walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- The Garmin Doesn’t Lie

Well… not my favorite week.  My daughter (or rather, her hormones) decided to go berserk, and although I know it’s just a phase, it’s not really fun to have someone angrily criticizing you all the time.  Meanwhile, our car woes continue- now my husband’s car is in the shop, and they’re telling us he needs a new hybrid battery (to the tune of $5500.) I’m starting to think the universe is trying to tell us something… maybe join an Amish community and drive a horse and buggy from now on?  I like horses.

On top of all this- or maybe because of it- I couldn’t seem to get a decent night’s sleep.  Every night before I went to bed I thought, “I’m too tired to work out tomorrow.  I just want to sleep in.”  But then I figured I would feel even worse if I didn’t exercise, so I just got up and did it anyway.  At this point I’m sure you’re pretty excited to hear about this thrilling week of workouts, so let’s get into it!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting.


I’m slowly working my way through Caroline Girvan’s Iron Series on Youtube.  There are 30 workouts in the series, and I do one on the days I don’t run.  This was Day #7, shoulders and triceps.  Another good, hard workout.


After a very brief (and slight) cool down following Hurricane Ian, our heat and humidity are back!  The humidity is especially overwhelming.  I did a 3 mile run- I’m still “jeffing,” doing run/walk intervals of 4 minutes running/30 seconds walking.  And oh yes- my hamstring is still achy.  But the glute issue from last week is gone, so I’m happy.  Any running is better than no running.


Day #8 of Caroline Girvan was a glutes and hamstrings workout.  My hamstring aches during the deadlifts, but I think it’s helping more than it’s hurting.  At least that’s what I’m telling myself!  Good workout.


For a while I was trying to do my long runs on Wednesdays, but I now realize I was out of my mind.  Wednesday is my day off, but I have to take my daughter to school.  At that point it’s just too hot to start a long run.  I’ll try that schedule again when our weather cools down, but for now I’m moving my long run back to Sunday.

4 mile run, followed by some crunches on the stability ball.  When I was doing Peloton I would do a short core class on running days- now I just do some basic core moves on my own.


Back to Caroline Girvan!  Day #9 was a full body workout.  While I was doing it I thought this one was a little easier- instead of focusing so much on one or two muscles groups, the misery- er, effort- is spread around the body.  But Friday morning I woke up sore all over, so I guess it was harder than I thought!


Another 3 mile run followed by some core.  I somehow managed to hit the sweet spot of the morning where the humidity dropped slightly but before the sun heated everything up too much.  It felt good!


Well, I finally decided to sleep in.  I work Saturdays, so if I want to work out I have to get up pretty early… and I didn’t.  Instead I slept for EIGHT HOURS.  I seriously can’t remember the last time that happened.  I had vague plans of doing Caroline Girvan later on, but, well…

Yes, I ended up taking a nap on the couch with my cat.  No regrets!  I needed a day off.


On tap…. a trail run!  This is the first time I’ve actually been excited about a run or workout all week.  It’s going to be a long(er) run of eight miles… or so.  Maybe a little more if everything feels good.

That’s the week!  I’m hoping next week will be a little calmer, and my Garmin won’t tell me to do breathing exercises.  Serenity now!

Do you take a day (or days) off during the week?- I used to always do my long runs on Sunday and take Monday off, but somehow I’ve gotten away from that schedule.

Does your Garmin warn you when your stress levels are high? – I’m not sure if I like this or not!

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40 Responses

  1. Hope you enjoy your trail run today.

    I don’t wear my Garmin daily. Thank God.

    I run 3 short runs and one long. Alway rest day before and after the long run. It’s worked so far.

    1. The funny thing is, I don’t wear my Garmin most days other than running. ON days I work I can’t wear it (you can’t really give a massage while wearing a watch.) Wednesday was my day off so I wore it- and that message came right up. Maybe I can turn that feature off!

  2. Thankfully my Garmin does not tell me when I’m stressing, though I think it’s because I turned that feature off. It was bad enough when it would tell me that my runs were unproductive. And oof on those days when I just can’t even with the workouts, I know it’s for a reason so I take the time off without skipping a beat.

    I take a weekday and a weekend day off. For a long time I always used to take Wednesdays off so that I could sleep in a bit in the middle of the week, and then Sundays off to reward myself for my long run on Saturdays. Now that I’ve switched over to strength, I follow Caroline’s schedule of Sunday – Wednesday on, Thursday off, Friday on, Saturday off. It’s different but I kind of like the shift. For the next two weeks my schedule is a bit off so I’m all confused about what days I’m working out. I preprogrammed my alarm, so the drill is if the alarm goes off it’s a workout day and if there’s no alarm then it’s a rest day.

