walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- So, That Happened…

Hi Everyone!  My week was… different.  SIGH.  Read on to find out why… I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown.  Let’s just see how the week played out!


I usually start my weekly review on a Monday, but this time I’m rewinding to Sunday.  It was the day I ran my 5k time trial, and I went on and on about how fun it was, and how I’m going to start working on my speed and sign up for races.  WELL.

Later that day, after I had been sitting for a while, I got up and noticed that my right hip flexor was REALLY stiff.  Weirdly painful.  That’s strange, I thought… I must have tweaked it during the run, although I didn’t notice it at the time.


Day off, as always and it was a good thing because that leg was still really sore.  Hrumph.


Leg was still sore, but I thought maybe just a slow, easy run would help loosen it up, so I did four miles.  The first few steps were painful but then I could run on it.  Followed this run with pull-ups.


What the… leg is STILL SORE.   Another slow, easy four mile run.  Even in the Sunshine State we get rain, and I got rained on for this one.

That tank top was light gray when I started! Ended up soaking wet.

It was later in this day that I realized something was not right with the leg.  Slow easy runs weren’t helping.  Rats.


Lower body weights.  Found that single leg moves weren’t going to work with that right leg, but I could still do squats and deadlifts.

Later in the day I had a stroke of  luck.  I called my sports chiropractor who is usually booked up weeks in advance, and they told me that they just had a cancellation and could fit me in on Tuesday, which is my day off of work.  PERFECT!  He’ll be able to fix everything.  Possibly.


Here I had a conundrum.  Running was out of the picture.  My bike was in the shop.  My pool flotation device, which I use for pool running (SCREEEEAAAAM!) had been stuffed into the fence to stop up a hole, to keep the cat from getting out.  Instead of cardio I did an upper body strength workout.  It was better than nothing.


I give up.  Life has no meaning.  I slept in as late as I could, considering that I had to be at work at 9:00.  BUT THEN…

A miracle occurred!  The shop called to tell me my bike was ready!!!  They had originally told me it would take two weeks but obviously they had a message from the Universe that a rush job was needed.  My lovely husband went to pick it up while I was at work.  And so…


My road bike is still in a time-out in the garage (long story) and this is my older hybrid bike.  I had taken it into the shop to get it tuned up and to get tires specifically for gravel trails.  Hooray!


I got out to my beloved trail, this time on the bike!

I rode for a little over two hours.   Did I wish I were running instead?  Yep.  Was it 100 times better than sitting at home doing nothing?  HELL YES.   When life throws you a curve ball, you have to take a swing anyway… and enjoy the game.

Who did a long run this weekend?  -I’ll live vicariously through you.

Has anyone else had a hip flexor/quad issue? – To be clear, I’m talking about the muscle in front of your leg, at the top, that lifts your leg up in front of you.


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40 Responses

  1. oh dear. this doesn’t sound good at all. what a bummer. I’m so sorry this happened! fingers crossed they can help you Tuesday! and if biking doesn’t hurt, then what a great alternative. I have not had that pain but when I had a hernia it affected my groin and hip and basically I could hardly move that leg. But maybe you just sprained something – certainly hope it’s nothing more than that.

    1. Yes, to be honest Renee I’m worried- something about it just feels extra… strange. I’m really hoping the doctor can at least give me a diagnosis so I know where to go from here.

  2. Oh no, I’m so sorry about this new pain. I do hope they can fix you quickly! I am pretty good at relaxing, but clearly you are not — so let’s hope nothing that requires time off. I swear at some point everything hurts. It’s frustrating!

    Good luck with your appointment.

    Not sure my 6 mile run really qualifies as a long run, but for me, right now, it does. Running has been going well this month. Knock on wood.

    1. It’s all relative. 6 miles definitely can feel like a long run. I’m glad your running is going well! Hopefully I’ll have good news to report next week.

  3. Sorry about your hip! I’ve noticed that I have really weak hip flexors, probably because I had a labral tear and surgery about 10 years ago. Glad you can at least bike! Hopefully the chiropractor will fix you right up!

    1. Thank you Lisa! I’ve never thought I had weak hip flexors but I have a feeling I’ll be much more aware of them from now on.

  4. I feel strain in my hip flexors, sometimes, after a really long run. When my form goes south (like towards the end of a really long run), my quirky knees “turn in” more than usual and that puts added strain on my hips. I don’t usually feel any stress or pain on my quads, though (thankfully). If I ever have any issues, it’s usually in my glutes/hammies (which isn’t usually related to the hip issue that I just mentioned). But, OUCH on those quads! I Hope you get an encouraging diagnosis or answer. Glad your bike came to the rescue. I know a thing (or two) about how good that feels. ((hugs))

    1. Thank you Kim!!! It’s funny because my issues usually tend to be glutes/hamstrings as well (and foot of course, sigh.) I know you’re a big bike fan- I’m going to try to get into it. I need cross-training, obviously.

