walkers walk… but runners fly

Weekly Rundown-The Long Week

Did anyone else feel like this week was extra long, or is it only me?  It wasn’t a bad week-it just felt like I was moving in slow motion.  I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown.  Let’s see how it went!


Trail run!   I decided to run a little further than I have been lately, so I went six miles.  The weather was beautiful and I just wanted to enjoy myself.

This run made me feel so good.  And it didn’t seem to affect my foot one way or the other.  Which is to say that it still hurts.  But it doesn’t always hurt- sometimes it feels pretty good.  And sometimes it feels horrible.  Screw it!  I’m done.  I’m just going to start running more and see what happens.


The only thing I did this day was a 10 minute core class.  I’m continuing to rotate through Ben Alldis’s core classes on Peloton.  I’ve done almost all of them, and when that happens I’ll probably just start all over again.


3 mile run!  And another 10 minute core class.


I felt like my week got off to a light start, strength-wise, so today I tried to make up for it.  I did a 20 minute lower body strength and then a 10 minute core class with Ben Alldis (obviously) and then pull-ups (assisted, with a band.  Maybe in ten years or so if I keep this up I’ll be able to do one unassisted pull-up!) Later in the day I did Denis Morton’s Soul yoga flow class.


Another 3 mile run and 10 minute core class.  I was treated to a beautiful sunrise on this run!

Weird question- does anyone else get a really sore neck while doing core classes?  Whenever there’s a move where I’m on my back and lifting my head off the ground, I really feel like I’m straining my neck muscles.  The muscles in my neck tire much quicker than my core.  Does anyone else have this?  I do have a pretty long neck- does that make it harder to hold my head up?  Are my neck muscles just super weak?  Why would they be that weak?  What’s going on here?


Another 20 minute lower body strength and 10 minute core class with Ben.  I meant to do pull-ups after work, but ended up taking an extra-long nap instead (oops.) My neck needed the extra rest.  Just kidding.


I really wanted to do another trail run this week, but I also wanted to be home with my daughter on Easter.  My husband is working and my son is at school, so I wasn’t going to leave my daughter alone to go out running around on trails.  I work on Saturday mornings so it’s not feasible to do a trail run- I’m not getting out there in the dark with the wild pigs!  I just ran five miles on my usual route.


Happy Easter!  By now, you know I’m the type of person who still gives my kids Easter baskets.  My son got his in the mail (well, it was an Easter BOX) but my daughter still wakes up and has to hunt for hers.

It’s come to my attention that I only did yoga ONCE this week, and I also only did pull-ups once- so both of those will probably happen at some point in the day.  And… I’m playing hooky from work tomorrow (kind of- I’m going in on a different day to make up the hours) so I can watch the Boston Marathon!  I can’t wait!

How’s your weather this week? –I remember growing up (near Chicago) we sometimes had snow on Easter!

Are you going to watch the Boston Marathon?


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36 Responses

  1. Crazy weather. We may get snow today. Lol. But it was 80 on Thursday.

    I have to work Monday. I will try to catch Boston.

    My pain free foot is over. sigh. It started to hurt at mile 6 yesterday. I ran 4 pain free half marathons. Fingers crossed that it has not returned for good. I think a combination of old shoes and running downhill was the cause. Will see.

    Happy Easter.

  2. Yes! It did feel like a long week to me. Maybe because I made myself not run (mostly). I’m about to join you in the F-it approach to foot recovery. ~sigh~

    Have you tried Robin Arzon’s core classes? She’s another one I like a lot. She seems to be more deliberate in her programming than others.

    Happy Easter!

    1. i haven’t tried Robin’s classes, but I will this week just to mix it up. Hope your foot starts to feel better… it’s so frustrating… sigh.

  3. I have a lot of suggestions on the neck soreness ( I used to teach strength classes). You really have to make sure you are not pulling your head but rather it is relaxed and resting on your hands like a cradle. Paying close attention to using your core to lift you and not your head/neck. Does that make sense? You can also cross your hands behind you to give more of a cradle. Let me know via DM if this does not make sense happy to help!

    1. Okay Deborah I may DM you. It’s okay when I can use my hands behind my head, but when there are moves when my arms are doing something else and not supporting my head… ouch.

  4. It was a weird week for sure–work was incredibly busy and for some reason everyone had multiple issues they wanted addressed…in their 20 minute time slot! I’m looking forward to seeing my oldest son today. This is the first year I didn’t do Easter baskets for the boys. I think they are done with them, lol.

    It’s cool here but no snow. And no wild pigs to speak of…

    1. Ha, yes my son definitely does not need a basket. But he was happy to get a package of treats!
      I don’t know what it going on but we’ve been incredibly busy at work too, and people’s issues seem to be getting worse and worse. It’s exhausting.

  5. Our forecast was showing rain/snow late this morning…still nothing has arrived, but the clouds all came in after I returned from my recovery run (so I got to see the Easter sunrise). My neck sometimes gets achy when I’m doing core. Deborah’s suggestion about cradling the head (and not using the head to “pull up” is spot-on!). I’m glad your foot isn’t feeling any worse 😉

    1. Okay, I’ll try Deborah’s suggestions. Glad to know it’s not just me. And I’m glad you got to enjoy the Easter sunrise!