    I really like Caroline’s workouts BUT the glutes are my least favorite. Sometimes it feels like a bit much. The full body one are my favorite.

    1. Oh, I’ve been wondering what her actual schedule is. I’ve been doing three of her workouts a week, and just fitting them around running. I do have to say, she does a good job of mixing it up- her workouts follow a good progression. I can’t say I’m a fan of the music though- but it’s not a dealbreaker.

  3. sounds like a bunch of us had a trying week! I do remember those days of turmoil w the teenage girls. I promise you they do come around and return to normal. Hope that trail run went well today and allowed you to relax 🙂

    1. The trail run was great, exactly what I needed. And yes, what’s up with this week? It seems like a pretty bad week for almost everyone!

  4. Ugh on the teenage stress and car stress. $5500 is a lot to put into a car, but these days buying a new car can be crazy too.

    I took a 3 hour nap yesterday. I had a lot of sleep to catch up on after tossing and turning so many nights last week over work stress.

    That sign is fabulous!

    1. I want a three hour nap! I tried to nap today but my daughter woke me up to help with her science fair project (ARRRRG! My least favorite thing ever, science fair!!!) I try to remind myself that when she’s an adult I’ll miss these days… kind of.

  5. Your Garmin is being a busybody isn’t it, but I guess it’s for your own good. 😉 Sorry you’re having teenage drama. That’s one of the perks of being older – all that drama is behind me.

    Hope you’re having a great trail run today!

    1. That’s funny Debbie, because when my Garmin said that I did kind of feel like “Mind your own business!” I did not take its advice and do breathing exercises, but instead bought a pint of ice cream. So I’m not sure it did much good!

  6. I’m so sorry about the battery and teen drama — she is a teen, right? Sounds like it! Maybe my husband is actually a teenage girl, LOL!

    I had a rough week of sleep last week and actually slept quite late (for me, that means like 6 am, but I go to bed early too) a lot this week. I needed it though.

    I hope your trail run today goes well and that next week is a better week! You guys need more good news. I’m pulling for you.

    And oh, my Garmin doesn’t actually tell me when I’m not resting enough — I have to look at it. I do though, every day, because sometimes we really don’t think we’re stressed, but our bodies don’t lie. I did not rest enough this week and I know it but mostly there wasn’t a lot of choice.

    1. Ha ha… my daughter is 13. But men have hormones too!
      My trail run was great and I hope to sleep well tonight. If 6 am is late for you I’m wondering what time you usually get up- and what time you get to bed at night. I definitely need to go to bed earlier.

  7. I’m sorry you’re feeling stressed too! It’s crazy how many of us had a rough week. It’s almost like Mercury is in retrograde, lol and I don’t even know what that is.

    My Garmin is so basic–it only tells me to Move! when I’m not moving, lol. It’s not even giving me my heart rate anymore. I’m kind of glad it doesn’t send me any other messages.

    1. Yes, I noticed that a lot of people had a stressful week! The funny thing is, I think Mercury was in retrograde last month- and I only know that because my husband kept mentioning it. I was starting to get annoyed because I also don’t know what it means (and honestly I think it’s a bunch of BS… probably.)

  8. That car battery – yikes! I’m so sorry, Jenny. You guys just can’t seem to catch a break with the transportation thing. It feels extra demoralizing to get hit with things one after the other. You definitely deserved an extra long sleep and I’m SO glad you went ahead and gave yourself permission to sleep in. Sleep is almost always the best option for our overall health (though I know we don’t want to give up exercise, either)!

    I’ve been walking daily, but other than some runs fit in here and there…that’s it for my exercise routine. I really should do some yoga/strength training, but I haven’t gotten into a good rhythm with those activities in the last few years. I figure as long as I’m moving my body some – even if it’s just walking – that’s better than nothing? But I know as I get older, strength training is supposed to be so critical for overall health. Every time I read your recaps I am so impressed and it is inspiring me to up the ante in my own life!

    1. Well, you’re younger than I am- I think what you’re doing is perfect for right now. When you get to may advanced age (ha ha) you’ll probably want to do some strength training, but your kids will be older then, so it will all work out.
      Yes, sleep is really important. Probably the most important thing, honestly. I just need to figure out how to fit in sleep AND exercise.

