter there? I’m envious!
Happy summer! I love summer here; our winters are so long that I really enjoy warmer weather. That said, Calgary summers would be like your winters! My son had his grad ceremony last week but still has a couple of weeks of classes, then exams, to go. Then we are done with the public school system, can you even believe it! This is the thing about having kids so close together, bam bam, you’re done!
Yes, I’m not sure if that’s a plus or minus- I did it the other way, with six years in between my kids. My son is halfway through college and my daughter is just starting high school! I definitely draws it out.
Love that you’re fitting in so much strength training!
I actually hate summer (I cant stand the hot and humid weather) so i am already counting down to Fall, lol.
Ha ha… right now I’m all excited that school’s out- but after a while I’ll be counting down to fall as well.
It’s slowly starting to feel like summer here, although temperatures are still below average for this time of year (which I am happy about)… high 70’s sounds glorious to me 🙂
You had a good week, even though you “overslept” a few times. I must admit, I am struggling between letting my body sleep (when it can) and getting up early to do *all the things* right now. But I am guessing your body just needed the extra rest.
High 70s sounds glorious to me too! Especially since it’s dry where you are- summer means really high humidity for us (sigh.)
Those weights look scary to me… I’ve never done a deadlift.
Yes, it feels like summer but I know it will get hotter but not as hot as Florida.
Hope your run went well today!
You’ll probably have some days where you’re as hot as us! But not all summer long- you’ll get some breaks.
I started off doing deadlifts with dumbbells- it’s an easy way to get into it and get the form right. Although I’m still not positive my form is correct- I wish I had a coach!
Happy Summer to you all!
I had a hard time with wakeups this week. It happens.
We have actually had days where I needed long sleeves. I’m pretty sure that’s over now, but I was NOT mad about it.
Long sleeves??? I can hardly remember those. Yes, I’m pretty sure your long sleeve days are over- till next winter.
you know if you are oversleeping then maybe you needed the rest! but I can imagine that you really need to workout early in Florida once it starts getting hot. Sounds like that conversation with your kids on the Saturday night was totally worth it though! hooray too for feeling the speed coming back into your legs! my favorite running season really depends – if we have a crap spring, it normally means the fall is pretty good here. So it’s whatever is “good” that particular year. The way spring is here, fall better be pretty stinking spectacular…
Ha ha… well, hopefully you’ll have a beautiful fall to look forward to! And yes… even on a day off I can’t sleep too late if I want to run- it’s jus way too hot.
Yay for summer! I would be there for the heat, to be honest. I am one of those Always Cold No Matter How Hot it Is Outside people. Long sleeves in summer. I’d drive you bonkers, I suspect. Just so glad the kids – and you – will have a more relaxed schedule. Is your son working locally this summer? And, did you mention your daughter’s doing band camp(s)?
Anne, you can come visit us and commiserate with my husband. He always complains he’s cold because I turn the AC down too low!
Yes, my daughter is doing a couple different band camps, with plenty of time off as well in between. My son is kind of working- he’s teaching some trumpet lessons. My husband would like him to work more, but I think it’s fine for him to have a relaxing summer. He’ll be working plenty, soon enough.