walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Summer is Here!

Hello and welcome to the weekly rundown!  It has gotten very hot and steamy here, but since I chose to live in Florida, I can’t really complain.  It was a good week though!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting.  Let’s see how the week went…


10 mile trail run!  Ten!  Miles!  Hooray!!!  I’m sooooo happy to be up to double digits!

Remember how I said lighting struck out in this area and caused a fire a couple weeks ago?  I found the spot…

I wonder how long it will take for it to get lush and green again.  Probably not long- this is our rainy season and things grow crazy fast (if the weeds in our yard are any indication.)


I started the week with a nice, easy 30 minute yoga flow.  All yoga classes were on Peloton with my yoga bff, Denis Morton.


I did an easy, easy 2 mile run…

followed by a 10 minute Peloton core class, and then pull-ups.


Speed work!  I did a one mile warm up, and then 6x 400s.  I have a quarter mile measured out on a road near me, and I walked for a minute between each interval.

Afterwards I did a short cool down run and then, a 20 minute glutes and legs strength class with Matty Maggiacomo.  After struggling to schedule my lower body strength sessions and runs last week, I decided to try doing both on the same day.  I used heavy (for me) weights for this workout, and I think it goes without saying that I didn’t do the plyometrics.


Yep, my legs were sore.  But that’s okay- I made today an easy day.  I did a core class and then a 30 minute yoga flow.  Denis’s twist focus flow from 12/6/20 is one of my favorites.


An easy 3 mile run…

…followed by another 20 minute glutes and legs strength class with Matty.  I was happy that I got in two lower body classes this week.  They were both 20 minutes, but I’d really like to do two 30 minute classes.  Right now I’m still experimenting with the timing of it all.  Followed this class with 5 minutes of core.


I started the morning with pull-ups, and, at the advice of my son, added in some chin-ups.  Guess what- they’re easier!  You’re still using your back muscles but get more assistance from your biceps.  If you’re reading closely, you may notice that these pull-ups (and now, chin-ups) are the only upper body strength I do.  That’s because- to be perfectly honest- I don’t really care about upper body.  My main focus is making my core, legs and glutes strong so I can be a better runner.  I don’t even really want to keep doing the pull-ups (continuing with the honesty) but I just make myself do them a couple times a week, because… well I don’t really know why. I guess there’s a benefit somewhere.

Anyway!  I followed up with a 5 minute core class- Rebecca Kennedy, love her 5 minute classes- and then a quick hamstring focus yoga flow.  And then off to work.


On tap for today- another trail run.  We’ve had a lot of rain lately. You know how, up north, when it rains it can bring in some cooler air?  Well, here in Florida, the rain just seems to make it more humid.  So I’m gearing up for a hot one.

Overall it was a good week!  I got all my planned strength sessions in, and four runs, including one day of speed work.  I’d like my runs during the week to be a little longer (obviously) but don’t want to push it too much.  I’m loving my Sunday long runs and my Wednesday speed work, so for now I’ll probably keep everything else the same.

How was your week?  Did you have some hot runs?

Do you have any races coming up? – I’m doing a 5K on July 4th and am also contemplating doing one in the beginning of June.  I didn’t race for so long because of the pandemic and then my foot situation, and I forgot how much fun it is!

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Another FIG-y Friday!

Hooray!  We made it through another week of FIGS!  Just in case anyone doesn’t know about FIGs at this point,

The Shape of My Week

You know how I’ve been grumbling incessantly about feeling down, and the year getting off to a slow start?  Well,

38 Responses

  1. Jenny you always wow me with how consistent you are with such a range of exercise. Gold star!! Seriously. It’s so impressive to me and inspirational.

    I’m the opposite end of the spectrum. I walk (daily) and run (occasionally) and that’s it. Sigh. I know I really *should* be doing more strength training as I get older and a long-term demerit is not sticking with yoga for more than a day or two. I know I need a lot more stretching and flexibility as I am very inflexible and have tight muscles. Maybe I’ll make it a goal for 2023? That said, I’ve been claiming I want to start for years though, and never make much headway. For about two years after Abby was born I was faithful with workout videos, but now I just hate them. And it’s such a hassle to make it to any in-person classes. Excuses, excuses. Double sigh.

