walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Slowing Down

Well, this week was… special.  One major glitch, but in the end it’s all good. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the weekly rundown- let’s get right to it!


I felt like I was still recovering from my big trip to Texas.  I did a 4 mile run but if I recall correctly, there were a few walk breaks in there to accommodate my still-healing hamstring.


The week started off with a bang… literally.  I had a stack of Peloton classes on tap, and my daughter had an early morning rehearsal before school.  I did a 10 minute barre class, and then Matty’s “lunge-a-palooza” glutes and legs strength- the first time I’ve done this class in weeks, due to my hamstring issue.  Then I took a break to take my daughter to school, planning to come back and do my core and upper body class.  Except… I got into a car accident.

Or I should say, I CAUSED a car accident.  Luckily no one was injured- but it was at a very busy intersection, and I somehow did not see the other car as I was trying to turn left.  Here’s my car:


The other person’s car had about the same amount of damage.  She was really shaken up, and I felt TERRIBLE.  After waiting for the police and all that, I was very fortunate to be able to drive my car the short distance home, where I had just enough time to shower and call an Uber so I could get to work.  Fun day.


Okay, let’s try this again.  I did the core and upper body strength class from yesterday, followed by a 3 mile run.  This run was remarkable in that it was the most “normal” run I’ve had since hurting my hamstring.

And then I rode my bike to work!

It’s been a while since I’ve been on the bike!

Funny story- a couple months ago, when we got my son his car, our auto insurance went through the roof.  In order to get the monthly payments down, we dropped the collision coverage on my car and my husband’s car.  Sooo, since I was at fault in this accident, our insurance will pay for the damage to the other person’s car, but not ours.  And obviously no one is paying for a car rental.  When I got to work, windblown and sweaty (but strangely exhilarated) I was explaining the situation to my co-worker and he said, “Let me get this straight- you dropped your collision insurance and then decided to crash into someone?”  Er… yes.  That just about sums it up!


Today my husband rode his bike to work so I could drive his car. Yes, looking on the bright side, we’re getting a lot more exercise! I started the day with Marcia’s Cardio Barre Workout-which has ten minutes of barre and ten minutes of core- and then did my favorite 30 minute glutes and legs strength class with Matty.


Ah, crazy day.  My husband couldn’t ride his bike to work because he had a presentation to make at night, and he had to wear a suit.  I needed the car to get my daughter to and from school, myself to and from work, my daughter to an event at night AND myself to the “meet the teacher” night at her school.  I really think it was inconsiderate of people to schedule all these things on the same night when we only have one car.

Between driving my husband to work and driving my daughter to school, I only had time in the morning for a quick core class.  But!  I had a free hour from 4;30-5:30 p.m. so I decided to go for a run.  In this post I wrote about my struggle with and ultimate decision to try Galloway’s run-walk method, and this was the perfect time to try it out… because it was HOT.

4:30 pm is not the ideal time for a South Florida run in August.  It was 93 degrees, the humidity was high, and in short it felt like I was running on the surface of the sun.  For that reason, I was actually happy to take the walk breaks.  I did intervals of 4 minutes running/30 seconds walking.  I thought such a short walk interval would be annoying, but actually I can see how it would work.  The walk break is so short, it doesn’t seem like a huge interruption to the run.  For this particular run, it worked well.

So hot… I thought I was smiling for this picture but it looks more like a grimace.


A more “normal” day- at least, in our world.  My husband set off happily on his bike, and I did a barre class, a core class, and an upper body strength class.


I forgot to mention that after my run on Tuesday, my hamstring was achy again.  It wasn’t a sharp or pulling sensation, just a generalized ache.  God, I hate hamstring issues- they take forever to go away.

I did a barre class and then another 30 minutes glutes and legs strength class with Matty.  Then I did “Runners Touch” exercise.  This helps me SO MUCH.  I can’t figure out why I don’t do it all the time.  I’ll do it for a while and then forget about it.  It really works the glute medius, and helps my hamstrings as well.  Followed this with a quick core class.


On tap… a longer run using the Galloway method.  I’ve figured out how to program the intervals into my watch (victory!) and we’ll see how it goes.

