walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown- The Hay is in the Barn!

Guess what?  I’m officially in my taper!!!  I had my last long run on Wednesday and now I just have to get through the next two weeks without doing anything stupid.  I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s just see how the week went!


I started off this chilly week with a 4 mile run.  It got down to the upper 40s every morning- I don’t think I’ve ever had so many photos of me running in a long sleeve shirt before!

Followed this run with plank and dead bugs.


I got myself to the gym for the 12/3/30 treadmill workout- 12% incline, 3 mph, for 30 minutes.  Followed by upper body and abs!


LAST LONG RUN before my race!  It was a planned 20 mile run, and just for something different I decided to go to the trail I used to run on when I was training for my 50K last year.  I wonder why I haven’t been running there lately?

Oh yes… now I remember.

This trail is SANDY.  I trained on it last year because my race had a lot of sand- but my race this year has NO sand (yay!)  I forgot how hard it is to run on the sand!  The trail is really beautiful though.

Everything was going well until mile 15, when I felt my left achilles.  Oh yes, it’s all coming back to me- long runs on this trail used to bother that achilles.  I tried to stick to parts of the trail with less sand, but by 18 miles that achilles was yelling at me, so I called it.

SIGH.  It was such a bummer, because the weather was beautiful and everything else felt great.  I had to remind myself that in the big scheme of things, it won’t matter that I ran 18 instead of 20 miles on this day, and it wasn’t worth it to end up with an injury.


My achilles, along with many other body parts, was stiff and sore when I woke up, but I did my mobility routine and decided to try a run.  I walked a mile- so far, so good- and then started running.

My achilles said “NOPE!”  I cut this run short after a mile.  I was pretty sure the achilles was not injured, but just very angry.  And I don’t blame it!  Whose stupid idea was it to do a long run on a sandy trail???

I went home and doubled up on my core.  Don’t be too impressed by that- my core work has been pretty minimal these days, so it was probably good to do a little more.


I contemplated doing strength at home, but decided to go to the gym, and I’m so glad I did.  I did squats, deadlifts, overhead press with dumbbells, abs and low back.

I felt like this workout was so good for me.  I had some lingering soreness when I started, especially in my quads while doing squats, but it got better and better with each set.  I’ve had this happen before- I have lingering soreness from a long run, but “heavy” lifting (the term is definitely relative) helps it dissipate.  Anyone else have this experience?


4 mile run, and my achilles felt perfectly fine.  PHEW!  I was 99% sure that it was just irritated and not actually injured, but that 1% doubt was stressing me out.  Actually this was my best run of the whole week!  The weather was perfect and I felt great.  Go figure.


On tap for today- off!  Sleeping in, waffles, taking down the outdoor Christmas lights… wait, WHAT?  Yes, they’re still up.  I’m not sure if this makes it any better, but at least I haven’t been turning them on.  Today is finally the day!

So that was the week, with a little drama thrown in for good measure.  But that’s to be expected- there will be drama from now until my race on the 17th (last year I was convinced my foot was broken the week before my race,)  Buckle up for a bumpy ride while I navigate this taper period!

Sand running- yay or nay?- I can’t believe I ran a SANDY 50K last year- I must have been insane.

Does anyone in your neighborhood still have their Christmas lights up?- There are a couple people in our area who not only have their lights up but are still turning them on- I see them when I’m out for an early morning run.

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39 Responses

  1. Yay for taper time! I am glad your Achilles is feeling better. Running in sand in so freaking hard. I’m glad your race doesn’t have sandy trails! You don’t need the extra challenge. I have rarely ran on sand. I can only think of one run on sand that I did in the Dominican Republic when I was visiting a friend in the peace corp. I have never been so sore, besides after marathons. Oof.

    Some do still have their Christmas lights up and I don’t hate it to be honest. It is kind of nice to see on dark nights?

    While you guys are having cooler weather than usual, we are having warmer weather. It’s like spring outside. I am going to go for a run tomorrow morning since it’s so mild out and there isn’t any ice! Woo hoo!