    Today is supposed to be hot (well, at least hot for May in Nova Scotia). I somehow managed to hurt my foot at the end of the week. I just woke up to it being painful; a tendon issue on the inside of the top of my left foot, I think? Ugh. Anyhoo, it is decidedly unpleasant so I will likely only do my 1 km walk daily for the next few days and avoid any strenuous activity.

    BUT, last week I did fit in my longest run in several years. It pales in comparison to your distances, but I did almost 8.5 km (8.34 km to be specific and that distance had a special significance) and felt great! Definitely could have done 9, maybe 10. My energy levels haven’t been great the last few years and I doubted if I could run that far again…so it felt wonderful to work up to that distance relatively quickly again.

    No races planned for me, though I have it listed as one of my goals for 2022. Need to get on organizing that…

    Happy Sunday, my friend!

    1. Thank you Elisabeth! One thing I have to say is- I’m older than you. Strength training becomes more important the older you get. So what you’re doing (consistent walks, some runs and generally staying active) is fine for now. When the kids are older your schedule will get a little easier and you can do some strength training then.
      Congrats on the 8K! Or, 8.34. My metric conversion is limited to 5K=3.1 miles and 10=6.2 miles sooo… that’s around 5 miles? It’s a nice distance, long enough to feel a little out of the ordinary. I hope your foot feels better soon!

  2. wow look at you running 10 miles again! I know how happy you are 🙂 I sometimes like to do 2 shorter classes stacked vs a longer strength. I feel like there is less rest with the shorter classes. Have you tried that?

    1. i haven’t tried that but maybe I will. Several people commented that they prefer the shorter classes because there’s less rest.

  3. Yay on the 10 mile trail run! I’m sure that made you so happy!

    I find that the 20 min strength classes can be just as good as the 30 min classes, b/c the 30s tend to have a longer workout and more breaks. Of course specific classes will be different.

    In the SFR class I took yesterday Becs commented that runners should do upper body strength because arm swings really can make a difference in performance and endurance. I think this would apply more to chest and back moves (she had rows in her class) than biceps.

    1. Yes, I doubt having really strong biceps would help much for running. I’m sure all strength work is good, but I still have to convince myself every time it’s pull-up day.

  4. I’ve been a fog the last few weeks and I emerge to you running double digits and speedwork! Wow! Great for you! Are things feeling better or are you just pushing ahead with it? I’m opposite of you on the strength – I’d rather do upper body because I can see results!! I really should do lower body work, but I’m afraid of being too sore (and yes, if I did it regularly I wouldn’t be sore!).

    1. Both- I’m feeling slightly better and I’m just pushing through it. We’ll see what happens.
      It’s true, if you do lower body regularly you’re much less sore. But those first few sessions can leave you SO sore, and then running is unpleasant (and who wants that?)

  5. Woohoo DOUBLE DIGITS!!!!!

    Being honest as well, the only reason that I do strength is to support my running. I’ve got your “why” for pullups – they make you a bada$$. Not very many people can do them.

    1. Well, I would be more of a badass if I could actually do a pull-up, but right now I’m still using the band to assist me. SIGH!

  6. Did I have any hot runs? Hmmm, let me see. Well, Friday there were snowflakes in the air and freezing rain. My run on Tuesday, the first two kilometres are completely uphill and I had a 45 km/hr cold wind directly in my face. So, that was a workout! At least I didn’t get too sweaty?

    I do upper body weights just because of age, muscle deterioration, and to ward off osteoporosis. I HATE UPPER BODY WEIGHTS. But, my boys encourage me a lot and that helps. Also, I only do it twice a week so I try not to complain too much (but yes, I am complaining here).

    1. Ha ha, I’m glad someone else sees things my way.
      Sorry about your weather- I’m sure hearing me complain about the heat sound ridiculous. Well, I hope you get some warmth soon.

  7. I’m kind of the opposite with strength workouts…I prefer upper-body, LOL I get plenty of lower-body with my stairs and cycling, but I do try to work in at least one lower-body focused workout each week if possible. I prefer the 20-minute classes (for the reasons the others have mentioned). But, as we all know, we get to do our fitness OUR way. If what you’re doing is working for you, then it’s a perfect fit. Congrats on the 10-miler!!!!

    1. Yes, you guys are right- there are fewer rests in the 20 minute classes, so maybe it’s more efficient. I didn’t think of that.