So… things are looking up.  My car is in the shop and we hope to get it back this week.  It’s painful to have to pay for the repairs, but when I think of what could have happened… it’s only money.  My daughter, the other driver and I are all okay and I’m taking this as a warning.  Driving in this area is crazy (we’re trying to request that the intersection be made into a school speed zone because it’s so hazardous) but the truth is, I was driving, not recklessly, but aggressively.  What in the world is the rush?  Just slow down and get there two minutes later.  I’m driving much more carefully now.

Have you ever been in an accident?- This was my second one, but the other one was NOT MY FAULT!  I was rear ended and my car was totaled (again, no injuries though.)

A lot of people have already weighed in on the subject, but has anyone else tried the Galloway method of run/walk intervals?

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44 Responses

  1. Yikes. What a week. You seem remarkably cooler than I would have been.

    I don’t mind the walk breaks because I always walk. Just not until I’m tired.

    My friends like the short run intervals and I run with them.

    We’ll see how the race goes.

    Stating healthy is more important than being fast.

    1. Yes- I would much rather be out there doing run/walk intervals than not being out there at all! I had a good run today using the method. I’m going to the library to get one of Galloway’s books today so I can read more about it.

  2. Glad your hamstring is feeling a little better, but so sorry about your car! Arg is right. Glad nobody is hurt and you’ve been figuring things out with the biking, etc.

  3. Oh Jenny what a week! I’m glad no one was injured in the accident . Sorry about your car though. You definitely had to get creative!

    I can’t imagine running in Florida at that time of day! Impressive.

  4. oh Jen what a week! Sorry about your car accident and glad no one was hurt. It is a plus that you can bike to work if you have to. I do that “runners touch” exercise all the time but call it something else. I do like the balance challenge. Yuck, running at 4:30 in Florida is a tough one. The Galloway method can be really helpful so I say, why not?. Running life has different seasons and this might be the perfect time for you to take advantage of using them. Hope this week goes a lot better!

    1. Do you think of the “runners touch” as kind of a single-leg deadlift? There’s the option to do it with weight as well.
      Yes- we’re lucky that both my husband and I live close enough to work to bike if we have to.

  5. Oh Jenny! I’m so glad everyone is okay, but oof. How scary and also, damn! Expensive! To answer your question, I was in an accident when I was 22. I was driving my cute little Sunfire and the driver of an Econoline van ran a stop sign and plowed into my driver side door. It was terrifying! The damage was extensive, and somehow I wasn’t hurt. I was actually scared to drive for a while after that.

    The temperatures in Mexico were similar to your temps, with humidity, and at 4:30 in the afternoon I could barely walk to the bathroom, it was so hot! I am impressed that you ran! I’m glad the Galloway method worked for your run.

    1. Wow, that accident sounds bad- you could have been seriously injured. Yes, it’s definitely scary to get back in the car.
      About the heat- remember I’m used to it! Even though I don’t usually run at that time of day, we’ve had these temps ever since May. It wasn’t ideal, but it was also nothing too extreme for me.

  6. Glad the Galloway method is a good fit for the time being. UGH on the car mishap! I (also in a hurry) was dropping off the youngest daughter at an after-school function (at the high school). I’m pretty sure I looked before backing out, but a student driver was on my tail and I backed right into her. My daughter was (of course) mortified. The other driver was a frantic mess. Fortunately, I knew her family, so I called her father as soon as I got home. There wasn’t much damage on either car (because I was backing slowly, even though I should have probably taken a second look)…but still.

    1. Oh no, you hit a student driver! Poor thing- both of you- it’s traumatic to get hit AND to hit someone. At least you were going slowly.

  7. I am so sorry for the accident! I have only had two, knock on wood, both just fender benders. One wasn’t my fault (and also way back when I was first driving, like over 40 years ago!) and the other one, 10 years ago, was technically my fault. However there just happened to be a cop right there at that light at that moment — he did not ticket me. Let’s just say the other driver was totally an idiot but since I rear ended her I was at fault. Long story. Oh, did I mention this came just a couple of days before leaving on a big vacation?

    Ouch on no collision. I remember how expensive those repairs were 10 years ago — and I was barely moving. Glad you’re all ok, that is the most important thing after all.

    I hear you on the hamstring. My hamstring attachment on one leg gets easily inflamed (but doesn’t stop me from running).

    1. Ha, I wish the cop in this instance didn’t ticket me! So we have the car repairs, the ticket, and then of course I’ll be going to traffic school so I don’t get points. Boy, did I learn a lesson.
      Yes, that’s a good way to describe my hamstring right now- easily inflamed but it’s not stopping me from running.