  5. I have had a tight hip flexor; a PT/chiro was able to do soft tissue and work it out and after a few sessions, I felt way better. But I do try to make sure I’m stretching it. I think its pretty common for runners, particularly women. Good luck with the appointment, I hope they can help you!

  6. So every time I try to do speedwork, I tweak something. I had a bad hip flexor issue about 1.5 years ago very painful. Could not run for a while. The advice I would give you is to let it rest . Better to take off a week than 6 months

    1. Yes, honestly Deborah I was like “So I can run fourteen miles, but not three?” Apparently it was the pace. Yes, I’m resting it. You’re exactly right- a few days off right now won’t make a different in the long term.

    1. Yeah, I don’t like this no long run weekend thing! By the way, I started “When the Stars Go Dark” and I’m loving it. I also skipped “Mexican Gothic” after your review. 🙂

  7. So sorry to hear about the leg pain! That’s great that you were able to get in to see the doctor early next week. I hope that he’s able to fix the issue for you!

    1. Thank you Michelle! I’m regretting that I ran on it for two days, but I won’t again until it’s safe to do so.

  8. I hope your doctor is able to give you a clear diagnosis with a short recovery plan. I’m pretty sure my hip flexor recovery plan started with two weeks off — not news any runner wants to hear, but I got through it. Having a bike as an option really can be a sanity-saver. Glad you have yours back.

    1. I have so many worst-case scenarios running through my mind right now that two weeks off doesn’t sound TOO bad. Like you said, the key is getting a clear diagnosis. I hope I can get one.

  9. Oh wow, I’m sorry to hear this. Hopefully it’s just a mild muscle strain and I hope your chiro can get you all fixed up pronto. I’m so glad you were able to get out on your bike! When I got my road bike a billion years ago, my hubby took it upon himself to donate my trail bike to the Salvation Army while I was at work. I have never fully forgiven him for that!

    1. Ha ha… I almost sold my trail bike when I got my road bike, and now I’m soooo glad I didn’t!

  10. I’m sorry, giggling at flotation device used for anti cat escaping. So glad you were able to get your bike back sooner. Hope the Chiro has good answers tomorrow

    1. Thank you Cari! The flotation device has been retrieved and will be put to use tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted!

    2. Ha, the flotation device has been retrieved from the fence and will be put to use tomorrow! Thanks Cari- I’ll keep you posted.

  11. Oh, a pain in the front is perplexing and annoying! So glad your bike got out of the shop. I had a flat, which my husband fixed, but when I checked it again it was still flat. Whomp whomp!! I really want to get out and ride. I hope you get a good answer from the chiro. I never go to one, but people I know swear by their work. Funny about your cat and the flotation device :). Those darn cats!

    1. I’ve never been to a regular chiro, just this one. He’ll do an adjustment if necessary, but usually uses other techniques like massage, ultrasound, shockwave treatments… I hope he can help.
      I have to say that’s one thing I hate about cycling- I’m always afraid of getting a flat. Too much equipment to worry about! Oh well.

    2. That’s actually one thing I hate about the bike- I’m always worried I’ll get a flat tire. Too much equipment! Oh well.

  12. Glad they could get you an appointment and hope that sorts you out. Afraid I ran a half-marathon distance to a Lego giraffe statue and back again on Sunday, which probably doesn’t help! Lovely to get a bike ride in and get out on those trails.

      1. Oh, I sent a long sentence about it and it’s vanished! Ran up the canal to a Lego statue of a giraffe outside the Lego Experience Centre which happens to be 6.5 miles down the canals from my house, basically!

        1. Ha, I love it when a run has a goal, even if it’s something silly like running to a Lego giraffe statue!

  13. Oh, girl. I tweaked my hip flexor a few years ago. I had no idea how much that body part actually did. My leg was dragging for a while – it didn’t actually hurt much; I just couldn’t lift my leg or turn it over. I hope you get some answers on Tuesday.

    1. Thanks Jenn! Mine definitely hurts 🙁 I also hope I can get some answers- I hate when no one seems to know what’s wrong.

    2. Oof. Mine definitely hurts 🙁 I also hope I get some answers tomorrow. I hate it when no one can figure out what’s wrong.

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