  9. Interesting, my Garmin doesn’t have that! Which one do you have?

    Love the running pics. You are really selling this strength routine, it sounds so good!

  10. I am glad I don’t have a Garmin that does that, it would annoy me. Here’s hoping for a better week to come. Glad the glute is feeling a bit better. I’ll be jeffing when I come back to running on 1 November after my back thing …

    1. Honestly, I was a little doubtful about jeffing, but it’s working great for me. And the Garmin- it actually made me MORE stressed to get that message, like “Wow, things must be really bad if my watch is picking it up!”

  11. Ugh sounds like a pretty stressful week. You really need a break – especially on the car situation! Sounds like your running is going well – glad your glute issue has calmed down.

  12. So sorry you had a rough week Jenny 🙁 On the plus side, I am glad that running seems to be going well for you currently.

    Car repairs and issues are the worst! If I didn’t need a car I wouldn’t have one. For some reason I find it one of the most stressful things to deal with so I totally understand where your car woes.

  13. I definitely take days off! I am not motivated enough to do something every day. LOL. A cat, couch, and book are my ideal plans for just about any time of the day, so I absolutely respect you taking time to cuddle with your baby and take a nap!

    1. Well, it’s funny because I really need to exercise in order to feel good at all, but then when that’s over I’m happy to zone out on the couch. i go from one extreme to the other, happily- I’m not one of these people who loves to be super active all day long.

  14. My Garmin gave me that same message this week! I tried wearing it everyday (for something different, and because I’m trying to get back in the habit of having the time of day on my wrist instead of having to always check my phone). I don’t even remember what day it was. All I know is that I wasn’t feeling stressed…until the Garmin told me I was, LOL.

    1. Oh, I knew I was stressed- but seeing that message made it even worse. Someone mentioned that you can turn off that feature. I may have to do that.

  15. I swear I commented on this post on my phone but don’t see my comment so it must not have gone through! I had dinner w/ friends last week that have tween/teen daughters and they commented on how hard this stage is. Both of them are reading or plan to read “Tangled” which is supposedly a very good book on the topic of raising teen girls. I was so hard on my mom at that age, too. It seems like a right of passage. I was a really well-behaved rule follower but oof I was a snot to my mom. My coworker’s wife is going through the same thing with her daughter and she felt better when she heard that I was not very nice to my mom but turned out well. Ha.

    Prekids I would take 1-2 rest days depending on the week/what I was training for. Now I have more ‘rest days’ than workout days but it’s just a stage of life, I guess. Last week was rough w/ being in the office 2 days and then Will getting sick w/ a bad virus. I went on lots of walks but only worked out twice. And now I caught his virus so won’t be working out this week. Cold/flu season is starting early it seems!

    1. I think your original comment went through, but I’m glad you tried again because it’s reminding me to read “Tangled.” Definitely sounds like something that would help! Sorry to hear you’re sick now… I guess it’s inevitable with two kids in daycare- but still not fun.

  16. Sorry so many things are hitting the fan all at once. Isn’t that always the way? Ugh! I only wear my Garmin when I run and even then I don’t look at it. It tells me when my workouts are “unproductive” and that’s rude enough.

  17. I’m sorry things are so out of whack with your daughter. These years are tough. I feel like we have weathered the worst of it, but I’m always a little on guard.

    My husband is fully prepared to have the heat on tonight. Such a huge difference in weather.

    1. WOW. We are nowhere near turning on the heat- we still have the AC running constantly.
      I definitely think boys are easier. That’s what everyone says, and my son was definitely more even-keeled. But there are always those special moments!

  18. Oh man, a new battery?? How old is the car? Sorry the car problems haven’t ended for your family.
    The other day at work my Garmin just started flipping out saying I had an abnormal high heart rate. I really didn’t but I did tell my coworker to watch out in case I passed out. LOL It was weird.

    1. Ugh! It’s the hybrid battery, which is expensive. We were able to get a refurbished one though for a lot less (still much more than we wanted to spend of course!)
      That is very weird about your Garmin! I don’t like these newfangled features.

  19. I wish my Garmin would track my stress levels – maybe I’d get a handle on when to be more kind to myself LOL (I used to have a rest day, but I don’t anymore… well, but I do try to take an “easier” day after a long run.

    1. The next time you replace your Garmin you’ll probably end up with one that tracks your stress- I’m pretty sure it’s a big thing now.

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