  8. Oh no! I’m so sorry about the accident as well as the insurance situation. When unfavorable events stack up against me, I ask myself what the universe is trying to tell me. There’s always a lesson in there somewhere. Our middle school and elementary school are off of a 45 mph road that goes to 30mph during school hours and yet there are SOooo many accidents there. Ugh. Hang in there! It will get better! I’ve been in 2 accidents, both not my fault. One the other driver blew a stop sign, the other I was rear ended. It all sucks. Glad everyone was ok!

    1. Yes, this was a 50 mph road, which is so crazy during school hours. Other nearby intersections go down to a 20 mph school zone during certain hours- this one really needs that as well. Not that I’m saying it wasn’t my fault- because it definitely was.

  9. Oh man, that accident sounded scary but thankfully no one was injured and that’s really what is most important. I’ve never been in an accident before but last year a woman backed into me while we were both pulling out of our spots in a very tight parking garage. Her SUV whacked the passenger side bumper of my car pretty bad, but she was totally apologetic (it was her fault) and her insurance paid for the damages. No one was injured so that was most important.

    1. Okay, that’s the “good” kind of accident- no one injured, someone else’s fault, she was nice, insurance paid for it. It’s still scary though.

  10. Oh Jenny! What a week. And how frustrating to have just dropped collision.
    I’ve been in several car accidents but was only driving once (out of 4 accidents where I’ve been present). The one where I was driving was, unfortunately, my fault. My husband was away for work in a remote location in Northern Canada, I had a stew in the oven, and was on my way to pick up my daughter from daycare when I thought someone was driving straight that ended up coming into the turning lane (I never saw her signal, but either way, it was still my fault for pulling out). Oh, and it was just a few weeks before Christmas and we were supposed to drive 15 hours. In the end, it all worked out but it was SO stressful and it definitely took me a while to recover from fear of driving.
    I haven’t been out for a run since reading about the run-walk method, but I did read the article you linked to and I’m really excited to try this. I’m not sure what intervals I would try yet…and have no idea how to program this into my Apple Watch. Not sure if there is a way, though it’s easy to set up quick timers, so I might piece things together. I’ll report back once I give it a whirl (likely not for another week once the kids are back in school).

    Hope the car is fixed quickly and the bill is less than you’re anticipating. Kudos to you and your husband for making all the car-sharing and bike riding work. And above all I’m so glad you and the other people involved in the accident weren’t hurt. Car accidents are no joke and can cause so many serious injuries or death, so I always think it’s a miracle when people emerge relatively unscathed.

    1. Yes- every single day I think about how lucky it was no one was hurt. It could have turned out so differently! The story of your accident has similar components- namely, we were both thinking about other things while we were driving. I’m really turning over a new leaf after this.
      I did figure out how to program my watch, but it’s a Garmin. Not sure about Apple watches. Like you said, there must be some way to do it. I’ve had two run-walk sessions and so far it’s working well for me- I’ll give a full report at some point.

  11. Oh man that’s rough about the accident. My one and only was caused by me taking my eyes off the road for one second – no injuries and minimal damage thank goodness. I hope your car gets fixed up soon.

    I’ll be following along on your run/walk journey!

  12. Oh, no! I’m glad everyone is okay, but what a terrible experience for everyone. I have been at fault in two accidents and not at fault in two accidents and each time I think about how automobiles are just massive weapons we drive every day as if it’s no big deal! I hope your able to fix the car in a timely manner. I know that mechanics are pinched right now, too. 🙁 Maybe you’ll start cycling more? That would be a fun outcome of the whole thing!

    1. Well, it is true that I hadn’t been on my bike in a while, and when I rode to work last week I enjoyed it. I’m riding again tomorrow! So that is the silver lining.
      The car will hopefully be done by Friday… so we just have to get through this week. Yes, this whole experience has reminded me how dangerous driving is. Sigh!

  13. Ugh. That is an awful turn of events! I hope your car is out of the shop very soon. It would be super hard to be a one-car family. We could swing it kind of but it would not be optimal at all. We did talk about selling one car since used cars were selling so well and we could get about what we paid for it when I bought it new 6 years ago but decided it wasn’t worth locking in that price as having one car would really restrict us.