    1. Okay, glad to know I’m not the only one with lights still up.
      Everyone up north is talking about the beautiful warm weather, and it’s making me nervous! I’m afraid this means it will be HOT down here for my race- but there’s nothing I can do about it. I hope you get your outdoor run in!

  2. I can’t remember what year it was, I think it was 2022, but one of our neighbours had their outdoor Christmas decorations – snowman, giant decorative bulbs, etc. – up until May. So, you’re way ahead of them. A lot of our neighbours in Calgary would keep lights up – and lit – all through January and sometimes even until February, so you’re in good company!
    Yikes about the Achilles, I’m sure it’s just irritable, but that’s nervewracking!

  3. Good call on heeding your Achilles — and look, it paid off!

    Sand running is big nope for me. It angers my calves, PF, you name it!

    We still have our backyard lights up—I like how they look. There’s a few neighbors who still have their front yard lights up—they look pretty so I’m not judging!

    1. Hmm, maybe instead of taking mine down I should leave them up and turn them on again! Ha ha… once again, my husband would kill me. He would like them down ASAP.

  4. I did a trail once that had quite a bit of sandy trails… I had never experienced this running and I remember how sore my ankles were after that! Definitely not worth it to continue that run and risk injury with your big race coming up!

    I read an article the other day that was talking about the taper, and how every time she had to taper for her race she was always convinced she was injured when in fact she was not!

    One of my neighbors actually just took her Christmas decorations down yesterday too!

  5. Congrats on making it to the taper in one piece! Ha! I cringed when I saw the pic of your feet on the sand. Sand is tough! Glad your achilles calmed down and it’s all systems go! I’ve noticed some holiday lights still being lit. There were are bunch of large snowflakes lit at a nearby shopping center. Those need to go!

  6. I hope that cooler weather sticks around for your race! It is so much nicer isn’t it? I am so excited for you and can’t wait to read all about this. Hang in there these next 2 weeks

  7. Yes we have neighbors with Christmas light!?

    Big nay on sand… I’m klutzy enough on the road.

    So excited for your race.

    Your race is Sat? l’ll be in Boca Sun-Tues (after your race) and in Delray Tues-Sat (before).

    We could walk on your trail or just meet for tea/coffee.

  8. Geez! I hope that achilles stays quiet. I always feel so fragile during my taper. I think you will do fine for your race. Your training has gone so well!

    My next door neighbor still has her tree up! But the guy behind us still has his lights up and he turns them on every night. He can’t blame the weather, that is for sure–he just must really like having them up.

  9. To each his own- but I can’t imagine still having my tree up. I mean I love it- in December. I think it would depress me now.

  10. As soon as Christmas is over I want my tree and decorations down and house back to normal! It also makes me sad to see it up past Christmas but maybe that’s just me. But I’m okay with my lights being up outside longer- it’s nice to see them at night and I don’t mind the decor when I’m out running in the dark. We just took our lights down though a week ago. Ihaven’t run on sand in a while but it definitely hurts! I can’t imagine a 50K! WOW!

    1. Yes, I know what you mean- the Christmas decorations indoors start to feel like clutter. Outdoors can be kind of nice. I did get most of mine down today though!

  11. There’s a guy who lives in the apartment building across from us and he still has a Christmas tree up in his window. Last year I think he kept it up until almost Easter. I’ll keep you updated on that. My neighbors have two tiny poodles who have made it impossible for them to have Christmas trees for several years. Well, this year they put one up and it’s still up! I see the lights on occasionally when I walk Hannah at night. I’m amused at all the people who are trying to keep the Christmas cheer going all year long.

    1. Honestly, I just can’t imagine having the tree still up! It would make me so sad. I get wanting the lights though- I did keep one string of white lights in my living room and they’re lit right now. They helped cheer things up in January, but it’s about time for them to come down too.

  12. Yay for the taper! Boo for “Achilles Trail”. The only sand running that I’ve ever done is at the beach on the shoreline where it’s packed down – that definitely would not have cut it for your race last year.

    TWO MORE WEEKS…..SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!! It’s exciting.