  8. Double digits is so impressive! Way to go! Our temperatures have finally gotten back to normal after a very cold spring, followed by a HOT heatwave. Now we have cool spring temps and it makes running so much more pleasurable than it had been prior to May. Yay!

  9. Yay for double digits! Great to hear that running is feeling good for you – and you managed to get your strength training done too! It’s been tough fitting it all in and when short on time, I’d much rather do lower body training instead.

    1. Yes, it really is hard to fit it all in sometimes. I feel like I hardly ever do yoga anymore. For a while there I was doing it every day, but… oh well.

  10. Great week for you, Jenny!

    To answer your questions: I had a busy work week and a great workout week, sans running. Currently, I am not registered for any races, but I will probably run the Firecracker 5K like I usually do on Independence Day.

  11. Congrats on that ten miler. Who’s your foot?

    Summer arrived and it rained and now it’s cool again.

    Unfortunately not before I had to run 13 sunny very hot miles.

    I have a 10 mile race next weekend, then in June a 5k and 15k.

    1. My foot is… okay. It hardly ever hurts when I’m running, but the problem hasn’t gone away. I’m just ignoring it for now and we’ll see what happens.
      I ran ten very hot miles today, so I can only imagine how hard that half must have been! I’ll be looking forward to the recap, as always.

  12. Sounds like you’re in a good place with running/ST. Sometimes we do get the rain only making things more steamy — & sometimes it does cool things off.

    Congrats on your double digit run!

  13. Congrats on 10 miles! That’s a great milestone! You know I love my strength training. I am on a mission to keep and even grow my muscle mass as I age. It’s so important. We are cold here again this week, although it looks like another heatwave is headed our way next week. It’s a roller coaster.

    1. Really, the thing that motivates me most for strength training is the fear of being old and weak. I know my muscles will just lose strength from here on unless i fight it. So I guess that’s a pretty good reason!

  14. Well done, excellent work!

    We’re having some muggy weather here so even if it doesn’t get that hot, it’s not hugely pleasant. Really hope that clears soon!

    1. Yes, muggy weather is hard to run in. I would imagine you have a lot of it though, right? I hope you have a drier week!

  15. Amazing job on your 10 mile run earlier in the week! I know your running journey has been a long and winding road the last few months due to injuries so it’s awesome to see you back out there hitting double digit runs!

    Our weather was crazy last week and it was super hot here on Saturday and Sunday. I absolutely hate Summer and hate the heat so once it gets above 80 degrees I want to cry, lol.

    1. Thank you Kim! It definitely feels good to be back out there. So your least favorite season is coming up- sorry about that! I hope you don’t get above 80 too much this month- it’s too early for that.

  16. Glad you had a good week and thank you for taking that weather back. We were in the 90s this weekend no. Just no.
    Crazy on the lightening spot.

  17. Rain and running in Florida is AWFUL. It’s like a sauna.

    Do you get any shade on your trail runs? They look so open!

    Great job on the chin ups and pushups. My wet noodle upper body could NEVER.

    1. Ugh- very little shade. I’m remembering why I don’t do a lot of trail runs in the summer, sigh. Yes, the humidity has been awful here!

  18. I feel like you do about the pull-ups! I don’t even care if I get one anymore. They are so freaking hard. But I have definitely gotten stronger while working on them.

    Ugh to the heat. We were in Alabama over the weekend and it was HOT! It actually felt good to come home to the 60s.

    1. Yes, I don’t understand why pull-ups are so hard- and you’re strong! Every once in a while I decide to try and do one unassisted- nope, not even close.

  19. I have not run in over 2 weeks! I will probably take this weekend off and then try to return to running next week. Covid really wiped me out, and then the toddler got it. His case has been mild and almost unnoticeable but having him home is EXHAUSTING. I’ve done a lot of stroller walks with him so at least I’m getting some exercise in!

    We have had more summer-like weather here and there but it’s been a really weird spring overall. Today it is cold and rainy. Normally I wouldn’t mind this on a week day but since our toddler is home, it’s the worst as we can’t get out for walks. Le sigh.

    1. Oh, those toddler days are hard! I actually don’t know how you’re getting through it- it was hard enough when my kids were little, and we didn’t have Covid to contend with.

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