    I have mostly been in very minor fender benders, like ones that didn’t really require repairs. I did get read-ended in the parking lot in Charlotte a couple of days before I moved back to Minnesota but the damage was minor so I could wait until I got back to MN to fix it. But I hated living in Charlotte so much so it was like the final passing gift from that city… like if you didn’t hate this experience enough, here’s a collision to add on to your bad experience. 😉

    1. Ha ha, that does sound like the crowning blow.
      Yes, that about sums up our situation- we’re kind of getting by with one car but it is NOT optimal. We’re really looking forward to getting the car back!

  14. I am so happy that you’re okay and no one was injured. Agreed, we all need to slow down and be a little more cautious. And you know I’m happy to hear that you’re biking!

    My first job as a running coach was for the National Aides Marathon Training Program and we used the Galloway method with our runners. What was really cool was the Jeff Galloway came and trained us coaches on how to coach using his program. He’s such a nice guy!

    1. So far this week has been quieter except we’re still dealing with having one car while mine is in the shop. SIGH!!!

  15. Oh, no! I’m so glad you’re ok. That must have been scary.

    I’ve been in a couple accidents. One was my fault, but I was the only one who got hurt (not badly), and the car was the rental that I had while my actual car was being repaired from the first accident (not my fault). I was covered, so it wasn’t a huge finanical hit.

    1. That sounds like a nightmare! You had two accidents so close to one another? I would have been terrified to get back in the car. At least your insurance covered it (sigh.)

  16. Oh crap on your car!! So sorry. We have been juggling cars around here because my daughter took her car to college. We are shopping for something my son can drive. I really take it for granted to have a vehicle available whenever I want it! That is good you can bike to work. I did that once and then it rained so my husband picked me up after work! I have been feeling some sore glutes and hammies lately. And yep, I haven’t done any exercises. No surprise there! I will try doing your exercise, thanks for the link!

    1. Yes, we really take our cars for granted until we don’t have them! Good luck car shopping for your son- it’s such a hard time to purchase a car! And, don’t drop that collision!

  17. I’m so sorry to hear about your accident! Yes, I’ve been in many sadly it’s part of living in the suburbs. It’s such an inconvenience to not have a car. I get it–your glad everyone is ok, but still. We’re dropping the collision coverage on my oldest son’s car and hoping and praying that nothing big happens to it.

    1. Yes- that’s a tough decision. If nothing happens to his car you’ll definitely save a lot of money. Fingers crossed!

  18. Goodness me, sorry to hear about the accident, that must have been really scary. I made my mum run into the back of a car on a motorway in a very slow traffic jam with us both looking in her handbag once, and I’ve been in one bus accident and witnessed another. That’s it, fortunately.

    I have done Jeffing quite a lot – I don’t choose to do it myself but a couple of friends do it and I go along with it. It is less tiring but I’m not very good at the transitions (my friend Ruth is amazing at them). The only thing is I’m so slow that if you do the magic mile thing I get like 5 seconds running, 4 minutes walking; it doesn’t seem to account for being able to run slow but for a long time!

    1. Yes, I haven’t done his magic mile test yet. Ha, I can see why you wouldn’t want to do his recommended ratio! I still have some questions about the whole method, and we’ll see if they’re answered as I get deeper into it.

  19. So glad you are okay and bummer…what bad timing on the insurance. I was in two car accidents within two weeks of each other (neither were my fault). I had just paid off my car for the first one…ugh. It was totaled so bought a second one and then that one was totaled. Crazy.

    Sounds like you had a great week of workouts despite the craziness. I also know about the runner’s touch…why do we forget about this great exercise? Thanks for the reminder. Hope you hamstring finishes healing soon.

    1. What??? That is insanely bad luck! Well, at least you weren’t hurt, AND weren’t at fault in either accident.
      Yes! Runners touch! We must do it regularly!

  20. As I am catching up on blog posts (again!), I am now learning you were able to program intervals on your watch and you’ve been trying the walk/run method. Good for you Jenny! I think that could at least be a temporary solution which helps you continue to exercise! 🙂

    I am so sorry to hear about your car accident. I am glad nobody got hurt and it was only car damage, but what a huge bummer that you had just dropped collision coverage on your car! I hope the repairs won’t be too expensive!

    1. Hmm. The repairs are moderately expensive- it could definitely be worse. The biggest bummer right now is how long it’s taking to get it fixed!

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