  13. I don’t do well on tapering time as I get anxious about readiness, injury, and lack of long runs to kill the anxiety. hahaha… but it does magic to prepare our body for the race.
    glad your achilles is fine and no major issue. I have yet to feel better to my sore legs and lifting. usually t’s the reverse order.
    I’m ordering tailwind to try for my next run. hope I like it so I get more calories in.

    1. I love Tailwind! I mean… I don’t love the taste (but it’s okay.) But I love the way it makes me feel. i use one of the caffeinated ones and it’s like magic. I hope you like it.

  14. Yay, for taper. That is my favourite part of a training plan. I’m glad you didn’t injure yourself on that run, and good on you for being sensible and calling it. One of the long runs I do has a short section that’s sandy … but luckily it’s very short. When we run Torquay to Bells Beach I have to remember not to go around a particular section of the cliff trail that is very sandy, I forgot in January and as I was running remembered… oh yes, I was supposed to turn right at the last junction. There is also a run near my parents place every year that is 10km along the beach, and the beach is not a hard sand beach. That’s a hard no from me.

    1. Yeah… I don’t really need to run on sand ever again. But I probably will go back to that trail at some point because it’s so pretty. Maybe for a shorter run.

  15. Yeah, I hate running on the sand, too. I’m glad your Achilles pain was only temporary. I actually enjoyed taper time, but I do know a lot of people get the taper crazies. You’ve got this! You put in the hard work, now relax and let your body rest until race day.

    I just took down my mom’s Christmas tree and mantel decorations on Thursday so I totally understand still having your outdoor lights up. 😉

    1. I’m actually surprised at how many people are okay with it! My husband unfortunately is not one of them, and he’s very happy that I got (most) of them down today.

  16. We have neighbours that leave a tree up on their porch with lights for months. The first year they put up an outside tree I commented how much we loved seeing it from our living room window so they left it up. Now it’s tradition – but especially sweet because the main reason they keep it up is so WE can see it. I mean, how sweet, right?

    Last year I left our artificial tree up in our basement until after Valentine’s Day and I still have our mantle all decorated with our faux evergreen (for Valentine’s now) + wreaths on the front door and an inside door.

    I’m so excited you’re in your taper. Running a long distance on sand sounds SO hard. I ran 5 km in bare feet on a beach once and really regretted that after!!!

  17. Yes, running a 5k on a beach IN BARE FEET would be a regrettable life decision.
    i haven’t noticed anyone in my neighborhood that still has their tree up- at least not that I can see. That’s such a sweet story about your neighbors!

  18. TONS of people in my area have their lights up still. And even more than that have wreaths and Christmassy decor on their doorsteps. (I still have my wreath up. Whoops!)

    Congrats on making it to this last bit before your race! How nice that the weather has been so refreshing for you lately. I love your shorts-with-hat-and-gloves combo. Only in Florida!

  19. I’m actually one of the few people who like sand running, as long as it’s not super deep sand. It’s tough but I find it easier to keep my footing on sandy trails rather than rocky ones where I’m constantly catching my toes on rocks! But I probably wouldn’t want to do a long run entirely on sand!

    Hope you’re enjoying the taper so far! I always have mixed feelings about taper — excitement that the race is close but anxious about anything that could go wrong. Hopefully you’ll have no more drama before your race!

  20. We don’t really have rocky trails around here- but yes, I guess rocks would be worse than sand! I did almost all my long runs on that sandy trail last year (whilc training for a sandy race) but now I’m remembering, I did end up with a sore achilles many times.

  21. Oh my goodness! I can’t wait to see how it goes!

    Sand, especially sugar sand, is AWFUL for running. We had a ton of it at Ragnar Alafia and it was terrible.

    Enjoy your taper and good luck!

  22. Oh boy, I got worried when I read the part with the sandy trail and the angry Achilles… I am so glad things resolved at the end of the week. Running on sand is so tough!

    Haha, I had to laugh about the Christmas light…. two houses down they have a bunch of lights (and all kinds of knickknacks) in their front yard and I am not sure it’s just Christmas decoration anymore. The lights are definitely still there…

  23. I was so worried about your Achilles! Glad all seemed well a few days later. Fingers crossed that everything holds up – including your mental state :> – as you approach the weekend.

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