walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- Texas Style

Howdy!  Yes, I had to say that.  We’ve been in Austin, Texas since Tuesday on a fun family vacation.  That didn’t stop me from exercising, of course!  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown- here’s how it went!


Always a day off…. BUT WAIT!  Not this week!  I’m currently on a running build-up schedule where I run every other day, so this week it worked out that Monday was a “running” day.  This was the official start of my return to running, and it looked like this: 30 minutes total of activity- one minute of running, nine minutes of walking, one minute of running, nine minutes of walking, one minute of running, nine minutes of walking.  Sounds pretty tedious, doesn’t it?  As you’ll see, the running increases pretty quickly.

PT exercises in the evening.


Travel to Austin!  Did some of my PT exercises in the evening.  I now divide them up, and I did the floor exercises- clam shells, glute bridges, side lying leg lifts, all with a band.  They’re sooooooooooo boring, but the good part is I can do them while doing other things, like watching TV.


Progressed to two minutes of running, eight minutes of walking, two minutes of running, eight minutes of walking, two minute of running, eight minutes of walking.  No pain at all from my hip, hooray!  After the run I did more PT exercises- squats (with a band around my thighs) and side planks.

I ran so fast I was just a blur! Ha ha…

This was the day we did our scavenger hunt in Downtown Austin, and my son’s Apple watch reported that we walked seven miles! That was good, because I feel like we’re in some sort of contest where we have to eat all the vegan food in this entire city- and there’s a lot of it!  Fun day.


In the morning I did ALL my PT exercises- the floor ones, the side planks, squats, abs, and some balance exercises.  Then we drove to Waco, which is about 90 minutes away, to visit Baylor University where my son will be a freshman in the fall!  We got to meet his new trumpet teacher and have a tour of the music building.  We did some walking around the campus, but overall it was a lower-activity day.  But very exciting for us- because of Covid, the entire application/audition process was done over Zoom, so this was our first visit to my son’s future home!

Go Bears!


Another run- we’re getting there!  Three minutes of running, seven of walking, three running, seven walking, three running, seven walking.  The place we’re staying is about a 15 minute drive from downtown Austin, so because I’m doing such a small amount of running we decided to just run in the neighborhood here- I know there’s an amazing hike-and-bike trail around the lake downtown, but I’ll run there on another visit.

This was the day of our “infamous” hike.  At least that’s the way we’ll remember it.  We hiked to two waterfalls, and it was beautiful.  And muddy.  My daughter fell in the mud, and then fell into the creek while trying to wash off the mud.  We had to go to Target to get her new clothes before continuing with our day.  While at Target, I had a flashback to another vacation a few years ago where no one remembered to pack underwear for my son.  We had to go to Target on the first day of our trip to buy underwear.  What would our family do without Target?

Here’s the creek!

Side planks after the run and then the floor PT exercises at night.


I broke my “every other day rule” and ran again, because Sunday we leave very early in the morning.  This time it was four minutes of running, six of walking, etc.  I’ve done this progression before, and it’s interesting how it gradually shifts from walking with running breaks, to running with walking breaks.  Next time I’ll be doing 50/50 run-walk!  Squats with the band after this “run.”


Travel back to Florida!  The good thing about leaving early is that we’ll be home by mid-day.  PT exercises planned for evening!

Anyone ever have a vacation with kids that went smoothly?- Things always go wrong for us, but I’ve learned to take it in stride.


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24 Responses

  1. So glad you are getting back into running! I’ve only traveled with my son a few times (before Covid shut things down) and I’m not looking forward to doing it again. We always pack SO much and still end up forgetting something.

    1. Yes, it’s so hard with kids! On the other hand, at Grayson’s age at least he’ll go wherever you want and not complain about it… unlike certain teenagers I know… ahem.

    1. I don’t always build back like this, but since I’m not training for anything specific and have no races coming up, I figured why not do it the extra-safe way!

  2. Glad to see you getting back to running! I hope you loved Austin. We sure did when we were there! How was Waco? Did you go to the Magnolia Cafe?

    1. Austin was incredible! We didn’t spend as much time as I wanted in Waco, but I figure I’ll have more chances over the next four years!

  3. That’s so funny about the Target trip. We went on a weekend ski trip a couple of years ago and my daughter left her entire bag at home. Luckily we had the ski gear (snow pants, socks and jacket) but she had to wear all of my other clothes. But you know, I’m that Mom that packs so much stuff there was extras for her!! I knew there was a good reason I always bring so many things 😉 My son has been known to borrow my clothes too. Sounds like a good trip. Very exciting that you finally got to see the university in person! Hooray for your start back to running too!

    1. Oh, that’s a funny story. I don’t think we’ve ever forgotten an entire bag. Lucky you guys are the same size, otherwise you’d have been hitting up the Target!

  4. INtervals are a great way to come back from injury. I am keeping mine all summer. The walk breaks help w hydration. So glad you are feeling good again! take care

    1. Thank you Deborah! Of course I would rather be doing my usual running, but there is something nice about taking it easy, especially in the heat.

  5. LOL. your target was our KMart, one in Orlando for a tank top and in San Francisco or Monterey for warmer clothes (in August!)
    Glad the return to running has gone well.

    1. Thanks Cari! I shudder to think what would happen if we tried to vacation in a remote area with no stores- our family probably shouldn’t risk it!

  6. I didn’t think to mention this before, but it looks like we’ll be friendly rivals…our youngest daughter is at Iowa State (and our oldest graduated from there–gulp–five years ago already). Mentioning a Target trip for vacation clothing…on one of our trips to Florida (believe it or not LOL), the weather was colder than usual. This was in April, I believe, so we had to make a Target run to get a few “warmer” items. I’m so glad to hear the return-to-running is going so smoothly!!

    1. I like a good friendly rivalry- makes life more fun! I do believe the story about Florida, because even though it’s blazing hot most of the time we do get weird cold spells that no one is prepared for.

  7. Goodness! That hike turned out to be quite the adventure! So glad your daughter is okay and Target came to the rescue (again! LOL!). I think having kids in general has taught me to take things in stride! There is always something but it usually makes for a good story afterwards! So happy to see the running is coming along nicely and you’re adapting gradually!

    1. Yes, I remember your hike through the thorns where you got lost and had no water or snacks. But everyone survived and you had good memories!

  8. Sounds like you had a great time down in Austin, despite the hiking mishap! The scavenger hun sounds like a really fun event and a great way to explore a part of the city.

  9. You’re being so wise about your return to running! The run time is ramping up gradually but quickly. I’m so excited for you and your son at Baylor! Truly the college selection/admission/orientation process is an amazing milestone. Your hike looks amazing!

    1. Ha, the hike really was amazing in spite of the snafus. And yes- I’m up to running 50% of the time already! It really goes quickly.

  10. You made it to Austin! I am so glad you had fun!

    Nothing goes smoothly when you have kids! It’s all part of the adventure, and thank goodness for Target, right? Things like that are always fixable!

    Glad you’re running pain-free!

  11. It sounds like you had a fun trip to Austin!

    Your comeback sounds so much like mine with very similar PT exercises and doing the walk/run thing until it became a run/walk and finally a run. Here’s hoping all goes smoothly in your recovery!

    1. Thank you Debbie! The walk/running continues! It’s definitely a good way to get back into it- especially in the heat. I lost my heat acclimation with all those weeks running in the pool.

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