  6. The weather here has been all over the place. No snow, thankfully, but rain and wind and then also sunshine.
    Not great weather for Easter activities, but my husband and I fit in a trail run yesterday (while the kids biked ahead) and today we did a long family walk.
    Happy Easter and enjoy watching the Marathon!

    1. It sounds like you’re making the most of your weather, even if it’s not spring-like. A trail run sounds great!

  7. Glad you had some great runs! I haven’t noticed anything about my neck with core…but I do like the classes that switch between planks and back work.

    Enjoy your day off watching the race on TV!

  8. Apparently we had a similar goal this week. The 6 miles. Glad you enjoyed yours!

    I read somewhere recently to look at your belly button when doing crunches, not your legs. No idea if that would help just passing it along.

    Your kids are lucky! Happy Easter. As for Boston, I’ll be driving home from my moms, probably hiking some more on the way home.

    1. Okay, I’ll try that (looking at my belly button.) I agree that tucking my head up further definitely helps.

  9. I would also agree with Deborah’s suggestion on the core work.

    It looks like you got some nice miles in this week despite your foot!

    I love that you even sent your son an Easter box – I think this was our first year without baskets…I kinda missed doing them.

    1. I definitely missed my son this year, and it made me happy to send him an Easter box. My daughter will probably continue to get an actual Easter basket every year she’s at home!

  10. 🙂 My kids still got Easter baskets too! I was going to skip it, but we ended up buying the usual (candy)! I’m so glad we did because my son asked on Saturday if the Easter bunny was going to visit! That makes me happy that they still enjoy that stuff. We did an egg hunt and basket hunt. As for the neck question – I can’t do core work without supporting my neck! I try for a bit thinking my neck will get strong, but I just can’t do it. Not sure what it means, but I’m happy with supporting it.
    I won’t get to watch Boston (well, maybe if I sneak a view at work), but I will be tracking all of my friends. I’m so excited for them!

    1. Yes, I wasn’t sure if my daughter wanted to do the usual Easter egg hunt this year without my son, but she also asked on Saturday if we were doing it. Luckily I was already prepared, and I think she enjoyed it- she didn’t have to compete for any eggs, ha ha.
      I’m doing the same as you- I’ll try for a while but then use my hands (or one hand) to support my neck. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one. I figure it doesn’t really matter- I’m trying to strengthen my core, not my neck.

  11. I am swamped with clients from 6:30 AM to 4:30 PM so no Boston Marathon for me. 🙁

    I still make Easter baskets for our kids and I don’t ever see myself stopping. I suspect I have more fun putting them together than they do seeing what’s in them. 😉

    1. Ha, I’m sure they still appreciate them! I’ll probably send my kids an Easter package forever- I didn’t do an actual basket for my son this year but he still got treats.

  12. This is the first year we did not do baskets or an egg hunt, but I did get my kids Easter treats. I probably sent the college care package too early but hey. I hope your foot decides to cooperate! I have work at 5am tomorrow so there will be no BM viewing for me but I will follow my athletes via the app.

    1. 5 am??? You do get an early start! I was able to watch and follow on the app- it was fun to have a way to track the “normal” runnes!

  13. This week felt long to me as well, with Friday feeling like the longest day of the week. I know tomorrow is going to be a super busy day at work but I hope I’m able to squeeze in a few minutes of watching the Boston Marathon.

    I haven’t tried any of Ben’s core classes, but I will try those after I get the call clear from my doctor. I really love Ben’s stretch classes – they are so good!

  14. So this is an odd tip, but years ago when I felt like my neck was strained/tight from core work, I was told to press my tongue against the roof of my mouth. For some reason, this will loosen the muscles in your neck! Odd tip and I don’t know if it will help but worth a shot next time you are doing core work!

    I ran once last week and that was it. I had a horrible head cold that left me feeling awful. I finally felt well enough to workout yesterday but it was so windy and cold here that I opted to do a full body beachbody strength training class. I ran today, though, since it was nice out – which meant 25F with no wind!! It’s been just awful here lately!

    1. Well, I can see why you didn’t want to get out in the cold and wind while recovering from a horrible cold. Glad you were able to get out today. I’ve never heard that tongue trick, but I’ll try it! And I’ll report back.

  15. Yes, a long week for me – my usual running partners were sick and away, so I did 19 of my 21 miles solo and reminded myself that I like running and chatting, not running as such! Or so it seemed. I will try that tongue trick too!

  16. <3 My 14 year old got an Easter basket. And so did my husband, and the pugs, and my friend's teenage daughters. You are people.

    My neck doesn't hurt from doing core, but my lower back sometimes does. I am sure it's from subpar form 🙁

    1. Well, you outdid me- our cats did not get Easter baskets! I thought about it, ha ha… but ended up not getting them anything.

  17. Nice work, Jenny… even if you only did yoga once 😉 It’s ok. I need to get back to running. I’ve been slacking in that department.

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